The OVW boys

Who is the wrestler of tomorrow?

  • Brock Lesner

  • John Cena

  • Dave Batista

  • Randy Orton

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Everybody remembers the rookie class of 2002 when the WWE called up these future superstars from the then-WWE development center, Ohio Valley Wrestling in Louisville, KY. Brock Lesner, Randy Orton, Dave Batista, and John Cena. OVW had something special in their mitts while producing these four guys. All former (and current) WWE world champions. And the superstars of tomorrow! With John Cena as the current face of the WWE. Randy Orton as the current WWE WHC champion. Dave Batista the winner of the 2014 WWE Royal Rumble. And Brock Lesner making a name for himself outside of wrestling in the MMA world as the former world champion of the UFC.

But which of these four men is the true star and future going forward in the WWE? These four guys still have alot to offer to the WWE to insure the companies future.
None of those 4 are the future. They are the past and the present, but each of them have issues as to why they're a less than viable option for the future.

Let's start first with the current champ and youngest of the 4:

Randy Orton: He has the pedigree, the look, obviously the trust/support of management. He'll turn 34 right before Mania. However, he's one failed UA from being sent home for a year and quite possibly never brought back. It's unfortunate, because for someone with his amount of time in the industry, he has never suffered any serious injuries. (In wrestling, shoulders, collarbones, arms, etc are not serious). No back issues, no neck issues, and no long term concussion problems so far. The downside, besides the possible suspension/termination for use, is that Orton has never really drawn. He's never been the top draw for the company, isn't the best guy on the stick, and as the past 6 months has demonstrated, is relatively boring. He's at his best and most interesting when he's at his most vicious which just wouldn't be allowed for the guy who is the legit "face" of the company. He has five years left as a full time guy at the most, with a bigger likelihood of it being much sooner.

Next up is the current "face" of the company:

John Cena: He's the complete package. He's got the look, the size, the in ring ability, the charisma, and the fan base. He also turns 37 right after Mania. Despite the "complete package" business has fallen by any measurable degree (outside of inflated dollar amounts) during his run at the top. However, I think a lot of that is because of society and the company as a whole and not necessarily because "Cena couldn't draw". I think the overall numbers would have been very low over the past decade had John Cena not been in the company. Now, I don't see Cena "leaving" ever. He's not great as an actor, isn't the best interview, so he doesn't have much of a future outside of the industry like a guy like Rock or Jericho. I just think Cena will be going to a very part time schedule within the next 3 years. I think by the time he's 40, he's not going to want to be on the road full time, his body isn't going to be able to hold up, and he's going to be there 50% of the time at most, like Jericho does a 5-7 month run at a time. I just don't think Cena is the future because he A) won't be a full time performer much longer and B) will never top where he's already been in the industry. He's been at the top longer than Austin and Rock were, hell he's been headlining WWE as long as Hogan did during his Hulkamania run. The crowd is bored by him (not completely) and very soon the very children who brought him his success with begin booing him without mercy just like what happened when the Hulkamaniacs got bored of Hogan's crap in WCW.

Next up, the guy who gave it all away:

Brock Lesnar: Let's be honest. Had Brock Lesnar stayed in WWE, Cena and Orton don't have the success they've had. Lesnar is everything Vince has ever wanted in a wrestler and outside of promo ability, Lesnar was amazing. Brock Lesnar could have been Hogan/Austin/Goldberg all rolled into one. He had the legit background, he had the size, the monstrous strength, the moves, the match quality, the right backing behind the scenes (Taker). He had money written on him. Unfortunately for the wrestling world, Brock Lesnar moved on. First to football, where he failed, then to fighting where against all odds he became the UFC Heavyweight Champion and the companies largest draw. Then due to injury/illness, Brock was forced to retire from fighting. He then made the prudent choice of making some money off of wrestling while he had the chance. He has a window of about 2-3 more years of main stream relevance then it's simply Brock Lesnar the pro wrestler again and that's where his drawing ability diminishes. There is already reports of him and Dana White discussing a UFC return if he can get is illness under control. Lesnar is bigger than pro wrestling because he has the ability to make serious money without pro wrestling. No different than the Rock, they're viewed as "more" because they have the option to never come back and still make a significant income. That usually doesn't happen with wrestlers. That's why he isn't the future. He may continue to work 3-5 matches a year for the foreseeable future, but he's not the present or the future, he's merely a special attraction at this point, not much different than LT, Mayweather, or Mr T.

