The Michael Vick Sentence - 23 Months

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On Monday morning, Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months of jail time stemming from charges that he bankrolled an illegal dogfighting ring at his home and killed dogs in cruel and inhumane ways.

The maximum sentence for this crime was 5 years. Vick voluntarilly began serving his sentence a month ago, so the time served would be removed from the total.

While many people feel that the penalty was just, including the spokesman for PETA, I don't feel it went far enough. I am an animal lover and regular donater to the ASPCA and Humane Society. I think of it this way - Vick not only committed these sickening crimes, but he originally lied about it. He was paid millions to be an athlete and a role model to people and children everywhere, and he let them all down.

Also, 5 years = 60 months. Vick's sentence was 23 months, which can be reduced to 20 months with good behavior. Obviously, Vick is going to keep quiet and try to get those 3 months off, because that would release him in the summer of 2009, perhaps in time to try to make an NFL comeback.

That means that the judge here sentenced Vick to less than half what he could have. Nevermind that Vick has lost more than $120 million in salary and endorsements, at least half of that maximum sentence should be served, and it should cost Vick the comeback chance, because of the poor choices he made.

Athletes who use drugs and steroids harm themselves and their legacy as role models, but what Vick did was cruel and inhumane. It was no victimless crime.

Being English I had never heard of this bloke before then, same with that Pacman geezer. But sentences handed out to celebrities in general are always crap. I don't think anybody can say that they don't get better treatment than the average man on the street. Money talks.

As for making a comback. He probably will, depending on age or whatever. But in my opinion people like that shouldn't be allowed back into a sport that has made them millions. I feel the same way about Mike Tyson, MVP, Booker T etc. Why should they be allowed to a profession that can make them millionaires, and bring them fame?
First of all, the guy lost close to $100 Million. Thats bad enough. Plus he lost 2 years of his career. Have you ever heard of a QB coming of a 2 year hiatus? Also, he hasn't even been tried for dog-fighting yet, only the gambling charges.

I think its messed up what he did to the dogs, but they are just animals, when you think of it. Not even nice animals either, those dogs were killers, one way or another. These were not pets.

You cant pick and chose which animals you want to protect. Thats like donating to Red Cross, but making sure that no money gets sent to Asians.

2 years is more than enough time. The guy is 27, and just lost the bulk of his money, his marketable image, and his career.

As for money talks, Vick got a longer sentence than both his co-defendants, neither of which had any real money, or fame to help them.
First of all, the guy lost close to $100 Million. Thats bad enough. Plus he lost 2 years of his career. Have you ever heard of a QB coming of a 2 year hiatus?
Many, but thats a thread or argument for a different time.
I think its messed up what he did to the dogs, but they are just animals, when you think of it.
Wait, Just animals? Dogs especially, dogs can be a part of ones family, it is like another kid too take care, dogs are ones friend, whether they are hunting dogs, or watch dogs, they mean no harm, unless they are trained killers.
Not even nice animals either, those dogs were killers, one way or another. These were not pets.
Well dog fighting is illegal, no matter if those dogs were rottweilers, German shepherds, Bulldogs, or terriers, they are animals that were brutally killed, and wrongfully killed.

Now on too the topic too some extent, he was let off to easily, he killed dogs, which is illegal, he has eye witnesses too testify against him, those same witnesses were friends of Vick, they have proof that he took part in the killings, even if they don't all the proof they need are the eye witnesses, and if that is his house, which it was because it was under his name. He gets off with two years in prison which isn't enough for the cruel and heinous act he committed.
Becker you missed the point.
1. This sentence goes beyond time in prison. The guy lost everything. His whole life was spent working for the football career, and it's over. The sentencing will affect his life forever, not to mention he is now a felon.
2. The dogs he killed were just animals. You think those dogs were ever in his house, or around his family? Vick didn't kill his pet poodle. These weren't pets to him.
Vick has another trial awaiting at the state level also. His legal battle isn't over. This may be the tip of the iceberg.
Becker you missed the point.
1. This sentence goes beyond time in prison. The guy lost everything. His whole life was spent working for the football career, and it's over. The sentencing will affect his life forever, not to mention he is now a felon.
Who cares what he lost, he killed countless animals, he was betting on dog fighting which is illegal in most states. What should he get 3 million dollars because he killed some random dog? No, he should get punished, and should have gotten a bigger sentence, if it was you or I who committed the crime we would have gotten the full sentence, but No, he is a professional athlete who only gets the minimal sentence and a slap on the wrist. Michael Vick deserves more of a punishment than what he actually got.

