The MEM will get the younger guys over.

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Panic Switch

Dark Match Winner
Many of you have been complaining about how the MEM are constantly destroying the young guys week in week out. But the thing you fail to see is that TNA are building the MEM up to be knocked down. Who is going to knock them down you ask? None other then the young stars of the future.

TNA is booking this MEM angle perfectly. They have the MEM look powerful and dominate so that when finally the young guys rise up and knock them off their platform it will be all the more important and get them over, BIG TIME.

Imagine this; It is Bound For Glory 5. The card is stacked with MEM vs "Originals" matches. MEM currently holds all the belts. Imagine the Originals going over the MEM for all the belts in a sort of passing of the torch fashion. There won't be any squashes by either MEM or the Originals, just tough battles with clean victories. Sure this may be a pipe-dream but it seems to be the direction that TNA is going in.

The MEM exists for one reason, my friends. That reason is to get the old fellas go out on a high note while passing the torch to the young future stars. Just give it time, the feud will likely culminate at Bound For Glory 5. It will all be worth it in the long run. Just wait and see how things end.

So what do you think of this? Do you agree or disagree? Thoughts?
As a TNA fan I could see that happen, also I hope it happens like that. All the guys in the MEM have earned the right to be in the spot there in, most with few years left in wrestler deserve to be in the MEM role. But as I said hopefully thats how it plays out.

Its just to bad that wasn't the case for the NWO, s hopefully TNA knows not to overkill the MEM.
I'm going to agree with this. This has been my opinion for months now, and with MEM finally winning almost all the gold, just makes me believe even more that this will be the case.
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words. That’s a phrase that comes to mind every time I hear that the Main Event Mafia is going to put the younger talent over. It’s just something I’m not going to believe until I see it happen with my own eyes.

I’d rather actually see it happen over someone saying it or me reading it multiple times. The MEM has been together for a year now if I’m not mistaken and they really haven’t put anyone over and I doubt they will anytime soon. They have literally buried some of the guys on the roster into oblivion. I don’t completely blame the wrestlers in the MEM as much as I blame the bookers/writers for this. But I still think that the wrestlers hold some blame. I think it’s quite obvious that some of the wrestlers have a say in what happens and what doesn’t. They might not have any creative control but I’m certain that whatever they say Dixie will buy into because of the wrestlers they previously were.

I’m just honestly tired of hearing that the MEM is going to do this and do that. I just want to see it happen already. If your intentions are to not put anyone over then fuck, say you’re not going to put anyone over and break the hell up. I’m just tired of seeing the MEM. It was something I was into when they formed and something I was into a couple of months after they formed, but now I just want them to break up because they no longer entertain me.
To me the problem is people want things to happen now. Savagetaker u said u don't like the MEM but some people still do. You got the young guys working with the experienced stars and will some of the Mafia lose their gold by Bound For Glory? Yes, but i thiink at Bound For Glory you will see Beer Money reclaim their gold and also a new TNA World Champion.

Wait til the feud is over and once it is i am sure some more people will know who AJ Styles, Beer Money, Daniels, Matt Morgan, and Samoa Joe are.
To me the problem is people want things to happen now.

Well, if things don't happen now then when are they going to happen? You're not actually implying that we should wait a few more months or even another year to see them finally put someone over. Are you? The Main Event Mafia has been running for over a year and they still haven't put anyone over. Are they waiting for me to die to finally put someone over? I hope not.

Savagetaker u said u don't like the MEM but some people still do.

I used to liked the MEM, but not anymore. They have now become stale and boring. Also, who cares if some people still like them. The key word is some not most. TNA has to please the majority of fans not the minority. Meaning that if most people want them to break up or put someone over, then they probably should do that.

You got the young guys working with the experienced stars and will some of the Mafia lose their gold by Bound For Glory? Yes, but i thiink at Bound For Glory you will see Beer Money reclaim their gold and also a new TNA World Champion.

Who cares if the young guys are working with the more experienced workers? It's not like those workers have helped them one bit. They have been working with them for over a year now and they are still the same wrestlers they were a year ago. The MEM hasn't helped the younger talent whatsoever.

Also, who's to say that at Bound for Glory the mafia is actually going to drop their title? It's just pure speculation and knowing TNA, I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't happen.

Wait til the feud is over and once it is i am sure some more people will know who AJ Styles, Beer Money, Daniels, Matt Morgan, and Samoa Joe are.

