The Next Big Idea TNA Can Steal

Prince Punk

Pre-Show Stalwart
The Prince is going to layeth the SMACKDOWN in his FIRST Thread Ironically right where all his hate began! I'm being up front and honest I hope they steal it I might actually watch their programing.

This is about Krimson you know the one with the K that's made the big splash never seen the guy work however I have listened to some promo's (dude if TNA won't higher you go over to hollywood they would take you on as the Joker) and the man can talk on the stick, he has the character down. TNA likes to "work" the crowed and the boys so here is a WIN WIN WIN!!!! for them (which i know the TNA fan boys are going to scream over and crucifying me for even suggesting it...)

BRING HIM IN!!! Under Krimson under his gimmick have him call TNA out on their bullshit and have him run over crimson and Sting make him a force in TNA rename crimson (won't be that big of a blow) and You can easily put over two new bloods in tommy mercer and Krimson while making a feud between two old farts in sting and hogan viable and even watchable...

Oh and TNA I'm currently looking for a job if you wish to take the dirt sheets seriously and if there is any merit over what Hogan said about Russo just fire him and hire me I just solved at minimum five problems in one online post that I'm offering up for FREE imagine what you could get if you were paying me!

Now Bring on the HEAT!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (That means debate)
I watched the video and like always Labar has to go out of his way to throw TNA under the bus.

Now Krimson, or what ever his real name is, said he isn't trying to be like the Joker. He is trying to be Krimson. His entire gimmick is Heath Ledger no matter how you look at it. It isn't anywhere as good, but if you watch Health Ledgers Joker and then watch this guys promos it is like watching a poor mans Heath Ledger call out wrestlers.

I am sorry, but this guy doesn't have a leg to stand on and now he wants to do videos with Labar to try and get famous.

The really funny part is how he then goes on to explain how everything is wrestling has been stolen. Then he names Mic Foley, Stings Crow gimmick, and a few other guys.

He complains about his friends being let go from TNA and complains about the Hardy's sitting at home getting a pay check without naming their names.

The guy is so but hurt it is ridiculous.
if Krimson's matches are as entertaining as his promos, start prescribing him for insomnia. They shouldn't even consider bringing him in if his ring work isn't way way better than him talking.
I hate to tell Krimson that any name using "Crimson" in it, is far from original.

I don't see how Crimson in TNA is stealing his gimmick at all. Krimson looks like the love child of Vampire & La Parka.

Sting using the Joker face paint is pretty cool IMO. I'm glad he stopped using the crow style make up but did like it when he had crow make up + red in it. And Sting has a purpose in his story line, he's trying to destroy "hollywood hogan" & bring back the "real" hulk hogan (red & yellow).

While the story would've made much more sense in the late 90s.
so all i'm seeing is the same flaming that was going on when the news first broke.... How about you talk about what I actually said... K.... THANKS!

And sting took the gimmick Mercer took the name keep up with me gents.. And Krimson still WAY better than Sting. And Stings face paint sucks....
Shut the fuck up. You sound like a 10 year old diagnosed with minor ADHD and severe idiocy. Learn to spell "hire" first before you suggest that people can't keep up with you.

As for this Krimson guy, who cares? I've only heard about this guy now, which means TNA knew they were slick and cunning when they decided to steal the gimmick. I can't even find anything about him that doesn't talk about the whole TNA thing.
My bad for miss-spelling a word at 2 a.m when the thought formed, and I actually find your accusation of ADHD offensive as A. It's a serious problem for some people and B. I have many friends with different forms of disabilities.