2. The dogs he killed were just animals. You think those dogs were ever in his house, or around his family? Vick didn't kill his pet poodle. These weren't pets to him.
But it is illegal, so that means it is wrong, you should get punished for it, the Man basically killed dogs because they lost their fight, he killed dogs just because they lost,some dogs were hanged, and some were shot, and i believe one was slammed too the ground several times, and i even read that one was electrocuted, these dogs were wrongfully killed, Dog fighting is a crime in 48 states i believe transporting dogs over the state line for dog fighting is a federal crime, He should have gotten punished too the highest extent, but he didn't because of his name, and money.
He didn't get punished to the full extent because he plead guilty, not because he is an athlete. Two co-defendants got lesser sentences, so explain that.
Vick did not kill countless dogs either, it was 7 or 8. Yes he was gutless in the way he killed the dogs. He beat them with his fists, and did electrocute one. But how is that relevant? If he just shot them is that better?
He didn't get punished to the full extent because he plead guilty,
He pleads guilty because he knows he did wrong, he pleads guilty because he is a murderer, and his attorneys made him plead guilty. He deserves the full penalty.
not because he is an athlete.
Yes it is, if it were you or I who committed this crime we would have gotten the full penalty, Michael Vick got away with a slap in the wrist and 23 months in prison

Vick did not kill countless dogs either, it was 7 or 8.
But when they went on his property i believed they shipped, found, or took sixty other dogs, and besides those 7-8 dogs were killed wrongfully.
Yes he was gutless in the way he killed the dogs. He beat them with his fists, and did electrocute one. But how is that relevant? If he just shot them is that better?
You completely missed the point about the dog killings, he killed them wrongfully, It doesn't matter if he slapped them, broke their necks, stabbed them, shot them, electrocuted them, he killed DOGS which is a crime, and in his case a felony. He trained those dogs too be fighters, killing the weaker ones, leaving with the dogs that are superior which could lead him too getting more money. He is a complete fool who should have gotten a larger penalty and fine for the heinous crime that he committed.
You are simply ignoring what I said because you have no rebuttle. Two other guys, who were nobodies, not famous athletes got charged, just like Vick. They got LESSER sentences. Lesser than the famous athlete. LESSER

The sixty dogs is irrelevent here. They were not killed, and had no bearing on the case. In fact, Vick had to pay to have them kenneled

Also, he is not a murderer. They were dogs. There is at least one, likely more actual killers in the NFL. As in, they killed another human. and they are still playing. Vick is done, but he didnt kill a human.
You are simply ignoring what I said because you have no rebuttle. Two other guys, who were nobodies, not famous athletes got charged, just like Vick. They got LESSER sentences. Lesser than the famous athlete. LESSER

The sixty dogs is irrelevent here. They were not killed, and had no bearing on the case. In fact, Vick had to pay to have them kenneled

Also, he is not a murderer. They were dogs. There is at least one, likely more actual killers in the NFL. As in, they killed another human. and they are still playing. Vick is done, but he didnt kill a human.

1. He got a greater sentence that the co-defendants because of the conspiracy charges. Because he BANKROLLED the entire thing. Without Vick's money, THIS NEVER HAPPENS. THe co-defendents didn't have the money, nor the land, to make this possible. SO damn right he got a heavier sentence.

2. Those dogs are not BORN killers. They are made killers. They are trained to attack, kill, etc through systematic attack training, pryscal and mental abuse, etc. Pitbulls, when raised the same way a family would raise a Yorki or Golden Retrevier, are among the nicest, most docile and well-natured dogs on the planet.

3. As far as your "look at the money he has lost" arguements, echo what Michael Kay said on his radio show the other day. "When you have it all, you've got a lot to lose. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose." Is it implausible to think that having money and being a role model should carry with it a heightened responsibility? Vick knew this was illegal and also should have known what he had at stake here. EVen if he hadn't gotten suspended, the concept of losing all of his endorsement deals by becoming the Jack Kevorkian of Canines is mind-blowing. He deserved to lose that money because he totally ignored responsibility. I would never condone a "softer" punishment due to financial losses.

4. At the same time, I realize that prosecuters were more likely to go after Vick to use him as an "example." Animal Rights groups got a windfall of free publicity thanks to #7. You know what? If you cannot handle being made an example of when you screw up, then give up the millions of dollars to be a pro athlete and work a 9 to 5 for $40k like the rest of America. That way, nobody gives a shit about you.
You are simply ignoring what I said because you have no rebuttle. Two other guys, who were nobodies, not famous athletes got charged, just like Vick. They got LESSER sentences. Lesser than the famous athlete. LESSER
Those two got a lesser sentence because they were told if they testify against Vick, their sentence would be limited, which more than likely is or will be. Those two people are or were gonna be used too bring Michael Vick down. They are making good on this, they probably got a sweet little deal because they are ratting out their own friend, those two were their, they are eye witnesses, and accused, that is why they got a lesser sentence. If they would be right on Michael Vicks side they would have gotten the full penalty, but since they are used for the charging of Vick they got left off the hook. In all honesty, do you even know what a plea bargain is?

