the next big Babyface if WWE pushed them or even signed them?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok out of these 5 guys who do you think could either return or come to the WWE or even on the current roster could be the next half decent Babyface which WWE really needs to take the product to the next level and sell out arenas so here we go..........

AJ Styles
he is the face of TNA proberly the best in ring wrestler in the buisness today his style of wrestling will make fans cheer for him and will be able to sell out arenas. he could feud and put on great matches with CM Punk, Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Christan, Edge, Randy Orton and even John Cena so if WWE could get him the matches and excitment would be great.

Mr Anderson
when he was in the WWE last time everyone kept saying he is going to be a mega star but because he kept getting injuryed dampered his WWE career but with a return this could put some extra life into Smackdown and the main event scence. his promo's are top notched he is an alright in-ring performer so he could put on some good matches.

John Morrison
he is one of the most entertaining guys in the ring his matches are really good and the spots he pulls really are like wow! and now people look forward to seeing John Morrison in the Royal Rumble to what stunts he pulls. but WWE seem to not want to push him to the SKY if WWE started putting him in MAin Events more this could get Morrison over as a top guy.

Rob Van Dam
When this guy makes a return he gets such a huge pop it's crazy in 2005 RVD finally made it to the main event scence and was one of the top guys could his return to Full time in the WWE be a huge boost WWE needs to improve their Roster.

my god why is'nt this man a 2-3 time World Champion already Christanhas the ability to be the next big Babyface which WWE needs he puts on great matches and the fans love him, his one of the best on the mic today so WWE please make him the next top guy in the company!
AJ Styles - I don't think he's ever gonna leave TNA, even for WWE. He's the life and soul of that company.

Mr Anderson - He had a run where everything SHOULD have gone right for him. They tried so hard to make him a super-heel, but between drugs and injuries, he just couldn't cut it. So it's a no for him too.

John Morrison
- Being a dick to Trish Stratus will get you nowhere. He also gets mediocre reactions and no one really stands up and takes notice unless he does some average spot-monkey work. He's diabolical to listen to as well. Again, no.

Rob Van Dam - I used to love RVD, back before he became the whining piece of crap he is nowadays. He's not about to give up the ganja, and until he does, WWE won't so much as give him a passing glance. So yeah, no.

Christian - I think times could change a little for Christian in the coming future, but I don't think as a face. I can see him turning on Edge to build a much-awaited E v C feud, but in that case Christian would be a heel. As for World Championships, I think his tenure in TNA could possibly have prevented that from ever happening in WWE. Unless you count ECW...?
None of these guys would ever be able to overthrow John Cena or even Randy Orton as a top babyface in the WWE. Simply put, they either don't have the look or wouldn't have the backing to do it.

AJ Styles- He won't leave TNA for WWE. Even though he's never explicitly said so, I get the feeling that he's got a Sting thing going on, he just won't work for Vince McMahon. If he did, though, he would have a nice little WWE career with a title reign or two, but he'd never reach the level of success of John Cena, or even Rey Mysterio.

Mr. Anderson HA! Oh, this isn't a joke? The WWE tried to push Kennedy, but he fucked them around every bend. Letting him go was the best solution for the WWE, they cut their losses on a guy who never really delivered. Hell, he still hasn't delivered in TNA and they've pushed him twice as hard as the WWE ever did.

John Morrison- I'm a John Morrison mark, but he'll never be a perennial title contender; he simply doesn't have the backing of the fans, the look, or the mic skills to be there.

Rob Van Dam- Too old, overrated as hell now that he's old. Signing him might be a good move by the WWE since he'd be a nice little nostalgia guy you could have wrestle every other RAW, but he'd never be in the main event.

Christian- This is really your only plausible choice, and he's still not that likely to be the next "big" babyface. This feud with Del Rio has gotten him to new heights in the WWE, and there is a strong possibility that he will wind up feuding with Edge, possibly for the World Heavyweight Championship. He may get his first (and more than likely, only) world title reign out of this, but it will probably be as a heel, so there goes your whole next big babyface argument.

