The Number 2 PPV should be...

Jimmy King

Future Moderater
Everyone used to say that Survivor Series was the number 2 PPV. Then, they changed their mind that Summerfest should be their number 2 PPV.

But really, what should the number 2 PPV be?

In my opinion, I think Night of Champions should be booked months in advance (luckily this year's has been.) It should really be projected as a prestigious showcase of WWE's top talent. It should also be done respectfully. Lord knows, the IC titles hasn't been defended at Wrestlemania in years. Night of Champions is a PPV that could skyrocket in sales to the moon.

What are your thoughts about what WWE PPV should be number 2?

Please don't get it twisted. I'm not asking for the shit (number 2) PPV.
I think ever since they added one ppv per month and especially having both brands on them took away the prestige from most PPVs. I think NoC, Royal Rumble, MiTB, Survivor Series, Elimination Chamber, Summer Slam, Wrestlemania, and bring back King of the Ring should be the only PPVs. That's only 8, it would allow more build up for the main events. And these would make sense to be both brands. King of the Ring could have 2 different sides of the brackett with one being RAW and other being SD!.

I don't like all these "Fatal 4 Way" type PPV's. The themes are good; don't get me wrong. I just would rather less PPV's for more of a build-up.

...I guess I got side-tracked, sorry. I think Royal Rumble should be the 2nd biggest PPV behind WM. I understand that it's now SummerSlam but let's be real SummerSlam "kind of" blew ass this year. RR always puts on a good show and is so close to 'Mania that the tension is awesome.
I totally agree that NOC should be the second best PPV as it has great potential, i think they should rid the hell in a cell PPV and give the NOC PPV build up more time, imagine what they could have done to it if they really wanted to market this PPV as the second best.
World Heavyweight Championship
Kane Vs Undertaker Hell In A Cell
WWE Championship
Six Pack Challenge
Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Vs Dolph Street Fight
United States Championship
The Miz Vs Daniel Bryan
Womens / Divas Championship
Michelle Mccool Vs Melina with a better build up
Tag Team Championship
Hart Dynasty Vs Drew and Cody Vs The Usos Vs 2 Nexus Members
Big Show Vs CM Punk

I would rate this PPV at least an 8/10 and in my opinion wwe should be focusing on their PPVS more rather than just pushing younger talent.
The Royal Rumble, it always ways has a unique main event that starts the road the the biggest show of the year. SS used to b all about team elimination but it became less about those and alot like most PPV's.

U can make arguments for any show...but the Rumble has history, a stellar main event that usually has suprises, can make stars overnight and leads to Mania. Case Closed

Mania, Rumble, SummerSlam, SS.
I always look at it this way. Wrestlemania is number 1, its the biggest event of the year and more or less WWE's Superbowl. Summerslam is number 2 as its their second biggest event and their big event of the summer. Royal Rumble is number 3 as it really kicks off the road to Wrestlemania and it decides whom shall be wrestling in its main event for the World Championship, and Survivor Series is their number 4 as its meant to wrap up the year of Pay Per Views and be the last big show before the cycle begins again.

Now of course this has changed, at least for SS, with the addition of many more Pay Per Views, but its more or less still the same. Night of Champions is a different story.

While every title is on the line I still look at it and just another pay per view. I think it could become something bigger if built and used properly, but currently its more or less just a night where championships are defended, rather than a big event with a big event feel. Its more or less a gimmick pay per view at the moment for me, except the gimmick is simply belts being on the line.
In my opinion, I think Night of Champions should be booked months in advance (luckily this year's has been.) It should really be projected as a prestigious showcase of WWE's top talent. It should also be done respectfully.

If they've planned so far ahead, they've planned poorly. This is a PPV that's supposed to have every match be a title match so that every belt is on the line on one night. And yet there's no tag title match yet and they'll likely just throw one together at the last minute between the Harts and Cody/Drew, and we've (allegedly) got Punk v Show with no belt involved, to be announced. Smooooooooooothe.

Lord knows, the IC titles hasn't been defended at Wrestlemania in years.

You've forgotten that 21 second 'fuck you' to the fans they had at WM25 when Rey beat JBL for the IC title, obviously. It's understandable, i wish i could forget it, but i was there to see it happen in person, so i can't really. It was definitely the worst part of WM25 in my estimation, even over Kid Rock and the Divas Battle Royal.

Night of Champions is a PPV that could skyrocket in sales to the moon.

