The Monster is Back — Abyss Returns!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
no comments yet this morning? surprised I guess.

Abyss returned last night.
Sting and Angle needed a partner. Hogan said he had a "wild card". but Sting and Angle wanted Hogan to pick Magnus, so Magnus was picked to be the partner. except Aces and Eights later attacked Magnus and took him out. Sting and Angle started the match without a 3rd partner. but then at the end Abyss returned and took out the Aces and Eights.

so now that Abyss has showed up again, what's next?

I hope Abyss doesn't end up this face, like they had him a few years ago with Hogan's ring. that was awful. Abyss should still come off as a heel.
how do they explain him being gone? do they even explain it, or do they just not bring it up.
what will happen with Joseph Park? I would like something to happen where Abyss and Joseph Park are the same person, just different personalities.
About time Abyss returned. I have never really believed in the Joseph Park character at times it bored me but Abyss is a kick ass monster that TNA needs to fight against the Aces & Eights not some guy who is happy to be in a TNA ring.
Okay the premise and all was great. Bully took out Abyss after Genesis 2012 and now he will finally get his revenge, talk about long term booking!

But the excecution....was not a fan. First of all I think they really insulted the fans' intelligence. Abyss comes in and beats on Aces & Eights, why no DQ? Did the ref know Abyss was Angle and Sting's partner? Okay so we assume that. Abyss comes straight in, and gets the pin...even though he wasn't tagged and isn't the legal man?

On top of all that, he really looked like shit. I was hoping he was playing the Joseph character to heal from injuries and maybe get in better shape like he was years ago but he looks even worse now the way he was doing all of the moves. Still we only got a snippet of him so who knows maybe I'm judging him too early.

I think the match up until Abyss arrived was great, Angle arm dragging Bully, and that Bully dropkick, WOW. I think it would've been much better had the Aces win and then Abyss appear afterwards to clean house.
I have to say,
I haven't alway's been a huge fan of Abyss, but honestly ever since he took over the Joesph Park Persona, and just watch how good he was at the novice wrestler role, and playing the crowd every week, and then watching him come out again last night to a completely different tune was cool.

I have to say that the guy is a tremendous actor in that sense. He play's both parts completely different and I like that. Hopefully he stay's more relevant as the Abyss character. I would rather watch him as a bad ass, not a underdog.
His return was beyond weak, they were hyping the whole "third mystery wild card man" as a big shocker, what we got was a man who used to be a monster. First off the music hits and I thought it was Hardy, that entrance theme doesn't fit Abyss at all, now if he had played his original theme it would have been a lot better.

Second, Abyss looked so out of shape didn't look like he had any muscle at all, he comes down to the ring and starts doing a ton of sloppy moves, then puts Anderson through a table, apparently they made this a no DQ match without saying anything, and finally the illegal man gets the pin? TNA is just completely stupid, I would have much rather seen Matt Morgan or Terry fill the slot, they wasted what could have been a great return. Oh and apparently this big bad monster who's supposed to be crazy, has a cell phone and Hogan on speed dial
I was running through names in my head all night for the mystery partner, I only came up with EY, Crimson, Gunner or (maybe 1% belief) in Matt Morgan. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised , hasn't been a surprise that wasn't sorta spoiled in a long time. Bully and Abyss have had good brawls so this gives them another viable babyface.

Who had the worst mask/wig combo.. Luke Gallows' fake Kane debut or Abyss last night... lol

I'm far from an Abyss fan, but I thought they did a great job with this. I used to like him quite a bit early on in his TNA career when he was probably 100-150 pounds lighter than he is now, but his return was handled well despite his being so out of shape. It was a legitimate shock for probably 99% of fans (outside of shattered, who called it in the LD) and got a really good reaction.
I was expecting Abyss to return before long but with Joseph Parks being entertaining enough, I didn't actually miss Abyss that much.

So, he returns last night with a huge push. He takes out 4 or 5 (including D-Lo or not) A&8s members backstage then proceeds to enter the ring and basically destroy the top 3 members of the faction including the world heavyweight champ. Big return. Looking way back, you can even see the correlation between him and A&8s.

Problem is, as was mentioned earlier, he did look like shit doing it. After everything was done and he was standing in the middle of the ring in all his glory for the episode's final spot, I looked and all I could think of is "Meh...". He looked as out of shape as he ever has, and just seeing that face, he looked absolutely nowhere near badass. At this point, he just looks like a fat goof with a mask and a sort of attitude. It's just very difficult imagining Abyss being the dominant solution to the A&8s, and yet he probably will be, along with grandfather Sting looking to become the champ again.

