The NWA Heavyweight title contention

Who should win the Tournament for the NWA Heavyweight Title?

  • Aaron Aguilera

  • Bryan Danielson

  • Karl "The Machine Gun" Anderson

  • Psicosis

  • Brent Albright

  • "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

  • Chance Prophet

  • Bobby Jo Marshall

  • Damien Wayne

  • Chad Parham

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I am The Last Baron
With the rumoured change over in TNA to their own belts in some way, The NWA has names down as wanting to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Depending on How it is going to go whether it is by simple tournament taking over the title or through a tournament for the #1 contender spot for these guys who do you see as being the NWA World Heavyweight Champion? Give Reasons, this is a forum for debate not simply names
The following are the names on the NWA website, plus their accompanied video on youTube for their claim.
Brian Danielson
Chad Parham
Damien Wayne
Karl "The Machine Gun" Anderson
Brent Albright
Adam Pearce
Chance Prophet
Bobby Jo Marshall

I feel that I had to add to this by putting in the required parts from the ones that have been put out as challengers.
Is it me or do all of these guys seem like they are Heels right now. except for Psicosis cause I have no Idea what he is saying, I don't speak Spanish. I watched all of them and they seemed to all have a Heel persona about them would this continue in a tournament for the position( Ill call it that because noone knows what it will be).
yeah...Danielson...i was reading a few weeks ago about Danielson getting the title once it was away from TNA, and right now, he has the most cred to hold it
This is supposed to be long answers and not just Spam on who you think should be the Holder. This is supposed to be discussion, not just names, if it was that I would have placed it in the Spam Zone, I am trying to stimulate discussion on the top belt an Indy wrestler can win.
Im pretty sure they are going to bring in a final name to round this out. As to this thread this is the ultimate goal of being an Indie wrestler, I am surprised by the lack of responses for this thead. As to who I think it will come down to is either Bryan Danielson and Brent Albright. I think WWE missed the boat on Albright, he would be respected by a lot of people for his style. As for Bryan Danialson, everyone says that h is the best Wrestler not signed by either WWE or TNA. This is tough because I like both of these guys ring work. So I am just giving you my final two for whatever it will be.
Danielson is the perfect choice. He embodies old school wrestling. I really can't see anyone else w/ the belt. Plus Danielson can use ROH as a place to defend the title giving it more credibility. Look at his ROH World title reign. Enough said. I don't need to explain why Danielson should be champion.

He's the best in the world.
Another Challenger to the NWA world Heavyweight champion after the tournament, This seems interesting for them to set this up now before the Tournament occurs.
Dru Onyx
It all depends if TNA do decide to drop the NWA titles in the first place. In my opinion it would be a mistake to do so as the NWA titles carry history with them plus the fact it's good for both parties NWA get main TV exposure & TNA have cretitable titles.
Any how if they did split I can only see Danielson as a stand out name to carry the strap, I've scoured around and he's the only name I can think besides from Corino but he's marked his retirement for the end of the year :(
Corino would be great as the Title holder, your right though he is retiring from the ring at the end of this year. Brent Albright and Psicosis as well as Bryan Danielson stand out as possible winners. I think TNA is planning on splitting from the Titles. TNA split from the NWA a few years ago so it makes sense if they change the title for Their own at some stage, But the NWA is jumping on this rumour, as far as I know, that TNA is going to be creating their own Top Belt. It makes sense to assume that once this tournament is underway and getting to the final we will see less references to the NWA by TNA in regards to the belt.
Come on this is one of the most looked at threads in this section and noone posts. This is the most prestigous belt that an Indy wrestler has the oppourtunnity of holding. these guys may not be the household names that TNA and WWE and even RoH to a degree give out but they are usually fairly solid wrestlers, Just look for some of these wrestlers on YouTube or DailyMotion to see what these guys can do and then comment on it without just saying a name. It would be appreciated.
I have added a poll to this to see if that will gain some more opinions on this important topic for Independent Wrestling.


He wrestles for NWA-VA and a bunch of other promotions in NC and VA I have seen him wrestle numerous time and he is a hell of a wrestler. He just recentley had a ROH tryout up in Edison, New Jersey and the ROH fans ate him up. He got alot of feedback on there forum and they want him back. he is a hell of a talent! If you want to see him work go watch this video... HELL OF AN ENDING. I was at the event.

PS The guy he is fighting also just had an ROH tryout
I don't have a chance to catch many Indies with my schedule, so I just chose one of the two that I know the most about. Bryan Danielson, my choice, has been ultra-impressive from what little bit I have seen of him, and seems to embody everything the NWA is about. Brent Albright was really, really impressive in his short WWE Stint, and I caught some of his OVW work as well, and maybe down the line a Danielson/Albright match over the title would be great, but for now, Albright seems to be the right choice for the NWA B.O.D to put the title on
Come on this is one of the most looked at threads in this section and noone posts. This is the most prestigous belt that an Indy wrestler has the oppourtunnity of holding. these guys may not be the household names that TNA and WWE and even RoH to a degree give out but they are usually fairly solid wrestlers, Just look for some of these wrestlers on YouTube or DailyMotion to see what these guys can do and then comment on it without just saying a name. It would be appreciated.

