The match where the WORLD championship SHOULD have changed hands.


Occasional Pre-Show
Hmmm where to start? :shrug:

Ah I know, how about Triple H(c) vs. Cactus Jack- WWE Championship-No Way Out 2000 [Hell In A Cell, Title vs. Carrer]

The following Wrestlemania could have been good enough with The Rock vs. Triple H, but if they were going to have a Fatal-4-Way match anyway, why not have Foley enter as Champion? :confused:

What's a match you feel a title should have changed hands?
From Raw May 19, 2003 Champion Triple H vs Ric Flair. It would of been a great nostalic moment to see The Nature Boy win his first World Title since 2000.
HHH vs Randy Orton wrestlemania 25

Randy had just won the rumble and was on a great roll taking out the whole Mcmahon family. He was looking more sadistic then ever (he delivered a ddt to steph then kissed her right in front of HHH)

But the match ended up being nothing more the a glorified squash match and then the next month at backlash Orton won the title in a TAG MATCH vs HHH Shane and Batista.

How the fuck does that make sense? Why not give your top heel at the time his moment and let him beat one of the top faces and probably the top enemy of his career on the greatest stage of them all?
Wrestlemania 23

John Cena Vs HBK

The WWE decided not to go with a great moment and instead provided a weak ending that disappoints nearly everyone, furthering the now rampant Cena hatred.
Easily Booker T vs. Triple H: Wrestlemania 19.

The angle essentially made Triple H and Flair into racists, saying people like Booker belong in prison. Booker was riding the largest wave of momentum he ever had in the WWE going into this match, and he was poised to take his moment at the grandest stage of them all.

If dirt sheets are to be believed, Booker was scheduled to go over Hunter, but he had it changed at the last minute. Booker would then fade into obscurity, floating in and out of the midcard until his King Booker gimmick... which was ended ironically by Triple H.
Elimination Chamber Match - SummerSlam 2003: Goldberg should have absolutely won the title here. When Goldberg came out and tore thru Michaels, Jericho, and Orton the WWE had briefly managed to undo the damage they did to the Goldberg character. Listen to the crowd when he destroys the other opponents and the KICKS THROUGH THE CHAMBER to get at HHH. How they didnt have that match end with Godberg as champ is forever beyond me. HHH dropped the title the next month to him in a crap match with no drama since the did the whole "career on the line" angle. Not to menton that HHH was hurt at this point (groin injury) and could have used the time off but that would have meant he wasnt the center of the wrestling universe.
jericho vs triple H raw 2000 something?

this was the title that never was. jericho at that time was over like hell, he already paid his dues, he won other titles, he was already known as good wrestler, his promos are only second to the rock at that time. i thought it was time to put the strap on him, plus you guys catched the pop after he won? hardly anyone these days gets pop like that after a title change. clearly the fans were ready for his world title run.

for some reason i feel like should he had won this, it would have been more glorified than his first title run (the WCW title), hell probably even better than his undisputed title run
Roddy Piper - The War to Settle the Score
Without a doubt Roddy Piper should have won the Championship at "The War to Settle The Score" leading to Wresltemania I being headlined by a WWF Championship match between himself and Hogan. Hogan was already WAY over, so the loss, especially is Piper cheated to win, would not have hurt him in the slightest. Piper was so hated at this time that a lot of people would have paid good money to see him get his ass kicked and see Hogan take back "his" title. I've never understood why the MAIN EVENT of the very first WRESTLEmania included a NON-WRESTLER
HHH vs Randy Orton wrestlemania 25

Randy had just won the rumble and was on a great roll taking out the whole Mcmahon family. He was looking more sadistic then ever (he delivered a ddt to steph then kissed her right in front of HHH)

But the match ended up being nothing more the a glorified squash match and then the next month at backlash Orton won the title in a TAG MATCH vs HHH Shane and Batista.

How the fuck does that make sense? Why not give your top heel at the time his moment and let him beat one of the top faces and probably the top enemy of his career on the greatest stage of them all?


Wrestlemania 23

John Cena Vs HBK

The WWE decided not to go with a great moment and instead provided a weak ending that disappoints nearly everyone, furthering the now rampant Cena hatred.


Summerslam 1994 - WWF Championship Steel Cage Match
Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart

Owen should have won this match. He goes from Main event status to Bob Backlund's sidekick? And this after having the best feud and matches that year? Really? Really? Owen could've dropped the belt to Diesel, why on Earth did they ever give the belt to Backlund again? That has to be one of the worst title runs of all-time. Beat Bret by his mother throwing in the towel and lose to Diesel in like 15 seconds at a house show. WOW!

Summerslam 1999 - WWF Championship Triple Threat Match
Steve Austin Vs. Mankind Vs. Triple H

Why the hell did they make Triple H wait 24 hours to win? And why have Foley win at all? He had 2 title runs in the last year already. So they didn't want Austin to lose to Trips? Fine, have him pin Foley. Pointless title change.

The RAW after King Of The Ring 98 - WWF Championship Match
Kane Vs. Steve Austin

Austin should not have won the belt back this quickly. It made Kane look like a chump. He goes from ripping steel doors off cells, decimating the entire WWF roster, taking 3 tombstones to be defeated at WM, to jobbing to Austin on a RAW. Pathetic. This is where the Kane charactered died and wasn't revitalized until........