Also good sir I can actually string together a complete thought without slinging filth which automatically screams higher intellect (it means i'm smarter than you just in case that correctly spelled word is too big for you) and beyond that your saying that stealing someones persona is OK as long as A. The person is not well known? And as far as TNA being cunning how about B. Obviously they were not, as thanks to this thing called the internet. EVEN YOU know about him now, so they were not cunning enough to make sure the guy did not talk by doing what WWE did and pay off/purchase what they planned on stealing...
wow you guys are bashing Krimson lol...i cant believe this is a big story. ive seen Krimson live a few times here when he did work with PWO and PWR (local feds) and when i heard tna stole the name crimson i laughed. they gave the name to some POS who hasnt impressed me with a damn thing. whatever. then i saw sting as the joker and busted out laughing. i instantly connected him to Krimson and just shook my head at tna rehashing/stealing/not being original again. and tna cant deny it either, they were in talks with him, they know who he is and know what his gimmick is.
tna stole austins gimmick for anderson, kanes gimmick for abyss, the undertakers return promo commercials, tried to capitalize on sin cara's hype by bringing in their own masked guy (by simply sticking amazing red under a mask lol), matt morgan developed a stutter like the dudley boys for no fucking reason and it disappeared the same way, etc. its just another in a long line of examples.
Ok people, once again missing the point!! He said they stole the name first, changed Krimson to Crimson but just put it on a dude. He said it doesn't make sense which it doesn't. I'm 5'10" & that's like me going out under the name giant. He never said he didn't steal it from the joker in Dark Knight. He admits he did! He said he has evolved it to be his own now! He is a good worker & I have been in the ring with him. Pay attention to what's being said & not just hear what you want to. By the way, I like the idea of him coming in & taking out Sting & Hogan!
I'm slightly deterred from getting involved in this one. But sod it. It's early in the morning and I'm waiting for some work to come in. Firstly, what in the blue hell is happening to spelling and grammar in English speaking countries? I know it's the internet, but come on. There are so many typos involved, it makes me wonder if your keyboard hasn’t been secretly re-arranged.
But on to your point; stealing is a 'relative' term. Over centuries of creativity in numerous storytelling and character creating industries, it is inevitable that past ideas are re-imagined and re-worked. In fact, many would say that nowadays all you can do is to do something that has been done before, but do it differently and/ or better.
When you are down on TNA for 'stealing' a gimmick, shouldn't you be equally as down on another wrestler for 'stealing’ a gimmick from a Hollywood actor, and a dead one at that?
Personally, my opinion of TNA is that it is beyond saving and is a lame duck just waiting to be put out of its misery.
Ok people, once again missing the point!! He said they stole the name first, changed Krimson to Crimson but just put it on a dude. He said it doesn't make sense which it doesn't. I'm 5'10" & that's like me going out under the name giant. He never said he didn't steal it from the joker in Dark Knight. He admits he did! He said he has evolved it to be his own now! He is a good worker & I have been in the ring with him. Pay attention to what's being said & not just hear what you want to. By the way, I like the idea of him coming in & taking out Sting & Hogan!

What doesn't make sense about him being Crimson. He came in as Amazing REDS brother. Crimson = Red . That makes a lot of sense.

So let me get this straight. He can steal his gimmick from the joker and make it his own, but TNA can't steal the gimmick from him and make it their own?

OK I gotcha now. Can we end this stupid debate over this Indy guy getting all pissed off because something happened to him that has happened in wrestling for 30 plus years to people.
Wait, when did Matt Morgan have a stutter in TNA? Or did that guy mean when WWE gave him the Buh Buh Ray Dudley stutter briefly?

I can honestly say I never heard of this Krimson guy but he sounds kinda pathetic for using a movie character as the basis for his gimmick and then crying foul over another company taking elements of the movie's thing like he came up with it himself.

And why is it that TNA is the one being unoriginal? I mean, sure, their Bound For Glory Series is exactly like something I did for my old e-fed in 2005 and 2006 (same points thing, same four way with the highest points winners, same title shot the next month for the winner) and they've used ideas from other people over the years but why are they singled out?

WWF Attitude was a copy of ECW.

WWE brought back the Light Heavyweight title when WCW's cruiserweight division set the world alight.

WCW had their own hardcore division and title when WWE's version became popular.

DX was a carbon copy of the nWo.

I could go on and on but the fact is, every wrestling company in the world borrows an idea from elsewhere and it seems both funny yet ironic that WWE copies the most out of any company but that fact is largely ignored.

Anyway, so this indy kid is bitching, who cares? Who ever really heard of Krimson or PWO if it wasn't for Chair Shot Reality promoting them?
Wait, when did Matt Morgan have a stutter in TNA? Or did that guy mean when WWE gave him the Buh Buh Ray Dudley stutter briefly?

I can honestly say I never heard of this Krimson guy but he sounds kinda pathetic for using a movie character as the basis for his gimmick and then crying foul over another company taking elements of the movie's thing like he came up with it himself.

And why is it that TNA is the one being unoriginal? I mean, sure, their Bound For Glory Series is exactly like something I did for my old e-fed in 2005 and 2006 (same points thing, same four way with the highest points winners, same title shot the next month for the winner) and they've used ideas from other people over the years but why are they singled out?

WWF Attitude was a copy of ECW.

WWE brought back the Light Heavyweight title when WCW's cruiserweight division set the world alight.

