The Next Armageddon Hell In A Cell and Who Will Be In It....


Registered Sex Offender
It's been 14 years since Armageddon 2000 in which we saw the first and only 6 man Hell In A Cell match between Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker and Rikishi. I don't think I'm speaking for myself (unless you were too young) in saying that this was a very memorable WWE Championship match. That being said, I think it's time for the WWE to consider billing another 6 man HIAC match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the near future. I still think they need to develop some of their main event caliber hopefuls before this type of match would take place, but in due time, I think they could offer the fans an admirable sequel. Ideally, I'd like to see Cena, Orton, Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, and Wyatt in the match, as they are, to me, the top guys moving forward. Probably gonna get some eye-rollers for including Cena, but he deserves to be in a memorable match like this one could be, as he is one of the top stars of his era, just like Angle, Austin, Rock, HHH, and Taker were top stars of their time. Still not sure why Rikishi was in this match, even though I always liked him. Would've rather had Kane or someone like Jericho or Benoit in it.

Who would you like to see in the 6 man Hell In A Cell sequel, and when, if ever, do you think it'll take place?
Well, you see, at the time, you had three major rivalries going into that match, not to mention all the history that those guys had with each other. Mick Foley was able to sell that match because of that history, plus he was billing it as "It all has to end, and it will. In a Six Man Hell in the Cell match!". I don't see a perfect storm like that happening again. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind seeing it happen. I just don't see it being anywhere near as good as the first.
Still not sure why Rikishi was in this match, even though I always liked him. Would've rather had Kane or someone like Jericho or Benoit in it.
Rikishi was only in the match to culminate the horrific "I did for The Rock" storyline of them booking themselves into a corner and using him to explain the stupid "who ran over Austin" story arch.

At least he took the crazy cagefall bump during that Cell match.

Who would you like to see in the 6 man Hell In A Cell sequel, and when, if ever, do you think it'll take place?
I don't know if we'll see this return, but if we do there is no reason why it shouldn't just be the only Cell match at the HIAC PPV(unless they do us all a favor and drop that concept entirely).

Any of the guys you listed would work as entrants, but if they did do this, I'd hate to not at least see both Rollins and Ambrose involved. Their Cell match invoked feelings closer to what early Hell In A Cell matches produced, but was tarnished by an overbooked and illogical ending to protect both guys. I really want to see Dean and Seth meet in the Cell, maybe even multiple more times in the future and doing it in a scenario with a couple of additional superstars could help to keep their Cell interactions from becoming stale. (Plus both are willing to take the kind of crazy bumps that push the memorableness of such a match over the top)
Any of the guys you listed would work as entrants, but if they did do this, I'd hate to not at least see both Rollins and Ambrose involved.[/SIZE]

Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing Ambrose either, just not sure who he'd replace out of the 6 that I listed. Him and Rollins did have a great HIAC match though, definitely not opposed to seeing that again. It would also make sense to have all 3 members of The Shield in the match since they do have a history with one another going into it.
Well, you see, at the time, you had three major rivalries going into that match, not to mention all the history that those guys had with each other. Mick Foley was able to sell that match because of that history, plus he was billing it as "It all has to end, and it will. In a Six Man Hell in the Cell match!". I don't see a perfect storm like that happening again. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind seeing it happen. I just don't see it being anywhere near as good as the first.

The only way I see it working at the minute is Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose and whoever they are feuding with. Which if i was booking it would be Cena, Orton and probably Wyatt. I would have Bryan but I wouldnt be suprised if WWE pulls back on crazy spots with him.

This is the only way I see the perfect storm being generated. A Cena vs Reigns feud, Amborse vs Orton and Rollins vs Wyatt. Wyatt would need to feud with Orton first which would give them a little bit of history. Have all 4 arguing with the champion and have wyatt instigate the armagedeon hell in a cell match.

