The [Official] Horror Movie Thread

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
So come on guys I can't be the only horror movie fanatic here, any other fanatics? Nothing I love more then sitting down, eating some popcorn, smoking a joint and watching an uber-cheezy 80s horror movie, especially anything involving zombies.

Some of my favorites: Night of the Living Dead [original and remake], Dawn of the Dead [original and remake] Day of the Dead, Zombi 2, The Toxic Avenger series, anything by the Troma company, Rabid Grannies, Dead Alive, The Shining, Black Christmas, Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street series, etc etc.

Any other horror fanatics?
Sure, Big fan of the Hellraiser, Halloween, Chuckie, Pumpkinhead, Friday 13th, Scream, and Nightmare on Elms street series. Texas Chainsaw Massicare (origional) was good, not a fan of the new one. The Beginning was a Fucking Master Piece. The Hills have Eyes, Resident Evil, the Alien series, the Ring, the Grudge, Stay Alive, and Pulse, all great. LAnd of the Dead was my favorite Ramirez (spelling?) movie. Never saw Black Christmas (I want to so bad) Im a big fan of B class horror movies, Tamera, the Desent, house of blood. For some reason I never liked the Jaws series, and any fish horror movie at that, but I will be going to see MEG, only because I so much of a fan of Steve Alten's Book. See no Evil was good, plus I'm a Kane fan so what do you expect.

My Favorites are Silent Hill, hell yes! And even though its not a horror movie, Ichi the Killer, this movie had some of the most brutal torture scenes that i've ever seen in a movie, and they pitched in a comical effect when they did some of them, to make the movie seem even more fucked up.

I'm looking forward to seeing Alice (w/ Sarah Michelle Gellar), based on American Mcgee's video game Alice, the demently twisted remake of Alice in Wonderland.
I'm huge fan of most horror flics just i dont get a joint up like ya X, but ya you two have named pretty much all my favorites so i wont go in detail and cant wait for SAW 4 and the others coming out.
Thank god this is a wrestling forum and not a horror movie forum Echelon, or else you would of just gotten shit on so badly, lol. RAMIREZ?!?!?!? You mean GEORGE A. ROMERO?! lol, it's okay, I expect too much from people.

Never, ever go to a horror film board dude, half of those movies you just named would get you shot over at the Bloody Disgusting board. I actually liked every movie you listed though. Except for Pulse and Stay Alive, those were two of the biggest fuckin' wastes of money I ever spent.
Thank god this is a wrestling forum and not a horror movie forum Echelon, or else you would of just gotten shit on so badly, lol. RAMIREZ?!?!?!? You mean GEORGE A. ROMERO?! lol, it's okay, I expect too much from people.

Never, ever go to a horror film board dude, half of those movies you just named would get you shot over at the Bloody Disgusting board. I actually liked every movie you listed though. Except for Pulse and Stay Alive, those were two of the biggest fuckin' wastes of money I ever spent.

Romero! damn I had something else on my mind, thanks for correcting me. But yes actually I do go to horror forums but I just try and stick to the classics, I wouldn't have thought anybody here would have been fans of the Hellraiser and Pumkinhead series, thats why I named off some less traditional horror movies like the Ring and Grudge. (When I went to see those in the theatre, I think I was the only person laughing my ass off, I got wierd looks) Oh yea, try and find the unrated version of anything you can find. Pulse Unrated wasn't half bad.
what about, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness.... Bruce Cambell, come on guys, lol give him his due.

Takashi Miike is just plain weird... thats the dude that did Ichi The Killer... he also had a cameo in Hostel... and that, was probably the highlight of that movie... I sat through Hostel and I thought I was watching Girls Gone Wild... Its the first time I left a movie saying, "wow, there was an hour and a half of boobs... and I'm bored"

I love the original Saw movie, probably the best ending ever.

I'm getting into more and more foreign horror movies, anything for Tartan Asian Extreme... wow... some really messed up shit.

As far as zombies go, all are good, every last one of em. Even the cheesy comedy ones. But by far, if you love Zombie moves, Shaun of the Dead is one of the best comedies EVER MADE (P.S. can't wait for Hot Fuzz)
^ Forgot about the Saw series, damn! I didn't like Hostel, and I haven't seen the Evil dead series yet. (I need to though, but I have a limited amount of money and a even more limited amount of time to watch movies, but im getting there)

Other horror films I enjoyed were Jeepers Creepers (the 1st, the second wasn't as good), Goast Ship, 13 Goasts, Dreamcatcher, and Rosemary's Baby (which is definatly a classic, IMO)
I love really shit 70's Italian zombie movies. None of that soft Dario Argento stuff. No, no. Armando De Ossorio is the man. The Blind Dead are some of the worst horror film's you'll ever see. But I love them.

