The Nightfall of WrestleMania: An End or a Reboot?

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a

Hello everybody - I was thinking about the importance of WrestleMania, not only for the WWE but also for the world of professional wrestling. There are a lot of stories that this sporting event has, a lot of great shows, bad shows. Popular culture memories, amazing moments and that has been going on for already three decades - which pretty much means that at least 50% of the WWE audience is younger than the "Biggest Stage of Them All". With that great history beyond such great legacy, one can bet that this big wrestling event will continue to be a success and will continue to appeal at mass media attention every year, only getting bigger, turning a wrestling event, to pretty much an important social landmark for us to mark on our calendars.

However, I was thinking about the chances of this great show ending for the decision of the company - the scenario could be any, from a marketing decision to evolve the company to a new era and wanting to evolve their biggest show with them causing, what I could call a reboot - or just simply put, end the "WrestleMania Season" - bad results, whatever, whatever you want to call it.

So hypothetically speaking and I know that this thread sounds really difficult to happen - what would your thoughts be right now if you found out that the WWE would make a reboot of WrestleMania after their 30th edition, or simply put ending that legacy for the DVD's and creating a whole new event from the start. You can go further in points such as the popularity of the WrestleMania event, the social impact that a marketing decision to reboot such classic event by simply calling it a New Era, and The Modern WrestleMania would have in the world. Pros and cons of such effect and what not.

Please be aware that this is just an hypothetical conversation, I'm not stating that this should happen or whatever some idiots in the IWC may think. This is a debate that can really show some different opinions and try to answer it as both a wrestling fan and in the perspective of a company man.
So whats your idea?? End WrestleMania as a PPV? thats just ******ed
End WrestleMania as the end of the year despite it being in March/April, ok well that makes more sense. It is my belief that WrestleMania is the end of the financial year for WWE it's only another two months til the 1st of July anyway which would give time to sort out all there taxes to be filed and WrestleMania is the last big pay day for them

as such WrestleMania is also the end of the year for storylines, where all the big stories of the previous year culminates into one mega show. I fail to see why that should change.

the only thing WrestleMania needs imo is to have the biggest matches and all titles on the line in one night, fuck Night of Champions as a seperate PPV, WrestleMania should be the Night of Champions, legends and future legends. THe biggest showcase of the stars past present and future to the masses to attract more people to watch the product the rest of the year, and for the most part this has been the case tho for atleast half the WrestleMania's only a fraction of the match/entertainment quality is up to par of being The Grandest Stage of All.

Thats my opinion
Might note WrestleMania XX was where it all begins again. Seemed like that was gonna be the start of going turning back the time and restarting there way of thinking, and they did but it didn't really pan out that way IMO they just went back to the same old shit ever year with a few exceptions.
I would be mortified. It would probably be the end of me watching WWE and/or wrestling in general.

It would be like the NFL deciding that Superbowl 50 was time to reboot that biggest game of the year. No matter what logic they attempted to use to show why it was the right decision, my years as a loyal viewer would be over.

In many ways, Wrestlemania is bigger than WWE. A lot of people who aren't wrestling fans couldn't name a single guy from this era, John Cena included. There are a lot that have no idea of the name change and still refer to it as WWF. However, a significant portion of those people know what Wrestlemania is. It might only be as a trivial piece of information or as a memory of childhood or it might just make them think of Hulk Hogan, but they know what it is. No different than no football fans not watching or caring about football for an entire season but always watch the Superbowl. Wrestlemania is WWE's biggest addition to the pop culture lexicon, the only other one close would be Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania.

The only major change I could see in the next decade, would be the show no longer being on ppv. Imagine Wrestlemania on NBC or Fox. It would pull ratings similar to a playoff game or BCS game, probably not Superbowl numbers, but close. PPV is a dying concept, with streaming eating up a large portion of views and more and more entertainment execs looking at online viewing as a legitimate platform. When you think about how many ads they could put on during Wrestlemania and how much they could charge for those ads, it's easy to see they could keep similar revenue coming in or they could even increase. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather watch super bowl type ads instead of half the "entertainment" crap they shove into Mania.

The Super Bowl, The National Title Game, The Final Four; all of those had moments where they could have been abandoned. They are now as much apart of US history (or US culture) as fireworks on the 4th of July or November elections. Wrestlemania is very similar in stature and really the only thing that has kept it from attaining that level is the fact people can't watch it on broadcast television like they do the other big shows.
Have you tried New Coke?

