The Miz as Champion

The Legend

Dark Match Jobber
since miz has joined raw the show i have watched him grow his fued with cena, his match with dx, his us title run, unified tag team champship reign
fueding with kofi and being a nxt pro. As well as that he has looked good on the mic and in the ring so maybe its time to put the world title on him or in the near future. And will he be a good champ?

any thoughts
Well if the last 6 weeks or more is any indication thats not going to happen anytime soon. I mean I am kind of surprised but the Miz has been Awwwwwwwwww-ful lately. He lost the tag titles, lost the US title to Bret Hart, lost a US title match with R-truth, and now tonight on Raw he loses to a NXT rookie. He has pretty much lost every match in the last 6 weeks or more. I dont know whats going unless I missed something but I am beginning to wonder if he is in the WWE doghouse and we havent heard anything about it.
I can't even imagine The Miz at that stage yet. Sure The Miz has been repackaged on RAW recently but he's no where near being World Champion. Your just going to have to wait maybe a couple more years and maybe, just maybe The Miz will become WWE Champion.
I could see it happen especially if the injuries keep up, but it won't be until maybe next year. Also Miz wasn't doing anything with the US title at all for a long time and sometimes losing a belt as seen before can be a good thing. For example CM Punk who lost the IC title, but eventually picked up the WHC again down the road. Jack Swagger is also someone who went from losing streak to WHC. Right now I think they want to just focus on the whole Daniel Bryan vs Miz which doesn't even need a title involved because both of them have garnered enough attention without it.
since miz has joined raw the show i have watched him grow his fued with cena, his match with dx, his us title run, unified tag team champship reign
fueding with kofi and being a nxt pro. As well as that he has looked good on the mic and in the ring so maybe its time to put the world title on him or in the near future. And will he be a good champ?

any thoughts

Absolutely Not!!! Well not at this point I mean. You look at The Miz recently and as awesome as he is he's been on a huge downslide as of late. He's beginning to look like a weak link always taking the fall. He tapped out to sharpshooter when he lost the tag titles, he was pinned at Over The Limit, he lost the u.s title to truth, and he lost to Daniel Bryan yesterday. He's in a quarter of the stretch that M.V.P. had. But truly with Miz he's about 28 years old so he still has tons of time to develop into a great world champion if he could improve his in ring ability.
I am spoiled. I will admit that. I grew up on amazing heels like DiBiase, Piper, Rude, and even Martel. Every time I see a post appreciating the Miz, I cringe. What is it about him that is good? He is horrible at telling a story. Yes, he can talk miles ahead of most of the WWE roster, but he isn't believable. His matches are generic, to be nice. His move set is horrible. Also, am I supposed to believe that his left hand can knock a guy out? It is slow and predictable. At least Big Show can make it seem legit. Like I said, I was spoiled with truly great heels.
I have a little problem with the Miz. I like his mic work, he does a good job in mocking and playing with the crowd. But him fighting just doesn't seem credible to me. He is a type of guy I wouldn't be afraid of fighting against if he challenges me in a bar or somewhere. He just doesn't seem dangerous at all. If I'd see him on a street, I wouldn't think "Wow, this guy looks strong!". He has to be careful. Right now, he's more like a comedian than a contender to take serously. The Tag Teams weren't good because he is a good wrestler. They were good because they had a good wrestler in his partner and a great mic guy in him. Morrison's problem is about the opposite. The tag team of them was great because they added perfectly to another. I think Miz should train for mass, at least his arms. He is billed with 231 pounds, but I just can't believe that. That would mean his body mass index would be nearly that of Triple H, but I see a slight difference. ;)
A longer feud between the two, maybe with valets (for example Maryse for Miz, Melina for Morrison) and mixed tag team fights could be great and develop the two of them.
I don't think Miz will be a world champion just yet, there may still be some time, he needs to be build into the main event scene before even considering giving him a world championship.

But yes I do think he could be a great champion, he has the feel over him of a great heel champion, being cocky and everything, he could very well be a little bit like a younger Chris Jericho (build wise and charisma) with the exception of in-ring ability, and I personally love Chris being champion, and I loved when Miz was United States and Unified tag team champion, so I'm definitely believing he will be a good world champion.
He has been the given the green light to become future world champion...but as off lately, because of his success, he hasn't been doing soo good lately..i think they will start re-building him soon again...and maybe give him a 2nd US title run before giving him a world title..

TBH, I can never take him seriously as a world champion....the reason...his past!!
Miz needs about 2 years before I'd believe this. He's still essentially the same wrestler that got squashed by the current champion not too long ago. He has not proven himself as someone that can get the job when facing main event talent. Like someone else mentioned, physically he's not intimidating and in the ring he's nothing special. His gimmick will either need to further evolve or he's going to need an intimidating flunky on the outside to give him a credibility edge going forward.
i don't think miz is there yet he is great on the mic dont get me wrong but his in ring ability is questionable at best. however going off his recent run i see him keeping up a losing streak for a while but will be built back up and i see him on smackdown in the near future giving him a run at the intercontinental title. i have only ever seen miz wrestle 1 good match and that was when he was against morrison but thats only because of the ability and ring presence of morriso. i see JMO getting a world title shot b4 miz .
Well if the last 6 weeks or more is any indication thats not going to happen anytime soon.

