The No Limit Soldiers in WCW


Pre-Show Stalwart
I just got through watching on VH1 "Hip-Hop honors: Dirty South" in which rapper/actor/mogul Master P was honored for his rap career. It had me think back for some reason? Back to when Master P and his No Limit records family was at it's prime in the late ninty's, and when Master P suppositly signed with WCW.

This of course was a bad business deal on both sides, but I guess then WCW ec. producer Eric Bischoff didn't think so. They both in Master P's No Limit group and made them a legit faction in WCW, with wrestlers like Rey Mysterio and Konnan. That didn't last very long as I was saying!

On a episode of WWE legends of wrestling roundtable on WWE on demand on. Jim Ross said on live air that the No Limit Soldiers were not only one of the worst factions in wrestling history, but just all-around was a very bad concept. (Coming from a guy who isn't a fan of Hip-Hop)

So my question in your opinions. Was the No Limit soldiers in WCW period! Was a good or a bad idea?
Oh this was bad on many levels.

For one thing, they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for his appearances and the attendance didn't go up or anything like that. This is likely due to the company being based in the south and having the hip-hop group feud with country singers. The country guys got so popular that their single, which was just part of the angle, got on actual country music stations. The angle BOMBED and WCW had wasted all that money. On top of that, instead of capitalizing on Hennig's group being very popular, they just disbanded them quietly because it didn't work that well. It's another example of stupid stuff getting stupider which might as well have been WCW's motto at that time.
I was actually thinking of this just the other day. Glad this was posted.

I couldnt even remember who was in this faction until you posted it. It's starting to come back to me, but I can only remember it going on for about a month before it was gone completely. I do remember the horrible Master P segments in the ring, but heck, my mind must be blocking it out for a good reason. Obviously....

I actually thought it was entertaining... But I am from Louisiana and I am a fan of Master P...

With that said, I think it could've worked if it were just kept down to P managing a few wrestlers like konan and Rey... The group got over populated wth bodyguards and friends...

I also loved Hennig's stable of rednecks and their songs were awesomely entertaining....

Raaaaap is crap!
2 main reasons the group failed.

1. The majority of the wrestlers in the group sucked. You had Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr who were good, then you had Brad Armstrong who had no business in a hip hop based group, and finally you had three nobodies. One of those nobodies happened to be Master P's cousin which is most likely a big reason why Master P even signed up to do this.

2. Master P only made one appearance on WCW television. Without him making appearances there was no reason for anyone to care about these guys.
The No Limit Soldiers in concept was one of the biggest steaming piles of monkey crap to ever be given the green light in a wrestling organization. That goes to show you that either

A) Master P is a hell of a business man for the simple fact that he pitched this crap to WCW and they jumped on it. However that same business sense would fuck his hustle up out the gate since the jackass ended up making his group look like a bunch of ignorant thugs at their debut....


B)Perhaps it was WCW being WCW.. remember Bobby "Hard Work" Walker, Kazuo "Sonny" Onoo and Harrison "Hardbody" Norris? For those who don't they sued WCW for racial discrimination, google it, interesting stuff but not what we're here for.

Now WCW was a southern based organization. I don't know how in the hell they expected to get a stable like this over. Before you go negative repping me this isn't a color but a culture thing, and hip hop wasn't going to get over no way no how since those rednecks are still mad the North won the war (Yeah I'm a Northerner what's it to ya?). They like country music and their shotguns say you won't tell em otherwise. Works for me.

2) Speaking of Rednecks, WCW even provided some for them to fight. Like 4 wrestlers with nothing more in common than some kind of southern gimmick and maybe a recent feud. Hennig made a faction The West Texas Rednecks which got over huge and I mean huge in that feud.. and their runaway hit song 'Rap Is Crap'. I almost forgot to mention that based on how Master P acted during their debut they couldn't help but look like anything but the hometown heroes who've banded together to take out the trash that just rolled in from the 5th Ward singing all that noise they call northerner music

3) The wrestlers used in the No Limit group.. we'll just say that once Konnan and Mysterio left to form the Filthy Animals we all knew the rest would end up getting fired shortly and never heard from again.
I remember watching this as it unfolded, and it made me realise pretty quickly why absolutely none of my friends watched WCW. It was an astonishingly bad angle that didn't really seem to have a point. Country singers didn't like the rappers, shocker, but it's hardly something that screams out as an obvious wrestling gimmick. This is probably the best example of WCW showing the way that celebrity involvement can be a horrorshow for wrestling, and it is one of the reason they were pissing away so much money in their later days.

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