Batista has the least chance. He was never that huge of a star. Even in Hollywood he's a C list actor. He has the look and the backing, but he's also the oldest of the bunch a 45. He has little in ring skill, little mic skills, and got his spot mainly because he looks cool and had the right people backing him. Who wouldn't do great with HHH and Flair backing them? It's too bad about Jindrak, because had he gotten Batista's evolution spot, I think he could have been special. I think outside of a match or two 5-7 years from now, this is easily his last run. The fans obviously don't care he's back, even Vince will have to see how little of an impact he's having, and if he costs more than he brings in, Vince won't waste his time or ours having Batista on television.

The future probably isn't on television right now. Punk is nearly done. Bryan is as old as Orton. Ziggler is even older. Even Roman Reigns is nearly 30. Where is the guy like Orton who was ready or nearly ready at 22? Or a guy like Cena who was in his mid 20s headlining? Those are the guys who are the future. The guys under 25 is where to bet your money. More and more, it's a young persons game; which is odd because historically, pro wrestlers hit their "prime" in their late 30s, early 40s. Now though, if they're old enough to not get carded buying alcohol they need to move aside and let new talent through.
The future of the WWE are the guys who lost against Cena/Sheamus/Bryan and the guys who cost them the win.

Bray, Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins and the rest of the Wyatts (to an extent) are the future of the company, with Reigns leading the way.

The guys you list all had time in the limelight, but none of them are the future. Cena and Orton have some good years left. They'll force Batista down our throats, but his act has already gotten stale. Looking like a shell of his former self doesn't help. And Lesnar is never around long enough to even consider him a part of the grand scheme of things.

This question should have been asked when these guys were brought up from OVW, not 12 years past the fact.
You're wrong if you think that the class of 2002 was just those guys, as the WWE year runs from Mania to Mania you can also included in there were Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Nick Dinsmore/Eugene, Rob Conway, Doug Basham, Nidia and by early 2003 John Morrison and Matt Morgan.

That people refer to it as a "class" is wrong, as it would not be possible to bring up the full number at once and some stayed in OVW longer for other reasons... Dinsmore for example was working as a trainer as well as a talent so he didn't come up as Eugene at the same time as some of the others for that reason... Some like Morrison and Nidia had already been involved with the main roster via Tough Enough, and were in their "seasoning" phases before their main debuts but they all were learning together, some like Brock may have overlapped with some of the later ones but they all were "decided to be moved up" in that one year period... so really they are the class.

As others have said, those who rose to the very top from that class did so by 2004.. but most had some measure of success, even if was a tag run like Eugene, Doug Basham, Rob Conway, Dupree etc... Nidia had the womens title and a prominent role with Jaime Noble for a long time and Morrison was perhaps the most talented guy to not make the leap, but he still won nearly every other title.

I think the real thread would be who of the last "class" which would be NXT's most recent debutees is the future and the answer is all of them!

Bray Wyatt took another major step, notice how he has basically been the best thing on the last 3 PPV's? There is a pattern forming quickly in that he is becoming the "go to guy" for a big performance. Roman Reigns is now the annointed one from the Shield, but that does not mean Ambrose is out of it, they will grow them together, feud them as they are likey a future Mania headline match for the title... Cesaro continues to rise in a way that is slow, steady but inevitable... his time will come but not for another year or so. The only "bubble guys" are Rollins and Woods, but they will have great mid card careers at worst, not a bad position.

Of the current NXT crop and next to come up - The Ascencion will be the next tag stars... Rusev has now debuted and will be a good "monster", Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn will be very special and replace Mysterio and Paige will be the next major female star to get mainstream appeal... she has a great look that the media will like, a story WWE can sell and she can wrestle better than many of the guys can...

So if you want comparisons I'd go -

2002-2003 OVW NXT

Cena Reigns
Orton Ambrose
Brock Rusev
Batista Bray
Shelton Viktor
Haas Konnor
Basham Rowan
Conway Aiden English
Dupree Leo Kruger
Dinsmore Sami Zayn
Morrison Adrian Neville

Any of the newer guys have the chance to do more than their predecessors did, that's the beauty of it but as a rough guide that's how I see them shaping up career wise in the first 2-3 years.
Cena is the only answer. The reason Cena is where he is isn't because Vince liked him the most. Vince tried with Lesnar, Batista, and Orton very hard. Lesnar doesn't have Cena's love for the business, Batista doesn't have his drive, and Orton doesn't have his ability. Lesnar could be on Cena's level but he won't.

Cena is the future in the sense that if you told me he main evented Mania 35, I wouldn't be surprised.

