"The Monster" Abyss Returns!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you catch iMPACT! tonight, Abyss—last seen with a nail-laden 2x4 driven in his back—made his return saving Immortal from Fortune and was announced as the fourth member to face them at Lockdown.

Thoughts on his return? Concerns?
It actually gives immortal another person and makes them look a little stronger than what they have been looking. I actually liked his return, just wished that they didn't follow him with the camera afterwords, less talk from abyss the better.
I loved seeing The Monster return tonite. Immortal finally has some more name value now. And its good to see some TNA originals remain heel. Now im looking forward to LockDown even more Lethal Lockdown Fortune vs Immortal!
Immortal needed him to return bad, too bad he sucks on the mic, he isnt great in the ring, but he has a good presence, unfortunately most of immortal sucks something awful, so abyss was needed
Thought the return was done nicely he looked sharp in the ring, just wish they would return him to the silent monster abyss.
Immortal needs muscle. They look pretty weak at the moment, and getting Abyss back definitely gives the group some much needed size and strength.

Then again, I hate Abyss. He is a disgusting looking human being, and he spits everywhere. I haven't seen a good match from him in years, then again, I don't think he's been put in a position to have a good match either.

Makes Immortal look a bit stronger, but seeing Abyss each week isn't a selling point for me, personally.
Immortal needs muscle. They look pretty weak at the moment, and getting Abyss back definitely gives the group some much needed size and strength.

Then again, I hate Abyss. He is a disgusting looking human being, and he spits everywhere. I haven't seen a good match from him in years, then again, I don't think he's been put in a position to have a good match either.

Makes Immortal look a bit stronger, but seeing Abyss each week isn't a selling point for me, personally.

Here's the problem, though. They continue to "need muscle", yet they've had Abyss for it, then added Rob Terry, then added Hernandez for a day before he started the LWO, TNA style, and recently Bully Ray. There's 3 guys in the group that are "enforcer" types, yet none of them possess all that much credibility. Terry has been reduced to craptastic body guy that has no usefulness, Bully Ray is the Bossman circa 1999 for the Corporation (which is a good thing for a group like this), and Abyss is Kane in the same comparison. Problem is, Abyss isn't nearly as good as Kane and essentially lost most of his credibility with loss after loss.

The hope here is that people forgot about that as his return I hear was pretty good (haven't seen the show yet due to college basketball). He'll probably mean something for this week, then lose a match next week and beat someone up afterwords to show he's dominant while still sucking, then I would guess that Immortal loses at Lockdown. I mean, as much as TNA wants this big heel group thing to work, I'm not sure it's going to happen. We'll see though.
Kind of ruins the fact they redistributed his Television title the week before his return, at least RVD stayed out a month after they decided to change titles without letting the holder drop the belt.

His character is in a better place than Psycho-Abyss, or Abyssamania, but he's definitely low on momentum.
i was glade to see him, I thought it was great to have him come out. I saw the writing on the wall with the whole 4 of us against the three of you though. It's kind of whack they took the TV title from him, and didn't even defend the TV title on tonights show. I hated the fact that they had the camera fallow him in the back and then he did his whack promo. They should have left his work in the ring as a statement made.
I am glad to see him back, Immortal needed the extra member to make them look a bit stronger after Fortune left and Jeff Hardy is out of action.

Abyss has some name value, so I am glad to see him back. I hope we can see him return to the more aggresive, dangerous Abyss from a few years ago rather than the watered down shitty version we have seen recently.

And please keep the mic away from the guy, he fucking sucks!
Abyss is a guy I really, really want to like. I'm not necessarily saying that I don't, but I wasn't too jacked up for his re-emergence last night either. Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint exactly what it is that makes me "not excited" to see him.

For the type of character he plays (or should be playing), he certainly has the look. He can pull off "hardcore" pretty well and looks believable in the ring. I agree that the less said from him the better, but his promos (other than the awful Abyssamania ones) haven't been that bad. I've heard much worse from much less capable guys.

I just simply can't point to that one concrete thing that if improved upon, would make Abyss a standout. The closest I can come is probably his affiliation with Immortal. I guess deep down I feel he should be his own guy, kind of like Foley was for many, many years. No friends, only enemies... team with you one minute and leave you in a pool of your own blood the next. Methodical and calculating, but completely out of control at the same time. It's those intangibles that I think I'd like to see Abyss try on.
Well it does make Immortal look stronger but I can't stand Abyss. Abyss has been one of the worst element of TNA Wrestling for the past couple of years and it's a stink that still follows him around.

