The Nature Boy Shoots On Orlando Jordan's Boyfriend


Occasional Pre-Show
According to, Ric Flair and Orlando Jordan's new on-air male companion got into a confrontation at a bar after the Impact tapings on Tuesday night.

According to the report, Flair saw the male companion dancing at the bar and got so upset at him being there and being in the TNA locker room in general that he got in the guys face and verbally unleashed on him.

Apparently Jordan's male companion was so shaken by the exchange that he decided to just leave the bar.

Oh oh...
Refrain from using homosexual slurs in a negative context. Doing so is grounds for an infraction. You have been warned.

An interesting story that's been buzzing around today involves an incident in which Ric Flair had a confrontation with Orlando Jordan's boyfriend last Tuesday after the iMPACT! tapings. This is supposed to have taken place at a bar that a lot of the TNA wrestlers frequent in Orlando on a regular basis. All the details are kind of sketchy right now, like the name of the place and all that.

Now, supposedly, Ric Flair became quite upset at the guy because he was dancing in the bar. Flair confronted him and essentially shot a promo on him right there. Jordan's companion, thus far, is said to have been pretty shaken up as to whatever it was exactly that Flair said to him and left the bar shortly afterward. It's being said that Flair is furious over the fact that Orlando Jordan's boyfriend has a role in the company and he feels that he doesn't belong in the locker room.

Now, exactly what was said and what precisely happened to set Flair off hasn't been revealed yet as far as I'm aware. Could Flair have had a few too many and just went off? Does Flair have a problem with the guy because of his open homosexuality? Did Flair think he had a legitimate beef in calling him out as I'm sure a lot of old school pros probably would have? Could this be some fallout for the Orlando Jordan segment on iMPACT!, which is said to have not been received very well at all by the vast majority of the TNA locker room?

I don't really know one way or another as a lot of details haven't been revealed. But, this could lead to some drama in the TNA locker room.
Well the way i see it, in a wrestling sense i don't think the guy deserved it, and who was Ric flair to be telling him anything :disappointed:.

It's been said that Jordans openess is not liked by alot of guys backstage but to scare the crap out of his companion IMO is gutless, If Flair really had an issue shouldnt he have talked to Jordan himself?.

The guy has no experience and is just a valet, hes nothing to do with the boys or anything backstage and is just doing his job, I'm sure they had gay wrestlers when Flair was working as the top draw in the industry i dont see why Jordans love life should be an issue with anyone in the business, its just plain wrong to threaten a guy who is just there to help further his boyfriends career.

And the last time i checked wasn't Jordans openly biosexual storyline actually helping TNA?, I see Dixie doing some damage control on this!
to be honest i think this storyline with orlando jordan is one of the worst angles to play on in wrestling history and agree with u that this guy is only playin his part on screen so if hed attacked him for just doin his job on screen then it wud be a bit off but we dont know the full story behind exactly what happened in the bar. In my opinion in a post-wrestling event bar i can see it being quite a testosterone filled bar and if this guy was up on the bar grinding away in ric flairs face then he gets what he deserves really.
Flair's problem? He's latent. C'mon.

The lisp, the flamboyant robes, the womanizing? Typical of the closeted gay man.

Would explain why he hates so many wrestlers. None of them wanted to ride Space Mountain.

db82, take a good look at your comments and tell me if you're not exhibiting classic signs yourself.
I don't think him just being gay set Flair off, but of course I don't know for sure. I do know as most of the iwc knows that Pat Patterson is a openly gay man. After the first FCW TV taping here in Tampa last year. Flair and Patterson were hanging out together all over town. So I really doubt Flair is homophobic.

I think this could be a huge nightmare for Flair and TNA if this guy sues. Claiming hostile work environment against homosexuals. TNA doesn't need any bad press at a time when their trying to build ratings and establish themselves as a top company.

