The "Nature Boy" Dolph Ziggler?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
In 1978 Ric Flair starting using the "Nature Boy" title, and went over the original "Nature Boy" Buddy Rodgers on his way to the top of professional wrestling. To many that was considered a "passing of the torch" from one of the all-time greats to the next up-and-coming legend. At the time of their feud, Rodgers was 57 and one of the oldest wrestlers still performing for his day. Ric Flair is currently 62 and still going strong in TNA. My question: is it time to crown a new "Nature Boy"?

To me the term "Nature Boy" is much more than a title. It's a way of wrestling, and a specific character type. Rodgers did it back in the day, and Flair evolved it into something truly spectacular. It's that jet-flyin, limo-ridin, kiss-stealing, wheeling-dealing son of a gun persona. The guy that cheats to win, and is proud of doing so. THe guy who had all the charisma, never looks up to anyone, and truly believes he is the best in the world. In my opinion, we should have a new "Nature Boy" and now is as good a time as any.

The name of this thread is "The 'Nature Boy' Dolph Ziggler, because I believe there is no better choice than the Show-Off himself. He's got that look, he already uses the tactics, he wears nice suits, and all he needs are ladies, the limos, and the nickname to give him that extra flair (pun intended). If you can think of a better candidate for "Nature Boy" status, you will have my respect, but I don't think there is one.

Should there ever be a new "Nature Boy"?
If so, who should take over the name?
Do you think if it happens soon, there is any chance of Flair coming back to the WWE and interacting with the new "Nature Boy" as a means to "pass the torch"?
Actually, I think this is quite a good idea. Ziggler has the looks, the talent, and the charisma to do justice to the "Nature Boy" gimmick. I wouldn't mind seeing this at all.
No. No. No. and HELL NO.

There's a huge difference in Rick Flair and Buddy Rodgers. Rodgers was great, but Rick Flair is something special that should never be replaced as the Nature Boy. It's actually almost insulting to Flair to suggest such an idea.

Dolph is great. I like Dolph a lot, but he needs his own character, his own creation. Not something thought up by like "oh hey, i'll use this old man's gimmick." That'd almost be like someone trying to replace the Undertaker, it's a BAD idea.
Normally I would disagree. Ric Flair is arguably the greatest of all time and even though Buddy Rogers was the first to use "Nature Boy," Ric evolved it into something so outrageous that it could never be duplicated. IF, a big if for a reason, IF it were to go on to somebody else Dolph Ziggler would indeed, be the man...... Pun very much intended.
Not with the name "Dolph Ziggler". There have been many people pointing out in previous threads that he has quite possibly one of the worst names in the WWE right now. I think "Nature Boy" Nick Nemeth sounds a hell of a lot better. Also, Flair being the legend he is, if that title is passed on to ANYONE, it won't be until A) Ric gives them the title himself or B) Ric passes away.

Secondly, even though he is improving week in and week out, his mic skills are not up to par to be in the same category when you talk "Nature Boy" status. His in-ring skill set is there, but he has work to do on the mic.

I'm not saying Dolph doesn't have the look of a young Ric Flair or the skill set, I'm just saying that right now I think it would be difficult to consider him for such a title this young in his short career so far.
I don't think this would work simply because Dolph Ziggler may seem like that kind of performer, but at the same time he's the type of guy that snubs traditions and wouldn't accept being known by anything other than his own name. I don't think he would even take the comparison too kindly.
If anyone was to become the new nature boy, of the current crop of WWE talent, you are correct no one fits the bill more so than Ziggler.

However, i don't think anyone could really live up to ric flair when it comes to being the nature boy. Ziggler would almost be living in the shadow of Flair as inevitably people would compare the two and as good as Ziggler is he's certainly no Flair YET, there is a risk he could be referred to as a "2nd rate" version of Ric Flair.

Ziggler needs to forge his own legacy, to formulate his own character and persona which works for him and at the moment he appears to be doing just that. He is top notch in the ring and his mic skills are improving every promo he cuts. I can certainly see how Ziggler could fulfill the role of the new nature boy but at this juncture of his career i think "the heel" and "the show off" are fine: simple but effective.
No. No. No. and HELL NO.
Sorry, what was your stance on this again?

There's a huge difference in Rick Flair and Buddy Rodgers. Rodgers was great, but Rick Flair is something special that should never be replaced as the Nature Boy. It's actually almost insulting to Flair to suggest such an idea
Is that like Orton using Angle's slam? I don't think it's an insult at all, but rather a compliment. And more than that, it's not wanting such a legendary moniker to disappear from the industry.

Dolph is great. I like Dolph a lot, but he needs his own character, his own creation. Not something thought up by like "oh hey, i'll use this old man's gimmick." That'd almost be like someone trying to replace the Undertaker, it's a BAD idea.
There's rarely anything truly "new" in pro wrestling. Even Flair took the idea from Buddy Rodgers, and while he turned it into something legendary, it still wasn't truly UNIQUE. If they truly just GAVE him the name and told him to run with it, that would be insulting. But the passing of the torch could be huge for Ziggler, or really anybody who took the name. It has to be intentional, and has to be done with care and not just cast away in two months if it doesn't pay off.