The only other way you get another one of these is if the WWE brings this match in as a number one contenders match to make up for there only being one championship hell in a cell match. But gimmick themed PPVs need to die
Agreed, I'm sick of the gimmick PPVs aside from Money in the Bank. Looks like they may be straying away from them with Elimination Chamber being replaced by Fast Lane. I guess I wouldn't mind seeing Extreme Rules as a yearly PPV as an ode to ECW if it's done correctly, but other than that and MITB, Hell In A Cell and TLC should be replaced. They turned fun and rare match types into a yearly installment and it doesn't sit well with me. Even though I did enjoy the TLC match between Ambrose and Wyatt at TLC....and Stairs this year.
I'd love it if King of the Ring was brought back and the tournament ended with a 6-man gimmick match like Armageddon Hell in a Cell or in the Elimination Chamber... with the winner of that match getting a No.1 Contender spot for the WWE Heavyweight title at SummerSlam.

Such a setup could help elevate SummerSlam a bit more by making the KotR tournament its version of what the Royal Rumble is to WrestleMania. Also, it would undoubtedly make for some interesting programming, especially if the likes of Wyatt, Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins truly establish themselves, and a few more new guys follow to have a Main Event scene where 12-15 guys can be called upon to sit at the top of the card.
Agreed, I'm sick of the gimmick PPVs aside from Money in the Bank. Looks like they may be straying away from them with Elimination Chamber being replaced by Fast Lane. I guess I wouldn't mind seeing Extreme Rules as a yearly PPV as an ode to ECW if it's done correctly, but other than that and MITB, Hell In A Cell and TLC should be replaced. They turned fun and rare match types into a yearly installment and it doesn't sit well with me. Even though I did enjoy the TLC match between Ambrose and Wyatt at TLC....and Stairs this year.

I think most everyone shares this sentiment, but sadly I don't see them going away. We might not be getting the Elimination Chamber in its customary pre-Mania February spot, but we will still be seeing the show later this year.

Also I think that this point is one of the things that made Seth versus Dean in the Cell such a good match. We have just got used to seeing matches pigeon-holed into the Cell to fit the PPV gimmick spot on the calendar and they haven't had the type of build and emotion that made Hell in a Cell matches so special. Ambrose/Rollins on the other hand was the type of feud with the type of backstory that actually belonged in the Cell; therefore, it worked much better and felt more authentic than the soulless HIAC matches we had been subjected to for the prior few instances of the spectacle.
id like to see it again. personally i think it would be great at this years extreme rules.
it would take a bit of setting up but here's how id do it.
it would be Seth v Cena v Dean v Reigns v Dolph v Bray.

at the rumble cena wins the title pinning seth while dolph wins the rumble
at mania dolph beats cena and seth cashes in successfully straight after.
also at wrestlemania roman beats brock, dean beats seth and bray loses to undertaker via dq after destroying him with chairshots. id also have sting beat hhh so a face is in control of raw (could be sting or he delegates someone else)

this would leave
seth as champ
cena with a rematch
dolph with a rematch
dean beating the new champ on the night he became champ
roman beats the never beaten champ of lesnar
bray destroyed a legend.

all would see themselves as deserving and the new guy in charge agrees to them all and makes the armageddon match for extreme rules. in the end, i think this mayhem would make it acceptable to seth to sneak out still champion and the story of the summer becomes him desperately trying to keep the belt, in the face of all the babyfaces and no authority help

to round it all out and explain a few absentees.
id have sheamus return at rumble and turn heel by eliminating bryan. they could then feud through mania and extreme rules. sheamus could be jealous of bryans success even though he beat him in 18 seconds. and as for orton id have him feud with BNB with the background being wade is part of the authority and orton wants to take them all out one by one.
I don't think it'll ever happen again. Based on how they booked the HIAC PPV in recent years, they have a hard time just finding two guys and a storyline for the main event.

If there was one, I'd love to see Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Orton, Bray and Cena in it since they all have history with each other at one point of time.

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