Here's the real deal, the WWE doesn't need to be looking for the next big babyface right now. John Cena and Randy Orton are both still young, and they can keep the top face spots occupied for years to come. Edge, Triple H, Big Show, and Rey Mysterio are all older and some are even on their last legs, but they can anchor down the other top face spots in the meantime. The WWE just needs to keep cultivating their younger talent so, when the time comes, they can just push the kid strong and make him into the next big thing.
AJ Styles
he is the face of TNA proberly the best in ring wrestler in the buisness today his style of wrestling will make fans cheer for him and will be able to sell out arenas. he could feud and put on great matches with CM Punk, Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Christan, Edge, Randy Orton and even John Cena so if WWE could get him the matches and excitment would be great.
i can't see WWE getting this guy unless his contract ends and he is tired of TNA which i dont think he is. AJ loves TNA. TNA gave AJ his big break and that company is what AJ Styles is. IF he did leave WWE and WWE used him right and pushes him, he will be a great face.

Mr Anderson
when he was in the WWE last time everyone kept saying he is going to be a mega star but because he kept getting injuryed dampered his WWE career but with a return this could put some extra life into Smackdown and the main event scence. his promo's are top notched he is an alright in-ring performer so he could put on some good matches.
i do NOT see him returning. he left (er, got fired)after Orton and Cena complained about him. he even complains about it today and sometimes on TNA if i am right.

John Morrison
he is one of the most entertaining guys in the ring his matches are really good and the spots he pulls really are like wow! and now people look forward to seeing John Morrison in the Royal Rumble to what stunts he pulls. but WWE seem to not want to push him to the SKY if WWE started putting him in MAin Events more this could get Morrison over as a top guy.
the only big issue that is in the way of Morrison being great is mic work. if his mic work improves, this guy has star all over him. his matches are very entertaining and in my book he could be a future world or WWE champion if he gets his big break or big push.

Rob Van Dam
When this guy makes a return he gets such a huge pop it's crazy in 2005 RVD finally made it to the main event scence and was one of the top guys could his return to Full time in the WWE be a huge boost WWE needs to improve their Roster.
i can't see this happening either. RVD complained about WWE (or at least i read about it somewhere) and i think he likes TNA. So i dont see this happening unless he changes his mind on WWE.

my god why is'nt this man a 2-3 time World Champion already Christanhas the ability to be the next big Babyface which WWE needs he puts on great matches and the fans love him, his one of the best on the mic today so WWE please make him the next top guy in the company!
THIS is a guy that should've been pushed. my hope was that Christian would win the match vs. Del Rio and then would've gotten jumped by Edge who would then turn heel. Edge is best as a heel and Christian could be a great face. As much as many like Del Rio and i like him too, he will get his shots, Christian, i am not sure about which is why i want him to win the world title soon.
Non of them.. Christian will probably be Champion soon (as a heel or face I am not sure) but I doubt he will become a long time main event face of the company seeing as he has been in the WWE for a long time and it has not happend yet. Out of your list the only people I see with any realistic chance of becoming the next big face is either Christian (who I doubt) and John Morrison who I personally don't see as much superstar quality in as most people.
AJ Styles
No chance AJ is going to leave TNA for WWE.

Mr Anderson
He legitimately hates Orton for screwing him out of his job, so I'm not sure if he wants to return. Also, WWE pushed him to the moon by giving him the MITB briefcase and he screwed up. Unlikely that he's going to be a top face there.

John Morrison
He's in a bit of trouble now with the Trish Stratus cold shoulder but he has all the tools to be a top face. Exciting in ring style, okay in the mic and great unique look. Gets more crowd reaction than 3/4 of the roster which suggest that he's doing something right. Will be one of the top face in a year's time.

Rob Van Dam
I'm a huge fan of RVD but he just can't stop with his weed smoking and the WWE doesn't allow that. Plus he hates WWE's schedule. Very unlikely.

Great in ring, mic and gets huge pops. He's also getting a push now being involved in the World Title situation. Hopefully he will become a world champion soon. There's this rumor that Vince just doesn't see him as a top face so I won't be too sure about him.
AJ Styles
Would love to see, but i doubt it will happen while TNA is still around, unless TNA screws him over, (which could happen look at Samoa Joe, basically buried cause he stood up to Russo's bad writing) and he finally gets over his treatment there with storylines etc. But i do doubt it, he has said after his first WWE experience he doesn't like the travel. But If he did come across, and WWE used him correctly imagine the feuds, they would be excellent, Edge, Christian (again), Del Rio, Mysterio, Morrison the list goes on. The only thing i would hope if he did come across is WWE recognized him as a former World Champion (which he is) but it didn't happen for Christian so i doubt it.