The last six weeks might be the clearest indication that it is going to happen soon. We've seen WWE make some guys pay their dues for a long period of time before surprising us and putting a title on them (R-Truth comes to mind).

As well, we've seen where a losing streak can lead to a nice push (MVP) and even a title win. An example of this was Batista's last title run. As far as I could see, management said to him: "Let yourself suffer a pinfall loss to Rey Mysterio and we'll give you a world championship." Seeing him pinned by Rey was one of the most visually ridiculous things I've witnessed. I can't see why he would have allowed it......except for a deal to be the champ.

Perhaps Miz's losing streak is the prelude to a world title, too. If not, I can't imagine why they have him losing so much.
if the Miz will come WHC, he needs more EXPERIENCE... you can't put a WHC on a guide who ONLY have mic skills, he needs more ring skills, and be a REAL heel..
Well if the last 6 weeks or more is any indication thats not going to happen anytime soon. I mean I am kind of surprised but the Miz has been Awwwwwwwwww-ful lately. He lost the tag titles, lost the US title to Bret Hart, lost a US title match with R-truth, and now tonight on Raw he loses to a NXT rookie. He has pretty much lost every match in the last 6 weeks or more. I dont know whats going unless I missed something but I am beginning to wonder if he is in the WWE doghouse and we havent heard anything about it.

Well all of this makes since to me, and I am likin the miz enough to want to see him in the title picture. I understand him losing the tag titles and the US title because they dont want the world champ to hold every championship. he had to lose to R-Truth, because Bret cant go anymore and the only way to make R-Truth look good is have him beat the former champ. the match with Daniel Bryan was an effort to get Daniel Bryan over and have a fued with his former mentor. If Bryan lost the match it would be over, nobody outside the IWC would care about him.
I can't believe in this day and age i am still seeing arguments about size here. It's not the UFC, we all know it's fake. A guys size has absolutely zero to do with it, save for impressing Vince. Mic Skills and how much heat you get is what determines how soon you get a belt. I think it's well established that Miz has some of the best mic skills in the E. And as far as heat? hell, I think he gets the second biggest heat on Raw, next to Jericho.

You will see the Miz put over Daniel Bryan Danielson in the coming weeks (I am thinkin a fatal four way at fatal four way between R Truth, Miz, Jericho, and D.B.D. which D.B.D. wins the US title), and then he will move up the roster. The issue, of course, is how rediculously over crowded the Raw Main Event scene already is. Edge, Jericho, Orton, Cena, Batista, Triple H, Sheamus, etc. Until the next draft he will probably flounder like a little fish in a big pond. But I would bet that he wins Money in the Bank at the event of the same name, and picks up a short WWE title reign. After the next draft, when Batista (and maybe Taker) are gone, i think the 'E will realign the main eventers on each show, and he will get his spotlight.
im a huge fan of the miz, when he was first drafted to raw last year i was scared because i thought they would end up releasing him, then he started to feud with cena, that really got my attention, i will admit i could not take him seriously with his attire, pants, hat, etc. When he came back with a new attire, announced his intention for the us title i was like damn this guy is awesome. his ring work has improved since his debut, so has his mic skills. towards his end of his us & unified tag team title run i believed those titles were holding him back. the feud with bryan is interesting, i cant wait for this storyline to be over then he can start getting a push towards the wwe title
if the miz becomes more than a midcard title-holder i will vomit into my collection of wwe magazines. he would be a step up from david arquette as wcw champ, but still... he's funny only because he knows people hate him and uses that to be a great heel on the mic, just needs some time to grow there. but he still is basically 'the miz' from freakin mtv real world. his in ring ability really isnt anything to scream about. there are many others who have been wrestling alot longer and have fantastic in-ring ability that unfortunately the'e' will never push to the whc\wwe title to b\c they arent well known in the wwe universe. ie, evan bourne, bryan danielson. both can put on great matches but b\c of their size the wwe will never give them a good run at a whc. what happened to the days when actual ability got u titles even if u didnt have 'rock' like charisma on the mic? bret hart was never great on the mic but he sure as hell backed it up in the ring. vince will always push guys based on size\look 1st, mic skill 2nd, and actual talent 3rd. with few exceptions. (angel was terrible on the mic at first, but had the cred to back it up) miz as champ? i hope not for a long, long time...
It won't be anytime soon that the World Title will be seen on the Miz. Maybe next year at the earliest, but not anytime this year. His momentum has really dropped a whole lot. He lost the Tag Titles, the US Championship, and from then on he's been losing quite a few matches. I don't think the Miz is in the doghouse for anything, but to put the strap on him at this stage would be absurd. But rest assured, I think the Miz will eventually recieve the WWE Championship...some other time.
The Miz is impressive. He's solid in the ring and incredible on the mic. Previously, I have said that The Miz should and probably will win the MITB match at the MITB PPV in a couple of months. I now take that back. I can see WWE building him slowly, and that is the best way. He is a future multi-world champion. He has all the makings of a champion. He is the next Chris Jericho.
The only problem is which brand he wins the championship on. In a few months, when Triple H is back, there will be 6 established main eventers worthy of the WWE title on Raw. The WHC on Smackdown would probably be better, it makes champions (Swagger, CM Punk).
He is very worthy of championship gold and he is going to be in the company for years to come.
Miz has potential, and has been showing it since they repackaged him. Ever since dropping the titles he has been slowing a lot. I agree he needs about a year to establish himself as a SINGLES wrestler, and he needs to focus on that now. Summerslam of 2011 I could see it happening, at least getting a shot, maybe not winning it. Give that till late '11 or even early 2012.

