The New (New) Generation


King Of The Ring
The Rumble fallout has been huge. Fans are outraged for many reasons but there is a clear positive. Roman Reigns is a younger superstar. Someone who is fresh to the audience and who is getting a push. Indeed, if you watch last night you would notice Rusev and Wyatt absolutely dominate. There was also an almighty performance by Seth Rollins. We complain the WWE don't create enough big stars well at least they are now trying, right?

Sure, you can't escape the fact that Brock and Cena were in the World Title match and that Rock closed the show. Plus, HHH is focal in the main-storyline as well as Sting being around. It is certainly diabolical that Kane and Show dominated so many younger talents but that was a sacrifice they felt was necessary for Reigns.

You can look at the negatives but you can say we have someone winning the Rumble for the first time. Indeed, we have someone winning the Rumble and going to Mania with the aim of winning their first World Title; something that has only happened like five times in my lifetime. Rollins hung with two megastars and looked terrific. Bryan didn't need the Rumble to be a draw and is still fresh to the audience.

Wyatt is awesome and Rusev is being built perfectly. Sure Ambrose might need to recover a bit. Maybe Ziggler/Cesaro are being underutilised but it really isn't the end of the world if the WWE doesn't push these two guys even if fans (myself included) would like to see it happen.

Whether it is because of Triple H or indeed Vince himself, change is clearly coming. It isn't an overnight process and the WWE are trying to set themselves up for the long-term. That instant gratification from Bryan winning would have been nice but, in the long term, Reigns was the risk worth taking. I mean, between The Shield guys, Wyatt, Bryan and Rusev that could be your World Champs for the next three or four years. Easily. Throw in the guys from NXT like Zayn and Owen plus the odd transitional reign (Cena, Orton) and the WWE really aren't in the crisis that some what to argue.

Ok, there is still a reliance on part-timers. Sting, Rock, Brock; probably not a good thing. I'd predict Taker will wrestle at next years Mania and maybe even Austin too but, in the long term, change is coming. Indeed, matches involving Taker and Sting are merely asides anyway. The Championship picture looks pretty healthy in my eyes. Also, these guys are entertaining so, I'm not complaining.

Maybe I'm delusional but the WWE are clearly trying to do something. Between this current group of young talent, NXT and the older wrestlers to help them get better and, indeed over, the WWE are approaching something amazing. With Triple H at the top and, given his wonderful reputation, surely I'm not crazy to believe the WWE have got this figured out.
Thank you for being a reasonable fan. People act like WrestleMania is the only place a Mega-Superstar can win the WHC. Heck, The Rock never won the championship at WrestleMania. I'm pretty sure Daniel Bryan is going to win the belt by the time 2015 is over. People say Roman Reigns is being "shoved down our throats". I don't see that. What I do see is a talented rising Superstar given the opportunity to become a talented MEGA-Superstar. Lots of people doubted Seth Rollins and his success as a singles wrestler. Guess what, he was given an opportunity when he won the MITB and he used that platform to succeed. Now he is possibly the top heel (minus the hipsters) and a lock to win the championship sometime this year. What's the difference between winning a MITB and a Royal Rumble? I don't hear people saying "Seth Rollins is being shoved down our throats.". The Royal Rumble victory is the platform that Roman Reigns will use to succeed. That's what a Royal Rumble victory is supposed to do, MAKE NEW STARS!!! The Next Generation is upon us.
Whether or not they'll be booked properly remains to be seen, though. I admit I'm ready for some shake-ups to the ME and last night was a good start. Hopefully we'll be seeing more Cena-free main events in 2015, and if Lesnar is leaving after WrestleMania he will be leaving a fairly big void that needs to be filled. Say what you will about his title reign but he delivered last night. Rollins also proved last night that he's ready so I'm excited about what the future holds.
I'm pretty sure Daniel Bryan is going to win the belt by the time 2015 is over.
oh, how much i disagree here. i don't see Bryan winning the title at least for another two years. remember this is Triple H's booking which means longer title runs....i see Reigns holding the title until Rollins cashes in and then i think Reigns eventually gets it back (he's their next big star). i would be shocked if Bryan wins the title again. McMahon doesn't think he's a star (and it's not a storyline, it's what McMahon believes for real).
Indeed, the plus point of 2014 and continuing in 2015 is the pushes of quite a few up and comers.

Not for nothing did Vince McMahon mention the brass ring and alongwith it, the names of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt as those who are 'grabbing' for it.
Rusev might also be in consideration as well, lMO.

Ideally, I'd love if the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and BNB were also in consideration for being pushed towards the Main Event scene, or at least being good enough to be elevated into that division at certain points.