I watch all the American 80's horror film's now and all I think is meh. There really average. Hellraiser, Phantasm & The Childen Of The Corn are worthless. And you'd be hard pressed to find a decent sequel to any of the classics like Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street etc. Some are ok but most of them are worthless.
Ahhh thank god Jake has arrived with his 70s italian gallio. Thank god their are horror fans here I thought I was the only guy that enjoyed watching people beating the shit out of eachother in wrestling and then watching semi-nude teenagers hacked to death and/or aten alive!

C'mon though any Troma fans?! The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke Em High, Tromeo & Juliet, Rabid Grannies, Beware! Children At Play, etc etc.

I just love horror films because theres nothing I enjoy more then finding something disturbing and horrifying. Hell, whenever I watch the old black and white Twilight Zone episodes I get disturbed, Rod Serling was such a freakin' genius, any Rod Serling fans here too?

And c'mon Jake you can't diss Dario Argento, the man is a legend, almost every one of his films were classics. Suspiria anyone? Though if we're gonna talk about Argento we have to mention Mario Bava (Black Sunday, Bay of Blood) the inventor of the slasher film.

Hmm...why is it that us young males enjoy violence ever so much..
I don't know if any of you have heard, but I really can't wait for the person who is taking the reigns on Halloween series... Rob Zombie... House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects are probably the best "envelope" movies in modern times... They are edgy, and have that grainy feel to them. And the characters were completely insane, in a very good way. I can't wait.

I forgot to also mention, if no one knows what Peter Jackson did before The Lord of the Rings... I suggest, Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, and Bad Taste. (which is the muppets on crack, to quote many people, including Frodo Baggins himself, Ilisah Wood(I totally bombed that spelling.))
Ahhh thank god Jake has arrived with his 70s italian gallio. Thank god their are horror fans here I thought I was the only guy that enjoyed watching people beating the shit out of eachother in wrestling and then watching semi-nude teenagers hacked to death and/or aten alive!

C'mon though any Troma fans?! The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke Em High, Tromeo & Juliet, Rabid Grannies, Beware! Children At Play, etc etc.

I just love horror films because theres nothing I enjoy more then finding something disturbing and horrifying. Hell, whenever I watch the old black and white Twilight Zone episodes I get disturbed, Rod Serling was such a freakin' genius, any Rod Serling fans here too?

And c'mon Jake you can't diss Dario Argento, the man is a legend, almost every one of his films were classics. Suspiria anyone? Though if we're gonna talk about Argento we have to mention Mario Bava (Black Sunday, Bay of Blood) the inventor of the slasher film.

Hmm...why is it that us young males enjoy violence ever so much..

I like Dario Argento but he make's proper films. When I watch shit Italian horror films, I don't want to watch a director with talent. I like them to be gritty. I haven't seen Grindhouse yet but I've caught the trailers that are between the films. They look more grindhouse than both the films.

I love Troma films as well. Toxic Averger is my fave. Such a violent film and yet they make a kid's cartoon out of it. I had the toys and everything. My mother wan't pleased when she taped me the film and let me watch it. Watching a woman *********e over pictures of dead kid's is not suitable for a 5 year old.
I am not a big fan of the whole gory stuff with just blood and guts that is typically American, but I'm a fan of the movies like The Ring and the Grudge. The sequels pale in comparison to the originals, but don't all sequels have the same effect. I am not one to cover my eyes or anything like that in a horror movie because for my age, I have already seen too much of it and I am used to it. Although there's nothing like watching a horror movie with the lights off (not smoking weed though) with people who actually sit there and watch it instead of saying things like "Why would he do that" and "What's going on" and "That wasn't scary" which just ruin the whole thing. Unless of course it is a hilariously pathetic horror movie which America has plenty of, in which case it is fun to make fun of the acting and the poorly shot scenes and stuff. But again, I'm not big fans of movies like Dawn of the Dead because I mean, you see one guy being eaten, why would you need to see it done 1000 times more?

