The Match Of The Decade

The Match Of The Decade

  • The Rock Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: WrestleMania XIX

  • Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels: WrestleMania 21

  • AJ Styles Vs. Samoa Joe Vs. Christopher Daniels: Unbreakable 2005

  • Triple H Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: Three Stages Of Hell/No Way Out 2001

  • Edge & Christian Vs. The Dudley Boyz & The Hardy Boyz: Triangle Ladder Match/WrestleMania 2000

  • Mick Foley Vs. Edge: Hardcore Match/WrestleMania 22

  • Ric Flair Vs. Shawn Michaels: WrestleMania XXIV

  • Triple H Vs. Cactus Jack: Hell In A Cell/No Way Out 2000

  • The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels: WrestleMania XXV

  • Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit: Royal Rumble 2003

  • Other

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Dark Match Winner
This is another one of my polls of the best of the 00's and this time it's about the match of the decade. Which match do you think has been talked about the most and remembered? Which match do you think told the best story? Which match do you think had the wrestlers leave it in the ring and create a classic match?

Questions like these are what comes from a match that's worthy of being the match of the decade. There were many classic matches from WWE to TNA but only one stands above the rest. Go vote!!


My personal favorite has to go to the Rock and Austin match. They were two of the biggest names in one of the biggest rivalries of all time. Near fall after near fall, both using each others finishers, great storytelling, this being Austin's last match, and having The Rock FINALLY beat Stone Cold had that historic feel to it. It had "Big Time" written all over it in my opinion.

Also, I forgot to add The Rock Vs. Hollywood Hogan match from WrestleMania X8. It'll count as a bonus instead.
I chose HBK vs Taker. Easily the match of the decade. Both legends brought their all times 10. I was for HBK in this match, and HBK had never looked so good. The Win Streak was like a title match times 2. This match proabably made me Ooo and Ahh 50 times. The energy of the match was great.
16-1 it should have been. :D
I had to go with the UNBREAKABLE 3-Way between Joe, Daniels, and Styles from 2005. That match was truly incredible, and worth the price of the event all by itself.....I hope that they get the chance to bring back that same magic should they ever meet again.
You have missed out alot of very good matches in my opinion including, The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle at No Way Out 2006, The Rock vs Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 17, TLC 1 and 2, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels wrestlemania 23 and on Raw, Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20 and a lot more better ones than you have listed.

Anyway out of the ones above I chose Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels with Angle vs Michaels, Benoit vs Angle and the triple threat at Unbreakable. Reason why I chose Taker' vs Michaels is because I believe it showed what Wrestlemania is all about. Two big names giving it all there all on the grandest stage of them all.
HBK/Taker was so overrated it isn't even funny. I wouldn't put it as one of my top matches of this year, let alone this decade. I will have to go with Austin/HHH at No Way Out. This was, in my opinion, HHH's best match and one of Stone Cold's Top 5. A great backstory, even though I didn't like Rikishi in it, and they brought that intensity to the ring and put on a classic. This should have been at Wrestlemania but we had to get another not-so-great Austin/Rock match.

I would put the Unbreakable Triple Threat match second because you had three different competitors, wrestling three different styles and great selling and storytelling with Daniels getting revenge on Joe. I would also put the Turning Point match between Joe and Styles up there as well.
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With the exception of WCW since they didn't do shit the one year they had this decade, I'm going to give my 'Match of the Decade' for each wrestling company I've followed, instead of giving it to just one match.

WWE: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle - The Royal Rumble 2003

By far the greatest WWE Title match of all time. I had stopped watching wrestling a little while after WCW and ECW went out of business, but I got back into it at around Wrestlemania 19. So, I figured I’d just pick up the Royal Rumble DVD, since I’ve become a huge fan of Lesnar and wanted to get my hands on everything he’s done that I unfortunately missed. And man… never in a million years did I expect the Benoit/Angle match on the DVD to be as spectacular as it was. I knew beforehand that Angle won the match, but I was still second guessing myself during the contest because these two did such a great job at selling that I thought Angle was going to tap or be pinned on multiple occasion. I was basically marking the fuck out for a match I had already seen highlights of and already new the outcome of. Unbelievable. And I can still sit down and enjoy this match today as much as any other match that has ever taken place.