WCW had their own hardcore division and title when WWE's version became popular.

DX was a carbon copy of the nWo.

I could go on and on but the fact is, every wrestling company in the world borrows an idea from elsewhere and it seems both funny yet ironic that WWE copies the most out of any company but that fact is largely ignored.

Anyway, so this indy kid is bitching, who cares? Who ever really heard of Krimson or PWO if it wasn't for Chair Shot Reality promoting them?

And the only reason CSR is making a big deal about it is because it is anti TNA. That is the only time they cover TNA.
Wow and I thought I was drunk right now.

So TNA supposedly stole his name and his gimmick, and NOW they should bring him in to confront Crimson and Sting? That would be pretty dumb. If they were going to bring him in they would have. Who is he to say he could help TNA? If big names like STING haven't helped, a joker rip-off won't.

The dude is a nobody. Never heard of him before. I hardly saw the comparison between his promos and the direction Sting is taking, and calling someone "related" to Amazing Red "Crimson" just makes sense. The guy just has an inflated ego claiming TNA is stealing all this stuff from him, and why was this posted on WZ as news?

"Krimson" said himself, everything is borrowed/stolen, everything has been done before, so don't sent tapes to a promotion with all your material if you're worried about it.

Don't bring "Krimson" in, let him keep wasting away in indy locker rooms spreading rumors about how TNA is using his amazing ideas.
First off, I'd like to state I am not a TNA fan, far from it. But recently, I've seen a couple of Impact episodes, and I commend them on the improvement that has been made since I had last watched, at which point I found it unbearable...

Second, I watched some of krimson's promos, and even one of his matches. His ring was less than flattering, and his promos were basically all the same. Not to mention he finished every single promo by saying, "krimson, like the mask." which I found particularly annoying.

If your idea of smart booking is to bring in some hack from the indies and have him beat your brighest up and comer in Crimson, and a legend in Sting, then I reckon TNA is better off with Russo.
I dig those Krimson promos in that "tna stole my gimmick" video that LaBar posted. I have no idea how he wrestles, nor do I care. The point is this, so what if TNA stole his name and gimmick? If he wanted to protect his intellectual property, he should've copyrighted it (if he can even copyright a character based on the joker). At least then instead of whining in some video to the IWC, he could sue TNA and D-Lo Brown over the whole thing.
Wait, when did Matt Morgan have a stutter in TNA? Or did that guy mean when WWE gave him the Buh Buh Ray Dudley stutter briefly?

I can honestly say I never heard of this Krimson guy but he sounds kinda pathetic for using a movie character as the basis for his gimmick and then crying foul over another company taking elements of the movie's thing like he came up with it himself.

And why is it that TNA is the one being unoriginal? I mean, sure, their Bound For Glory Series is exactly like something I did for my old e-fed in 2005 and 2006 (same points thing, same four way with the highest points winners, same title shot the next month for the winner) and they've used ideas from other people over the years but why are they singled out?

WWF Attitude was a copy of ECW.

WWE brought back the Light Heavyweight title when WCW's cruiserweight division set the world alight.

WCW had their own hardcore division and title when WWE's version became popular.

DX was a carbon copy of the nWo.

I could go on and on but the fact is, every wrestling company in the world borrows an idea from elsewhere and it seems both funny yet ironic that WWE copies the most out of any company but that fact is largely ignored.

Anyway, so this indy kid is bitching, who cares? Who ever really heard of Krimson or PWO if it wasn't for Chair Shot Reality promoting them?

no, i ,in fact, did mean matt morgan in tna with a stuttering gimmick...
Oh and TNA I'm currently looking for a job if you wish to take the dirt sheets seriously and if there is any merit over what Hogan said about Russo just fire him and hire me I just solved at minimum five problems in one online post that I'm offering up for FREE imagine what you could get if you were paying me!
Before we get into this little bit of lyrical *********ion, your idea is awful. I have read it and considered it, and all you would succeed in doing is bringing in some new guy for a one-month run based on someone else's gimmick, which almost never proves to be successful. (The one case I can think of where a performer was successfully introduced in support of another character's gimmick would be Kane; and even he had Isaac Yankem, DDS before that.) You'd also trash Crimson's build for the sake of him having a feud with another person that no one except serious dirt sheet readers would know about.

For the record, I'm probably the last person on these boards that could be called a TNA fanboi. I expect a bunch of the TNA/IW diehards to charge into this thread now that I've posted and tell me how awful my ideas are because I didn't refer to TNA/IW as the greatest thing ever. I still think your idea sucks.