Also, Daniel Bryan alongwith John Cena and Randy Orton are all still very much over and established performers and that can only bode well for the company going forward.
It will take time and calls for patience, but in terms of building new stars, it has been a step in the right direction and I'm excited for it and hoping that all the 'new' guys being pushed can establish themselves by the time WM32 rolls around.
I'm all about the WWE making new stars i just think pulling the trigger on Reigns is a mistake this soon. He is awful on the mic and his in ring work is average at best. I understand that chances got to be taken but his injury should pushed back things til maybe summerslam next year. Im not sold on Reigns this soon hope he proves me wrong.
When I first saw the thread, I though this might be comparing to the orignal "New Generation", the parallells are quite startling when you look... as the thread is here I'll post my thoughts but they will veer into Old School as well...

The current WWE Roster is almost an identikit copy of the 1994-1995 roster, down to gimmicks and pushes...

Diesel/Roman Reigns
Mabel/Brock Lesnar
Bret Hart/Bryan
Jeff Jarrett/Ziggler
Davey Boy/Orton
Bray Wyatt/Mankind
The Undertaker/Kane/Big Show
Issac Yankem/Fandango
Adrian Neville/1-2-3 Kid

The list can literally go down the entire rosters... Of that list you have guys who were more veteran like Shawn, Bret, Taker and Davey with their pushes being sacrificed for younger guys with less experience. Nash was given a monster push, just the same as Reigns despite not being ready for it and the fans not really wanting it. Guys like Razor and Ziggler were being relied on in the IC division and guys like Taker were kept from the real main event scene as it was "monster of the month".

Bret was the "people's choice" but was given Bob Backlund or "Lawler Lackey Of The Month" for the whole of 1995 nearly, until they finally realised Diesel had bombed and got the belt off him. Looks very much like that is Bryan's future as well...starting with Sheamus.

The damage was done and irreparable to Diesel.. he had to "jump ship" to get somewhere, as did Razor... when they did it backfired spectacularly on WWE. Guys like Jarrett yo-yo'ed for the money and others could easily have been destroyed if not for the forgivness of fans and stints away before a gimmick or booking change got them where they need... Take Goldust, he was pushed strong initially, just like Barrett was before it being completely lost... he went away for a bit, sorted himself out and became a long term prospect. Same for Glen Jacobs.

The talent in 1994-1995 was as good if not better than now... they had a great mix of styles, shapes, sizes but the gimmicks and booking were shoddy and it destroyed as many talents as it created. You heard from Savio Vega lately? or was Mabel/Viscera or Candido really a feature before their deaths?

WWE lost Justin Gabriel over the weekend, one of their more solid talents and the guy who had a sure fire tag team with Adam Rose to fall back on... indeed one part of their "South African" business/hero... walked... happened in 1995 too to a guy called Hakuski, one of the better roster members, had blinding matches when he was allowed to with Bret and 1-2-3 Kid but Vince wanted to push BARRY FUCKING HORROWITZ ahead of him... so he walked too... and is still doing great guns in Japan. Now you have Ambrose, Barrett et al in that boat... they want to push older guys ahead of the younger ones, be it for swansongs or just for them... Sheamus isn't even a factor, imagine how mad you'd have all been if HE was the one to take Bryan out!

This is on paper better than 1995, last night for example the other worst Rumble in history, you got a full length match for a start, you got more than one talent actually focused on, rather than the Shawn/Davey 1-2 punch you got and you actually got some strong performances from guys who didn't win. Bryan looked the business... he was crisp, timing was great and was made to look good when he got his few minutes to shine. Bray looked even better, the "weak" elimination let it down and the weaker middle stint slightly, but he built from it. Barrett looked good for the 2 minutes he was allowed to and Rusev gained much from that booking.... but the reality now is the same as in 1995. Only ONE guy can be the champion... Brock was clearly shopping himself to UFC last night, he was in INSANE shape... the best he has ever been... Reigns wasn't bad either, but neither was Diesel's match in 1995 with Bret or Shawn at Mania... cos he had a ring general to call it, to make it good... Reigns won't have that with Brock at Mania... he'll have a UFC bound guy, looking to send a message to UFC and to Vince...

The New New Generation could come to a screeching halt if Brock decides to stick around and not lose that belt...
Really? Well your 199 must make you very knowledgeable.

The reality is that a lot of guys are in the equivalent pushes... Dolph isn't a country singer, but he's a perennial IC contender who is flashy...add Jericho to that level and you even have flashy clothes! Just as JJ was. BNB isn't a Cuban gimmick, but an IC mainstay who used to be a main eventer for a short time and loves being "the bad guy."

Brock isn't big, African-American or wears pajamas but he is being built as dominant as Mabel was being, at that time... destroying opponents and you would risk injury by facing him. If you want to get picky, substitute Kama for Mabel..

It's not literal, but many modern gimmicks are based off of older ones... and people are definitely in the equivalent spots.

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