The sixty dogs is irrelevent here. They were not killed, and had no bearing on the case. In fact, Vick had to pay to have them kenneled
They were the same type of dogs, they were trained too fight, he brought them over the state line too dog fight, which is a felony, and you get punished too the highest extent for felonies, it doesn't matter if those dogs participated in the fight or not.

Also, he is not a murderer. They were dogs. There is at least one, likely more actual killers in the NFL. As in, they killed another human. and they are still playing. Vick is done, but he didnt kill a human.

Well Ray Lewis went through the court of law and he was found not guilty, his friends didn't rat him out like Vick's friends did too Michael Vick. Vick killed dogs, therefore he is a murderer IMO. Vick did wrong, therefore he should be punished for wrong doings.
From everything I've read at the beginning, most experts were expecting Vick to get one year to 20 months in jail from the start, so 23 months was more on the upside for this thing then most thought he would get.

As far as, well they're just animals. You know, that's a fucking stupid statement if I've ever heard/read one. We're supposed to be above enjoying things having to die for personal amusement. If you want to live in a third world country where that thing is acceptable, be my guest. If Vick was eating dog meat to survive, that's one thing, but to kill animals for simply not performing well for gambling purposes is wrong, and illegal.

The son of a bitch got what he had coming to him. I love the, well the animals are viscous anyway. Quick history lesson, the dog can't help the way it was bred. It's stupid shit humans that decided a couple hundred years ago to breed a dog like a pitbull. They aren't a naturally created dog, stupid shits decided to breed them, so don't blame the dog for simply being born. Blame the twisted sons of bitches that lock them in cages, starve them, teach them to kill other animals and all of that. These people kidnap peoples pets from their backyards and lock them in with these other animals they have abused, just so they can train the pitbull how to kill. And for what, money and enjoyment

Vick is a thug and he got what he had coming to him. After he pays his debt to society, we'll see if he is able to come back. I have no problem with people getting second chances, everyone deserves it, but I don't see him making any good with it. Vick, like his brother, are just two pieces of shit that really shouldn't be allowed to procreate.
What it comes down to is that those two guys never had to testify though. So it makes no sense that they get less time, according to your star athlete theory.
For the murder, I was talking about Leonard Little who killed someone while driving at triple the legal BAC. He got 90 days in jail, and you've never even heard about that. Vick killed dogs not humans and got 20 MORE months than Little. It was tragic what Vick did, even disgusting, and I would never condone that. However, put it into perspective, when you call for his head.

And Irish time you quote one of my replies and post it on your own, maybe make a reference to it.
The whole point is, this is a federal case. The Little or Lewis cases were state. The feds are aggressive as hell, because if they lose or let people walk, they are replaced by the next up and coming DA from some city that will make the governement look better. There is a reason the feds get a 90% plus conviction rate, because they know they are going to get you each and everytime they go after you.

Those two friends were scared shitless. They didn't have the money or the defense team that Vick had. And whose to say Vick wasn't going to throw them under the bus? They did what they needed to do. They got a lighter sentence because they played ball and Vick didn't. Just like what will happen with Bonds, if anyone comes out and is listed with Bonds, they'll rat Bonds out to get a lighter sentence. That's why it's called a plea bargain. You give something to get something. These guys gave Vick to the feds, so the Feds cut them a deal. It's how the system works.

Vick wanted to fight it and drag it out, so he's being punished more for not just saying he was guilty from the beginning. You can't compare this case to the others because you are dealing with two different systems. The Feds don't give a shit who you are. Ask Martha Stewart, Pete Rose, Lil Kim, or the Tyco guy in charge of Enron. You break federal laws you go to jail no matter who you are.
What it comes down to is that those two guys never had to testify though. So it makes no sense that they get less time, according to your star athlete theory.
Well more than likely the only way you go through the federal courts is if you have eye witnesses, therefore in the Vick case there are eye witnesses, his two "friends"

For the murder, I was talking about Leonard Little who killed someone while driving at triple the legal BAC. He got 90 days in jail, and you've never even heard about that. Vick killed dogs not humans and got 20 MORE months than Little.
Well the Vick case is a federal case, not a state.
It was tragic what Vick did, even disgusting, and I would never condone that. However, put it into perspective, when you call for his head.
Yes, it was a cruel and heinous act, he should get punished too the fullest extent.