And I'm not even going to elaborate on how much of a clusterfuck of rules that match proved to be. Welcome back Abyss and I'm just crossing my fingers for TNA.
Well the Joseph Parks character isn't done just yet. He has a match this Saturday in Florance, KY.
I can't stand Abyss, but his return last night was a genuinely shocking moment. It'll be interesting to see how TNA balances the character focus between Joesph Park and Abyss. Personally, I enjoy Park more, but obviously TNA has plans to use both, and this could lead to some kind of conflict between both personalities, and Park will have to make a choice between the lawyer or The Monster.

Abyss is gone a year and THAT'S what they do for his return? Terrible. He may have gotten a bigger pop if they had kept his old music, because logically people pop when they recognize someone's music.. but Abyss got a terrible reaction. Even when they realized who it was and he came out and took out Aces & Eights, his reaction was still poor at best. He also looked terrible. It's almost sad, really, that after being out an entire year and having all of that time to build towards something.. that's what they book, and that's how Abyss looks.


Abyss is gone a year and THAT'S what they do for his return? Terrible. He may have gotten a bigger pop if they had kept his old music, because logically people pop when they recognize someone's music.. but Abyss got a terrible reaction. Even when they realized who it was and he came out and took out Aces & Eights, his reaction was still poor at best. He also looked terrible. It's almost sad, really, that after being out an entire year and having all of that time to build towards something.. that's what they book, and that's how Abyss looks.


That was the music he had when we saw him last.

I will agree with the sentiment here though. His chokeslam looked weak. He was fairly slow. I wish hed get back in shape and become a real monster again.
I never really believed or liked the Joseph Park character at times as it bored me to death . Abyss is a threatening force monster that TNA needs to fight against the Aces & Eights . He is really out of shape and fat as Joseph Park as he packed more fat than muscle recently. Please get rid of Joseph Park character he sucks awful and is lame and weakling more of a clark kent and mr Hyde Persona. Abyss has to be much better than underfaker as they should go to the roots with the darkness powers and have James Mitchell as his manager but they screwed up on his character now which is sad indeed
I don't know how exactly they'd have explained the storyline, but I think it'd be kind of entertaining if they would have booked either Joesph Park or Abyss as a member of Aces and Eights, and had the other persona against them. The way they had Abyss return is going to be predictable. Monster comes back, destroys faction for a bit, loses at PPV, destroys faction for revenge, then wins at PPV. I think the persona split would have made it interesting.
That was the music he had when we saw him last.

I will agree with the sentiment here though. His chokeslam looked weak. He was fairly slow. I wish hed get back in shape and become a real monster again.

The worst part is we know it can be done as with Kane being injured many times but staying in fantastic shape. I think both he, and TNA dropped the ball on this one.
ugh, I hate abysses fat disgusting look. hes just another old washed up guy who is way to overexposed. hes a ok promo, which is why the joseph park character worked at all. as a wrestler getting a push against aces and eights... hes a broken down bump machine. i rather see a spot go to a guy like magnus.Dont watch too much tna week to week, but Id believe him as a monster. thats one ripped dude. not fat slob looks like what the cat dragged in abyss.
As one of the people that actually likes Abyss, I was very disappointed in his return. The shock value and build-up was well done, but other than that, it was quite poor.

The 2 main reasons are because he had a different entrance theme (which may I add, does not suit Abyss at all), and the fact that he looked sloppy in the ring. I know he's been playing the Joseph Parks character, but still, he looks really unfit as Abyss. His chokeslam on Anderson barely broke the table and his BHS was pathetic compared to ones he's done in the past. It's a shame, because other aspects were handled well, such as the build-up, with Hogan phoning him (stop complaining about this, learn to suspend your disbelief) and A&8's getting beaten up off screen. The reveal had potential, it's just a shame that it got spoilt by a few things.
Didn't even get to see it on the show yet, have to watch it online. our stupid sports network that TNA is on always breaks any programming to broadcast Live Surfing cause thats what everyone wants to watch obviously. Add to that they are having technical difficulties tonight, so we got and hour of Impact then surfing think it got to the Tag Match with James Storm as the ref.
I'm totally with Jtrivera & MisterRob's posts, on the points about the entrance music.

It needed to be the old theme .. the nightmare funhouse sounding one.

The moment the shi% music started playing, I was in the group that thought "WHO IS IT? .. IT'S .. meh, :zzzz:, it's only Abyss".

Despite having no interest in TNA Abyss for seemingly forever, he was the real monster again in Ring Ka King - if they had replicated his debut from there, I would have been sold.

Oh well.


Wait ..

Guys, guys .. GUYS !!

I've just had a mofo'ing ingenious idea !!!