Bad idea. WM has been a success, why change something as significant as the brand name? You can and WWE has changed aspects of the event in order to recognize changes in technology, trends, attitudes, and popular culture. They've even messed with the name a little with X7, X8 and 2000. But all in all it works for WWE.

If there's some grand plan out there to mess with a brand or format for a PPV, I suggest WWE aim a little lower and scrap The Survivor Series.

In fact scrap this thread and start one called The End of Survivor Series: GSB Taught Me to Aim Lower in Life.
Just the name "Wrestlemania" sells the product himself. No mather what card is. So no, not gona happen. Ever. It is stupid from bussiness standpoint of view and there is absolutly no need to change.

I can see perhaps some change in concept maybe but changing name no way. :)
Hmmm, Wrestlemania sells out a year before the card is even announced. Cities bid on Wrestlemania. The name Wrestlemania means it's automatically going to get more buys than any other ppv. So what you're really asking is "What if Vince woke up ******ed one day and decided to go broke just for fun.". Dumb idea.
Coining the name "Wrestlemania" is one of the most significant accomplishments Vince McMahon has ever acquired. The name itself rolls of the tongue well, its symbolism isn't at all vague and it's a strong name for a flag ship wrestling event.

There have been abysmal Wrestlemanias, but they've all drawn based on being a Wrestlemania event. Another positive aspect of the name is that it's timeless, Wrestlemania doesn't come across as old fashioned or desperate. If the AWA was still around, they'd have probably dropped "Wrestlerock Rumble" over a decade ago.

Hell, look at "Starrcade". A classic flag ship event, but what exactly does the name "Starrcade" convey? A "cade" is understood to mean a procession, in this case it's a gathering of stars with an extra r for aesthetic purposes. Great name, don't get me wrong, but it's made up of general terms. The Oscars could be a "Starcade" of sorts, a Comedy Central roast could be considered a "Starcade".

It seems like one of those classic struggles that writers face when they could have an entire masterpiece all written out, and they spend years trying to pin down the best possible title for their work. Hemingway used to challenge supposed writers to write a story using only six words, if they couldn't do it then they weren't worth their salt as writers.

Pro-wrestling never really was a high-brow spectacle, society's laymen seem to be the intended audience. It might seem wasteful to give an audience that doesn't have the capacity to appreciate what they've been given more than ten minutes of thought in terms of what name you'll give to the event they're attending.

Wrestlemania hits every button. You can start soft and shout the rest of the name, as in "wrestle-MANIA!!". It conveys excitement in the name alone. Mania translates to organized chaos, where they have a card with matches that are too huge to be contained in a smaller arena. At its worst, it has lived up to the name. Some have had to be at tiny arenas, but for the marks' money they've been granted their usual wrestling card at its most extreme.

Without philisophically rambling on any further, I'll say that Wrestlemania isn't going anywhere. Some of us remember Bobby Heenan mentioning his toast to Vince at the first Wrestlemania. "Here's to Wrestlemania 2!" to which Vince replied "Here's to Wrestlemania 102!".
Do you remember the scene in Groundhog Day when Bill Murray gives a present to the two newlyweds and they stare in disbelief before saying, "No way...WRESTLEMANIA!" and embrace each other excitingly because they've been given the once in a lifetime opportunity to go?

Wrestlemania is special. It has a place in fans hearts and consciousness. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to things like this so I didn't like the talk of permanently getting rid of Survivor Series, but even that wouldn't have been so bad as getting rid of Wrestlemania. It also makes a shitload of money and I dare say it's great for the local economies of whatever city is hosting it.

If you're talking about rebooting it then I wonder exactly how a wrestling PPV can be rebooted. Sure, you can change the tone of your product, change the personalities of your wrestlers and use all the production tricks in the books to make the look of the show different but in the end a wrestling PPV will always be a card with matches where titles are on the line and where people work out feuds. Replacing Wrestlemania or rebooting Wrestlemania isn't going to change that.
I'm not exactly sure what your point is. You want to end the WrestleMania ppv? Or you want to somehow use WrestleMania as a starting point for some sort of "reboot" in which WWE begins to "evolve" into something else?
I think someone mentioned Coca Cola's experiment in the mid 80s with New Coke in which they changed the formula. You know what happened? People went ape shit, that's what. Not only did they not like New Coke nearly as much as Coke Classic, but millions were outraged that something that it'd been fiddled with. Coke was and is an American icon and you don't tinker with icons just for the novelty of trying something new or different. It'd be like fixing that big crack on the Liberty Bell or redesigning the Statue of Liberty in a mini skirt.