It's definitely one of my favourite new PPV concepts, because the mid card champions so rarely ever seem to do anything of real interest these days. Ok, so Miz is at the forefront of the Raw picture right now, but not for being the US champion, and Kofi and Dolph are having some awesome matches, but what's are the Harts doing? Having a tag match every other week and milking the Hart nostalgia gimmick for all it's worth.

Then you've got Melina beating Alicia over and over again, and LayCool seem to wrestle once a month these days, so a chance to see every champion defend their belts is a great idea imo.

What are your thoughts about what WWE PPV should be number 2?

Definitley the Rumble. Everyone sees it as the build up to WM, but the thing is, is that one match on that PPV garners more attention than just about all the other actual PPVs put together. Does anyone get excited about TLC or MiTB more than they do the Rumble? Maybe one or two do, but the majority i think, would say no. People used to get excited for Survivor Series, but now we're lucky if we get 2 SSeries matches on the whole card so interest has fizzled, and Summerslam........ I never saw what was so damn exciting about Summerslam anyway tbh. It's hot......... they always show Divas in swimsuits when they advertise the event. That seems to be the only thing that makes Summerslam stand out from the rest these days.... big deal, i say.

So for me, The Rumble should be considered the #2. Backlash (or Extreme Rules or whatever they're calling it year to year) marks the beginning of the WWE year right? So the year progresses all the way through to January, to the Rumble, and then what? February. And what happens in February? Jack shit. A couple of EC's where you might have a shock title win happen (usually resulting in a shit WM match for that belt due to a rushed fued i.e. Jericho/Edge or Edge/Cena/Show) and that's it for the whole month.

Once the Rumble Winner is announced, people's focus and interest is all on WM and fuck everything in between. So for me, The Royal Rumble is like Xmas, and WM is like New Years and February is like that week between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve where no one really cares, because they're recovering from Xmas (Rumble) and preparing for NY's (WM), so that's why i'd say the Rumble should be considered the 2nd most important PPV for the WWE.
Surely the 2nd best show of the year should feature all the top talent in well booked matches. It also shouldn't expose how insignificant most titles within WWE are. This show is a failure, always is.

It's a throw away show and it's booked as such.
Well since WWE plans to "retire" some titles as reported here a month ago or so, we will have only 4 titles ( Tag, IC, Diva's and WWE title ) by the time NoC takes place next year. Having said that, i really cant see NoC being the 2nd biggest ppv "where every match is a title match"... um 4 matches?? My opinion is that either NoC will be scrapped or even worse they will make it as every second match is a title match witch will ultimately kill off the gimmick of the PPV. So i highly doubt NoC is it. In my opinion SummerSlam will always be 2nd biggest ppv because they will always build it as a biggest party of the summer with no matter how stupid the card is.
Gotta agree with power & glory, not enough titles to appropriately represent a ""Night of Champions" even this years card has two matches that don't involve championships...SSlam is and always has been number 2 if not for the fact that its been around the longest after WMaina with bigger hype and more mainevent style matches. If the titles are being unified(which i still doubt due to the roster size), the whole concept behind the PPV would fall to the wayside.
Well SummerSlam this year sucked we usually get 2 see very good matches 4 the IC title and this year it ends on a Nexus interferance wtf! y thereon a differant show.

Anyways the second biggest ppv of the year really does have 2 be the Royal Rumble it gets everybody ready 4 Mania and the atmosphere of the place seems great plus i loved this years Rumble i bought it 2 watch Michaels try and win so he could face taker and i'm sure alot of people bought it 4 that but then u get the return of Edge this years was great so yeah i'm sayin Royal Rumble is the second biggest.
I would say The Royal Rumble is really their second Pay Per View. Certainly it's right next to Wrestlemania, however the time in-between TLC and The Royal Rumble is really what gives creative a better way of booking a feud. The hype of The Royal Rumble is always huge, and the feuds in itself is always pretty good and well done.

Royal Rumble is really the only Pay Per View besides Wrestlemania worth looking forward to, due to the Royal Rumble match and it's uniqueness due to it. All of the other Pay Per Views are 3-4 weeks apart, where as The Royal Rumble this year between TLC and Royal Rumble 2010 were about 5-6 weeks were it not? A lot longer to hype the show.

Also, let's not discredit the fact that at the Royal Rumble, that is the place you're pretty much getting to see the starting ground of building towards Wrestlemania, with the Royal Rumble winner, this year having the Legacy feud slowly rumbling, the Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker building further etc.

