The Most Charismatic Superstar in the WWE Today?

Who is the most charismatic Superstar in the WWE today?

  • John Cena

  • CM Punk

  • Christian

  • Randy Orton

  • Sheamus

  • The Miz

  • R -Truth

  • John Morrison

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Other

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Who do you think is currently the most charismatic Superstar in the WWE?

Mine is John Cena.

Whether you like or hate him, everybody has a strong opinion about John Cena. Nobody generates as much passion from the fans than John Cena. The atmosphere is always incredible everytime Cena's theme song hits and the crowd goes nuts.

Punk is really close behind..

However, I may just put Triple H above him, but since he isn't wrestling I left him out.

Please, don't judge on the wrestlers in the poll.. I put in whoever I could think off.. Or just vote 'Other' and let us know who!
Alberto Del Rio by far is the most charismatic superstar/showman in the WWE right now, he is just oozing of charisma and not only that but he has a personal ring announcer his own, and he's won the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank and the WWE Title all in one year, if that is not charisma, I don't know what is
For me it's The Miz. He's just so good on the mic and knows how to work the crowd very well. The reaction he gets is always mixed despite being a great heel. So I'm just gonna go with the "charismatic" awesome one The Miz.
John Cena. I don't have to like him to realize that he is still the most comfortable mic performer in the industry right now. It doesn't matter if there is 700 or 70,000 people in a building, Cena goes out there and talks like he's making a home movie in the comfort of his living room. There may be more interesting Superstars or better wrestlers out there in the WWE, but there's nobody that commands the same reaction John Cena does.

Still, any time the Rock steps in the building, he immediately takes the top spot. For me, charisma is all about being able to get a fan reaction. It's how you portrait yourself, how you walk, talk, and wield your skills as a performer. And the Rock does it better than ANYBODY.

CM Punk in Chicago is a no-contest, but he can't pull that same reaction anywhere else, so he doesn't win.
Charisma is an ability that helps you connect with the crowd and work the crowd in or against your favor, by whatever means. It can be by mic skills but it is not odd to see a charismatic guy who lacks mic skills. A good example of that is Jeff Hardy. If you go by that, then your question becomes more factual than opinion based and the obvious answer to this question becomes John Cena.

Cena gets the most amount of reaction amongst all the superstars in the WWE. You either love the guy or you hate the guy, you simply cannot ignore him.

Of course there is one other guy who can rival Cena in terms of charisma and that is Undertaker, when he is performing. People respond to his mere presence, a lot like they do for Cena, although it must be said that almost everyone loves him, unlike Cena.
We always associate charisma with mic work, but I don't think thats ALL of it. You have to have charisma in the ring too.

With that said, my answer is John Cena. I'm not a huge fan of ghim, but when you think of charisma, he's the guy that comes to mind.

However, I want to say that if he could cut better promos, I believe Dolph Ziggler would be my pick. His promos are just average right now, but the way he carries himself, and how he works in the ring are amazingly charismatic. When I see him, I instantly get that feeling that this is somebody and its been a long time since I felt that way watching anyone! I know everyone compares him to Perfect, but he actually reminds me more of HBK as a heel back in the 1992-1994 era. I really hope he can let himself go a little when he gets the mic and let some charisma come through because if/when he does, I believe the sky is the limit.
The most charismatic person on the roster is without a doubt The Miz!
He is given a Mic and he rolls with it. The crowd reacts, the Miz reacts.
I think he does a brilliant job with what opprtunities he is given, and does a better job with the limited time he is given than others do.

I am shocked at the 5 Cena votes I have seen. I wont say he isnt charismatic but the man has an unfair advantage as the face of the WWE and the crowds dislike for him is more for his lack of charisma and what is in many peoples opinions a mediocre in ring performer.... and not that he is so charismatic that he draws hate aswell as love from the crowd.
Again... he is not uncharismatic, but the reasons I have seen some of you vote in his favour make it seem like you dont even know what the word means.
Alberto Del Rio by far is the most charismatic superstar/showman in the WWE right now, he is just oozing of charisma and not only that but he has a personal ring announcer his own, and he's won the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank and the WWE Title all in one year, if that is not charisma, I don't know what is


I picked Cena. Like him or hate him he's magnetic. He has the largest fan base by far of any WWE superstar. Smarks tend to hate him for different reasons, but casual fans are in love with the guy. So there's my pick.

P.S. Winning matches does not = charisma Terry.
I'm happy to see that my vote for CM Punk tied him up with John Cena. It's symbolic, in a way, because the two of them are neck and neck for most charismatic superstar in the WWE.