Regardless if he sues or not GLADD will be all over this story if they get wind of it and blow it way out of proportion. Which would be bad news for TNA as well.
I don't think him just being gay set Flair off, but of course I don't know for sure. I do know as most of the iwc knows that Pat Patterson is a openly gay man. After the first FCW TV taping here in Tampa last year. Flair and Patterson were hanging out together all over town. So I really doubt Flair is homophobic.

I think this could be a huge nightmare for Flair and TNA if this guy sues. Claiming hostile work environment against homosexuals. TNA doesn't need any bad press at a time when their trying to build ratings and establish themselves as a top company.

Regardless if he sues or not GLADD will be all over this story if they get wind of it and blow it way out of proportion. Which would be bad news for TNA as well.

The legal implications would be horrendous if he decides to sue, as i said before Orlando Jordan and TNA will need to stop this situation before it even starts.

As for Flair he needs help, no matter how he was raised and what he believes should and shouldn't have been done in this business he should never have treated a working colleage like that and he will end up paying for it in a big way if hes not careful.

As i said before Dixie Carter will probably try her best to have this situation behind closed doors and resolved amicably.
IMO flair needs an attitude adjustment he seems to be a real dick four possible reasons why he snapped.
1.he's a homophobe
2.he's pissed about shawn retiring
3.he's a dick
4. its just that time of the month

But in all seriousness it makes me sick flair had no reason to ruin the guys night out
I'm not a gay basher or anything like that, in fact, I have many gay friends, but I think that the gay guy should probably be in the girl's locker room if that was the issue. If that was, indeed, the issue, then TNA should fix that pretty damn fast because it wouldn't be tolerated for a straight man in a woman's locker room so it shouldn't be ok for a gay man in a man's locker room if it makes them feel uncomfortable. If they are already separated and Flair is just against gay people, are you really surprised? He's like 65 years old. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he's racist too. He came from a time where people were less open about things like that. Does it make it ok? NO! But you have to understand who you're dealing's an over the hill homophobic grizzled veteran wrestler who, in his eyes, sees a "fruity little cupcake" dancing in a bar where you should do nothing more than "shoot pool" or "drink" or "fight." It's NOT ok, but it's Ric Flair...are we all REALLY surprised??
How sure are you this is not a work? It is believable for many obvious reasons but the details are still quite sketchy and who better to throw in on a work for publicity than a big name who is presently an uber-heel.
IMO flair needs an attitude adjustment he seems to be a real dick four possible reasons why he snapped.
1.he's a homophobe
2.he's pissed about shawn retiring
3.he's a dick
4. its just that time of the month

But in all seriousness it makes me sick flair had no reason to ruin the guys night out

Quite true. His only legit excuse? Dude didn't pay any dues. And what exactly did Nancy do to earn a shot escorting the Horsemen? But look at how he treated Bret, Ric's not exactly a stickler for logic and objectivity.

Best thing for TNA? Honestly?

Can Flair now.

No more, "Dixie's just primping to the old dudes" talk. GLBTG or whatever (the people supporting teh gey) will be overjoyed (good press) and WWE will be forced to manufacture something to squelch the "Oh no, what about Billy and Chuck thing" talk.

And before anyone gets the bright idea to say that peolple have forgotten B&C... you remembered it just now, if you've seen it at least. You think people insulted by the dang thing (not just their intelligence, but their very selves) will forget it?

Dixie, if you're reading this (who knows?): CAN FLAIR. PUBLICLY AND LOUDLY.

Whatever damage control WWE tries will fail miserably.
Can Flair now.

No more, "Dixie's just primping to the old dudes" talk. GLBTG or whatever (the people supporting teh gey) will be overjoyed (good press) and WWE will be forced to manufacture something to squelch the "Oh no, what about Billy and Chuck thing" talk.

And before anyone gets the bright idea to say that peolple have forgotten B&C... you remembered it just now, if you've seen it at least. You think people insulted by the dang thing (not just their intelligence, but their very selves) will forget it?

Dixie, if you're reading this (who knows?): CAN FLAIR. PUBLICLY AND LOUDLY.