TNA: A.J. Styles vs. Samoa Joe - Sacrifice 2005

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe from Sacrifice 2005 is the greatest match to ever take place in TNA, in my opinion; however, it goes under the radar because a month later, the three-way between Joe, Styles, and Daniels would take place at Unbreakable, and people went so ape shit over the Unbreakable match that they all forget how great the match at Sacrifice was. But to me... Styles vs. Joe > The Unbreakable match, all night and day. I saw both live on pay-per-view, the triple threat just didn't have the excitement and suspense of the Sacrifice match. All it had was a bunch of spots, which was of course fun, but it wasn't a masterpiece like the match at Sacrifice was, which had even better spots if you ask me, and it told just a great, great story full of drama and suspense.

ROH: Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson - Final Battle 2006

I’ve become a huge fan of these guys when I first found ROH in 2004, and even though I absolutely love Danielson and enjoyed the hell out of his run as ROH Champion, there was nothing I wanted to see more than to see Homicide defeat the motherfucker and finally win an ROH Title. And man…. not only did he defeat Danielson at Final Battle 2006, but he did so in a match that was beyond incredible. Just like the Angle/Benoit match, I knew the outcome and I even seen highlights of the match beforehand, but I still found myself thinking that maybe I read the results wrong or something because there were numerous times throughout the match where I thought Danielson was about to retain the title. That’s how great the false finishes were. Seriously, if you’re looking to get into ROH and you want to know some of their classic shows or matches… I suggest you start with Final Battle 2006, because you will end up viewing on the greatest, most exciting matches that has ever taken place in in not only the company's history, but in the history of pro wrestling.

ECW: Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Psicosis: ECW TV 8/19/00

I don’t care how many WCW matches you’ve seen, how many ROH matches you’ve seen, how many puroresu matches you’ve seen, or how many Lucha Libre matches you’ve seen… this is without a doubt the greatest “Cruiserweight” match to EVER take place. That’s how highly I view this match. It is AWESOME. It has everything one could ever want in a professional wrestling contest: Highspots that are logical and add to the story, tremendous mat wrestling, stiff shots, and great crowd participation. Trust me, the crowd in attendance loved this match as much as I did. If you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing this, please do yourself a favor and find this match as soon as possible; I guarantee you’ll love it.
I voted HBK/Angle. It was the best match for one of the best 'Manias of this decade(behind X-Seven). This was a match where both wrestlers were evenly matched, and it could have gone either way. Just when you thought Angle had it won, BOOM! Sweet Chin Music. Just when you thought HBK had it won, BOOM! either an Angle slam or an ankle lock.

No doubt it was the best match in '05, but, I'm probably gonna get negative feedback for this, it beats HBK/Taker soundly. Don't get me wrong, HBK/Taker also stole the show, but compared to HBK/Angle, it's pale in comparison. HBK/Angle was full throttle, nonstop, on the edge of your seat action from start to finish.

I would also consider matches like the Benoit/Jericho ladder match at the '01 Rumble, TLC I & II, or the first Elimination Chamber as canidates for match of the decade.
I'm not going to vote on the poll because other is not a choice. The matches you've listed are fine if that's your opinion, but three of my favorites are not even on the list. When making a poll like this you should always include other as a choice. If you simply stated which of these mathces is the best that's fine. But when speaking of the match of the decade there are going to be a lot of different opinions and you can't possibly cover them all.

I think Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit is one of the best tag matches I've ever seen. This match is perfect from bell to bell and it's fun to listen to the crowd get more and more into it as the match goes on.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H at SummerSlam 2002 is one of my all time favorite matches. It was so great seeing Shawn return. He didn't miss a beat and it was like he never left. That match told quite a story and I'll never get tired of it.

It's a tough call, but I think I would vote for Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho from WrestleMania XIX as match of the decade. This was an old fashioned wrestling classic. Most of the good matches during the attitude era involved some sort of gimmick. It was a fun time, but did not produce a lot of good matches in my opinion. At least not my favorite type of matches to watch. Here we were two years removed from attitude and HBK was returning to the big stage. Jericho was the perfect opponent and they gave us a match for the ages.
You have missed out alot of very good matches in my opinion including, The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle at No Way Out 2006, The Rock vs Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 17, TLC 1 and 2, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels wrestlemania 23 and on Raw, Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20 and a lot more better ones than you have listed.

Anyway out of the ones above I chose Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels with Angle vs Michaels, Benoit vs Angle and the triple threat at Unbreakable. Reason why I chose Taker' vs Michaels is because I believe it showed what Wrestlemania is all about. Two big names giving it all there all on the grandest stage of them all.

