The Next Four Horsemen


Excellence of Execution
This isn't a rumor and it's nothing that's being reported. The Four Horsemen are not coming back, and hopefully it will stay that way. However, there is no denying that the Four Horsemen is one of the most memorable factions in wrestling.

One of the things that made the Four Horsemen so special was the quality of the characters involved. All four of them were dangerous in their own way, and they all contributed to the overall quality of the group.

So, if you were building a Four Horsemen for TODAY, who would be in it? Why?

Some rules:

1) You are not limited to one wrestling company. If you wanted your Four Horsemen to include one WWE, one TNA, one ROH, and one Japanese wrestler, you may.

2) Ric Flair plays the role of J.J. Dillon. He's the manager/mouthpiece. He can be nothing else.

3) No former member of the Four Horsemen OR Evolution can be in your new group. Thus, trying to put Randy Orton in the Four Horsemen is a violation.

4) You must have FOUR, and FOUR ONLY. No more, no less.

5) This isn't a collection of your favorite wrestlers. They must have attributes fitting the Four Horsemen, and must all be able to play a vital role in its success.

6) Don't get caught up in the Evolution model of "old, current, next" superstars. Make the best faction you can.

7) The major draw of the Horsemen was how evil they were. Picking Mick Foley to be a Horsemen just isn't going to cut it. You need BAD GUYS.

So, let's have it. Who are your Four Horsemen and why?
I set out a basic rule for myself, and that is that each member must look clean. The Four Horseman were always dressed immaculately, and looked the part. So with that very criteria that I added I eliminated a lot of wrestlers. Gone are the wrestlers with long hair. It looks messy, and it's not the 80's, very few wrestlers can pull it off. And tattoos are left to a minimum. After implementing this rule I wes left with a distinct lack of option in general. But WWE was the worst. My survey shows that scruffy wrestlers are currently in vogue.

I opted for TNA, but yet again it was really hard. But I've made a really boring and uninspiring stable consisting of A.J. Styles, Hernandez, Christian Cage & Shelley. It's the best I could come up with from that promotion. It's all very simple. Cage is the leader, I honestly think he's one of the best talkers in wrestling, at leats TNA. While Styles has improved on the mic, he still sounds like a hillbilly. He's got the dubious role of being the best worker, but second best in the stable. Hernandez is the muscle, obviously. And Shelley is the cool one. I'm not the biggest Shelley fan, I don't get him really. I like him, but I don't think he's special. But he's an integral part of the stable. Why? Because he's considered cool, and wrestling really struggles to be cool.

Bit rushed, but I'm posting it anyway.
Hm a very nice topic indeed... Now since I am not too familiar with much wrestling outside of WWE and TNA (and I watch TNA too inconsistently to really know enough about all characters there), so I will stick to WWE only for this one. Well, if Ric Flair was to be manager (if anything at all), my Horsemen would consist of:

1. Chris Jericho:

He would be the leader of the pack, with his absolutely calculating heel role today, plus his great abilities on the mic and inside the ring, PLUS his genuine history in WCW, and with a lot of former Horsemen (including Flair and Benoit), he would be the logical choice for me.

2. Edge: With his crazy, maniacal side, he would be the counter-part to Jericho's calculating side. Of course Edge is an opportunist, but his plans seem more short-term; you would expect Jericho to plan way ahead of time, and be kind of like an evil A-Team-Hannibal, who "likes it when a plan works out". Edge on the other hand can at times be unpredictable, and in that even more dangerous than Jericho. But Jericho, the smart bastard he is, will know that and use it to the advantage of his "Horsemen" whenever he can.

3. John Morrison. Even though I think he will be great as a face once his time for the Main Event comes, with his looks, he is just the born "arrogant heel". Not so evil by nature as Edge and Jericho's respective characters (as different as they may be), but just so full of himself because of his looks and his tremendous in-ring skill, I'd say he would still be a good fit. (Note: on a close second, I'd have picked Shelton Benjamin for this part - nothing but a "Gold Standard" is sufficient for a Horseman heh.)

4. Now this is the hardest part for me right now... We have the "evil cunning mind" in Jericho, we have the "crazy sob" in Edge, we have the "arrogant heel" in Morrison... but if we need to have some pure "muscle", as Jake pointed out, the first pick that would come to mind for me would be Big Show, because he is quite exceptional for a Big Man, can handle himself on the mic, and he has history in WCW as well. However, for some reason I do not see him fitting the Horsemen, so my pick goes to... Vladimir Kozlov. He is just being betrayed as one mean SOB right now, how would tear the house down and run rampage through everyone when need be. He does not need to talk (especially in a stable such as this), and he could do the dirtywork for the others. And as of right now, he is made to look the guy everyone needs to be afraid of (or at least respect), so he would be a great addition to the Horsemen and add to the "intimidation factor" the Horsemen have always stood for.

Yeah, I guess that would be it. Maybe I forgot a few good choices that would come to mind if I gave it some more thought... but that setup seems fine for the WWE of today for me. But I'm indeed quite curious with what kind of builds other people here will come up.
WOW, This would be a tough one really if you think about it. But, I think the WWE does have a good formula going to make the next generation of the four horsemen.

1) Ted Debiase- He has the attitude and demeanor of say an Ole Anderson. Tough yet strong and devious.

2) Cody Rhodes- While he still needs more in-ring time and skill, he could easily be as good as Tully as the tag team part of the four horsemen. I think he has serious potential. If given the chance, he may surprise people.

3) Teddy Hart- Although he has serious personal issues, I seen him wrestle in WSX and was VERY IMPRESSIVE. I wish he could have lost his attitude and didn't get released by the WWE before he made it to television. He would have turned heads like Evan bourne.

4) Robert Roode as the leader or the Ric Flair role. This combination could pull it off. Roode is the most underated star in TNA. They keep holding him down in tag team crap. He could easily pull off being the Champ. He knows how to work the mic, he can definatly WRESTLE, & most importantly, get great HEAT as a heel. When I watch him wrestle, he SCREAMS Mr. Perfect. Same build, same in-ring skills, similar look and same arrogance as the late great Curt Henning.

Thats my pics for this. I know some may disagree with my pics, but these guys are still fresh and I can see buttloads of potential. Anything is better than listening to the DUMBEST ACCENT EVER CREATED & the WORST WRESTLER OF ALL TIME, BOOGER T. Hell, watching Hornswoggle is more entertaining.
I like Dragonslayer's List. I think a reincarnation of "The Four Horsemen" could include a large contingent of Canadian superstars.

Chris Jericho. The guy plays the heel role to a T. He's very well dressed, very cunning, and has no issue cheating or taking advantage of a situation to win a match or become a champion. With Orton out of the question, who better than Jericho to be the top heel?

John Morrisson. Take him out of the papparazzi fuzzy jacket angle, and give him a designer suit to wear. Almost back to the days of the original Johnny Nitro (Bichoff's assistant) but with tremendous in ring talent. Morrison would be a terrific addition.

AJ Styles. I love this pick by Jake. Styles plays the face and the heel role perfectly, and while he may not be "evil," the guy knows how to bump for his opponents and put them over. Sly's said that on many occassions. He's also been a fairly strong draw for TNA since its inception.

Ted DiBiase Jr. I was going to pick Christian, but I had to give DiBiase Jr. the nod here. He is just such a natural, like his father was, and a group like this could, is played right, send him into superstardom, like Evolution did for Orton.

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