I'll add a little bit more.

1.) The NWA Title is no where near as prestigious as it use to be. It's got great history behind it, but now a days the belt really doesn't mean a lot.

2.) Give it to Danielson. Danielson can defend it in Japan (NOAH) and all across the US. Also he'll be able to defend it in ROH. This will give the NWA title more prestige and credibility. Rather than having someone like Aguilera or some lesser known talent holding the belt and defending it at small local promotions, Danielson will be able to defend on shows that'll give it a national exposure. He can also defend it in PWG & FIP other promotions that produce DVDs nation wide that he wrestles for.

Plain and simple Danielson is the best choice.
Danielson or Albright if Bryan isn't the chosen one. I feel that out of all the contestants he has not only the name recognition and reputation to give that belt some weight, but he is seriously one of the best wrestlers walking the planet at present, if you ask me. He's got the kind of street cred you can't buy or try to build with a belt. He'll elevate the belt, if you ask me, not the other way around. Plus, as was stated by Shadowmancer earlier, the scope of his defenses of the belt would be awesome and he could take it all over the U.S. and Japan defending it in numerous promotions. Plus, with ROH gaining a PPV foothold soon, he'd be my personal choice as the first guy they'd see sporting the gold. There would be no better inaugural champion than this guy. Brent would be good as well. He's another guy that is in the gigantic "look at what Vince McMahon pissed away" pile.
I think that the NWA lost alot of prestige and stroke when they pretty much kept the belt of Dan Severn. Severn was an over the hill jerk (and I speak from having known the guy) and was being held as an unstopable champ when they could have been building up the next Ric Flair in somebody else. Severn getting kicked around in UFC only took more power from the belt. They can put it on Albright, as he seems to be the most logical, but then again, he was being groomed in WWE as a Beniot wannabe. Aguilara looks too greasy. He doesn't look like a likeable face and definitely would not be a credible heel. And Psicosis shouldn't even be in the running. If they can find another Corino, it would be perfect, but they prolly will have to take a chance on a little known guy who is a monster or a mat master. Well, that's my two cents
NWA are so old School, TNA Need to have it's own titles & legends, I Think Brent Albright is going to be the next NWA Champion because most of the others have held championships before but Brent Albright hasn't
NWA has ended its relationship with TNA
Sourced from

NWA Strips Christian Cage & Team 3D Of Their Titles
05/13/2007 by Mike Shalik

This afternoon, a "breaking news" video announcement was posted on YouTube by the National Wrestling Alliance. On the video, NWA Executive Director Robert ETrobich said that effective immediately, Christian Cage & Team 3D have been stripped Of their respective NWA World Titles.

NWA has officially ended its working relationship with TNA Wrestling, which has existed since 2002. There have been reports for months that the partnership was coming to an end. TNA recently had new TNA World, Tag Team and X-Division title belts created. It is expected they will be introduced at this week's television tapings.

At tonight's TNA Sacrifice PPV, Team 3D retained their titles and Christian Cage lost his title to Kurt Angle in a 3-way match that also involved Sting. Neither match was sanctioned by the NWA and neither match outcome has any standing on the vacated NWA World and NWA World Tag Team Championships.

Here is the YouTube link:
NWA has ended its 5 year relationship with TNA
We all knew it was coming such a dam shame though that the NWA titles will not be given much TV exposure now :(
But the way things stand I can see them putting the strap on Dragon
I know it's a worked shoot, but man alive did he just call Sting a washed up, and Kurt Angle a sports entertainer. Even in a worked shoot that's stupid as hell. Take a look at that list up top, Angle out wrestles every single on of them with one hand tied behind his back.

It looks like and sound like Bryan Danielson is going to be the guy. It's been rumored for awhile, and really can't see anyone else taking the title right now.
Bryan Danielson is the guy i see winning it. The thing is that i know most of the IWC will prolly care who wins the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, but honestly you have to think where is this championshop going now. Before TNA used it i can hardly remember it having any real meaning till then. Danielson has to win as i see no one else as the guy that the NWA would put the belt on anyways.
I agree with everyone else. Bryan Danielson should be the new NWA champ. He could actually bring some credibility back to the championship after people like Cage and Abyss have held it. If he does get the title it could be the beginning of big things for him. Maybe like a WWE contract or TNA contract. Just a thought. But yeah there is only one person right now that deserves it and that is Deffinatley Bryan Danielson.
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