Let's see, they have been feuding for over a year now and most people still don't know who the hell they are. What makes you think that by continuing their feud, it's going to get people to know them? If they didn't get known during their feud then they aren't going to be known after their feud.
Lol at some people trying to blame the wrestlers. "Oh I'm speculating that the wrestlers have input because they were stars elsewhere so they have must have say so and must use their power to get over on young talent". Really?? Is that your excuse to hate on the MEM faction? You're going to hate or have some personal bias against them based on your own speculation?:lmao: Please with the boohoo whining nonsense. When it's said and done, the bookers are the one with the final word. TNA will not sit there and do nothing to purposely destroy their young talent. This is all for their benefit.

Like someone said, MEM vs. The Originals is still an ongoing story. How would it look if the originals went over on the MEM within the first 4 months? You wouldn't have much of a story there would you? Let's not forget the fact that the MEM storyline has branched into other angles for some and is still in the process of branching so many other angles for the young guys. You've got Samoa Joe getting a huge rub from the Mafia, you've got the EY situation which has stemmed from the MEM angle, you've got Morgan trying to get in the MEM, you've got a TNA original KO like Brooks involved in the MEM. The MEM angle is opening other gates for the young talent. People need to stop acting like the only way to get put over is by putting someone's shoulders down. No it doesn't always work like that. The problem is that people don't respect a slowly progressive moving storyline. They want things to happen overnight but most of the time the best payoffs happen last. No one expects the young guys to get better by wrestling the established talent but it is a storyline that most people enjoy. Just because a few of you marks on here don't like it does not mean it doesn't entertain most of the viewers and isn't doing it's job.

Oooh an internet mark doesn't like something in wrestling? Quick, the world is about to crash! Get over yourselves!!
The more dominating the MEM, the bigger the push to those who have them fall. It's that simple. The MEM is there for two reasons:
1. Names to draw wrestling fans that weren't content with WWE in the 2000s and stopped watching.
2. To give credibility to TNA.

hmmm AJ Styles TNA Champion or Kurt Angle TNA Champion? Which one is the bigger draw? The company doesn't care if the people already watching complain that someone should be champion, the point is to GROW. They aren't losing fans, so they do what is in their best interest, and that's to get guys from the "good ol' days" or guys with exposure elsewhere (Pac Man Jones, Jenna Morasca, Lashley now, and of course, WWE). Them just being there gives Samoa Joe and the others credibility. The title means something because the title has been held by the likes of Sting and Kurt Angle. WWE does it all the time when discussing the US or IC title, "The US title has been held by the likes of Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes...". TNA has been around for 7 years, and doesn't have the luxury of long history titles filled with legends. They have to make up for lost time.

If it weren't for the veterans, AJ Styles would still be champion, but TNA wouldn't have a television deal, so no one would care and no one would know who AJ Styles was in the first place. So seriously, think about the bigger picture. The nWo brought in viewers, the problem was they kept it going for too long. They kept it going for too long while beating WWE for 80+ weeks. TNA hardly beats ECW. There's no comparison to the MEM and the nWo for that exact reason. They can't "overdo it" because their ratings and viewership are still going up. They should milk out Sting vs Kurt Angle or any other big name main events they can before these guys start retiring. In two years, Angle and Booker will probably be the only two active wrestlers from the MEM, and until then, they don't need to do anything prematurely.

Savagetaker wrote about seeing it happen then he'd believe it. MEM took Joe and Morgan under their wings. AJ beat Booker for his Legends title. Beer Money beat Team 3D cleanly (same logic applies). We saw a pairing of veteran-younger talent at slammiversary with Angle-Joe, Sting-Morgan, Booker-AJ, Jarrett-Young, Daniels-Shane Douglas, Raven-Abyss. The entire reason TNA brings these guys in is so they can dominate or show they still have it, and then they give the rub to the younger guys, win or lose, because they're all legends. Losing to Ric Flair doesn't make you terrible, it gives you credit anyway because you were in the ring with Ric Flair. Think of it in that sense. AJ Styles winning the title from Samoa Joe is a "who the fuck cares?" situation. WWE is displaying this same logic with Kofi Kingston. Anyone who beats him isn't going to get some big push, unlike Ziggler over Rey Mysterio. So what do they do? But him in a 6-man battle royal. If Kofi wins, he beat 5 others, more credibility. If he loses, he wasn't pinned so he keeps the credibility he had as champion, while somebody else (Big Show?) with more credibility walks away with the title to return it to the prestige it's supposed to have. It's all about credibility. Also, remember when Kurt Angle held all the titles? He held all of them so that he could lose all of them. Jay Lethal beat Kurt Angle, and got a monster push after that (he's since come back down). Jay Lethal gained credibility by doing so. I don't know why I'm pandering to such idiotic logic but there, one entity holding all the titles to only lose them to give a push to others happened already, so do you believe it to be possible now with MEM?