In my opinion, charisma is defined by somebody who, whatever they're doing, the entire crowd is engaged with them. Nobody defines that more right now than Punk and Cena, but I voted for Punk because I feel like he is more engaging with the audience on the mic. Nobody has that "what's he gonna say next?!" factor about them like Punk does. Every time Punk gets near a mic the crowd silences and waits to hear what his next pipe bomb will be and when he's going to drop it. CM Punk is the most charismatic superstar in the WWE in my opinion.
Alberto Del Rio by far is the most charismatic superstar/showman in the WWE right now, he is just oozing of charisma and not only that but he has a personal ring announcer his own, and he's won the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank and the WWE Title all in one year, if that is not charisma, I don't know what is

i dont post alot on here, but WOW this is post worthy.

Im really hoping this was sarcasm. The guy blows on the mic and the crowd could care less about him. WWE can continue to shove him down our throats, but the guys English is very broken and its OBVIOUS that everything he says is directly from a script. Thats definitely not charisma.
For me its Sheamus. Don't ask me why, but the fact that he says fella is funny as hell and i like it. Too bad he is now mostly on smackdown ( because i have other things to do on friday nights).
Randy Orton. Hands down.

He's the personality of this generation.

Cena is a robot. Punk is a cool and I enjoy him, but he's very limited in his persona at the end of the day.

Orton is the near perfect face, hell, or whatever he wants to be. He's what Triple H used to be in the early days.

I'm sorry, but Cena lost his edge the moment the Rap thing went away. The only people who could dare put Cena as #1 here are too young to remember what real personality looks like, or are just under the age of 18 period and have a crush on Cena.
Alberto Del Rio by far is the most charismatic superstar/showman in the WWE right now, he is just oozing of charisma and not only that but he has a personal ring announcer his own, and he's won the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank and the WWE Title all in one year, if that is not charisma, I don't know what is

I'm not gonna say that Berto has absolutely ZERO charisma, but he definately isnt the most charismatic in the WWE. Im not basing this soley off of crowd reaction but who, in my opinion, is actually the most charismatic. That being said, I choose CM Punk. Every time he has a mic in his hand, I (and a lot of other people) are hanging off of every word he says and waiting to see what he'll say next or what buttons he'll push. Ever since the shoot before MITB he's been on fire on the mic.
i dont post alot on here, but WOW this is post worthy.

Im really hoping this was sarcasm. The guy blows on the mic and the crowd could care less about him. WWE can continue to shove him down our throats, but the guys English is very broken and its OBVIOUS that everything he says is directly from a script. Thats definitely not charisma.

See I have to disagree, Del Rio is charismatic, not as much as a Cena, Miz or even Truth but he is a good worker he is more than decent on the mic. I think you just haven't connected with him on the level of said talents. He can be better, he's believable, he doesn't talk about how he's the poor Mexican guy he's arrogant but his language is somewhat of a barrier. He's no Eddie Guerrero but he has something that I think you need to look for he's like Sheamus people are just now warming up to him, I think it's just about thinking about his better moments. He's just Rough around the edges and you have to warm up with him. I think it's more on how WWE as well, I don't think they are giving him the space he needs to be creative.

But for the most charismatic superstar right I'd say... The Miz or Sheamus or Truth, one of those three, I think that the more freedom they get, the more entertaining they get.
noun, plural -ma·ta  [-muh-tuh]

Theology . a divinely conferred gift or power.

a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people.

the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like.

That is's definition of Charisma. With that said, 2 people come to mind. CM Punk and John Cena. They both are undeniably 2 of the biggest stars on RAW right now and everytime, CM Punk grabs a mic we listen. When Cena talks we listen. With Cena, his promos are usually all the same. I havent seen him cut a original promo in a long time. Excluding his banter with The Rock. Cena is the face of the WWE at the moment and whether you cheer him or boo him, he commands a crowd and works it better than a stripper in room full of millionaires.

My vote goes to Punk, his current storyline is great. I know its story line but how many others can say they got Vince fired, or got signed back after verbally destroying the WWE and their policies? How many can say they figurtively took a crap on the WWE and still have the number 1 selling T shirt? The man has so much charisma, the WWE didnt want him to anywhere else. He has so much charisma that he is making HHH put his position of power on the line in their match. CM Punk is charisma.
Whoa, anyone who doesn't say R-Truth is delusional. His facial expressions, his wit, his improvisation, his catchphrases, this man has got it down. No one is more charismatic right now.
No Long Island Iced Z Zack Ryder? Are You Serious Bro?

Ha Had to say that but I vote CM Punk. Just his whole personality just oozes charisma. The way he just walk out with so much confidence and feeds off the crowd. He not only has great promos but he trash talks and smirks in the ring. Cena is close but he is too stale right now. A few years ago he would have been #1 but CM Punk is still the hottest topic right now so i have to go with him.

But Seriously Bro Put Up Zack Ryder! WWYKI haha I crack myself up

Punk, Cena, Miz in my opinion Heck Put in R-Truth. He has some charisma to behave like a crazy black man (I'm black don't take it wrong)
John Cena by a landslide, Triple H pointed out last night why Cena is the biggest name in wrestling.