Mr Anderson
Just gonna say as everyone else said, that ship has sailed, again if TNA were to shut shop, he would possibly be re-hired then maybe i see a chance, but at the moment no, it's a shame though, before the injuries and the drugs, he was being built up well, and i like his character on TNA, he is one of the biggest stars over there at the moment, is Popular in TNA, was gaining popularity in WWE, the potential is there but unless it's soon, and all is forgiven with him and Orton, i doubt it.

John Morrison
as mentioned, giving Trish the Cold Shoulder isn't gonna help him at the moment, but i do see the potential, i feel he is ready Wrestling wise, had some great matches with Rey, and Ziggler and has really shown he is starting to grasp storytelling in his matches, instead of just the high flying stuff all the time. But his Mic skills are holding him back, unless they improve i doubt it will happen anytime soon, maybe in a few years though.

Rob Van Dam
If and i mean IF he ever returned to WWE, i doubt he would get another Title run, only if there were a short on talent, and similar to Kennedy/Anderson when he got injured and they had Edge take over the role, maybe then he would get one, but as another poster said, unless he gives up the weed the is no chance in hell of this happening.

I don't understand why this hasn't already happened? Especially after Meth Hardy left WWE and all that, i mean they can give him a couple of Title reigns but not Christian, and yes i know he left and went to TNA then came back, but so did Hardy. But WWE not recognizing him as a former 2 time World Champion is showing you a small piece of the puzzle, that Vince just doesn't see him as Championship material, Though i will admit as of recently hints of that are starting to change, but i got a feeling Del Rio will win the title before Christian does. I want him too, at least Once, again this should have already happened, Christian is a great worker, decent on the mic, but until Vince allows it, it's wont.

Alot of the TNA guys though depend on whether they actually do leave TNA, and don't go elsewhere like ROH (nothing wrong with ROH, but i feel Styles would go there first before WWE), I'm going to throw a few Honorable Mentions in though (based on wrestling ability, if they could be a face and get the reaction, and if they were booked correctly, there are others but i don't see them as faces i.e: Ziggler): Daniel Bryan, R-Truth, Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin, Daniels, Samoa Joe and The Shockmaster !! (sorry love throwing him whenever i can).
Right now the WWE has a lot of young unestablished talent working as heels, and aren't really getting over as heels. All of their recognized names are faces. Cena, Orton, Big Show, Edge, Christian, HHH & Taker (When there), Kane. Why not push these young guys as a face??

Jack Swagger - You have to admit that Swagger has a lot of talent, but he has been a heel for 3 years and isn't really going anywhere right now. He could be a solid main eventer, but he needs a change. Swagger gets tired of listening to Michael Cole, hits the gutwrench powerbomb. This angers miz, and Swagger makes a run at Miz' Title.

Dolph Ziggler - I really like this guy. Tons of Potential. Dolph tells Vicky to hit the road, and he's over.

Sheamus - Not sure if he would work as a face, but isn't it worth trying?
AJ Styles - I don't see it happening unless TNA does something insanely stupid to piss the guy off. Regardless, he simply lacks the mic skills to be a WWE main eventer. He's a case of a big fish in a small pond. Move him to the ocean, and he'll get eaten alive.

Mr Anderson - The dude screams solid mid carder. He has a one dimensional schtick, and has never been able to capitalize on the multiple opportunities given to him. Like AJ, he's just better off in TNA.

John Morrison - Oh please. He is amongst the worst on the mic in the company (with only those that don't speak English being worse), is a mediocre wrestler, and only gets crowd reactions when he goes spot monkey. Nothing about the guy says main event, he's perfect as a mid card novelty act.

Rob Van Dam - His best days are behind him, and even those weren't main event amazing. He's poor on the mic and a victim of politics coupled with his lifestyle. He should end his career in a company that will keep him on top because they don't have anything better.

Christian - Has good in ring ability, good charisma, good mic skills, and good ring psychology. Everything is good. The problem is that nothing is great. Christian has always lacked that one little thing to push him over the edge, and I think he's come so damn close. It's one of those things that could all come together if WWE were to pull the trigger and give him a chance. But I can see why they haven't. I think that Christian should be at the main event level, but I don't think he'd ever be the face of the company.
ok out of these 5 guys who do you think could either return or come to the WWE or even on the current roster could be the next half decent Babyface which WWE really needs to take the product to the next level and sell out arenas so here we go..........

Literally, I don't think any of them have the chance to become a huge babyface in the WWE.