He's been gone for a while and I'm hoping that, with a bit of the fresh start he got last night, he can be someone I can get into. Or if he doesn't make me roll my eyes everytime I see him on television, that'll be at least some progress.
I honestly loved Abyss back in the day. I love hardcore wrestling, and thought he would be at the top of the future of it. That guy can take a massive beating and keep going. See his arms getting chopped open. Sabu and him in the barbed wire rope matches, all of the monsters ball matches. Thumbtacks, glass, barbed wire. But then I started looking, He's fucking terrible at wrestling! You have to have that element to be a hardcore wrestler, you need to have the wrestling man. You aren't going to do hardcore you're whole life. It just isn't possible! But with his return he looked better in shape, and looked like the old Abyss. He even talked like him to lmfao, cut off his mic every time he talks please Tna.
It looks like Abyss has some new threads and hopefully "Janice" is out of the picture. Maybe this time his character won't be so lame. This is good news for Immortal since Rob Terry is a joke, Hardy is gone, Hernandez has his own stable, leaving only Flair, Matt Hardy, and Bully Ray. Gunner and Murphy have disappeared. Abyss is a good fit as the monster of the group. Lets hope TNA keeps him that way.
Here's the problem, though. They continue to "need muscle", yet they've had Abyss for it, then added Rob Terry, then added Hernandez for a day before he started the LWO, TNA style, and recently Bully Ray. There's 3 guys in the group that are "enforcer" types, yet none of them possess all that much credibility. Terry has been reduced to craptastic body guy that has no usefulness, Bully Ray is the Bossman circa 1999 for the Corporation (which is a good thing for a group like this), and Abyss is Kane in the same comparison. Problem is, Abyss isn't nearly as good as Kane and essentially lost most of his credibility with loss after loss.

The hope here is that people forgot about that as his return I hear was pretty good (haven't seen the show yet due to college basketball). He'll probably mean something for this week, then lose a match next week and beat someone up afterwords to show he's dominant while still sucking, then I would guess that Immortal loses at Lockdown. I mean, as much as TNA wants this big heel group thing to work, I'm not sure it's going to happen. We'll see though.

Hey I havent noticed that Ray looks like Bossman, lol, you had a good point right there. Ray has more credibility than Corporation Bossman(at least he didnt job in 4 seconds).

Immortal needed Abyss in order to be stronger, in order to gain momemtum, have him squash EY/OJ, or some random jobber. And yes, keep his mic work to a minimum.

It looks like Abyss has some new threads and hopefully "Janice" is out of the picture. Maybe this time his character won't be so lame. This is good news for Immortal since Rob Terry is a joke, Hardy is gone, Hernandez has his own stable, leaving only Flair, Matt Hardy, and Bully Ray. Gunner and Murphy have disappeared. Abyss is a good fit as the monster of the group. Lets hope TNA keeps him that way.

TNA clearly lost faith in him after Morgan squashed him. Have him off tv for some time without being mentioned at all, either put him on Xplosion or release him.
Personaly Im bored with the whole thing. Bringing Abyss back makes no difference
Hogan and Bischoff seem to be on TV all the time and its the same stuff they were doing back in WCW. This seems to be a recurring problem with TNA. Always trying to re-do angles to get the heat or pops and it comes of as a big lack of creativity.

Might aswell as have a guy do a barber gimmick and split a tag team up with one throwing the other through the window.

Anyway. Ive never liked the Abyss character, Ive always thought the character was Mankind without Mick Foley's brilliance.
i personally think Abyss is a good monster heel BUT ric flairs team against fortune in lethal lockdown is very outmatched! i mean come on ric flair is being in lethal lockdown? :wtf: matt hardy is decent then you have fatass no talent bully ray :banghead: and abyss.....against the best tag team in wrestling today Beer Money and the face of the x divison Kazarian! and dont b surprised if aj styles make his return just in time to help Fortune in lethal lockdown.....something tells me Immortal is gonna beat the Fortune 4 :suspic: lockdown will be the last chance im giving TNA they put on a shitty show and im done with TNA...for good so hopefully they do better then Victory Road!
Personaly Im bored with the whole thing. Bringing Abyss back makes no difference
Hogan and Bischoff seem to be on TV all the time and its the same stuff they were doing back in WCW. This seems to be a recurring problem with TNA. Always trying to re-do angles to get the heat or pops and it comes of as a big lack of creativity.

Might aswell as have a guy do a barber gimmick and split a tag team up with one throwing the other through the window.

Anyway. Ive never liked the Abyss character, Ive always thought the character was Mankind without Mick Foley's brilliance.

Another great way to view this debacle. Abyss isn't new. His character isn't new. He's allegedly "the monster", unbeatable, yet has no title. The previous storyline with the 2x4 was ridiculous, and now 'he's baaaaaccckk' just doesn't cut it. Time to either make him the unbeatable force champion as a face, or just relegate him to mid-card joke status. You know. Like Big Show.

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