The Nations of Castration

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Eh, it's a sucky name for the League of Nations, but it is essentially what is happening to four of what are supposed to be (now, at least) the top heels in the company.

So, stop me if I'm wrong with the new character direction of the League of Nations;

Sheamus: I'm Irish, and a dirty foreigner. Boo me!
Rusev: I'm Russian (sort of, not really), and a dirty foreigner. Boo me!
Alberto Del Rio: I'm a Mexican, and a dirty foreigner! Be apathetic for me!
Zeb Colter: We'll take UR JURBS!

I forgot Wade Barrett was in this until I made this thread.

Wade Barrett: I'm a Brit! Boo me, you knackers!

It's really the only thing this stable has in common, and it's the only reason we've been given to boo them. Shit, Rusev came off more like a babyface in his segment with Ryback, standing up for his woman.

If you're not going to give us a compelling reason to boo these gentlemen, why even bother?

Oh, that's right; it's WWE, and we need heel stables at the top. All of the time.

We're getting into TNA territory with how many heel stables this company has launched on us in the past three years.
You're trashing it after one day? How do you know it isn't different?

Of course the formula is going to be the same that's pro wrestling 101 but it's how they pad the story out that's going to be interesting.
You're trashing it after one day? How do you know it isn't different?

Of course the formula is going to be the same that's pro wrestling 101 but it's how they pad the story out that's going to be interesting.

I can tell you the story: Roman Reigns conquers the odds. It's the same story we've been doing since 1998.

What exactly, do these four men have in common? Why are they a stable?

Because they are heels and foreigners. That's it. Unless you got any better reason for them being a stable, of course.

I've seen this angle play out a thousand times. Can you really tell me you think this angle will be any different from The Authority fucking with the babyfaces?
These 4 men are a stable because: Del Rio is the U.S champion, Sheamus and Barret are friends, Rusev has just returned and they're all there to grasp there opportunity.

The opportunity that has been harked on about for weeks now.
To be fair, I don't like the name either. Any foreign gimmick has a short life. Especially, when it's booked the way Rusev was. They come, whine about the country, defeat some patriots and get beaten by an ultimate patriot. I know they'll end up being sidelined soon.

The point you're missing is that this angle is being done due to lack of stars. It was never meant to be a plan. They're doing this just to bide some time.
These 4 men are a stable because: Del Rio is the U.S champion, Sheamus and Barret are friends, Rusev has just returned and they're all there to grasp there opportunity.

The opportunity that has been harked on about for weeks now.

So you're essentially saying they are a stable, because they're there.

Really inspiring way to build a stable here. So, why name them the League of Nations, playing on the heel foreigner gimmick, if your sole purpose isn't to typecast them as, well, dirty foreigners?
So you're essentially saying they are a stable, because they're there.

Really inspiring way to build a stable here. So, why name them the League of Nations, playing on the heel foreigner gimmick, if your sole purpose isn't to typecast them as, well, dirty foreigners?

No they're a stable because they saw the opportunity presented to Seth Rollins and then Sheamus. That same opportunity RR spurred.

Because they're all heels they are waiting for the moment the opportunity presents itself to them and they can stab Sheamus in the back.
No they're a stable because they saw the opportunity presented to Seth Rollins and then Sheamus. That same opportunity RR spurred.

Because they're all heels they are waiting for the moment the opportunity presents itself to them and they can stab Sheamus in the back.

So then you're admitting that they're essentially the authority 2.0. (Probably more Authority .5)
No because there was never going to be any opportunity for for JandJ Kane or Big Show. They were muscle.

Randy was their guy then they switched to Seth.

The way this has been presented,imo, HHH didn't know Sheamus was going to kick RR's head off and cash in.

I believe it's now all about who takes the opportunity not whos the 'man'.
And whoever takes the "opportunity" is going to be the Authority's guy.

Authority 2.0. Now with dirty foreigners. And that's their only gimmick.
Are we really going to pretend this is somehow different at this point? Are we really going to do this "well you don't really know yet" deal? Here's the thing: It's not different and yes we do know. Why do we know? Because WWE couldn't do anything different these days for more than 2 seconds if their entire companies future depended on it, their programming is in a rut to say the least but they still make dough (mostly do to the monopoly they've created in wrestling) so at the end of they day they aren't going to care, they aren't going to care until they consistently stop making money. I don't really blame them there but I can't help but think all the potential profit's they are flushing down the toilet because they don't really try with their programming anymore.
Are we really going to pretend this is somehow different at this point? Are we really going to do this "well you don't really know yet" deal? Here's the thing: It's not different and yes we do know. Why do we know? Because WWE couldn't do anything different these days for more than 2 seconds if their entire companies future depended on it, their programming is in a rut to say the least but they still make dough (mostly do to the monopoly they've created in wrestling) so at the end of they day they aren't going to care, they aren't going to care until they consistently stop making money. I don't really blame them there but I can't help but think all the potential profit's they are flushing down the toilet because they don't really try with their programming anymore.

Yeah. The biggest thing that baffled me recently is why they didn't turn Reigns heel at Survivor Series. If you can give someone a consistent, one sided reaction (in his case I mean a heel reaction), it is very easy to turn it around the other way with even decent writing. It's not like they don't have Cena around for probably 5 more years. You also have Rollins coming back to a likely face reaction.
Yeah. The biggest thing that baffled me recently is why they didn't turn Reigns heel at Survivor Series. If you can give someone a consistent, one sided reaction (in his case I mean a heel reaction), it is very easy to turn it around the other way with even decent writing. It's not like they don't have Cena around for probably 5 more years. You also have Rollins coming back to a likely face reaction.

I knew they weren't turning Reigns heel but I think most can agree he should have. It would be so easy to get the crowd behind him as a heel and down the road with a little bit of smart writing they could turn him face and have him at the level they want him to be at. Quite frankly this whole thing is a layup but instead WWE insists on doing nothing but half court shots these days. I don't understand their insistence of making things harder than they need to be. You have Reigns a heel champ for a while and he has a natural opponent in Rollins when he's healthy. Rollins is definitely coming back as a face whether WWE likes it or not, I don't think his face run will last long (through no fault on Rollins part) but the initial reaction will be strong.
This is just further proof that The New Day should be the A#1 heels of the show. Give Kofi the World Title damn it!
I've never understood the overall dislike for stables. If done well, stables are great for wrestling. This one, however, isn't good for anyone.
Well they have been official for, like, a week. That's a great amount of time to take before making a judgement.
I dont mind stable as a stable, I am just asking why should we care?

Sheamus has acctually been doing nothing out of importance since MiTB win. Barrett even less. Rusev was stucked up with awfull feud with Ziggler and he just got Lana back so he could go with program with her. Del Rio has US Championship and MexAmericana thing. Out of 4 of them 3 were basiclly almost irrelevant and 2 had other things running at the moment. So why should we even care for them? Because WWE said so and suddenly they are important because Sheamus cashed in and they all are heels at the moment?

Gets even worse. Heard Reigns is getting his own faction in Ambrose and Usos. So its gona be quite clustefuck next few weeks.

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