No Mercy 2002 - World & IC Title Unification Match
Triple H Vs. Kane

Kane was reborn this year, coming back on RAW at MSG (I was there) with a new look and a fresh start. He dominates, defending the tag titles by himself in a TLC match against 3 other teams..........then jobs to Triple H.

Kane died again and wasn't reborn until this year......deservingly so, I might add.
No Mercy 2002 - World & IC Title Unification Match
Triple H Vs. Kane

Kane was reborn this year, coming back on RAW at MSG (I was there) with a new look and a fresh start. He dominates, defending the tag titles by himself in a TLC match against 3 other teams..........then jobs to Triple H.

Kane died again and wasn't reborn until this year......deservingly so, I might add.

Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks this. Kane was at probably the biggest point of his career, even if he had lost it at the Rumble a two month reign is better than what he got from 1998-2010.
i think Lex Luger should have gone over Yokozuna at Summerslam... they had a freakin bus after the guy! They wasted the match at Summerslam, even though the ultimate plan was for Luger to go over at Mania, it was a huge waste of a PPV main event and ppl who paid good money for it were ripped off with a crappy ending.
Hmmm where to start? :shrug:

Ah I know, how about Triple H(c) vs. Cactus Jack- WWE Championship-No Way Out 2000 [Hell In A Cell, Title vs. Carrer]

The following Wrestlemania could have been good enough with The Rock vs. Triple H, but if they were going to have a Fatal-4-Way match anyway, why not have Foley enter as Champion? :confused:

What's a match you feel a title should have changed hands?

Foley mentioned one of his old dvd's that he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory when he retired, so he went in HIAC aganist HHH meaning to lose seeing that he was leaving at that time. He came back the next month for WM that year since he wanted to have a wrestlemania moment.

To add to what matches should've switched titles are two recent matches.

1. Wade Barrett v. Randy Orton at Survivor Series
Free or Fired: Special Guest Referee John Cena
WWE Championship

This set up had the perfect role on turning Cena heel while building up a feud with the Undertaker at wrestlemania and putting Barrett over as a dominant heel. Now we have Nexus bury Taker at Bragging Rights for what reason? The only reason that may be remotely possible now is HHH returning as the leader of Nexus and feuding Taker at Mania over retiring Micheals. Barrett was running around claiming of a higher calling in Nexus, so what better than that it seems for now. (Yes, I am aware that Shameus put HHH out, but that would help in the feud and turn Shameus face if this ever happen.)

2. The Miz v. Jerry "The King" Lawyer at The King of the Ring special at Raw
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match
WWE Championship

I got to say this is the most horrible booking I have seen in ages. The Miz had won a 8-way MITB Ladder match to get the title shot. Then they were pushing him to the moon through out the summer to be the next big heel in the WWE with the Raw/Nexus war until SummerSlam came and Bryan Danielson came back into the main event. Since that he hasn't done much except feud Miz on and off from NXT season 1 till October and Dibiase and that feud is crap at the moment. Back on topic, The Miz was running around acting like Mr. Anderson if he was in the PG rating. The loudmouth who would use any means necessary by himself to win the Championship. Instead he pulled a Swagger by cashing in after 7 people(Nexus) beat the crap out of Orton, then Orton almost beat him after that beating he got from them. Now The Miz was forced to defend his title seeing Jerry Lawyer was complaining about the Miz cashing in the way he did. The match went down and it was basically a 3 on 1 handicap TLC match with Riley, Miz, and Micheal Cole of all people. Lawyer fought the odds and at the looks of it, he should've won. It took A-Ri going through a table, Cole holding Lawyer back and being another of Miz's disciples and Miz smashing the title belt in Lawyer's face for him to retain against a 61 retired wrestler and color commentator. People say it put the Miz over seeing he beat a legend in a TLC match on his birthday, but if anything it made him look weaker than ever before in his career. How do you go winning a 8-man ladder match to barely winning a TLC match against an old-timer WITH 2 men at your side?!?!?!?! Miz would be over his he fought without Cole on his side and Lawyer won. Then they could have a rematch at TLC and he could put Miz over while having Orton out selling his REAL-LIFE injuries caused by Nexus. Now we're stuck with a coward champion on a shitty title match at TLC. Orton v. Miz in a tables match. Way to go WWE, make your drunken reality star champion look like his MTV Real World persona than what he should be...the next face of the company.
Hmmm where to start? :shrug:

Ah I know, how about Triple H(c) vs. Cactus Jack- WWE Championship-No Way Out 2000 [Hell In A Cell, Title vs. Carrer]

The following Wrestlemania could have been good enough with The Rock vs. Triple H, but if they were going to have a Fatal-4-Way match anyway, why not have Foley enter as Champion? :confused:

What's a match you feel a title should have changed hands?

Seeing that you mention Mania 2000, I think the Rock should have got the belt in that match. He was the top face in Austins absence and he won the title the next month anyway, so why not add to the legitimacy of his status as top face by giving him the title. It would also provide a great Wrestlemania with the retiring Foley celebrating with him.