AJ Styles
he is the face of TNA proberly the best in ring wrestler in the buisness today his style of wrestling will make fans cheer for him and will be able to sell out arenas. he could feud and put on great matches with CM Punk, Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Christan, Edge, Randy Orton and even John Cena so if WWE could get him the matches and excitment would be great.

AJ Styles is interesting to say the least. TNA books him terribly, so to me it makes me think he's weak. I wish I could truly see his potential in the WWE ring, however the WWE already has an awesome high flyer and that man is Evan Bourne. Both men are crappy on the mic, both men are relatively small, both men can soar, and both men are always and forever more midcard WWE wrestlers.

Mr Anderson
when he was in the WWE last time everyone kept saying he is going to be a mega star but because he kept getting injuryed dampered his WWE career but with a return this could put some extra life into Smackdown and the main event scence. his promo's are top notched he is an alright in-ring performer so he could put on some good matches.

He doesn't mesh well with the corporation that is WWE. He will never be their top star, ever.

John Morrison
he is one of the most entertaining guys in the ring his matches are really good and the spots he pulls really are like wow! and now people look forward to seeing John Morrison in the Royal Rumble to what stunts he pulls. but WWE seem to not want to push him to the SKY if WWE started putting him in MAin Events more this could get Morrison over as a top guy.

This is the one guy on your list that really makes sense to me. I personally do not care much for him. He's a crappy spot monkey, that sucks on the mic. He's not good enough in the ring for those abilities alone to make him a mega star, however his mic skills aren't up to par with that of a mega star either. He simply needs improvement, and a lot of it.

Rob Van Dam
When this guy makes a return he gets such a huge pop it's crazy in 2005 RVD finally made it to the main event scence and was one of the top guys could his return to Full time in the WWE be a huge boost WWE needs to improve their Roster.

Rob Van Dam is a failure, he's boring, and botchy now. Rob has the ECW niche (For good reason, he was great back in those days) behind him, and always will. But that's about it.

my god why is'nt this man a 2-3 time World Champion already Christanhas the ability to be the next big Babyface which WWE needs he puts on great matches and the fans love him, his one of the best on the mic today so WWE please make him the next top guy in the company!

Here's the one I think will be really controversial. People says Christian was AWESOME back in TNA, and that the WWE needs to use Christian like TNA used Christian. However you have to understand one thing, Christian was a big fish in a small pond in TNA, now he's a medium sized fish in the ocean. He may have charisma, but he doesn't have as much charisma as John Cena, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Triple H, The Undertaker, Alberto Del Rio, etc...
AJ Styles

No way. He just doesn't look like a WWE guy. He doesn't fit. He may be a great wrestler but I think he'd look out of place.

Mr. Anderson

I'm a big Anderson fan, but he sucks as a babyface. So no.

John Morrison

Oh please. Next

Rob Van Dam

Very entertaining, but he's old, so no.


My pick. I would love to see Christian as a top babyface and be a world champion soon. But I can't see it because Vince just doesn't like him.It's a shame because he's very talented and the fans love him. He could be great if they let him have the ball.
AJ Styles
i agree, he could be a great face in the WWE. im a really big fan of his in TNA. however i dont believe that he would ever leave TNA for WWE nor would WWE truly push him the way he deserves because of his size and prior loyalty to the "competition". i hope im wrong but i never can see aj in wwe. he had a brief stint a few years ago but it never amounted to anything

Mr Anderson
lined up for many huge pushes in WWE. early on he had a good run with the US championship, going on to wrestle the undertaker and kane in good matches eventually getting a WHC title shot against batista in an awful match at royal rumble before getting injured. remained off of tv for a while but came back and then was injured again. he came back in great fashion joining the face team of cena batista mvp.....whatever. he had a face run lined up maybe feuding with orton but got a bad bump and was fired with much controversy. could he have been huge in WWE? yes. will he ever return? maybe. i hope so, i always liked the guy, i like his TNA work, but it wud never work in a PG environment WWE.

John Morrison
one of my favorite in ring performers. he could have a great face run in WWE but his recent work hasnt proved as such. hes doing well as a face, but his heel work could be so much better with a cocky "im better than you" role. his high flying style could support this as "he can do what others cant"

Rob Van Dam
RVD is amazing in the ring. he's also a pothead. WW wants no part of that. But if he could clean up and get sober, he'd be a great face as he has been in the past and as is currently is in TNA. he bashed WWE alot recently tho so i don't expect to see him around in the near future. However it would be great if he came back. If he did, id really love to see the WWE bring back some of the hardcore part of it and let Rob wreck shit.