I still think ZIggler is every bit a "Nature Boy" as Flair at that age of his career. One of the best wrestlers in the world right now, amazing charisma, unique, has similar looks, and a great natural heel. I could see him easily adapting some of Flair's most signature moves into his own to make it perfect.
I do hate Dolph's name, but regardless he is the best in the WWE right now. I'm a fan of Punk, Bryan and Rhodes but Dolph is the future face of the company and I have no reservations in saying that he will be the biggest star in wrestling very soon. As far as the Nature Boy could definitely work but like someone else pointed out, I would rather see Dolph develop his own character. Right now the show-off character works but as he gets more T.V. time it will turn into something bigger.
Like I said in the "Do comparisons kill careers," thread, such comparisons can really hurt a wrestler's career. When you attach the whole person and gimmick that Ric Flair to Dolph Ziggler or anyone else, what do you really have? A cheap impersonation that will never live up to the standards that Flair set.

I understand why you would like for this to happen, but I have to disagree with your stance. When most people think of "Nature Boy," they think about Flair and not anyone else. I say let Ziggler create his own persona and let him be him. I don't think anyone else is going to be like Flair and I don't think it's fair to recreate something of the past with someone new and expect it to work.
Should there ever be a new "Nature Boy"?

Wrestling was still pretty much a regional business when Flair took that name. Even hardcore modern wrestling fans are probably only vaguely familiar with Buddy Roger's career. Ric Flair was a nationwide star, and any wrestler who takes the "Nature Boy" monicker will be seen as an attempt to emulate Flair.

If so, who should take over the name?

No one. In Flair's book, he mentions wanting to call himself Ric Rhodes, and someone mentioning to him that it was a bad idea to hitch himself to someone else's wagon.

Do you think if it happens soon, there is any chance of Flair coming back to the WWE and interacting with the new "Nature Boy" as a means to "pass the torch"?

After reading that long expose on his financial problems, I believe there is a strong chance of Ric Flair going anywhere and doing anything that pays him the most money. If the WWE wanted to make Hornswaggle the next "Nature Boy," I believe Ric Flair would make the most of it, if the money was right. He has nothing to lose. Ric Flair is an icon of professional wrestling, and the chances of any other "Nature Boys" repeating his success are almost zero.
I think IF anyone got the title it should be Dolph but I'm not too sure if "The Nature Boy" Dolph Ziggler sounds that great.. maybe with a different name. I don't really think the name meshes well but that may be me -shrugs-
If they were to make Ziggler the new "Natch," They should get Buddy Landell to dub him it at the HOF ceremony. Thus getting under Flair's skin and then Flair ends up putting over Ziggler.
Comparisons do kill careers....but I see no Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels in Ziggler. Ziggler's character is a dead (no pun intended) ringer for Curt Hennig. The Showoff is a ripoff of Mr. Perfect.

Vince is re-creating characters and it never works, cuz nothing beats the original. Mason Ryan-Batista, Brodus Clay-The Godfather, Chris Masters-Lex Luger.

Even Cena is a boderline goodie two shoes like Hogan was. A ripped muscleman preaching doing the right thing. Instead of prayers and vitamins, Cena's gimmick is around hustle loyalty respect and loving the troops. CM Punk is a boderline Austin gimmick, which is an Anti-Rebel type hero.

However I do believe that comparisons/gimmicks evolve over time and sometimes you just fall into a role. Punk did that with his mic work that glorious night. Cena with his dedication to the sport. I don't think they were scripted in their roles.

It's obvious to me the scripting is going on with Ziggler aka Mr. Perfect, and Ryder aka Billy Gunn and Clay aka Godfather, and Ryan aka Batista.

It takes years and many tries to overcome these comparisons. Look how many times Orton had to be re-made before becoming the VIPER. Cody Rhodes is another one who has found himself after a few makeovers.

So yes these comparisons, gimmick re-creations can and will kill careers if you remain stuck in them for too long with too much exposure. If you are repacked time and time again, you may find yourself like Rhodes or Orton or Truth, or just let it come naturally like Cena & Punk
Secondly, even though he is improving week in and week out, his mic skills are not up to par to be in the same category when you talk "Nature Boy" status. His in-ring skill set is there, but he has work to do on the mic.

This. Absolutely this. He had a good week this last Monday with two incredible promo guys to back him up (Foley and Punk) but he has a ways to go yet, and a credibility to establish. You think Ziggler is awesome? Ric Flair survived a plane crash early in his career, which was the catalyst for his variation of the Buddy Rodgers "Nature Boy" gimmick. He OWNED it and made it work on his own terms. If Ziggler used that moniker today, nobody would see him as "his own man." He'd just be a cheap Ric Flair knock-off, and Ziggler deserves more than that.