While I can understand where you're coming from, I decided to stick with only ten (Pun Intended) matches because I think it would have been appropriate to pick the best matches that there was for the decade. There were other classic matches but I think these really stand out as timeless classics in my opinion. Thanks for voting.
I'm not going to vote on the poll because other is not a choice. The matches you've listed are fine if that's your opinion, but three of my favorites are not even on the list. When making a poll like this you should always include other as a choice. If you simply stated which of these mathces is the best that's fine. But when speaking of the match of the decade there are going to be a lot of different opinions and you can't possibly cover them all.

I think Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit is one of the best tag matches I've ever seen. This match is perfect from bell to bell and it's fun to listen to the crowd get more and more into it as the match goes on.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H at SummerSlam 2002 is one of my all time favorite matches. It was so great seeing Shawn return. He didn't miss a beat and it was like he never left. That match told quite a story and I'll never get tired of it.

It's a tough call, but I think I would vote for Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho from WrestleMania XIX as match of the decade. This was an old fashioned wrestling classic. Most of the good matches during the attitude era involved some sort of gimmick. It was a fun time, but did not produce a lot of good matches in my opinion. At least not my favorite type of matches to watch. Here we were two years removed from attitude and HBK was returning to the big stage. Jericho was the perfect opponent and they gave us a match for the ages.

Again like before, I can understand what you mean but I picked the matches that have been talked about for years and that were memorable. I respect your opinion though, don't get me wrong but I just sticked with ten matches. I had to narrow it down to the greatest matches of the 2000's and these are it.
HBK/Taker was so overrated it isn't even funny. I wouldn't put it as one of my top matches of this year, let alone this decade. I will have to go with Austin/HHH at No Way Out. This was, in my opinion, HHH's best match and one of Stone Cold's Top 5. A great backstory, even though I didn't like Rikishi in it, and they brought that intensity to the ring and put on a classic. This should have been at Wrestlemania but we had to get another not-so-great Austin/Rock match.

HBK/'Taker is so overrated, blah blah blah. Same shit different day, right LJL? I don't understand you. You bitch about storytelling, psychology in the ring, and all that jazz and you knock some of the greatest matches ever. 'Taker/HBK WM 25 is far and away the best match of this year as far as storytelling and psychology goes. It was better than anything Jericho and Rey did and it was ten times better than anything Cena and Orton have done. Their Iron Man Match was great, but it wasn't on this level. I think that you like to say that the match was overrated because you want to go against the status quo or something. I guarantee you that if you were to insert Cena into this match, it would top your list.

Then you are going to say that Austin/Rock at WM 17, which should have been on the list because it would have been my choice, wasn't so great when it was the best match that the two of them have ever had.

I just don't understand you. You make no sense to me.

Again, I'm not going to vote on the poll because the list is missing some major, MAJOR, fucking matches. Rock/Austin WM XIX has nothing on Rock/Austin WM 17. That match really should have been on your list. It was the greatest match of the greatest feud in WWE history.
'Taker/HBK WM 25 is far and away the best match of this year as far as storytelling and psychology goes.
Such a shame it way overdid the two of them lying about in the ring. 40 minutes that lasted, with 20 minutes of action. You might mark out over 'kipping-up', I do not.

I think that you like to say that the match was overrated because you want to go against the status quo or something.
I think it shows that LJL is a man capable of making his own opinions.

I guarantee you that if you were to insert Cena into this match, it would top your list.
I guarentee if Cena was in the match instead of 'Taker, you would be proclaiming how overrated it was.

Again, I'm not going to vote on the poll because the list is missing some major, MAJOR, fucking matches. Rock/Austin WM XIX has nothing on Rock/Austin WM 17. That match really should have been on your list. It was the greatest match of the greatest feud in WWE history.
Wahey, something we agree on. To not have the biggest match from the best WrestleMania in history is absurd. It was the end of the Attitude Era and pitted the two men who made it so successful against each other, the ultimate face/face battle which had a superb twist.

Their WrestleMania 19 match was good, but it did not match that one. A much vaster match choice needed to be included, or it could have been done as a series of threads looking at each individual year before a 'final'.
Such a shame it way overdid the two of them lying about in the ring. 40 minutes that lasted, with 20 minutes of action. You might mark out over 'kipping-up', I do not.

Maybe we like different things, however, when you look at the things that make a match a great match, you aren't going to get anything better this year than 'Taker/HBK WM 25. Things like storytelling, ring psychology, suspense, drama, and other things. LJL talks about those things all of the time when he is talking about what makes a match good and, regardless of whether they just laid around the ring all match, the match had all of those things in it. I would love for you to try and prove me wrong on this one.

I think it shows that LJL is a man capable of making his own opinions.