Christian has always been a great performer. He truly solidified this statement in his stint in TNA where he was a world champion many times i believe. he hasn't really done anything amazing since his return. however, i see big things happening with him and the WHC in the near future. Heel or face, either scenario could work wonders for Christian and give him the prize he's worked hard for and deserved
Aj Styles:: I really think that he wont sign with WWE because he is TNA and he's loyal to them which won't actually become a babyface in WWE or even a WWE superstar.

Mr.Anderson: I have to go with maybe because he's only charismatic not a great athlete. WWE is looking for ENTERTAINERS that can entertain people with mic. WWE don't care about how good they are in wrestling and how they wrestle. Which I think that he could be a babyface but kids CHEER for GREAT athletes. Which I think it's somehow gonna work or gonna be a mistake.

John Morrison: With this superstar I have to go with a NO. I mean he is a young or a future HBK & WWE is trying to make his personality as Jim Morrison & that's why WWE called his family name Morrison, his real family name is Hennigan. JoMo is AMAZING in ring but won't work well in mic, WWE wants ENTERTAINERS like the miz who don't know how to wrestle but works extremely good at mic. He won't become a babyface but maybe in the future get a major push... I mean he could've got it now but thanks to Trish Stratus, the boyfriend stealer who made the push later & maybe won't have a push after that.


Christian: NO
No to all because they are either too old or not talented enough on the microphone. RVD and AJ are the most overrated guys in the business. Christian is too old. Anderson has heat with Cena and Orton and is also a bad baby face. Morrison lacks storytelling ability and mic skills.

How you didn't list Sin Cara is beyond me right now. He is so over already and with Triple H in charge this guy is going to get a good push.
None of them will be the next big babyface...The next big face is somebody who WWE already has plans to turn face..The seeds have already slowly been planted and eventually the guy will turn face in a much similar fashion as John Cena did back in 2003...Ofcourse the man I am talking about is..


Yeah I know, maybe not a popular choice but you can see the similarities between Cena's heel run and Miz(minus the rap gimmick)...Now the seeds have already begun to take shape..The Miz defeating John Cena at WRESTLEMANIA proves that Vince is 100% behind the guy...Much like an early Rock, The Miz is a brash young cocky heel who eventually earns the fans respect and admiration...John Cena showing Miz respect on RAW confirms the long term plans for The Miz..And I was at Wrestlemania XXVII and the reaction The Miz got may have been the biggest pop of the night besides the usual guys(Orton, Taker, HHH, Rock, Austin)...And the next night on RAW, you could hear it aswell...This guy is going to be big folks..When the time comes that either Cena or Orton has either turned heel or switched brands, The Miz will slingshot himself, much like The Rock 12 years earlier and Cena 8 years earlier, to the TOP of Raw as the #1 Babyface...

And I predict it happens this year..With John Cena locked up with The Rock next year, you know he's not going to have a lengthy WWE Title run...You know Triple H will face The Undertaker so that takes him out..So that just leaves Randy Orton as the lone babyface to challenge the WWE Champion at Mania(assuming he's still on RAW)..Insert The Miz and boom, you have a fresh main event regardless of who the Heel Champion is.

Then you have to figure in the draft coming up...The Miz, I don't think, is going to Smackdown..I think Vince wants Him and Cena on RAW...BUT, if he does go to Smackdown, then a face turn is inevitable...All Smackdown has in faces is Edge and Rey Mysterio...Undertaker is a Wrestlemania season competitor now, Big Show and Kane are transitional wrestlers, and Kofi's just...Kofi..But in heels You got Del Rio, The Corre, and probably Christian in a month or so...And with Edge and Mysterio both one injury away from retirement, The Miz could easily fill the role of up and coming young face to battle The Corre or whoever the top heel is.

So in short, I think the next big babyface is already being built in The Miz..People say he doesn't have the mic skills to be a face..I doubt that..The story writes itself...He started at the Real World, noone gave him a chance, JBL kicked him outta the lockerroom..And through all that he became WWE Champion..The same stuff he's been preaching he can easily flip it to sound like a face..And he has charisma, he's funny(watch his out of character interviews, the guy's got it), and has all the tools of a good babyface.
Next big faces I believe could be
The Miz - he could have the fans on his side in the blink of an eye.
Daniel Bryan - the fans love him already for his indie work. If he gets to incorporate that into his WWE carear he'll be massive.
Sin Cara - you can tell from all the Internet love that he'll be a star.

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