And that's pretty much why Royal Rumble should be the number 2 Pay Per View.
I will say that The Royal Rumble SHOULD be the number 2 PPV due to it's month & a half long build up to WrestleMania. However, the WWE sometimes assumes its fans are idiots and thus constantly builds up The Royal Rumble as a match where anyone has a chance to win, which is a bold faced lie when considering that any given year only a handful of wrestlers have a legit chance at winning (i.e. Cena, Edge, Jericho, Sheamus, HHH, The Undertaker). Let's face it, if you're not in the main event prior to The Royal Rumble, then you're likely not to win it. This is the same event that Hacksaw Jim Duggan won.

Also, with The Royal Rumble, sure you get a few surprise entries, but that's simply for shock value, nothing more.

I believe the #2 PPV SHOULD be The King of The Ring, but of course, they'd need to bring back AND KEEP that event.

The King of the Ring should be an event that creates stars. It should be an event where the next breakout stars have their time to shine in featured bouts with only ONE main event match, the way it used to be years ago. Ditch the NXT show and the concept that those guys and girls are "rookies". Besides, are there really any true "rookies" like there were before? Bringing back The King of The Ring would mean that you'd have about 4-6 matches of quality work from stars most of us don't see on a regular basis. That way, we're not bribed into believing every week NXT reminds us of the WWE's version of American Idol with the fan voting and all. Speaking of which, fans don't want to vote. I'm sorry, but I don't want to vote for anything concering professional wrestling. That's not the way it was when I was younger 30 years ago and it shouldn't be that way now (sorry I got off topic).

Bring back The King of The Ring and create stars the way Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Steve Austin, HHH and Brock Lesner were created. Let that be the younger star's WrestleMania. The main players will always have the spotlight at WrestleMaina every year, why not give one night a year to the next generation of professional wrestlers?
I think the Royal Rumble should be the #2 PPV based on name alone, and what it brings every year. Without it, Wrestlemania would not be the #1 PPV.
I think the Royal Rumble should be the #2 PPV based on name alone, and what it brings every year. Without it, Wrestlemania would not be the #1 PPV.

Really, without the Royal Rumble Wrestlemania wouldn't be the #1 PPV. Wrestlemania has been the flagship PPV in the WWF/E since 85. Without Wrestlemania the Royal Rumble is meaningless. They didn't start the Royal Rumble until 88, and it wasn't until 92 were they started awarding people a Wrestlemania main event match.

That being said, I agree that the Royal Rumble in the #2 PPV in the WWF/E. I also really liked King of the Ring and pissed they haven't done it in a while.
I still consider SummerSlam to be the #2 PPV of the year. The Royal Rumble is great, and gets us really excited for WrestleMania but that match takes up a bulk of the show and isn't always good to watch. This year's SummerSlam was lacking in compelling matches other than the Nexus vs. Raw main event. They tried with things like Punk vs. Big Show but the booking wasn't that interesting. Next year, they should plan the entire card immediately after Wrestlemania.
Night Of Champions doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Every pay-per-view is basically a night of champions. They defend pretty much every title at every ppv. And this years NOC makes even less sense when you consider the fact that not every match is a title match (punk v show), and the tag titles are not even on the line (should have been Hart Dynasty vs Gabriel & Otunga of Nexus)

The second biggest event of the years has always been The Royal Rumble.
Summerslam was only created back in 1988 as a platform to debut Ric Flair, who was rumored to be signing with WWF back then but it never happened. Survivor Series lost its cache years ago. The Rumble, on the other hand, has only grown in importance over the years, especially since they introduced the concept of the winner getting a title shot. Its the first stop on the Road to Wrestlemania and the clear cut choice as the 2nd most important ppv of the year.
See, here's the problem with the thought of your PPV's:

you have the big four (five if you bring back KOTR)
you have three gimmick PPVs

The sad part about the WWE right now is that eight of nine PPV events that are not part of the big four are all gimmicked up.

Elimination Chamber - PPV that features two Elimination Chamber matches and maybe two other matches
Extreme Rules - interesting PPV concept; all matches have stipulations
Fatal 4 Way - 4-way matches
Money In the Bank - multi-man ladder matches
Night of Champions - PPV featuring all champions
Hell in A Cell - multiple cage matches
Bragging Rights - RAW vs. Smackdown
TLC - Table matches, ladder matches, chair matches, TLC matches

See, the problem is this: The storylines are not selling the PPVs now. They are trying to sell them with the gimmicks.

