The Miz Woooooooo


Dark Match Jobber
Ok my question is now that the Miz turned heel should the nature boy return to mange the miz since he kinda did for a lil bit when first turned face and gave me the figure four leg lock????
The last person any wrestler needs is Ric Flair by their side. Would the purpose of pairing Miz & Flair together be to bring what little attention The Miz has onto Flair? I highly doubt it.

Flair would steal his thunder, purposely. It wouldn't benefit anybody but Flair & his ego.
The only way to make people care less about Miz than they already do is to pair him with Ric Flair. But hey, if that makes you want to watch Miz then good on ya.

Personally I've never really been a fan of Miz. His mic work bores me, his ring work bores me, and I just don't find him the least bit entertaining. His heel work was average and his face work was nearly unbearable. I can't see switching alignments benefiting him that much. Ric Flair certainly isn't gonna help either as Jake said, Flair will make it about him and it will just be an utter train wreck. Let Miz do it himself, no need to put Flair on our TV weekly anyways. That would somehow make Miz worse than he already is and I never thought that was at all possible.
I see no real use in Ric Flair managing The Miz. For one thing, there's too much risk of Flair overshadowing Miz and I certainly don't want to see what could amount to Miz ultimately being a glorified impersonator of Flair.

Flair as the role of a manager or a commentator could work as he's got the charisma. However, Ric Flair is somewhat like Hulk Hogan in that he has a huge ego and I don't think he'd be able to put it aside. Whatever Flair would be doing or involved in, he'd want to ultimately be the center of attention. So ultimately, I fail to see how his presence would be of any real help to the guy or guys he was managing and commentators call the action of what's going on in the ring. Flair is also kind of in hot water with WWE over his behavior at SummerSlam in which he's alleged to have kind of gone into business for himself as part of the WWE panel.

Flair turns 65 years of age in a few months, so it's obvious that WWE isn't going to use him as a wrestler, nor should they. They've long since stopped wanting to do that with him, hence the big retirement angle several years back with Shawn Michaels. If Flair could put his ego aside and accept the fact that his day has come & gone, he could be a real asset to WWE in some way.
I can't see this working for The Miz. I think they need to have him cutting promos and being an arrogant wanker. It has to be The Miz getting over by himself like he did originally. I don't think he needs Flair to do this.

Moreover, Flair is apparently in the WWE bad books after the WWE 2k14 panel. They probably aren't in a rush to get him back and if they did bring Flair back onto TV then there are better options for him.
I honestly don't think that pairing Ric Flair with Miz is the best thing right now. I think they should give Miz another Alex Riley type person to be his lackey and be at his beck and call. Or, (and this is just me going out on a limb here) pair him and Zack Ryder in a tag team. Think about it, Miz as a heel is extremely cocky and self-centered, and Zack Ryder's gimmick is classic college douchebag. I think that this could be an interesting pair, give Zack Ryder something to do and make Miz sort of relevant as a heel.
The day before SummerSlam Ric Flair took it upon himself to:

a - belittle half of the main event the following evening (implying that past legends would laugh at DB being in the main event)
b - Somehow make every thing that was said revolve around him
c - Ignore Jim Ross and hijack the whole event so that, afterwards, no-one was talking about the game, but just about Flair and his antics.

Now, that was a (fairly) small event that only became as noted as it did due to Flairs put Flair on the road with a talent that's had most of his confidence sapped by poor character/booking and you're just asking for trouble. Flair will, as has been said, deliberately steal any attention Miz gets and make sure it's directed towards himself....just look at what he was doing when he was with Fortune in TNA.

I'll be honest that I'd quite happily never see Flair on TV again and, for the love of God, WWE shouldn't use the walking PR nightmare (just for his arguement with Kanyon on the Howard Stern show alone) anywhere near anything WWE does in the future.
Flair putting aside his ego is and will not happen. The Miz people could care less,add me to that group. He is boring as watching paint Dry! Actually watching paint dry is more entertaining because there is an eventual end point. Pairing the miz with Naitch,would only lead to Naitch stealing the thunder and wanting to be the center of attention...

Flair could be a huge asset but,his ego just wont let it go. He spends money like we drink water,always has to be the nature boy! He be a great commentator/manager he has the charisma,to do so but i know he still thinks he can still wrestle.. No one wants to see someone who is 65 wrestle! Pairing Flair with the Miz,would accomplish nothing as Flair would want all the attention and the miz just well fall further in oblivion!
I don't care if Flair would hurt The Miz. Even if he did hurt him WWE could build the guy back up in six months. Miz sucks. He's boring, he's not that good on the mic. He doesn't make me feel anything in the ring or out. My fondest memories of The Miz are him getting kicked violently in the head by Kofi, him getting brutalized by Lesnar, him getting bitched out in front of his parents, and his finest moment getting repeatedly slapped against the audience barrier by Cesaro. Yes he main evented WM and held the top title in the world but only the 10 year old WWE fanboy in me (not in a child molestor way) could justify that in any way.

He's terrible, give him Flair, at least that gives me a reason to watch him and maybe enjoy him. Better yet give Flair his spot, watching Flair almost have a heart attack every night is so much better than The Miz. Why do people care if Flair makes The Miz look bad if it means more entertainment? There's plenty of other guys on the roster that can have The Miz's spot and do a better job.
Miz is mediocre at best, and he was a shit face, but Flair didn't help matters. In fact, Flair's presence made everything worse. Ric Flair is a very flamboyant and flashy character, with a legendary track record in the world of pro wrestling, so his presence will overwhelm damn near anything he's involved in. And the Figure Four? It didn't fit Miz, at all. I can't count the number of times I laughed, as Cole tried to play up the severity of Miz locking on the Figure Four.

More recently, I'm reminded of the horrible disaster of heel "Nature Boy" AJ and Flair in TNA. The man Flair was supposed to represent couldn't measure up to Flair's stature and legacy, and I have the same feelings about Miz/Flair. A handful of years ago, Triple H/Flair worked, because Triple H was such a dominant force as World Heavyweight Champion, and he was still building on a HOF worthy career. In order for a pairing with Flair to work, you have to pair him with a main event level guy, or someone who has the potential to be a main event guy. Miz will never be that guy.
I hope WWE use miz how he was when people cared about him. He is one of my favourite wrestlers but he is boring now, he has no real feud. I either see him have a fued with Kofi or maybe even join forces with The Wyatt Family. i look forward to this heel turn!
No.. Not Miz...

There is value if they can bring the Horsemen back and get the right blend of guys but Miz will never be one of those guys who will be right... One guy who will also benefit when it goes that way will be the heel in the Rhodes story... Cody may get slightly more from working with Flair but Dustin would also benefit greatly from having Flair in his corner... Flair would say how Dusty held him back and how Flair was really the one who helped him... That's an angle that would make sense.

Barrett would benefit from Flair in his corner...

Miz is pretty much beyond saving. The face turn to begin with was bad but pairing him with Flair was an even bigger one as it ruined any chance he had of shining solo...
First of all, I highly doubt WWE would be willing to turn Ric Flair heel for the sake of The Miz. In addition, due to the controversy surrounding the WWE2k14 panel not too long ago, its safe to say WWE won't work with him period. He's not a safe bet right now and his days in front of the camera are probably over.

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