They're playing their cards completely right with the MEM. Bound for Glory will probably be the downfall of the MEM, or at least the PPV afterwards (kinda like how Orton lost mania to win at the next one). I don't know why you don't think the "experienced" guys haven't helped the younger ones. They didn't have a TV deal until Sting signed. Viewership has been increasing since Kurt Angle hit the scene. Isn't that not helping everyone else on the show who otherwise wouldn't be known to anyone outside Orlando or Memphis? I don't exactly know what you, Savagetaker, want out of this. Premature champions to make you happy, with no regard for what is best for the company? All I can say to that sir is get over yourself, and I'm glad you're not in charge over there.
Just because a few of you marks on here don't like it does not mean it doesn't entertain most of the viewers and isn't doing it's job.

Explain to me how exactly its doing its job? by getting ratings in the area of 1.0-1.3 week in week out. or is it by only getting 7,000 or so PPV buys for one of their biggest ppvs of the year. the MEM is a backstage political machine and i think most people know and understand that. an angle is all well and good until it hurts the product.
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words. That’s a phrase that comes to mind every time I hear that the Main Event Mafia is going to put the younger talent over. It’s just something I’m not going to believe until I see it happen with my own eyes.

I’d rather actually see it happen over someone saying it or me reading it multiple times. The MEM has been together for a year now if I’m not mistaken and they really haven’t put anyone over and I doubt they will anytime soon. They have literally buried some of the guys on the roster into oblivion. I don’t completely blame the wrestlers in the MEM as much as I blame the bookers/writers for this. But I still think that the wrestlers hold some blame. I think it’s quite obvious that some of the wrestlers have a say in what happens and what doesn’t. They might not have any creative control but I’m certain that whatever they say Dixie will buy into because of the wrestlers they previously were.

I’m just honestly tired of hearing that the MEM is going to do this and do that. I just want to see it happen already. If your intentions are to not put anyone over then fuck, say you’re not going to put anyone over and break the hell up. I’m just tired of seeing the MEM. It was something I was into when they formed and something I was into a couple of months after they formed, but now I just want them to break up because they no longer entertain me.

MEM has made Joe look like a fucking beast, it's a shame but it's true

The MEM will put the younger guys over, this is merely the build up to the putting of over, frankly I think it's being done fine, you could put AJ over the MEM right now but who's going to care? I wont, I already know AJ is awesome. It needs to be done right.
I can't believe people still think the MEM will benefit anyone in the long run other than the guys in the group, even if the young guys go over them at Bound For Glory in the most convincing way possible, it still won't matter, they've been made to look like jokes for the past year with all the clean losses and the MEM belittling them on the mic at every opportunity, how will winning at Bound For Glory get them over, one night will repair all the damage that's been done?

Let's say Beer Money regain the Tag Team titles...erm, they shouldn't have lost them in the first place and they've already held them multiple times, beating Steiner & Booker won't get them over anymore than they were a few months ago, same situation with AJ & Nash.

The only young person who's benefited in this whole storyline is Matt Morgan, every other one has been made to like jobbers, guys like AJ, Joe & Daniels actually have far less momentum now than they did 2-3 years ago.
I can't believe people still think the MEM will benefit anyone in the long run other than the guys in the group, even if the young guys go over them at Bound For Glory in the most convincing way possible, it still won't matter, they've been made to look like jokes for the past year with all the clean losses and the MEM belittling them on the mic at every opportunity, how will winning at Bound For Glory get them over, one night will repair all the damage that's been done?

Let's say Beer Money regain the Tag Team titles...erm, they shouldn't have lost them in the first place and they've already held them multiple times, beating Steiner & Booker won't get them over anymore than they were a few months ago, same situation with AJ & Nash.

The only young person who's benefited in this whole storyline is Matt Morgan, every other one has been made to like jobbers, guys like AJ, Joe & Daniels actually have far less momentum now than they did 2-3 years ago.

Having Booker T and Scott Steiner hold the belts are good for the long run, because you have two of the greatest tag team wrestlers in history hold your tag team belts. Beer Money didn't lose cleanly to Booker and Steiner, as I recall, Storm spit the beer in the wrong person's eye.