Whatever damage control WWE tries will fail miserably.

What would this situation have to do with the storyline in the WWE? It already happenned and I did not think Billy nor Chuck were presented as being threatened due to their sexual preferences. Also, one user mentioned it might have been that time of the month. When did this incident happen? I thought a moon was out tonight and for the past two nights. Reports usually indicated more crimes and crazy things to happen when a moon was described as being full and the lunatics would frequently do wilder things on those occasions hence the name of them considering the first part of the word was related to the moon or to "la luna".
What does WWE have to do with anything?

I think we need to be careful not to jump to conclusions, I'm sure Flair has come across many gay blokes in his time, he's been living out of bars for 40 years.

Its probably just been blown out of proportion, everyone was enjoying a few drinks, things got said, the situation got out of control and a couple of guys had a row, it happens.
The legal implications would be horrendous if he decides to sue, as i said before Orlando Jordan and TNA will need to stop this situation before it even starts.

As for Flair he needs help, no matter how he was raised and what he believes should and shouldn't have been done in this business he should never have treated a working colleage like that and he will end up paying for it in a big way if hes not careful.

As i said before Dixie Carter will probably try her best to have this situation behind closed doors and resolved amicably.

You are a 100% correct Flair has had a reputation for being an asshole for many years. He should have never treated that guy the way he did. I don't care for this storyline one bit. However he is just doing what TNA hired him to do. If Flair has a problem he should of went to management not publicly bash the guy. He thinks he do what ever wants cause he's Ric Flair. Look what he did to Bischoff when WWE hired him. He asaulted him backstage. He should of got fired and arrested for that.
What does WWE have to do with anything?

I think we need to be careful not to jump to conclusions, I'm sure Flair has come across many gay blokes in his time, he's been living out of bars for 40 years.

Its probably just been blown out of proportion, everyone was enjoying a few drinks, things got said, the situation got out of control and a couple of guys had a row, it happens.

Does being drunk give Flair an excuse to bash someone?

The fact that he picked a fight with Orlando Jordans boyfriend makes the matter worse, If it was any different guy on the roster it may have been overlooked but this situation will turn into a public relations nightmare.

Flair had no right no matter how drunk or angry he was at the time, he may have had an opinion but why didnt he bring that opinion to Hogan or Carter?, why did he have to pick on the smaller partner of a guy that could probably kick his ass?. Because hes a bully no matter how anyone attempts to justify it Rick Flair has now braught TNA and himself some rather bad publicity overshadowing any good this toryline may have done TNA, which is quiet sad.

You are a 100% correct Flair has had a reputation for being an asshole for many years. He should have never treated that guy the way he did. I don't care for this storyline one bit. However he is just doing what TNA hired him to do. If Flair has a problem he should of went to management not publicly bash the guy. He thinks he do what ever wants cause he's Ric Flair. Look what he did to Bischoff when WWE hired him. He asaulted him backstage. He should of got fired and arrested for that.

The Problem is this guy isnt Bischoff, and Flair doesnt have Vince to smooth things over this time around, I can guarantee you that this situation will blow right back up in flairs face and will end up causing TNA a huge legal headache.
Well the way i see it, in a wrestling sense i don't think the guy deserved it, and who was Rick flair to be telling him anything :disappointed:.

It's been said that Jordans openess is not liked by alot of guys backstage but to scare the crap out of his companion IMO is gutless, If Flair really had an issue shouldnt he have talked to Jordan himself?.

The guy has no experience and is just a valet, hes nothing to do with the boys or anything backstage and is just doing his job, I'm sure they had gay wrestlers when Flair was working as the top draw in the industry i dont see why Jordans love life should be an issue with anyone in the business, its just plain wrong to threaten a guy who is just there to help further his boyfriends career.

And the last time i checked wasn't Jordans openly biosexual storyline actually helping TNA?, I see Dixie doing some damage control on this!