Here's the thing: WrestleMania in and of itself is essentially a license for WWE to print money. The past 3 WM ppvs alone have sold in excess of 1,000,000 buys each, generating hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions in ticket & merchandise sales. The event brings in so much money to the local economy that major cities all over the country engage in bidding wars each year to host the event. Why on Earth would Vince McMahon or anyone with the slightest shred of business sense want to end that? It's literally slitting the throat of a goose that lays golden eggs. If something's not broken, and WrestleMania clearly isn't, then what's to fix?
Have you tried New Coke?

Bad idea. WM has been a success, why change something as significant as the brand name? You can and WWE has changed aspects of the event in order to recognize changes in technology, trends, attitudes, and popular culture. They've even messed with the name a little with X7, X8 and 2000. But all in all it works for WWE.

If there's some grand plan out there to mess with a brand or format for a PPV, I suggest WWE aim a little lower and scrap The Survivor Series.

In fact scrap this thread and start one called The End of Survivor Series: GSB Taught Me to Aim Lower in Life.

The New Coke was just pure genial marketing, I actually talked about it in college - I'm in Marketing - and the reason for the New Coke, was that the Classic Coke was being forgotten, it wasn't making them any substantially profit anymore, it was just there. So the company launched a new beverage and in three months time, people were praying to the heavens for the classic Coke and when they re-entered it in the market, the company sold more Cokes in a month, than they've ever done before. It's just plain and simply fantastic marketing. (I just love that example, that's why I explained here sorry)

Now, did any of you actually read the "OP"? First of all, I know that ending WrestleMania right now would be the most stupid, idiotic idea EVER in wrestling - I specifically told you that you all should assume that the company wasn't making money out of it, or whatever reason you all would assume plausible for it to end - and then give your fucking opinion on that both as fans and someone who worked there. Then you have the reboot, which is completely plausible - the pay-per-view industry is dying, internet is dominating everything right now, so what's the problem of the WWE Network simply rebooting it and call it: "The Modern WrestleMania", instead of WrestleMania 31? Read the original post instead of assuming I would actually love this idea to happen right now, specially since I explained the success and continue growth out of it...
The New Coke was just pure genial marketing, I actually talked about it in college - I'm in Marketing - and the reason for the New Coke, was that the Classic Coke was being forgotten, it wasn't making them any substantially profit anymore, it was just there. So the company launched a new beverage and in three months time, people were praying to the heavens for the classic Coke and when they re-entered it in the market, the company sold more Cokes in a month, than they've ever done before. It's just plain and simply fantastic marketing. (I just love that example, that's why I explained here sorry)

'New Coke' being a marketing strategy is conjecture. There's no evidence to suggest it was true.

I specifically told you that you all should assume that the company wasn't making money out of it, or whatever reason you all would assume plausible for it to end - and then give your fucking opinion on that both as fans and someone who worked there.

You didn't mention anything about the company not making money on it. You mention for marketing reasons but that isn't the same as not making money. People have given their opinion and they disagree with you. Are you just waiting for someone to give an opinion which matches with yours?

specially since I explained the success and continue growth out of it...

Where in your original post do you explain ANYTHING about the continued growth or success of it?

Either way, it's a strange hypothetical situation to think about because if Wrestlemania isn't making any money then that means the company isn't making any money. As long as the company is healthy then Wrestlemania will make money. If they aren't then their problems will be deeper than rebooting Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania has developed and progressed naturally with the product. The show today is completely different than ten years ago. It evolves with the talent and with the type of product they're putting out and therefore 'reboots' itself naturally in a sense.

Just giving it the title of The New Wrestlemania isn't going to change much, you're just slapping a different label on. Taking it off PPV and putting it on the internet or on the network won't change anything either, it'll still be Wrestlemania.

By dropping it or rebooting it you lose the history which will always be worth more in terms of marketing.
Really dumb post. Wrestlemania is probably only surpassed in economic impact by the Super Bowl and the Olympics.

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