Vicks so called friends ratted him out, they were cut a deal, the system works these ways, it might be wrong, but that is how it works. I do something for you, you do something for me. This was a federal case, the feds have a 90+% conviction rate, they are not gonna go through the court of law if they believe they don't have the evidence, but they have the evidence too convict Vick. More than likely if it goes through the federal court system you are gonna be convicted, and thats that.
First of all, the guy lost close to $100 Million. Thats bad enough. Plus he lost 2 years of his career. Have you ever heard of a QB coming of a 2 year hiatus? Also, he hasn't even been tried for dog-fighting yet, only the gambling charges.

I think its messed up what he did to the dogs, but they are just animals, when you think of it. Not even nice animals either, those dogs were killers, one way or another. These were not pets.

You cant pick and chose which animals you want to protect. Thats like donating to Red Cross, but making sure that no money gets sent to Asians.

2 years is more than enough time. The guy is 27, and just lost the bulk of his money, his marketable image, and his career.

As for money talks, Vick got a longer sentence than both his co-defendants, neither of which had any real money, or fame to help them.

Can I ask what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously?

First off, Michael Vick was convicted on DOGFIGHTING charges, not gambling charges. Second off---100 Million?! Where the hell did you get that figure, you just pull that right up out of your ass? The man still has millions in the bank. QB coming off a 2 year hiatus? That happens alot actually, its called being injured.

Next you say they were "just animals". Yeah, so are humans. Humans are animals to you know, don't know if you realize that. Would you like me to come to your home, have you fight your brother to the death, and then kill you afterwards if I'm sick of you? Bit Nazi-esque if you ask me. And the reason these weren't "nice" dogs is because THEY FUCKING TRAINED THEM NOT TO BE. It's not like they went to the fucking bad dog store and got these things, they trained them to be killers!

Next you say we can't pick and choose what animals we like. Who said anything about other animals? No one. Dogs are pets, they aren't killing machines like these men made them.

2 years is more then enough time? Bullshit, he didn't even recieve half of the maximum sentence. He deserved longer. You realize this man PERSONALLY murdered dogs? He electrocuted them, drowned them, hung them, and shot them.

The guy lost his image---whos fuckin fault is that? He didn't lose the bulk of his money he still has MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars, and he deserves to lose his career. The man makes millions and millions of dollars for playing FOOTBALL. Not for being a soldier, a scientist, or a doctor---A FUCKING FOOTBALL PLAYER. He was a ROLE MODEL to all of Atlanta---and he does this. All that says to me is he didn't give a shit about anyone but himself and money.

Fuck Michael Vick. I hope he gets ass-raped to death in prison for being such a cold and heartless bastard.
Is there any more people you want to call on to condradict themselves? Please. I'm not even defending Vick for killing dogs, I'm saying he got a fair sentence.

Mr. Asparagus, my point had nothing to do with state or federal laws. It had to do with the fact that actual killers still play in the NFL, and you had no knowledge of this. If these guys had gave Vick to the feds, why would they accept a plea? It makes no sense. They do it to free up the system. If he wasn't a celebrity, you never would have heard of this case.

Same with you Mr. Becker. How did his friends rat him out, if he was allowed to accept a plea? And state and federal are not the point here. Are you honestly saying killing a human is equal to killing a dog?

Mr. XBefore please make more insane comments, without anything to back it up. A. Show me a QB who came back after a full to year hiatus. Thats interseting. B. $100 million was his contract, and i wish i had that money up my ass. I would share it with you. Unfortunetly the money was Vicks, and now its gone. As for me fighting my brother..I'd clearly win. But Vick didn't kill the winners. My brother would be dead. Plus, how can you say humans are animals, but dogs are pets? According to your thinking, all animals would be equal. But how is hunting legal? I can kill a deer, which is an animal, just like me, but you don't cry about that. I also don't want to focus on your wrong statements, but he wasn't convicted for dog-fighting. It was gambling and conspiracy related charges. Also, your idiotic statement about getting ass-raped to death in prison...shouldn't you be against that? Vick is an animal man. Defend him from that. He never went that far ith his dogs.

Nobody is condoning what Vick did. I just think he got a fair sentence, thats all.

P.S. You guys got anymore veterans to jump on me and condescend themselves? I'm here all week
I think the sentence was a tad on the lite side considering all of what he likely did, but you have to go by what was presented in court, so he got the right sentence.

As far as his friends getting the lighter sentence, I think thats fairs seeing as A) Vick funded everything, meaning he made everything possible and B) without them testifying he may have never been convicted.

DL Hughley said "if you have a lot of shit to lose you can't hang around with people nothing to lose because the people with nothing to lose will lose your shit for you," thats exactly what Vick did. He may have known these people before he was a star, but once he got that huge payday, he should have distanced himself from them. In my opinion, he got less than what he deserved, but I hope he learned his lesson.
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