Now, on to what I quoted. I can tell you exactly what TNA would get if they hired you- a loudmouthed little kid who's all hopped up on his ability to say the first thing that comes out of his mouth. "Solving" a "problem" (both are in quotes because I disagree that you are solving anything and that there is some kind of problem with Crimson that needs to be fixed) consists of more than simply suggesting a possible solution. It requires a plan to execute that solution, a backup plan in case your original one doesn't work, and more research to support its success or failure than "this will work because I KNOW it will"- the only people that get away with that are people who have track records of success.
Prince_Punk said:
Also good sir I can actually string together a complete thought without slinging filth which automatically screams higher intellect (it means i'm smarter than you just in case that correctly spelled word is too big for you) and beyond that your saying that stealing someones persona is OK as long as A. The person is not well known? And as far as TNA being cunning how about B. Obviously they were not, as thanks to this thing called the internet. EVEN YOU know about him now, so they were not cunning enough to make sure the guy did not talk by doing what WWE did and pay off/purchase what they planned on stealing...
Buddy, you might think you're bright, but you're in a crayon box with a bunch of dark colors. Who gives a shit if some indy guy talks about another promotion stealing his character name? Does he have copyright he can enforce? Because otherwise, that's called 'the entertainment industry'. If you can't prove it's yours to a court of law, it's not yours. 'Cunning' doesn't enter into the equation. 'Morality' is not a factor. For what it's worth, I don't think TNA/IW did anything beyond using the name of a color for one of their wrestlers; people don't hear the word "Crimson" and reflexively start handing over Jacksons.
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9

It's been fairly common knowledge for almost 2000 years that almost every idea has been thought up before.

But, let's take a closer look at this guy's claims, shall we? We'll start with the name, because that's the easiest. I took the easy road on this one. I went on Google, and looked up "Krimson." The earliest reference to a professional wrestler using anything that resembled that name was for an LPW wrestler named Krimson Mask. That was from 2006. Before that, the name Krimson shows up as the twitter handle for a guy named Andy Honeycutt. I think it's safe to say that this guy isn't the first person to try to use "xtreme kool letterz" on the name of a color.

But, in keeping with the name issue, we must remember that Tommy Mercer was brought in as the storyline younger brother of Amazing Red. In keeping with the "Red" theme, they gave the guy a name of a shade of red. So, I looked up "shades of red" on Google.

Frankly, Crimson is pretty much the only name they could have given the guy, to fit that theme. Unless they wanted to got very slightly off the path, and call him "Sanguine." But, a variation oif that name was taken by Amazing Red in a mask. Besides, how many people actually know what "Sanguine" means, without looking it up?

So, what's left? Oh, yeah... The gimmick. He's honestly trying to take full credit for a professional wrestling gimmick that consists solely of "put face paint on sloppily and act like a psychopath."

In fact, having watched Krimson's interview, I decided to watch a couple youtube videos. Am I really the only person who sees a second rate, two bit Vampiro ripoff, with a small bit of Raven rip off thrown in for good measure? Seriously, if I could be bothered to watch more than a couple promos, I could probably be able to cite at least a dozen people from whom he's copied pieces of his gimmick. There is nothing original about taking 5 different parts from 5 different things, and putting them into one. If there were, the last Castlevania game would have been lauded as being entire unique, and a benchmark for games to come.

But, that's even if you accept that Sting's current gimmick is based entirely on The Joker from The Dark Knight. Because, that would certainly be the first time Sting has EVER aped a movie character who wears face paint, now wouldn't it?

So, Krimson, or whatever ring name you'll be using next month, I simply ask that you pick up a Bible...

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9
Wait, when did Matt Morgan have a stutter in TNA? Or did that guy mean when WWE gave him the Buh Buh Ray Dudley stutter briefly?

I can honestly say I never heard of this Krimson guy but he sounds kinda pathetic for using a movie character as the basis for his gimmick and then crying foul over another company taking elements of the movie's thing like he came up with it himself.

And why is it that TNA is the one being unoriginal? I mean, sure, their Bound For Glory Series is exactly like something I did for my old e-fed in 2005 and 2006 (same points thing, same four way with the highest points winners, same title shot the next month for the winner) and they've used ideas from other people over the years but why are they singled out?

WWF Attitude was a copy of ECW.

WWE brought back the Light Heavyweight title when WCW's cruiserweight division set the world alight.