-Changing No Way Out to the Elimination Chamber killed the PPV momentum.
-Extreme Rules is a great concept. Its the only decent gimmick PPV.
-Fatal 4-Way was horrid. We had two four-way dance title matches. They couldn't even deliver a tag team 4-way.
-Money In The Bank drew the second lowest buyrate in company history. The original "as voted on" PPV idea on listed "competitors compete in singles matches throughout the night with the winners advancing to a MITB match."
-Night of Champions could still be a PPV to me, even if the said merger of titles happen. I wouldn't mind seeing the four title matches on this PPV, along with maybe two MITB matches (kill two birds with one stone). Hell, you could easily do #1 contender matches on the PPV to get away from the "title" match.
-Hell in A Cell PPV diminished the match in itself. Three HIAC matches on that card, and the only decent one came out of DX-Legacy because they buried Punk against Taker.
-Bragging Rights is a dumb idea. It worked perfectly with the Survivor Series main-event in 2005, but having a 7-on-7 match was a spot fest.
-TLC was a great idea, but fizzled with the PG. Christian's open wound killed the rest of the PPV for me and the fact that they didn't have any more ladders for the TLC finish was awful. Not to mention, a chair match? WTF?

With ALL of that said, I look at it like this, in valued order:
WrestleMania, SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series

The secondaries:
Night of Champions, Extreme Rules...none of the others have no value.

Oh, how I miss Backlash and Unforgiven as fallouts from big PPVs!
I think the number 2 PPV should be Royal Rumble, but WWE treats Summer Slam as the companies number 2 PPV. Summer Slam this year was lacking, but it was still a decent PPV. Not the best, and there have been worse PPVs in the past. The number 3 PPV is Royal Rumble, and Survivor Series is number 4.
For the number two ppv you have to look at some different things:

1. The Royal Rumble is the beginning of the buildup to Wrestlemania. As a stand alone event its nothing special anymore. The rumble matches are typically boring nowadays and you could narrow it down to three possible winners every year. The only reason this ppv is important is because it starts the road to Wrestlemania but as an event its not the second best show WWE puts on every year.

2. You have to say Summerslam is the second biggest ppv of the year because it typically is the culmination of all the feuds that occurred over the summer. Yea this years was a little disappointing, but thats only because the build up and the hype was so good. WWE definitely invests more into Summerslam than any other ppv besides Wrestlemania.

Now don't get me wrong I love the Rumble but Summerslam tends to be a better show imo.
Wrestlemania is no.1. No question. But I think SummerSlam is no. 2. I personally liked it better when they gave ppv's names like armageddeon, unforgiven, no mercy, no way out, etc. Anyways SummerSlam I've felt is more or less the baby brother of WM. I'm not dissing Survivor Series, it's one of the few ppv's I still can stand. It's the second longest running ppv left in WWE, with WM being the longest. But I still say SS is 2nd.
I believe Summerslam is the number 2 show. Seeing how you look at the big 4 (Mania, Rumble, Summerslam, and Survivor Series), Mania, Rumble, and Survivor Series are all right near each other. Summerslam is the lone event that sticks out. It is the biggest event of the summer and the E treats it as that. Mania is the show we all look forward too and after Mania there isn't much to look for besides Summerslam. The PPV's in between them all create that build for the summer. Now personally my favorite PPV is Royal Rumble, but the Rumble wouldn't have the prestige without Wrestlemania. Mania can get by without the Royal Rumble, but I'm not sure how successful the Royal Rumble would be without Wrestlemania. Survivor Series is obviously the least important of the main 4, hell I'm not sure I'd consider it a big 4 any more. But Summerslam is the event of the summer and treated as the number 2 show and in my mind it is.
I don't think any of the other big 3 feel that special anymore, except maybe the Rumble match. They just have so many PPVs now, every single month, that aside from WrestleMania, which has transcended wrestling and is a cultural event which non-fans will watch, sort of like the Super Bowl, the other PPVs just sort of blend together.
I think it's Royal Rumble, Survivor Series isn't very speacial anymore because Summerslam and Bragging Rights also have elimination tag matches, Summerslam even had a 7 on 7 elimination match. Summerslam wasn't ever one of my favourite PPVs I just never thought anything other than it's just another normal PPV. Whereas Royal Rumble is the start of the road to Wrestlemania and decides the main event of WM. So I'm going to say Royal Rumble.

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