The last horror movie I saw was the Exorcist, which is one of my favourite horror movies of all time. An original script with brilliant acting and a tremendous amount of weird shit make an awesome movie, and I can't imagine what it would be like for people back in the 70's, as they had never seen many things like that before. I am still waiting for an American remake of a Japanese film that doesn't lose things like the point in translation. The only decent American remake I can think of is the Ring and that was years ago. People have tried to accomplish that feat of recreating a Japanese horror film into something as good as the original, but years of blunders have me cringing at the thought of another batch of those remakes. And Echelon, Pulse is the worst horror movie I have ever seen. Just too confusing and ultimately boring for my taste, and another addition to the "Why the Japanese are so much better than Americans at horror film-making now-a-days, especially now that Americans are resorting to stealing the Japanese's ideas" list.
Hey don't just point your finger at the trash coming out of America, there is PLENTY of garbage that has come out of Europe and Asia. Shit, you want cheesy horribly made horror movies go rent an old school Italian zombie movie, odds are you'll get your wish.

I don't like how people dismiss a film like Dawn of the Dead simply because of it's gore. Dawn of the Dead (the original) is so much more then that, it's a statement on the entire American population. Even in their dead these people come to the malls, hell its just an allegory for consumerism in America really. The first Night of the Living Dead is a tale of race relations and the third film, Day of the Dead is an allegory for what happens when you let the military take control of a situation. Land of the Dead is another political statement, on the differences of the poor and the rich in times of crisis and how humans will strain to make normalcy from even the most bizarre and horrifying situations. George Romero (the filmmaker) may seem like another horror director, but all of his films always have very layered social messages underneath all of the gore and violence.

I agree though that these days the only real quality horror films coming out are from Japan and sometimes Korea and Thailand. Well actually thats not entirely true, as there have been quite a few horror gems in the last few years. Take the remake of the Hills Have Eyes that came out last year for example, absolutely perfect example of how to do a great remake of a film. I mean you really didn't know what was going to happen next in that film, I don't think anyone expected
that the lead female character would be killed within twenty or thirty minutes into the film.
That film was made by a great up and coming French director named Alexandre Aja, who also directed Haute Tension, another one of the best horror films to come out in years.

Granted though, I'm a bit of a gorehound myself and the more gore the better for me. :D
Just thought that this little bit of information will probably strike up some more conversation (maybe its own thread) Rob Zombie's new Halloween movie is ALREADY being deemed too extreme for theaters. A case similar to this happened with the first original cut of House of a 1,000 Corpses. A lot of the footage was taken away from the final product, because it was too "extreme" for theaters.
Hell they try and do that to Zombie every time he makes a movie. Part of it is yes, he does go extreme on the violence, but quite honestly if Hostel can get an R rating then House of 1000 Corpses deserved one. Hell, The Devils Rejects had MUCH more violence, and alot more disturbing at that. Helluva film though, about a thousand times better then House of 1000 Corpses (which was really just a cheap ripoff of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.) I mean that film mixed action, horror, drama, and western all into one!

I for one am looking very forward to Rob's remake of Halloween. The original is by far my favorite film probably of all time, and I've seen it probably a good hundred times personally. Nothing I enjoy more then watching that film when it gets dark out. Just classic in every sense of the word. Not to mention the music is the most badass score for a movie, ever.

A lot of people are going to be pissed at Rob for remaking a film like Halloween, but honestly with all the other remakes coming out, who didn't expect this? I'm just waiting for them to come out with a Friday the 13th remake (my other favorite horror film).

Guess I'm just a sucker for cheezy slasher movies. Any other slasher fans out there? Films like the Prowler, Prom Night, Halloween, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, Happy Birthday to Me, April Fools Day, New Years Evil, Terror Train, etc etc.
for the record xfear... Rob's movie is NOT a remake, and a continuation of the story thus far, Michael Myers still has... I believe its a female family member (cousin or niece) left alive and a nephew left alive, therefore his killing spree won't stop. So Rob is taking the reigns and continuing the story. And as a fan of Michael Myers and the series, I'm happy that Rob is taking over, because now, we won't have to see people like Busta Rhymes or other cheap celebrity cameos in a damn good franchise that IMO has been a tab watered down since its inception.
True, very much, but I mean you can't deny it's a remake, I mean it's called Halloween and shares almost all of the same story. It is a reworking though, just like all good remakes truly are. Take for example The Thing or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes, those are great for taking elements of the original and then extending to tell more of the story.