They have far less momentum because the farther down they start, the bigger the rise. If AJ defeated Nash, it shows that AJ Styles defeated some old timer with bad knees. If Nash defeats AJ, it shows he still has something left to offer. Now when Nash loses, it's beating an old timer wtih bad knees who has something left in him. It also frees AJ Styles and the Legends title to do other things. Joe is infinitely better off now than he was when he was just Samoa Joe. The fans didn't care about him. TNA loved the guy, but he had no connection to them (think Rocky Maivia vs The Rock). So they stopped trying to shove this out of shape and undefeated guy down our throats and they repackaged him into something that's resonating and people are talking about it. Pairing him with Tazz? Great for his career.

Momentum of an individual wrestler is absolutely irrelevant for the company as a whole. The company isn't stable like WWE, it's growing, and they have to do things that show that. They can't afford pre-mature champions as that will be a turn off to viewers. They have to go with guys that have a reputation. Their future is secure, but for now they need to attract as many viewers as possible from Sting and Angle and all of these guys before they all retire. On the flip side, in WWE, they can risk having CM Punk become champion. He may not be the most loved or the most hated or the most championship material, but they're fan base is stable (for the most part) and they can gamble and take risks. WWE is actually worse off than TNA is because TNA is trying to attract fans, while WWE is in a position to really develop. You can't start developing superstars if you don't have a company that people want to see. People complain about the same 8 guys in the main event for 3 years, while any new comer gets thrown aside. What's going to happen when those 8 guys retire? CM Punk vs John Morrison for the WHC Championship? If that happened right now, it would be a disgrace to the entire history of wrestling. WWE is in a position where they can push new guys to the moon just to see what happens, and they don't, while TNA is in a position where they need to keep the Icons on top to attract more fans, BUT they still keep all the younger guys relevant. It's not like AJ Styles, Joe, and Daniels were irrelevant...they just weren't champion. And they shouldn't be just yet. The storyline is shaping up to be that they are going to have to prove to everybody that they can beat these Icons, and the lower they fall before that point, the better it'll be when it happens. Rushing these kinds of things can hurt a company a lot more than dragging them out.
I agree with the whole thing about MEM being on top for a while to gain more credibility for the younger stars when they beat them. The only problem is that the front line as a group has never really been established or at least maintained unity like MEM. Rhyno got distracted by some navy guy, Joe turned, God knows what Leathal, and Creed are doing these days. Young is doing his own thing. Point is Frontline has more people leaving as MEM has more people joining their cause. Front line should have established members, AJ, Daniels, Joe, and Beer Money and stick with it till the end. Dont see the point of all this turning and swerving
HBKscm said:
Explain to me how exactly its doing its job? by getting ratings in the area of 1.0-1.3 week in week out. or is it by only getting 7,000 or so PPV buys for one of their biggest ppvs of the year.

How is a gain of about 500,000 new viewers hurting a product that's looking to gain ratings? The 7000 buys was proven by the pwtorch to have been a rib by someone having fun with the fact that TNA was celebrating there 7th anniversary, so next time you may not want to use unconfirmed numbers from unconfirmed sources in arguments and then try to pass it off as gospel. :disappointed:

HBKscm said:
the MEM is a backstage political machine and i think most people know and understand that. an angle is all well and good until it hurts the product.

