The Network And It's "Face Turn"


Lord And Master
Staff member
Call it an ECW rip-off if you like, but to me it's a continuity nod. After all, ECW's "Network" was Spike's previous name of "TNN" and a manifestation of how they treated ECW during it's tenure there. But now in TNA, Immortal runs the show yet "The Network" wants ratings. And as such, instead of boycotting the show for themselves, Bischoff and Hogan have to play under fair rules. While it may seem ridiculous to have the "voice of God" issuing as much order as Immortal on TNA, it still is a good way to keep the heel faction from totally running amok storywise.

While I would make some changes to the gimmick, like actually referring to it as "Spike" and it not always being an invisible voice, I do however find the concept fitting to the current landscape in TNA and a good way to keep the Immortal faction in check without making them look lenient.
Well, keep in mind that TNA only airs on Spike in the US. In other countries, they don't have Spike, and TNA airs on something else. So to other countries, "the network" is something completely different. The angle does need to change though I think. I've always had a problem with TNA giving away such big matches on free TV all the time. "The Network" really doesn't help things here. It seems as though they're giving away a PPV-quality match (at least on paper) in the main event every week. I'd maybe have "the network" step in every couple of weeks, rather than making the main event every week. It makes Hogan and Bischoff look like slaves to the higher-ups.
The whole "Network" situation just needs to stop all together. I know wrestling is scripted but i still like to hold on to the idea that these wrestlers have a legit problem with one another and that's why they engage in a feud. When the Network comes around and just throws guys into a match that necessarily shouldn't be at the moment for the possibility of "ratings" it really pisses me off. It goes against the one thing that i like to believe about a fake scenario.

Now these guys are fighting because of ratings and not because of there hate for one another. That and they mention ratings 8000 times during a show. Not just hogan and bischoff but even the wrestlers do. Its Just Ridiculous.

Good talent in good story lines create Ratings...I sit through every show but every time the mention ratings i wish i could flip a switch and turn 100 cable boxes off just so they get the point that talking about ratings doesn't create them.
The whole "Network" situation just needs to stop all together. I know wrestling is scripted but i still like to hold on to the idea that these wrestlers have a legit problem with one another and that's why they engage in a feud. When the Network comes around and just throws guys into a match that necessarily shouldn't be at the moment for the possibility of "ratings" it really pisses me off. It goes against the one thing that i like to believe about a fake scenario.

Isn't this exactly what is done in real fighting organizations like boxing or the UFC? Why would you not be able to suspend belief because of that. I'm not supporting the idea I just think that it shouldn't hurt your ability to believe in the storyline. After engaging in these forced matches they are then able to legitimately dislike each other.
Guys I think they're ripping off the Raw GM storyline. The Network always seems to get under Hogan and eric's skin. The Raw GM chimes in with an e-mail all the time. But noone cares so why do this network BS! If it's not going to lead to anything.
I think while ECW and WCW both did it leaves that opening in the writing to have a face for the heels to play off of. I believe you will see Dixie emerging as primary "share holder" of the network and that's how she'll regain "control" over immortal.
if i am right all the companies did this network deal and WWE went as far as having Gunner Cannon as a Network Executive. I am ok with this, BUT i rather have two leaders of a company with one feuding with the other (you know like Linda McMahon always being in the skin of Vince or any McMahon vs. the other) because then it makes more sense and it's entertaining to see the people in power argue over the way things are run. the best two leaders running the show was Stone Cold vs. Eric Bischoff.
Keep in mind they are refered to as "the network" NOT Spike. We are to think it is Spike but it may turn out to be something completly different. A "Network" of powerful people(more then likely led by Dixie and Sting) who have been pulling the wool over Hogan and Bischoff.
Keep in mind they are refered to as "the network" NOT Spike. We are to think it is Spike but it may turn out to be something completly different. A "Network" of powerful people(more then likely led by Dixie and Sting) who have been pulling the wool over Hogan and Bischoff.