First of all, it is Ric not Rick. Secondly, to ask who he is to tell anyone in wrestling anything is ridiculous. Thirdly, you said it yourself, Jordan's companion has no experience. Did you ever think that could be the issue? The guy hasn't paid his dues. He doesn't deserve to be there in the first place! Besides, the details of what happened are extremely vague and we shouldn't be bashing LEGENDS of a business that we ALL obviously adore. Otherwise none of us would be here. I'm not trying to bash anyone here, but we don't have enough info on the situation to go and jump to conclusions.
First of all, it is Ric not Rick. Secondly, to ask who he is to tell anyone in wrestling anything is ridiculous. Thirdly, you said it yourself, Jordan's companion has no experience. Did you ever think that could be the issue? The guy hasn't paid his dues. He doesn't deserve to be there in the first place! Besides, the details of what happened are extremely vague and we shouldn't be bashing LEGENDS of a business that we ALL obviously adore. Otherwise none of us would be here. I'm not trying to bash anyone here, but we don't have enough info on the situation to go and jump to conclusions.

Im not saying about the Information on this situation, Im looking at how it looks from an perspective other then that of a mark for Flair.

The guy publicly bashed a Gay co- worker, I dont know about you but that stands as Harassment, which means that TNA will have GLADD turning this into a public relations nightmare.

You also have to take into account that the individual in question was shaken up, which could spell a potential lawsuit for TNA and Flair braking down any positive press that they recieved for the angle in question.

Now think of it objectivly, If this situations becomes over bearing what will happen to Flair and TNA?, the results wont be positive i assure you, I am a fan of Flair like the next guy but this was wrong even for him.
Does being drunk give Flair an excuse to bash someone?

Certainly not, but I'm sure he isn't the first or last person to behave in a regretable fashion whilst intoxicated.

I must say I am starting to become a tad hypocritical here by jumping to conclusions, there is nothing to suggest Flair or the other guy were drunk.

The fact that he picked a fight with Orlando Jordans boyfriend makes the matter worse, If it was any different guy on the roster it may have been overlooked but this situation will turn into a public relations nightmare

Who's to say Flair was in the wrong? Perhaps the other guy was acting in an anti social way and Flair told him to cut it out?

As I say we don't know enough about the situation to condemn either man.
Im not saying about the Information on this situation, Im looking at how it looks from an perspective other then that of a mark for Flair.

The guy publicly bashed a Gay co- worker, I dont know about you but that stands as Harassment, which means that TNA will have GLADD turning this into a public relations nightmare.

You also have to take into account that the individual in question was shaken up, which could spell a potential lawsuit for TNA and Flair braking down any positive press that they recieved for the angle in question.

Now think of it objectivly, If this situations becomes over bearing what will happen to Flair and TNA?, the results wont be positive i assure you, I am a fan of Flair like the next guy but this was wrong even for him.

It seems wrong yes. I totally agree. But without the full story, we just can't be sure. Sadly this is the kind of thing that can cause ALOT of legal trouble for any company no matter the business. But who's to say Jordan's companion didn't want a little ride on space mountain (joke) and Flair flipped out. I'm just saying we should wait for more details before we place the blame on anyone.
Does anyone know for sure flair wasnt provoked? no? exactly so u cant say that flair just attacked the guy for no reason. Hell if he was provoked then theres nothin to do with him being gay and that it wud just be like the hurricane jericho incident last month. People are just assumin flair just ran up n attacked him for being gay. On the otherhand if it was cos the guy was grinding him on the bar do u honestly think after a show if undertaker or stone cold was in a bar with a guy with denim hot pants rubbin up against them they wouldnt react?
It seems wrong yes. I totally agree. But without the full story, we just can't be sure. Sadly this is the kind of thing that can cause ALOT of legal trouble for any company no matter the business. But who's to say Jordan's companion didn't want a little ride on space mountain (joke) and Flair flipped out. I'm just saying we should wait for more details before we place the blame on anyone.

So wait, even if he wanted to be with Flair in such a way was it still right for Flair to go off on him the way he did?.