I see the future being guys everyone is talking about like Wyatt, Rhodes, Langston, Reigns, and Ambrose. Of course Orton, Cena, Punk, and Bryan will still be around as these guys come up just like HHH, Undertaker, Michaels, Benoit, Guerrero, and Jericho were around when Lesnar, Batista, Orton, and Cena were coming up.
The scary thing in here is that Randy Orton is only 33 years and we are talking about a guy that was the future 12 years ago. I mean some people refer to Dolph Ziggler as the future or even Daniel Bryan, but the truth is that they are in the same age group as Randy Orton. If Orton retires today he'll be at the WWE Hall of Fame, headlining it. I mean the guy needs to reinvent himself in the next few years, because he'll be on top for way too much time.

Cena doesn't really have that many years left in him, I'll give him four before he goes part-time. He has been saying that after he retires he wants to work for the WWE in a backstage role capacity and I can see him do that and give the transition, while Randy Orton still has 7 years at least left in him, most likely he'll be at WrestleMania 40.

When it's all said and done I think Cena will be the biggest star, but Randy Orton will always be the #2. I am sorry but this scares me - damn with seven years left at least in high profile stories and matches, only god knows what Randy can accomplish. He'll be the guy that will carry the company as HHH did when Steve Austin left. He'll not be the "face" per se, as he's not that big of a draw as Cena, but he'll be the one that will put the next big babyface over at WrestleMania. There are a lot of options for who may the next guy be - going from Roman Reigns to Bo Dallas, to whomever is in the NXT roster. Also with this new corporation rule that a guy can take away one strike from their resume, I see Orton as being the second guy to go over Flair's record.
is this for real? Batista and Brock have shown they arent in this for life, they are back for the pay day. Orton's star is slowly fading, he isnt worth a pot to piss in anymore, and his continual abuse of the wellness policy has his cards marked, thus why he is never used for promotional duties,. network launches etc etc. Cena is the FACE OF WwE, and will be going forwards. Hiow anybody could suggest they have long times left in WWE is absurd. John Cena is the only one listed of the 4 I can see in WWE in 5-10 years time. The answer to your post, and no option for "others" was given, but a guy like Roman Reigns is the future of the company. Young, fit and has the look, he will be main eventing WWE for years to come.
No... Orton WILL violate again, he will screw up... he has about 5 years left on his deal - it's too long for him to go and not screw up wellness wise, he's proven that in the past when he was on top... It would almost benefit him to have the year out - heal up, let some new cream rise and then he can come back...

We don't know who will really be main eventing... Reign's is hot right now but so was Diesel when he had his Rumble moment, he had the same build, same "buddy" angle/built in feud and it all bombed the moment he got the belt... mainly cos he was rushed but ultimately he wasn't as good with the belt as being without it. Reigns could be the polar opposite or exactly as bad... we don't KNOW yet cos he's barely 3 years into his CAREER... not just his main roster run.

Guys like Cesaro and Ambrose are safer bets as they have more experience, they may be older but they're not as likely to "screw up" or bomb as they are at least used to carrying shows on their back, not a Mania yet but even headlining an ROH PPV or two gives them that experience of people being "there to see YOU".

Wyatt at least has an interesting character that COULD headline shows long term.

It could be someone not even on the roster yet... who is to say a Magnus or similar doesn't end up in WWE taking that spot...

The danger is rushing guys into the spots too quick that they have no chance - Diesel was prime, as was Orton originally and even Brock, Batista and Cena, they were all barely 4 years into their careers total when they got the belt. Orton bombed first time out, Brock didn't deliver and Batista wasn't as big a draw as he could have been. Conmpare that to how it used to be done...

Austin had been going 7 years when he wont that title...Bret was a 12 year veteran when he won his first World title belt, Shawn about the same, Sid 10...Savage 7 or 8 years, Hogan about the same, even Yokozuna was around the territories and AWA at least 6 years before he got the belt in the WWF.

The E seems intent on rushing guys into the picture based on a shortened version of their old system... it used to be IC-World, now guys don't even get the US or IC before they get the push - they can go right to the top, if they're still relatively new to the business then that is very dangerous as it can set them up to fail as they have barely got used to the limelight and their gimmick, much less carrying the company with it.
I don't think Orton will be coming back after his contract expires. For a number of reasons.

Cody Rhodes will push to the top. Good background, good moveset. Needs some work here and there.

Dean Ambrose will be there.

Wyatt family.

There are people who will rise that are on the roster now and will be on the roster int he next few years. What it will take is for Batista, Orton, Cena, etc to be off screen or gone. And we know Cena ain't going nowhere.

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