Not to mention that "Dolph Ziggler" is the stupidest ring name given to an ultra-talented worker since The Ringmaster.
For a while I have hated the name Dolph Ziggler... it doesn't fit a main event guy and his real name Nick Nemeth is far more suited to a main eventer... I could see a situation where he becomes Nemeth when he next wins the title working... As for the Flair comparisons, I think he's smart enough to know not to try...
Absolutely not.
Ric Flair not only took on the "Nature Boy" title but he embraced it.
Nobody else could possibly take on the weight of such a title and take it to a high enough level. Flair is the Naich and will remain so long after his death.
The title of the nature boy should be handed down to someone else ......
Under a few conditions
1. Flair picks who he gives it to
2. He's a young and up coming talent
3. There should be a "moment" where u see the title change over. A confrontation if you will
4. He should should take it a new direction
If dolph ziggler can deliver that than I think he should be the new nature boy
Ric Flair is arguably the greatest of all time and even though Buddy Rogers was the first to use "Nature Boy," Ric evolved it into something so outrageous that it could never be duplicated.

You could be right.....and it also could be that no one would agree with you more than Ric Flair himself. The fact he still wants to be put over as he was in his prime makes me wonder if he would ever agree to pass the torch. (That's not to say Flair expects to be booked the same as years ago, but I believe he still wants it).

Back in the day, Buddy Rogers might have thought of himself as a once-in-a-lifetime performer, the original Nature Boy, and might have been reluctant to personally transfer the title to someone else. Yet, he did Flair. I have even read that Rogers was planning to wrestle another "Nature Boy".....Buddy Landell, and probably job to the younger man. The match never happened because Buddy Rogers died, which tells you how late in life he was still trying to make something happen in the ring(!)

But, would it be good to pass the mantle to Dolph Ziggler? Sure, it would! He's the same type of wrestler with the same nasty personality. So far, Dolph's distinctiveness comes from Vickie Guerrero. It's time to give him something of his own.......and I think anointing him as the new Nature Boy would be fitting.

If Dolph and Ric Flair worked for the same company, I wonder if this would ever happen.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3664226 said:
Is that like Orton using Angle's slam? I don't think it's an insult at all, but rather a compliment. And more than that, it's not wanting such a legendary moniker to disappear from the industry.

Sorry dude but you can't compare a nothing move like the Angle Slam being used by Orton as a comparison to something as massive as passing the torch for someone's career. It's not comparible.

I'm mixed on this. I actually have completely lost interest in AJ Styles since he hasn't had Flair by his side. I know he spoke about not liking the gimmick and not feeling like he needed it... Thinking he might be regretting that now? If not, he probably should be.

Ziggler doesn't need Flair I don't think. He's shown over the past few months that he's mounting in confidence and clearly has the ability. It's definitely getting to the point where he should possibly break away from Vic and get on with it.

Also, to the people who go on and on about Ziggler needing to change his name, may I suggest MMA? If you want a load of guys losing character and being referred to by their real names, you might be better off. This is professional wrestling where no one should be the same.
The one problem I see with this is that with the current possessor of the moniker so well known (and in TNA to boot), The Nature Boy Dolph Ziggler will inevitably invite comparisons with The Nature Boy Ric Flair - and many will find the former wanting in sheer dripping charisma. Will it sabotage Dolph's career? Certainly not. Will it provide him anything worth treasuring for the rest of his career? No. Will it provide him with unnecessary baggage, with shoes too big to fulfill? Yes.

Not that I see promise in the suggestion to cash in on the moniker as a feud - Dolph humiliates Ric time and again, Dolph eventually calls himself The Nature Boy (with Dolph's mannerisms intact), Ric eventually confronts Dolph and gets the latter over - but it's only possible if one of them are in the same company as the other.
Yeh, that's one point I totally forgot to mention actually.

Flair's still active, so it'd look a little strange. But like I said, I think it worked well with AJ, but I don't think they ever went as far as to call him the Nature Boy.
I do think it would work if the WWE didn't have another plan for Ziggler. I would rather see him become the next Mr. Perfect since Curt Henning never got his just do in the company.

Having Dolph take that Title and run with it would be the perfect passing of the torch. Ric Flair elevated another man's title. Dolph could do the same with Mr. Perfect. He has the look, the athletic ability and can cut a promo. All he would need is a world title run. And he could take that and run.

I think Ric Flair should the next nature boy as someone has already suggested. But I don't see anyone that could wear it besides Dolph. Dolph as Mr. Perfect is the best fit.
i was just thinking about this. :) a few weeks ago on raw i saw dolph counter someones move and after he did the ric flair strut. i got to thinking he sure does have the cockiness and if a little more charasmatic, he could pull it off.
as mentioned previously, dolph is a Mr Perfect mould not a ric flair. He is WAY more talented in the ring than flair, but nowhere near him on the mic. Much more of a perfect to me too.

plus Flair passing the torch? not when he needs those alimony cheques paid

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