Really? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but what I think it shows is that you can't please everyone. That match was outstanding, but there are always going to be people out there that find something wrong with it. Anyone can do that if you sit and nit pick at it long enough.

I guarantee if Cena was in the match instead of 'Taker, you would be proclaiming how overrated it was.

If the match was good, I wouldn't. I loved his Iron Man Match. It was outstanding. It was definitely the second best match of this year and it will be a MOTY candidate, but it wasn't better than 'Taker/HBK.

Wahey, something we agree on. To not have the biggest match from the best WrestleMania in history is absurd. It was the end of the Attitude Era and pitted the two men who made it so successful against each other, the ultimate face/face battle which had a superb twist.

Their WrestleMania 19 match was good, but it did not match that one. A much vaster match choice needed to be included, or it could have been done as a series of threads looking at each individual year before a 'final'.

My thoughts exactly.
HBK/'Taker is so overrated, blah blah blah. Same shit different day, right LJL? I don't understand you. You bitch about storytelling, psychology in the ring, and all that jazz and you knock some of the greatest matches ever. 'Taker/HBK WM 25 is far and away the best match of this year as far as storytelling and psychology goes. It was better than anything Jericho and Rey did and it was ten times better than anything Cena and Orton have done. Their Iron Man Match was great, but it wasn't on this level. I think that you like to say that the match was overrated because you want to go against the status quo or something. I guarantee you that if you were to insert Cena into this match, it would top your list.

Then you are going to say that Austin/Rock at WM 17, which should have been on the list because it would have been my choice, wasn't so great when it was the best match that the two of them have ever had.

I just don't understand you. You make no sense to me.

Again, I'm not going to vote on the poll because the list is missing some major, MAJOR, fucking matches. Rock/Austin WM XIX has nothing on Rock/Austin WM 17. That match really should have been on your list. It was the greatest match of the greatest feud in WWE history.

What storytelling and psychology did Undertaker and HBK have? It was just them hitting their finishers and lying around for twenty minutes. I rather remember their match from 1997 then their match now when it seemed like they were going through the motions. I'll take any Jericho/Mysterio match over Taker/HBK in a heartbeat.

I like Stone Cold and The Rock as much as the next guy but their Wrestlemania matches weren't all that great in my opinion. Rock/Austin is nowhere near the greatest feud in WWE history because that honor can go to Austin/McMahon.
What storytelling and psychology did Undertaker and HBK have? It was just them hitting their finishers and lying around for twenty minutes. I rather remember their match from 1997 then their match now when it seemed like they were going through the motions. I'll take any Jericho/Mysterio match over Taker/HBK in a heartbeat.

What storytelling? It told a hell of a story. The Undertaker going against HBK, defending his streak against the one person in the WWE that he has faced but had never beaten one on one. Are you honestly going to say that there was no ring or crowd psychology? Especially when the crowd was chanting, "This is awesome"? Let me guess, next you are going to say that there was no drama or suspense, right? After HBK kicked out of the tombstone and 'Taker kicked out of SCM. I'm sorry, but as far as all of the criteria we use to judge matches goes, 'Taker/HBK was a damn good match.

I like Stone Cold and The Rock as much as the next guy but their Wrestlemania matches weren't all that great in my opinion. Rock/Austin is nowhere near the greatest feud in WWE history because that honor can go to Austin/McMahon.

You are entitled to your own opinion but if you think that their WM 17 match wasn't great, your opinion is flawed.

McMahon and Austin was a great feud, but I'm not going to consider that a feud because one wasn't even a wrestler. As far as the wrestler feuds that we have seen in the WWE, Austin/Rock is the be all end all.
The poll is right as far as the Rock vs. Austin situation goes. The Wrestlemania 17 match is the most over rated crap fest I have ever watched. It's essentially 30 minutes of two guys no selling the hell out of each otehrs moves, and bleeding on each other. It's crap. People take a shit all over the original ECW every chance they get, but in the same breath will mention the epicness of this crap fest, don't understand it. The Wrestlemania 19 match was far more entertaining, and the story of the broken down star finally losing and getting dominated was far more interesting.
I voted for Flair vs Michaels at WM24, simply because the emotion pouring out of that match was incredible. Flair was crying for god's sakes!
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels was just a classic match between two of the biggest superstars in WWE history. It was also fitting that this match happened at WM. Mr. Wrestlemania vs. the man who is undefeated at Wrestlemania.
The poll is right as far as the Rock vs. Austin situation goes. The Wrestlemania 17 match is the most over rated crap fest I have ever watched. It's essentially 30 minutes of two guys no selling the hell out of each otehrs moves, and bleeding on each other. It's crap. People take a shit all over the original ECW every chance they get, but in the same breath will mention the epicness of this crap fest, don't understand it. The Wrestlemania 19 match was far more entertaining, and the story of the broken down star finally losing and getting dominated was far more interesting.