What if .. what if whenever Abyss gets cut in a match and starts to bleed, he goes into shock and .. and 'turns' into Joseph Park !
From then, 'Joseph' gets his annoying ass kicked until he loses the match, at which point he 'wakes up' as Abyss again, gets confused as to why the the match is over, and then clobbers whoever with a black hole slam.

Come on, admit it .. this is SO fudged up that, these days, you wouldn't put it past happening.
And the weird thing is, that this wouldn't make any more of a mockery of the Abyss character than the Abyssamania experiment : P !

Actually, the more I think about this, the more I want it to happen.
Let's face it, he single-handedly defeated the whole faction of Aces and Eights in mere seconds (something that the rest of the roster has been unable to do in, what, a year), so he needs some sort of weakness that can be exploited, and this has got to be it .. right ?

Sorry .. I can't work out if I'm being serious or not .. :shrug:.
I knew it was going to be Abyss at the beginning of the show when they announced the 'mystery partner'. I mean who else was it going to be? For that reason I guess the shock value wasn't much for me. In my opinion, his return was about two weeks too long. I still think he should have returned in place of Sting. That truly would have been a suprise. Lights go out and the bam! There he is. No music no nothing.

Oh and apparently this big bad monster who's supposed to be crazy, has a cell phone and Hogan on speed dial

This comment made me laugh because I was thinking the same exact thing. Having a crazed monster be just a phone call away....fighting traffic to get to the arena, sort of kills any of the mystique he is supposed to have

I agree about aout the theme music. Should have been the old theme. Maybe a redesign of the mask so that it covered up more of the face? Abyss 2.0

Despite it all, it is good to see Abyss back.....but a little bit of effort in making him more believable would have been nice.

Abyss is gone a year and THAT'S what they do for his return? Terrible. He may have gotten a bigger pop if they had kept his old music, because logically people pop when they recognize someone's music.. but Abyss got a terrible reaction. Even when they realized who it was and he came out and took out Aces & Eights, his reaction was still poor at best. He also looked terrible. It's almost sad, really, that after being out an entire year and having all of that time to build towards something.. that's what they book, and that's how Abyss looks.


Easy there, Sparkles. You're trying to hate on this far more than you actually do. Then again, it's TNA and if you don't they'll strip you from your WWE fan club membership. Heard they serve h-white cake every Saturday.


So, wait, hold the phone.

Is anyone actually surprised Abyss' return didn't draw a big pop and wasn't exciting? Why do we act like Abyss is The Rock all of a sudden, and the people not giving him a standing orgasmic ovation was a fail? Abyss was never that over to begin with.

Did you ever figure that people simply don't give a shit about Abyss? I don't. Rarely did and from what I recall Abyss was a moderately over wrestler prior to his disappearance, so he got a moderate response.

TNA could've done anything and it wouldn't have worked. Why? Well, one, it's Abyss. Two, it's Abyss.

A few weeks ago a thread popped up about people missing Abyss and I still don't get it. Aside from nice mic skills, Abyss is rather lame unless he's in the ring with someone who can oversell for him. He's lanky, sloppy at times, the Black Hole Slam looks less and less impactful and he no longer looks scary.

Why would anyone be excited for an Abyss return? "Oh boy, I can't wait for him to wobble in the ring and bleed some more. Sure miss that."

I'm not excited for his return, it really fell short because I don't think Abyss is the type of guy you build so much around, and I would've rather had it been someone like Sabin or something. Puts more attention on the guy, he deserves it, he's got a new gimmick going and he needs exposure. Abyss is the same as he always was, I'd say a bit rustier.

Paint me bored. Use that WWE paint. It's the best.
I liked how the ending went down, and the Abyss character can always be a wild card. But he shouldn't be a full blown face either. There's no telling what direction TNA is think of going with him. Hell I'm thinking a table or hardcore match with Bully down the line. We're all in agreement that Abyss is beyond out of shape. At best I can only see him as an enforcer of some kind during matches involving A&8's.
Anytime TNA can manage to do something unpredictable, it's a good thing. I didn't see Abyss' return coming and I was shocked to see it. To be honest, I believe TNA missed their opportunity to do something unique with Joseph Park and having Abyss return might change that when or even if Joseph Park returns as an on-screen character. Maybe TNA can do a split personality thing similar to what Mick Foley did with Joseph Park/Abyss. That would definitely make the guy seem more calculated and conniving than most believed and give Abyss a depth other than being a moron monster type. I like the Abyss character more simply because he has a niche in that role. Joseph Park was kinda boring and not entertaining at all. At least Abyss has the hardcore thing going for him.

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