It doesnt matter how the situation may or may not have happened Flair has still put himself in the middle of a public relations nightmare, somethng that his good friends up high in TNA will need to get him out of no matter how he may or may not have been in the preverbial right.:shrug:

Does anyone know for sure flair wasnt provoked? no? exactly so u cant say that flair just attacked the guy for no reason. Hell if he was provoked then theres nothin to do with him being gay and that it wud just be like the hurricane jericho incident last month. People are just assumin flair just ran up n attacked him for being gay. On the otherhand if it was cos the guy was grinding him on the bar do u honestly think after a show if undertaker or stone cold was in a bar with a guy with denim hot pants rubbin up against them they wouldnt react?

Wait, wasn't the Hurricane released for that very same incident?, also there is a difference between some random guy and one that works for the same company as you do, If i was at a bar with a guy that worked in the same office i worked for and did exactly what Flair did I would be seeing a potential lawsuit and loss of earnings after i was suspended without pay.

No matter what the guy did you cannot tell me that this situation doesnt look bad, he freaked the guy out and left him shaken.

Certainly not, but I'm sure he isn't the first or last person to behave in a regretable fashion whilst intoxicated.

I must say I am starting to become a tad hypocritical here by jumping to conclusions, there is nothing to suggest Flair or the other guy were drunk.

Nothing Suggests that, which makes the situation look worse, If Flair did that Sober he will have no excuse once this hits the press, imagine what sites like TMZ will do to Rick Flair once this situation gets out.

Who's to say Flair was in the wrong? Perhaps the other guy was acting in an anti social way and Flair told him to cut it out?

As I say we don't know enough about the situation to condemn either man.

No we dont, but what is seen looks bad, simple as, again what would you do if the shoe was on the other foot, you would be threatening legal action against the company if the guy wasnt released.
In my opinion in a post-wrestling event bar i can see it being quite a testosterone filled bar and if this guy was up on the bar grinding away in ric flairs face then he gets what he deserves really.

What does this even mean? Can you define what you mean by 'grinding away'? Do you mean grinding on Flair? If any person, gay or not came up to you and started rubbing their body against you then you have a reason to react. However if by, 'in Ric Flair's face' you simply meant that Ric Flair was in the bar as well, and was therefore subjected to witnessing it, then he has no reason or excuse to act in any negative way towards this person.
Its a terrible story line.. No one likes it but the queers.. Quit being PC.. Bruno did something to portray himself as one of the guys and flair set him straight.. Whys everybody talking about lawsuits.. flair didnt touch him, both probably had some drinks and there stories wouldnt hold up in court either way.. Long Live the Nature Boy!!!
I obviously don't know all the details about this incident but I think it has to be a matter of who Ric Flair thinks belongs in the locker room and who doesn't. He had to be feeling disgraced that of all people, a gay guy who Ric feels has no business being there, was in the men's locker room and dancing at a bar like it's party time or know?

Although Ric didn't really have the right to do something like this, I think it's because of the lack of passion coming from young wrestlers these days. Remember how Ric Flair went off on Carlito a few years ago? He was disgusted that guys like Carlito had no passion for the wrestling business and that he just wanted the fame, money, and the women. I see this situation being about the same reason. All party party but no passion.
So wait, even if he wanted to be with Flair in such a way was it still right for Flair to go off on him the way he did?.

It doesnt matter how the situation may or may not have happened Flair has still put himself in the middle of a public relations nightmare, somethng that his good friends up high in TNA will need to get him out of no matter how he may or may not have been in the preverbial right.

I totally agree, it is a public relations nightmare. I guess my point is how would you react? Granted, I don't know you or your preference, but if I was at a bar and another man attempted to force his sexuality on me (not saying that's what happened, but we don't know it didn't) I would do more than shake him up with a "promo". Hopefully, there are enough witnesses to clear this issue up. I'm not saying either man was wrong or right, but Jordan's companion looked fairly young and Flair's in his sixty's. Shaken up? C'mon. A payday maybe.

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