WCW had their own hardcore division and title when WWE's version became popular.

DX was a carbon copy of the nWo.

I could go on and on but the fact is, every wrestling company in the world borrows an idea from elsewhere and it seems both funny yet ironic that WWE copies the most out of any company but that fact is largely ignored.

Anyway, so this indy kid is bitching, who cares? Who ever really heard of Krimson or PWO if it wasn't for Chair Shot Reality promoting them?

yeah sure WWE copied WCW and ECW but DX was and still is the BEST faction today even though shawn's retired and HHH is about to take over WWE with steph when vince croaks (god forbid) and WWE now OWNS the rights to the nWo name you asshole! sure, WWE's attitude era copied ECW?!? but it was so popular and it put WCW and ECW out of business! AND VKM now OWN WCW and ECW KIDDO!! and because of the attitude era you and the rest of the IWC is crying and bitching about "WE WANT THE ATTITUDE ERA TO RETURN BECAUSE TV-PG SUX" (sucks) and speaking of titles being copied...about a year or 2 ago?!? TNA introduced women's tag titles and said AND I QUOTE..... "this have NEVER been done in pro wrestling before"....and tara (victoria) backed them up when she said that "vince NEVER had women's tag titles in the WWF/E before"....LOL!!! from 1987-1991 the WWF had a women's tag division! i might have the years mixed up but go look it up bot and you will see that i am telling the truth and that the KO tag titles is a COPY of the WWF women's tag titles! and back to character copying... judas mesias was a COPY of the undertaker when he worked for tna! and ABYSS is a COPY of masked kane! maybe if TNA would think of their own shit instead of ripping off indy promotions and WWE than they would be taken more seriously and maybe they would get that magic 2.0 rating that me and bots like you are hoping for! and in closing... EVERY wrestling company is gonna copy a rival and IMO you have your head so far up jarrett's ass that it's a damn shame! and if your precious tna gets sold to vkm what are you gonna do kiddo!:disappointed::shrug::wtf::confused:
The way I see it Krimson is a bad Heath Ledger while Sting is making a really good Joker so far and I enjoy his character, so in short I don't think they should hire Krimson.

And Labar putting some TDK music over Sting putting make up on Hogan face is so biased to try to enforce their point they don'T have. Krimson is Ledger, Sting is more Hamil cross with some Ledger.

The guy isn't even that great and that's why he didn't broke in the business yet.
First off, whoever it was that ripped TNA/IW for using the same type of promos for Sting returning that WWE used for Undertaker returning that is called a parody. It's not stealing, it's poking fun of.

As for this Krimson guy...Who cares? Wrestling gimmicks are rarely original. Whining about someone stealing your moves/name/gimmick is played out. Mercer was brought in as Crimson to be tied in with Amazing Red as several people have already pointed out and Sting is doing what Sting does. Parody movie characters until it actually turns into his gimmick.
ok, so here's a guy who's ripping off Joker and he's crying that people are stealing his gimmick?

Is he unaware of how much money The Dark Knight made? does he think he's more popular than DC Comics' "Joker" character?

please, this is just another guy desperately looking for publicity.

Saw those promos of his and I gotta say, he does have some talent when it comes to talking but his promos are blatant ripp-offs of Ledger's scenes in TDK. What next is he gonna ask us if we want to know how he got his scars?
God this subject again. Look people, as was said before wrestling has been around for at least 100 years, so to come up with something original is impossible. Tommy "Crimson" Mercer was brought in as Amazing Red's brother, Crimson being in the same color family as red it made sense. What was TNA suppose to call him Awesome Red? As for the Sting Joker painting, well Sting did it with The Crow, so to do it with Heath Ledger's version of The Joker is just a continuation of what he did when he acted like The Crow. So in closing, "Krimson" should shut the fuck up, because if he didn't trademark his character before sending the videos to TNA (assuming he did really send them) well he is more screwed than a hooker on Times SQuare.
Is "Krimson" original? No.

Is ripping off The Joker original? In any medium other than Pro Wrestling... no.

We get it, this guy isn't original, but it was his schtick. And I can feel for him, especially when he "came up" with a character that TNA even further ripped off and now he can't get jobs or bookings because of it.

How would this fly in any other medium? Movies rip off other movies all the time. If you wrote a script that you pretty much ripped off from Lord of the Rings, but believed in it so much that you sent it off to George Lucas, how would you feel if Lucas blew you off and then turned around and made that movie, giving you no credit?

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