The Monster Raving Looney Party, with cake.

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Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
For from the reading of the sands of time, this day was foretold. A gargantuan granite statue of the future, a place inhabited by clowns, jesters, guttersnipes, poltroons, the most feared and respected cage rats, grammarthirsty and unyielding. Those who had read the sands knew only too well.

If you believe in a Wrestlezone where cake is readily available*, where on the last Sunday of the month, the inhabitants of the spam sections are allowed to communicate only through questions, if you believe the time has come for lethargy and inadequacies to administer the forefront of this great forum then you may well have a home in the cozy thatched cottage of complacency that I forged with my supple and yet brutish hands not but two minutes ago.

You see my friends, I have a dream.... a re-occurring dream actually. In it, I am chased by a snake with the face of Barbara Streisand. I'm only able to run at half my normal speed. The snake never catches me nor loses ground. Then suddenly I am paragliding over Europe and landing in the snowy Alps of Southern Germany where I have to fight Polar bears with an Uzi. Then it becomes a weird sex scene involving people from films I'd forgotten about long before, many of the 80s, Grace Jones was in one I think. Then I wake up during the good bit. You see, I think I know what this dream is trying to tell me my brethren, and that is such.

It is that

At a singular point in the future we'll look back upon this and know then that it was perhaps even... destiny! And on that day, brothers and sisters, we can all sample the delicious flesh of the Thurmask plant from the aeolian-drowned Mount Taranaris and drink until our hearts are filled and goblets empty, rich with the ambrosia of Grandma Nora's Candlebury Ale. Then, my friends, we'll know why this day came to pass and we will rejoice to the future and to the past, and to all those that made it possible. A-thank you.

*Might be a lie.

If The David French absorbs you, I may consider you a wortyh contender for leader. Well put all around. The kind of man I'm looking for. Potential Spam King on deck.

Wanna join the winning team?
Mark my words friend, we will win this election. Madness you say? Oh, you didn't? Well.... good, because this is actually in fact SPARTA!

I must rest now, tomorrow will require me at full strength. Good day fine sir....
I, er, it was late when my party was fabricated. I'm going to give this another day, and then be ready to tootle along and hand in my pre-emptive resignation.

But I ask you, homies, to consider carefully. This is an opportunity.
Once you get three members, you need to PM me letting me know all the members currently in party. You can add more later if necessary. you want to be the mod of the spam section? Sorry the message was kind of lost under the fluff of your post.

Er, we might do. If I had to pick a section, the spam one it would be. As for who would run, it depends on the members who join if we get that far. I'd be prepared to do if it was decided there was nobody else better suited.

Anyway, I think you're missing the point of this party. We're all about being the frosting on the cake. If other people take us seriously, we'll take us more seriously. Until then we are a party with little restraints, and that's our selling point, we're open to ideas.

Pledge here.
Right, that's it. I'm officially stating that The Monster Raving Looney Party is turning it's contents over to the David French party. To the other two members (really? two? does nobody like cake?), I'm inviting you to join me over there. Myself, I'll see you on the other side hombres.
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