A lot of you may be love drunk on CM Punk, but Cena blows him out of the water. Don't get me wrong, I like CM Punk, I've enjoyed his work, I loved him in the SES, his straight edge gimmick is gold, his straight edge promos during Royal Rumble, and EC from years prior were GOLD, but he's not on Cena's level as far as charisma goes.

Cena's blown every wrestling on the roster for the past 5 years out of the water. Thats why he's the focal point on the company, thats why he's the center of attention, the main attraction, the cash how for the company.

Cena wouldn't be in his current position with the company if he wasn't over with the fans. Triple H pointed this out last night. He's loved, he's hated, he's respected, he's disrespected. But unlike with Punks recent turn around in the past couple months, this isn't a new concept. Cena's been over and has been receiving these reactions for years.

You may not like him, and you may find a million reasons to put the man down, but he is one of the most charismatic superstars to ever grace a WWE Ring.

When you talk about Charisma in wrestling you talk about the likes of Hogan, Flair, Cena, Eddie Guerrero, Jericho, HBK, Undertaker, Edge, Pipper, Foley, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Angle, these superstars define charisma in wrestling.

Punk has charisma, but he's not near the level of any of these guys yet

I'd also like to point out how at this very moment John Morrison has no votes whatsoever due to being the polar opposite of a charismatic superstar.

John Morrison is a black hole of charisma.
Randy Orton. Hands down.

He's the personality of this generation.

Cena is a robot. Punk is a cool and I enjoy him, but he's very limited in his persona at the end of the day.

Orton is the near perfect face, hell, or whatever he wants to be. He's what Triple H used to be in the early days.

I'm sorry, but Cena lost his edge the moment the Rap thing went away. The only people who could dare put Cena as #1 here are too young to remember what real personality looks like, or are just under the age of 18 period and have a crush on Cena.

I get how you're entitled to your own opinion but how is Punk limited in his persona??? He's probably the only wrestler in the WWE that writes his own stuff. He has the most freedom with his persona if anything.

It's funny how you mentioned how Cena is a "robot" when I personally think Orton is like one. He's just so god damn boring in my opinion. Cena is a lot more entertaining. But I respect your opinion nonetheless.
I am glad I am not the only one who voted CM Punk. I would say that John Cena is the most charismatic in the last years but this year Punk is really getting the crowd behind him and imo better than John Cena. Cena is in the main guy of wwe but he is been doing the same shit for like 4 years now.

When you talk about Charisma in wrestling you talk about the likes of Hogan, Flair, Cena, Eddie Guerrero, Jericho, HBK, Undertaker, Edge, Pipper, Foley, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Angle, these superstars define charisma in wrestling.

Punk has charisma, but he's not near the level of any of these guys yet

I'd also like to point out how at this very moment John Morrison has no votes whatsoever due to being the polar opposite of a charismatic superstar.

John Morrison is a black hole of charisma.

That list isn't complete without Rock, Austin and Macho. I dare to say Punk is on the same level than some of those in that list, like Edge, Triple H, Angle, Undertaker. Atleast I see it that way.

I agree with the John Morrison comment.
John Cena & CM Punk are always interesting, but I don't find either to be very likable. I like The Miz, R-Truth, & Christian.

For me, making the decision on who is the most charismatic always comes down to appearances outside of WWE TV. Off WWE TV, Chris Jericho & The Miz absolutely dominate the screen, as does Paul Wight. Watching them in other acting gigs, interviews, and paparazzi video, IMO shows The Miz to be incredibly likable and entertaining.

Watching The Miz on George Lopez dancing with that girl from the audience and spinning her into the crown and onto her ass was hilarious. Watching The Miz on Conan O'Brian and seeing him get the crowd chanting Ginga Ninja instead of "Coco" (the monkey) was classic. Seeing The Miz caught by the paparazzi with Maryse & Jericho, James Durbin (from American Idol) after Dancing with the Stars was a pretty good insight into what kind of guy he is to hang out with.

I just don't see anyone as fun to watch in the WWE today that compares to The Miz. My opinion.
For me personally CM Punk is the most charimsatic superstar right now. But there are some charimsatic superstars who were not given the chance to shine. i think that Wade Barret has a lot charisma and also Dolph Ziggler.
alberto del rio he has some but he is not the best lol cm punk is everytime i hear alberto del rio its the same thing says his name and u already know that and i beat rey mysterio blah blah blah punk i wouldnt say him a year ago bc they never let him go off like they did only time i would say he went off was with jeff hardy to a extent but now he is very smart with comebacks his promos are not scripted it seems he can work that mic well like his stuff against nash haha that thing bout the text message and his sister ha he is the new thing we need it seemed like monday on raw he went off on the game seems like sometimes hes just given a promo basis points to work with and sometimes says fuck this like when he said this was phil brooks talking to paul levasque not sure i got that spelled right oh well fuck it but it was like lol yea he crossed a line there sometimes it seems he is laughing at wwe bc they really need him he draws well and he will make tna so much better if he leaves and he doesnt need the wwe and does wat he wants

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