Yeah Halloween has been watered down for a long time now. Ever since Carpenter left really. What's your opinion on Halloween 3? Personally, I fuckin' love the movie and it's one of my favorite horror films of all time, but people always just shit all over it simply because Michael Myers isn't in it. Shame, cause it's a great film and the last one made with Carpenter's direct involvement. I love all the Halloweens, even Ressurection, simply because I'm an uber fanboy of the series and anything even involving Halloween I eat right up. Not to say it was a good movie, because it was by far the worst in the series. Series has never been the same really since Part 4, that was the last really great film in the series IMO.
If Halloween 3 didn't have the title Halloween, it would have been an awesome movie. I think if you build a franchise of a certain killer, and then you continue the story without having said killer in it... your asking for some negative reactions.

Its almost like Doom, it has nothing to do with the game, but shares that title. I actually didn't mind it, because Doom was pretty cheesy and had some senseless gore. But, really, didn't have much to do with the game at all except for the BFG and Marines. Other then that nothing. If it would have had a different title, it would have worked better.

Same with Halloween 3, if they wouldn't have used that title, it would have worked a lot better.

But, I agree that it is a remake, ONLY because its a new direction and a new director. Other then that, it is a continuation of the story that was started all those years ago. Just this time around. I don't think Rob Zombie is going to let anyone down by having Paris Hilton guest star in the movie, lol. (Take that House of Wax)
Ugh don't even mention House of Wax, that movie A) Had absolutely nothing to do with the original and B) Sucked major, major balls. I mean shit if I wanted to see Paris Hilton I'd go rent a copy of One Night in Paris xD

Remakes as a rule usually suck. Both remakes and reimaginings if you will. House of Wax, the Grudge, Pulse, The Fog, The Omen, the Amityville Horror, House on Haunted Hill, Thirteen Ghosts, Psycho, Carrie, The Haunting, and jesus the worst of all The Wicker Man. All of those movies directors must of taken the originals and said "Hey, lets remake this movie, only take everything good from it and stick in a whole lot of horrible, horrible shite!"

Only good remakes I can really remember are Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, The Hills Have Eyes, The Thing, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and The Ring. Perhaps I'm missing one.
I believe i am the most biggest horror movie fanatic this whole GOD's Green Earth has ever seen......I have seen a lot of horror movies since my childhood to the most recent times.......I have never left any horror movie unseen that's been through my eyes.

I have a huge collection of horror movies on DVDs that i bought for as little as free. Since i live in Pakistan the movies available here are pirated CDs and DVDs. These DVDs are sold very cheaply here. For Example we get a new Excellent quality DVD for Pakistani Rupees 100.........Pakistani Rupees 60=$1...........That means we get a new DVD in Pakistan in $1.66 whereas i have heard from my friends living in U.S that a new DVD is bought at $20-$30. So it means we get a DVD almost free. Also some of the DVDs have as many as 5-10 movies in it with excellent picture and sound quality. Data is compressed to put in a DVD as many as movies possible.

With all said i think we are very lucky people in Pakistan 'coz we get a DVD almost free and if there are more than 5 or 8 movies in a DVD that means it is equal with $.332-.200..........which also means it is free.

Tell you something else about movies realeasing in Pakistan.........When a movie is released in U.S it is suppose to come out on a DVD in 3-5 months. But here in Pakistan a movie doesn't release theatrically at all since there are no cinemas rather it is stolen (piracy) and recorded on cds and after 15 days or a month the movie arrives on DVD with the same price described above.

I know what i have posted above doesn't relate to the subject here but i was thinking for a long time to tell this side of story.........I really condemn this act since it involves theft but people here have no concern. They are just making profit and believe me a huge huge profit based on my proven figures and facts. But there is something that affects their illegal business and that is these movies made in Pakistan are not allowed outside of Pakistan at all and if you are caught with them you will get your ass deported off of the airport and put behind the bars with a huge fine. But people in Pakistan always think ahead of time.......They wrap these Cds n DVDs in their luggage (private luggage) and take them to where ever they go and then they sell it to other people for $5-$10 that means a huge profit again. And people really buy them for many reasons. (1) is that they get the DVDs before their own local market even gets it (2) is that they get it for a cheap amount $5-$10 rather than going to their local stores and asking a DVD for $20-$30.

So that makes me watch a lot of DVDs since they are available for such a cheap price.

So please share some of your views on my post and tell others that what is happening in pakistan as far as CDs n DVDs are concerned. It not that i am bad-mouthing my own country but what is being done in it.
Sorry for the bump :( but i couldnt resist it! i love horror movies!! and my favorite Sub-genre?? i'll give you a hint: BRRRRAAAIINNSSSSSSSS.....

