The Newcomer Of The Decade

The Newcomer Of The Decade

  • AJ Styles

  • Batista

  • Bobby Lashley

  • Brock Lesnar

  • CM Punk

  • Jack Swagger

  • John Cena

  • John Morrison

  • Matt Morgan

  • Samoa Joe

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Dark Match Winner
The 3rd edition to The Best Of The Decade poll is back with another dose but this time looking back at the ten best up and coming wrestlers in these ten years. Who do you think made the biggest impact in these ten years? Who made you a fan of theirs by the moment they arrived in mainstream wrestling? Who do you think has or has had what it takes to become a future World Champion?

There has been many new faces in these ten years but only one takes the cake. Go vote!!

I personally and even though I'm not generally a fan of his, I would go with John Cena. The guy has done ALOT for not just for the WWE, but wrestling in general. He became the top face and top draw of the WWE and has accomplished alot throughout this decade as far as being a new face goes. Judging by how some people think he'll be the "Next Hulk Hogan", It seems that he'll be at the top for another ten years.


You can also add Randy Orton on the poll. I forgot to put him up..
You literally cannot look past Cena, the most bankable talent to come out of the WWE or any wrestling company in the past 10 years. If you can name me one superstar or wrestler that sells more merch, brings in more ratings and draws a crowd better than Cena that has debut since 2000 I will show you a cow that can literally jump over the moon.

Just My Opinion
I agree, even though Cena is clearly not as good a wrestler in the ring as say AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, CM Punk and Randy Orton the other top contenders he is the newcomer of the decade which is very strange.

He has been in major matches at WrestleMania this decade and although not on par with The Rock wrestling wise or charisma wise Cena can draw crowds, sell much merchandise and get a reaction from people like none of the others. His babyface charchter has also helped him to achieve this and this gained him recognition from the kids.
Brock Lesnar easily. The thread says newcomer of the Decade, not newcomer that came, dominated, left, and went somewhere else of the decade. Brock Lesnar arrived, raised hell, turned the business on it's head, single handedly made Smackdown the A show of the WWE, left, and came back and is a bigger draw by himself then the WWE. John Cena is a big name, but he comes nowhere close to being as big of a name as Brock Lesnar.
As bad as I hate to say it, this title has to go to John Cena.

Cena has came into the wrestling world and has become one of the biggest draws of the 2000's. He is wildly popular, has some crossover appeal, and remains the biggest face in the WWE today. What he has been able to accomplish in his short career is something that most wrestlers never accomplish.

As much as I dislike him in the ring, my hat goes off to him.
I had to really think about this one, and voted for John Cena.

Cena came in became really popular. He has been in the main event at wrestlemania since 2005. He has made movies, he is also a multi-time champion.He is now the face of WWE.

Now if Brock would have stayed in the WWE and would never left so quickly I would have voted for him.
The answer for me is CM Punk.

I became a fan around 2003 during his feud with Raven in ROH, and I stayed a huge one ever since.

CM Punk's run in ROH was just all kinds of awesome. From his feud with Raven, to his Trilogy against Samoa Joe, to his partnership with Colt Cabana as The Second City Saints, to his feud with Jimmy Rave, to the Summer of Punk where he was ROH Champion.... the guy for almost three years gave the best matches and interviews than anyone else in the business.

Also, his run in FIP was damn good as well, where he played the cheesy heel all throughout it. He was so great there because it was really the first time you saw a wrestler, and the company for that matter, go back to the golden days of wrestling, where heels are cowards and babyfaces were heroes. The fans loved it, and so did I. Moreover, his matches in in FIP with Homicide and Bryan Danielson are classics in my book, so that's another thing.

When he signed with WWE, even his run in OVW was entertaining as shit. He had an AWESOME Television Title run there, that included an epic feud with Brent Albright. He did a ton of other great shit there as well, but it was his matches with Albright that take the cake.

If that's not enough of an explanation... then shit, when he actually got called up to the main card in WWE, he had an absolutely INCREDIBLE debut at the Manhattan Hammerstein Ballroom when he faced Justin Credible. It's one of my favorite debuts of all time. Past that he went on to have some great matches with John Morrison, including my personal WWE Match of the Year for the year 2007 when he beat Morrison to win the ECW Championship for the first time. And past that... against all the odds, he goes to Raw, wins the Money in the Bank, wins the World Title, gets moved to Smackdown, wins the Money in the Bank again, wins the World title two more times, and has the best feud WWE has had in years against Jeff Hardy.

Seriously, the answer is beyond simple here for me, and it's CM fucking Punk. How could anyone not love this guy, I'll never understand.
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I will have to say Brock Lesnar. He came into WWE and dominated everybody that he faced. Within six months, he defeated RVD, Hogan, Rock, Jeff Hardy, and the Undertaker. I believe he was one of the biggest reasons that Smackdown was superior to RAW in 2003 as he was added to an already loaded roster. He was okay as a face but McMahon slapped him and he became that enraged monster again. It's a shame he had to go out the way he did but he dominated like no other when he was here.

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