And you say the MEM is a backstage political machine? Where did you get that source from? Was it that same person that spread the lie about TNA having 7000 buys for 1 of their bigger PPV's?
Lol at some people trying to blame the wrestlers. "Oh I'm speculating that the wrestlers have input because they were stars elsewhere so they have must have say so and must use their power to get over on young talent".
You think that Sting or Kurt Angle don’t have any political stroke backstage? Please, any major star in a company immediately gets to have a say in everything that concerns them. If Kurt Angle goes to Dixie and tells her the best thing for the company is to have him go over someone, you think she’s not going to do it. Of course she’ll do it because it’s Kurt Angle telling her that. If it was someone like Amazing Red telling her he should go over Sting, then she’s not going to do it. Every wrestling company always has had someone who has political stroke and has used, TNA is no different.
Really?? Is that your excuse to hate on the MEM faction? You're going to hate or have some personal bias against them based on your own speculation?:lmao: Please with the boohoo whining nonsense.
My excuse for currently disliking the MEM faction is because they’re boring now and haven’t done anything to help TNA grow as a company. And it’s not speculation, it’s probably true that the wrestlers in the MEM have political stroke backstage. Like I said, every wrestling company has had someone with political stroke, TNA is not any different,
When it's said and done, the bookers are the one with the final word.
Not really. Dixie Carter is the one with the final word, not the bookers. The bookers present their ideas and Dixie makes the final decision as to what goes on TV and what doesn’t.
TNA will not sit there and do nothing to purposely destroy their young talent. This is all for their benefit.
Please, they’ve already done that. They may not realize they’ve destroyed basically anyone who isn’t in the MEM, but they did it. Also, how is this for the younger talents benefit? How did Sting benefit from defeating Matt Morgan a couple of pay per views ago? Sting losing to Matt Morgan and a lot of the other talent isn’t going to hurt him at all. He has had a great career and losing to someone isn’t going to destroy anything he’s done in his entire career.
Like someone said, MEM vs. The Originals is still an ongoing story.
Not really. It began as that but then it turned into some MEM members feuding with each other, then they still feuded within themselves then they feuded with Jeff Jarrett and now they are feuding with Sting and Mick Foley. It has been barely about the TNA Originals.
How would it look if the originals went over on the MEM within the first 4 months? You wouldn't have much of a story there would you? Let's not forget the fact that the MEM storyline has branched into other angles for some and is still in the process of branching so many other angles for the young guys.
No one was asking for the MEM to put the younger guys over after 4 months of them forming. People are now asking for them to put people over after a year of them being a stable…and they still haven’t done that.
You've got Samoa Joe getting a huge rub from the Mafia, you've got the EY situation which has stemmed from the MEM angle, you've got Morgan trying to get in the MEM, you've got a TNA original KO like Brooks involved in the MEM. The MEM angle is opening other gates for the young talent.
And you know what’s funny? The fact that all of those wrestlers aren’t really getting a rub, except for maybe Morgan. They are all (except for Morgan) still in the same position they were in when they joined and they’re going to be in the same position once they leave the faction. There is ways a faction can give someone else in the faction a rub…but the MEM isn’t doing that, with the exception of Morgan.
People need to stop acting like the only way to get put over is by putting someone's shoulders down. No it doesn't always work like that. The problem is that people don't respect a slowly progressive moving storyline. They want things to happen overnight but most of the time the best payoffs happen last.
I’m going to put this in all capital letters and in bold so you read and understand it: IT HAS BEEN OVER A FREAKING YEAR AND THEY STILL HAVEN’T PUT A DAMN PERSON OVER. No one is asking for things to happen overnight, or else nothing would change. But it has been a year and people want to see someone go over the MEM. Maybe not by pinning them 1-2-3 but by not getting buried by them every week.
No one expects the young guys to get better by wrestling the established talent but it is a storyline that most people enjoy. Just because a few of you marks on here don't like it does not mean it doesn't entertain most of the viewers and isn't doing it's job.
You do realize that “internet marks” (something that doesn’t make sense because you obviously don’t know the definition of what a mark is) are the ones who make up the majority of TNA’s viewing audience. It really doesn’t entertain most viewers, it’s only a small amount of people who are entertained and by the way it isn’t and doing its job. The job if the MEM was to put the younger talent over and it has been a year and no one has been put over by anyone in the MEM.
Oooh an internet mark doesn't like something in wrestling? Quick, the world is about to crash!
Those very same “internet marks” (like I said, something that doesn’t make sense since you obviously don’t even know what the definition of a “mark” is) are the ones who compromise most of TNA’s audience. If TNA was smart they would please the majority of the people who watch their product. But that’s only if they were smart.
Get over yourselves!!
I think you’re the one who needs to get over himself.
Honestly Morgan is getting some much needed spot light on his character, in a good way. This angle they have going on with him is good but at the same time it seems like it is draging because nothing new has happened as far as him getting his offical spot. We all seen him associated with them but never really as the newst memeber. I hope they don't do a swerve and turn him face because his future definitely has heel all over it. Now with Saoma Joe, he has the ability to be both heel and face but when the MEM storyline is over they should keep him heel and have hime become the one the hated heels in the company. Of course we need faces as well, ill pick AJ, Daniels, Lashley, and Mr. Anderson
Honestly Morgan is getting some much needed spot light on his character, in a good way. This angle they have going on with him is good but at the same time it seems like it is draging because nothing new has happened as far as him getting his offical spot. We all seen him associated with them but never really as the newst memeber. I hope they don't do a swerve and turn him face because his future definitely has heel all over it. Now with Saoma Joe, he has the ability to be both heel and face but when the MEM storyline is over they should keep him heel and have hime become the one the hated heels in the company. Of course we need faces as well, ill pick AJ, Daniels, Lashley, and Mr. Anderson
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