I need to say that im not really into some "specialized" styles, like the old Italian Zombie style, i watched ZOMBI (Zombie 2 in America)by Lucio Fulci, and i agree with Jake, it's not the best of the genre; great zombie move set though :) those eyeball rips are excellent, and the "Breakfast buffet" scene is just one of the best zombie moments, but the flick is just average.

Going deeper into the genre, as a good zombie follower, my respect for the man who changed the face not only to the zombie sub-genre, but for the horror genre itself: :worship: George A. Romero: he revolutionized the zombie concept and literally, took it to the next level: from "where it all begun":The night of the Living Dead, to the recent Land of the Dead, Romero caught the fans changing the old concept from 'magic manipulated beings' (in the past, the zombies were mostly product of black magic, Voodoo and some other mystical stuff...) to the actual zombie standard(pay attention to this bold underlined term): 'human manipulated zombies' Let me explain:
Example 1: Danny Boyle's worldwide success "28 days later", is one of the best examples of the human decadence and the dangers of genetic manipulation and nature destruction. In a personal level, i ENJOYED so much this movie, from the great music to the magnificent photography (London at the very Best), but there's something wrong with the movie......


The Romero's zombies have some characteristics that they need to be fulfilled:
-a person becomes a zombie ONLY if it dies first.
-the only method to finish (you cant kill a zombie, remember?[see:rule no.1])a zombie is a shot to the head(or doing severe damage to the head area, maybe with a baseball bat, Sledge hammer (God damn Triple H...) an axe, etc.
-Zombies DO NOT eat zombies, just Filthy-smokin'-hot-dumb teenagers(and their respective dumb ass boyfriends...)well, you got it.

now, with 28 days later, the first rule break the whole concept of a TRUE zombie, because the people are "infected", but NOT DEAD!! (it's a virus called RAGE, taken from some defenseless genetic modified monkeys) and when someone was bitten, it didn't died, just changed a little bit.

Another good aspect is the fact of the zombie intelligence; in the beginning, the first zombies were no more intelligent than a piece of wood, without facial expressions and almost all the time, used as slaves.
But Romero changed the zombie dynamic, setting a new level of independence for this creatures, starting with the way they looked (wearing everyday clothes, not a solid white face, but a blushed white instead, more "human" i would say, and with the thing that fascinates us the most: Blood, gore, limbs ripped the hell out, a new era on the zombie characterization.

with all this said, i just want to list some must-see zombie classics:

i searched on imdb for the dates and additional info.

-Night of the living dead(1968): soon to be remade, with Romero in charge, as "the diary of the dead" taking the original idea of the first movie, but with hot chicks on it.
-Dawn of the dead(original version:1978)this is where the zombies starts to have some more fun, as the scenario changes dramatically from the open inhabited woods to a fucking Mall!! ....i prefer the new version though(2004)....
-Braindead(2002)released as "Dead alive" in the US, is considered by many fans of the zombie sub-g as "the goriest movie EVER" be your own judge, but frankly, i just saw this one because of the director, Mister Peter Jackson.
-Land of the Dead(2005)The future for the zombie nation looks bright in this one, as the undeads starts to "learn" again how to use a weapon, who is your next and nearest walking dinner and especially, it seems that they started to move faster.(not like the fucking not a zombie marathon runners of 28 days later...)
-Shaun of the Dead(2004)Where are you gonna hide during a zombie rampage??(if im in Stroke-on-tent, maybe in: a)a sex shop or b)a bar) Correct! in a fucking Pub!! and what are you gonna do for calm down yourself during the attack?? yes! use your Playstation to kill the time and break some cheese Vinyls on the nearest zombie...)do i need to say more about this EXCELLENT movie? oh yeah, Nick Frost is a FUCKING GENIUS!

I hope this was of your enjoyment, (gezz, i almost like zombie movies as much as wrestling! well, not THAT much, but they definitely rules) and i would love to keep this thread alive (or undead????)

Side note: My favorite wrestler is The Deadman, what a fucking coincidence!! :lol:(dont get mad Triple H, you are the next in line...)
Just a note aerandir (and I couldn't agree with you more, aside from the slasher films of the 70s & 80s, zombie flicks are the best) Dead Alive/Brain Dead didn't come out in 2002, it came out in 1992.

Best import from New Zealand ever. :D
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