Good thinking, but if it's not Spike, who else has the power to book matches? Plus, don't forget that Bischoff and Hogan speak to them on the phone.

There is something fishy about The Network though and I think you got the basic concept of it. Dixie's in it 100%. Perhaps we'll find out at Lockdown.
I don't like the use of "The Network" as a character, as even fictionally they shouldn't have any say whatsoever in the running of TNA. The company creates a television show, which they sell to the network. At no point in that process could the network overrule the governing body and make main events without their knowledge.

If I had to guess, it'll be revealed that Dixie is the Network or at least their representative. It's so obvious, it writes itself.
I like it. Because its real.

I'm sure the network steps in and talks with TNA all the time and their directions and what they want their big stars doing. So it's realistic and defiantly a believable way of putting a cap on the bad guys running the show.

I mean what else would stop Hogan/Bisch from just going crazy and stripping people of titles?

However here is my suggestion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Miss Tessmaucher(Brooke Adams) was a bitch eh? She played it pretty good. I think it could have been huge to have her act as The Network Representative. She would walk out being all sexy in her little office skirts, and lay down the law from time to time. If you wouldn't love to see that on SpikeTV.. the man channel... then your tuning into the wrong program.

It'd be a great way of creating more authority figures in wrestling.. thinking about it.. Bischoff.. Russo.. McMahon... where are our new authority figures going to come from when they are gone?
I like it. Because its real.

I'm sure the network steps in and talks with TNA all the time and their directions and what they want their big stars doing. So it's realistic and defiantly a believable way of putting a cap on the bad guys running the show.

I mean what else would stop Hogan/Bisch from just going crazy and stripping people of titles?

However here is my suggestion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Miss Tessmaucher(Brooke Adams) was a bitch eh? She played it pretty good. I think it could have been huge to have her act as The Network Representative. She would walk out being all sexy in her little office skirts, and lay down the law from time to time. If you wouldn't love to see that on SpikeTV.. the man channel... then your tuning into the wrong program.

It'd be a great way of creating more authority figures in wrestling.. thinking about it.. Bischoff.. Russo.. McMahon... where are our new authority figures going to come from when they are gone?

I am bumping this thread because while watching TNA tonight the exact thought of Dixie being the network occured to me. I think that would be a good way to bring Dixie back if that is what TNA wants to do.
I hadn't thought about brining Ms. Tessmacher back in this way but I would love to see her come back as Eye Candy Goodness.
I thought Hogan's "they're thinking like a wrestler, they're acting like a wrestler" line was pretty significant from tonight's show. It could be meaningless and an attempt to swerve the audience, but could it also mean someone like Foley or maybe a bigger surprise like Goldberg or DDP could be revealed as The Network's top adviser? Goldberg's had a relationship with SpikeTV in the past with another project.
One one of the other threads I just read an idea that Bischoff might be behind the Network. Bischoff turning on Hogan would be interesting. For me it would perfect sense having Bischoff aligning with Network or even with Dixie. Since Hogan returned Bischoff is always in the Hogan's shadow now.
I thought Hogan's "they're thinking like a wrestler, they're acting like a wrestler" line was pretty significant from tonight's show. It could be meaningless and an attempt to swerve the audience, but could it also mean someone like Foley or maybe a bigger surprise like Goldberg or DDP could be revealed as The Network's top adviser? Goldberg's had a relationship with SpikeTV in the past with another project.

I liked the line as well as it created some realistic aspect to the Network angle like Hogan/Bischoff understand the kind of people they're dealing with because they've been in the same position. As for it being Goldberg or DDP, you never know, but I don't think it'd be either one of those guys, they seem to have moved on from wrestling and wouldn't be served well by returning in this manner.
don't know if u guys pay attention lately but the influnce of the network is getting bigger and bigger! they've had get there hands on jj and angle match at lock down and were succesfull to having daniels sign a contract with TNA! bischoff doesn't make any sense since i can't imagine bischoff and sting together! so it will be dixie or a former wrestler like foley who have a good relationship with dixie!

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