I know they wanted to do the whole McMahon thing, but he could have turned and then Foley could have come back out to even the odds and the Rock could then win. I'm not a huge fan of the heel winning the Mania main event, and although it can work sometimes, I think the Rock should have got the Championship in this case.
Roddy Piper - The War to Settle the Score
Without a doubt Roddy Piper should have won the Championship at "The War to Settle The Score" leading to Wresltemania I being headlined by a WWF Championship match between himself and Hogan. Hogan was already WAY over, so the loss, especially is Piper cheated to win, would not have hurt him in the slightest. Piper was so hated at this time that a lot of people would have paid good money to see him get his ass kicked and see Hogan take back "his" title. I've never understood why the MAIN EVENT of the very first WRESTLEmania included a NON-WRESTLER

Agreed 100%. Rowdy Roddy Piper was Hogan's arch nemesis, the persistent thorn in his side. Having Cowboy Bob Orton distract the referee or something, to allow Piper to cheat to win wouldn't have made a dent in Hogan's popularity. In fact, it may have actually INCREASED Hogan's. Think about it...main events involving Hulk Hogan in the 80s were more predictable than the sun rising in the morning. Beat down, hulk up, irish whip, big boot, leg drop, pin, finish. Every single time. You knew ahead of time what would happen. Now...if Piper cheats and steals the belt, suddenly a Hogan match's outcome is not inevitable. Highly likely still, but there would be a small lingering doubt...not knowing for absolutely sure if Hogan would win would make it more interesting. Basically, the WWF should have screwed Hogan out of the title years before they did the twin Hebners/evil referee angle to set up Wrestlemania IV.

And let's face it...Piper damn well deserved a run as WWF champion.
I agree with Loveless. Cena vs Michaels at Wrestlemania 23 should have resulted in a victory for HBK. He could have dropped the title on Raw in their next match but giving the title to Michaels at Wrestlemania would've been a wrestlemania moment.

I would also like to mention Rock vs Angle vs HHH at Summerslam 2000 as a match where the title should have changed hands Angle should have won here. He eventually won the title at No Mercy but I think that winning at a "big four" PPV would have enabled him to make a better impact. That plus he could have won without any interference here as it was a triple threat match, and he could have easily won the title by pinning HHH rather than waiting till No Mercy and it taking Rkishi's interference for Angle to win his match against Rock.
The Royal Rumble 2007 for the World Championship
Batista vs. Mr. Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy had beaten like 12 world Champions before he faced Batista. It seemed like a perfect fit to launch Ken Anderson into the main event and World Title picture. Mr. Kennedy had a tremendous mic ability and could really get the crowd to hate him. He was a perfect heel. I don't understand why WWE didn't use this to their advantage and finally hand Mr. Kennedy the World Heavyweight Championship. The match was a bit slow paced with Batista doing his usual dominating during the match. Mr. Kenndy also showed some pretty good offense as well. The ending to the match was nothing special at all. A quick Batista bomb was shit. Instead they could've done something a bit better. A great showing from Kennedy and he really proved he deserve the main even spot light. The World Title should've changed hands.
Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks this. Kane was at probably the biggest point of his career, even if he had lost it at the Rumble a two month reign is better than what he got from 1998-2010.

Is this the match where Kane had to unmask if he lost???

I definitely think Kane should have taken the title off Triple H in that match, it is a disgrace that he had only ever had a one day title reign until this years, when guys such as Mysterio and Big Show are given multiple runs with the belt. Even Khali was given a couple of months as champion, while Kane was never given the opportunity. He has always been over, and loved by the fans, and everyone had been waiting for this monster to get a long term title run.

This was at the point when Triple H simply dominated the World Title scene. As much as I love seeing him in the ring, Triple H simply held down other talent at this point for no justification. I was going to vote for Rob Van Dam title match as the one where the title should have changed hands, as RVD certainly deserved a title run with the quality of his matches and how over he was, but once again he was held down.

Kane should have won this, taken the title, and never unmasked. His character was destroyed and he was basically on life support and a jobber until this year and his well deserved title victory.
Is this the match where Kane had to unmask if he lost???

I definitely think Kane should have taken the title off Triple H in that match, it is a disgrace that he had only ever had a one day title reign until this years, when guys such as Mysterio and Big Show are given multiple runs with the belt. Even Khali was given a couple of months as champion, while Kane was never given the opportunity. He has always been over, and loved by the fans, and everyone had been waiting for this monster to get a long term title run.

This was at the point when Triple H simply dominated the World Title scene. As much as I love seeing him in the ring, Triple H simply held down other talent at this point for no justification. I was going to vote for Rob Van Dam title match as the one where the title should have changed hands, as RVD certainly deserved a title run with the quality of his matches and how over he was, but once again he was held down.

Kane should have won this, taken the title, and never unmasked. His character was destroyed and he was basically on life support and a jobber until this year and his well deserved title victory.

No, they was talking about the No Mercy 2002 Match. But, Kane deserved to win both of those matches, he was super over at this time, and with the loss he never was that over again

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