And just a side note, I would have believed JoMo would have the title before Miz a few months ago, but at this rate, I see Miz winning the big one way before Morrison. What's he been doing lately? Injury aside, they've had him going nowhere since he dropped the IC title.
im sorry but i cannot, nor could i ever take the miz seriously. And it bothers me when i read all the blogs n post my teh IWC praising this guy. Come on now, this is the same guy who used to run around the real world house with his toy wwf title acting like an idiot. From there, we see him on tough enough where he is clearly outmatched by the other contestants and is quickly eliminated. Then we see him as a part time announcer. so ur tellling me after all that, im spose to believe that his guy can get in the ring wit the likes of the undertaker, hhh, jericho batista, big show, cena, and not get his head wiped off his shoulders? he cant wrestle, he cant put on a decent match and his ring attire makes me wanna just laugh everytime i see him. he looks like a little kid. His best bet in my opinion was to stay an annoucer. Either that or being a mouth piece for somewun like John Morrison who CAN wrestle but cant talk to save his career. lolz Wun thing he does do well is talk. but other than that, i dont buy him as a legit wrestler, theres just no way
Please, please, please, not another post about how the Miz is on a losing streak and how he's being pushed down. Think about it like this. With Fatal Four Way coming up, What's the BEST way to get Daniel Bryan on RAW???? I got it!!!! Have some sort of match between Miz and Bryan with Cole as the Ref or manager and if Bryan wins, He's a RAW superstar!!!! Then have Bryan make the Miz tap out and Cole says no!!! and then Bryan attacks Cole again after the match. Then on Raw, Daniel Bryan starts, other feuds (maybe with Jericho or Dibiase?) while The Miz has a feud with John Cena (WWE title or no title) and have the Miz or Cena get DQed (in Cena's case because he goes nuts after their feud gets personal) then at Summerslam have another Miz and Cena match and maybe have Miz win the title here. Edge and Triple H are being rumored in a feud and there was also talk about Sheamus vs. Orton and if they did that, then that would free up Cena with either Miz or Jericho and if Wade Barrett wins NXT, i think Jericho will have another run at Tag Team Champion which could have a Miz-Cena feud for the title.
im sorry but i cannot, nor could i ever take the miz seriously. And it bothers me when i read all the blogs n post my teh IWC praising this guy. Come on now, this is the same guy who used to run around the real world house with his toy wwf title acting like an idiot. From there, we see him on tough enough where he is clearly outmatched by the other contestants and is quickly eliminated. Then we see him as a part time announcer. so ur tellling me after all that, im spose to believe that his guy can get in the ring wit the likes of the undertaker, hhh, jericho batista, big show, cena, and not get his head wiped off his shoulders? he cant wrestle, he cant put on a decent match and his ring attire makes me wanna just laugh everytime i see him. he looks like a little kid. His best bet in my opinion was to stay an annoucer. Either that or being a mouth piece for somewun like John Morrison who CAN wrestle but cant talk to save his career. lolz Wun thing he does do well is talk. but other than that, i dont buy him as a legit wrestler, theres just no way

SO... Your saying that based off of things people did before wrestling, or gimmicks they had before their recent ones, that they cannot be taken seriously as a ME wrestler, not even in the future? Just one example right of the bat... Dr. Isaac Yankem, who later debut as Kane. Granted that the change was extreme here, how about Dolph Ziggler? Maybe he hasn't done much yet, but in 2006 was a damn cheerleader!
SO... Your saying that based off of things people did before wrestling, or gimmicks they had before their recent ones, that they cannot be taken seriously as a ME wrestler, not even in the future? Just one example right of the bat... Dr. Isaac Yankem, who later debut as Kane. Granted that the change was extreme here, how about Dolph Ziggler? Maybe he hasn't done much yet, but in 2006 was a damn cheerleader!

im not talking about his past gimmick. im talking about where he came from. he was just an ordinary annoying and wimpy looking guy that caught a break in reality tv. While theres nothing wrong with that, i cant take him seriously as a legit wrestler, theres just no way. And i think the rock said it best. "who in the blue hell is Dolph Ziggler???" lmao
The Miz has amazing talent so far on the mic. His promos are great. I see him as The Rock in 1998. A future of the company just not that ready. Since his debut you have all watched him progress from a newbie to the industry to one of the top heels on Raw. With a couble more years experience he will be up at the top I can see it.

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