I don't shit on the original ECW product at all. To the point however........

I don't get some of you people. Give you all an apple and you will complain that it's not an orange. However, before I go on trying to explain why Austin/Rock WM 17 was their greatest match ever, I would like for you to explain to me why this match was horrible. Please, I would like for you and LJL to explain to me how this match was horrible. Tell me how they no sold. Tell me how there was no storytelling, psychology, suspense, and drama. As soon as you do, I will explain to you how this match had everything in it that we use to judge matches and I will explain how it was great.
You had a Wrestlemania match end in outside interference, for the second year in a row. That right there is enough for the match to lose almost every point of positivity. Wrestlemania isn't about continuing storlyines, it's about bringing a solid end to storylines. Rock Austin was a prop match set up for a bad Austin Heel turn, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as no selling, how many stone cold stunners, Rock Bottoms, chair shots, and Sharpshooters went on in that match? If there was ever a WWE match that was a prime example of no selling, this match was that. Oh and I know, it was the drive of the champion, the will not to quit, yadda yadda yadda. JR told me that in commentary, I didn't buy it then either.
You had a Wrestlemania match end in outside interference, for the second year in a row. That right there is enough for the match to lose almost every point of positivity. Wrestlemania isn't about continuing storlyines, it's about bringing a solid end to storylines. Rock Austin was a prop match set up for a bad Austin Heel turn, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as no selling, how many stone cold stunners, Rock Bottoms, chair shots, and Sharpshooters went on in that match? If there was ever a WWE match that was a prime example of no selling, this match was that. Oh and I know, it was the drive of the champion, the will not to quit, yadda yadda yadda. JR told me that in commentary, I didn't buy it then either.

This was the end of the Attitude Era and what better way to end it than to have the Era's two biggest stars battle it out? That's how I'm going to explain your so called no selling. As far as the interference goes, who gives a flying fuck? It threw in a great twist in the end. IMO, it was the Austin heel turn that made that match and WM 17 as memorable as it was. Again, it was the end of the Attitude Era and you had Austin shaking hands with the man he hated most during that Era. It was brilliant. Also, it was a WM match. We've seen the two of them kick out of their finishers before.

BTW, you are going to complain about no selling and kicking out of finishers, but didn't you just praise Austin/Rock WM XIX? I don't think that we could count on two hands how many finishers that match had. Man, the hypocrisy around here is horrible.
The Wrestlemania 19 match was no where near as ridiculous as what the Wrestlemania 17 match was. I'll buy the fact that Austin was hanging on to the what was left of his career and the aging superstar giving it his one last time over the younger lion any day of the week over the weapon sharpshooter laden Wrestlemania 17 match. The Rock putting Austin away with multiple Rock Bottoms was far, far more dramatic then the 18 chair shots Rocky received by Austin. By the end of the Wrestlemania 19 match, you knew you had seen the end of something great, at the end of Wrestlemania 17, you felt like that was Lame.

The main event of Wrestlemania 17 by far and away should have been the storyline that was being built up for the previous 7 months, Triple H vs. Steve Austin, unfortunately they sacrificed that for the No Way Out match, which was leaps and bound better then the Mania main event.
The Wrestlemania 19 match was no where near as ridiculous as what the Wrestlemania 17 match was. I'll buy the fact that Austin was hanging on to the what was left of his career and the aging superstar giving it his one last time over the younger lion any day of the week over the weapon sharpshooter laden Wrestlemania 17 match. The Rock putting Austin away with multiple Rock Bottoms was far, far more dramatic then the 18 chair shots Rocky received by Austin. By the end of the Wrestlemania 19 match, you knew you had seen the end of something great, at the end of Wrestlemania 17, you felt like that was Lame.

The main event of Wrestlemania 17 by far and away should have been the storyline that was being built up for the previous 7 months, Triple H vs. Steve Austin, unfortunately they sacrificed that for the No Way Out match, which was leaps and bound better then the Mania main event.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.

Austin/HHH at No Way Out was amazing, don't get me wrong. That was probably HHH's best match ever.

When I look at WM 17 as a whole, it is one of the best WMs ever. Again, it was the end of an era and the two biggest stars in the company ended that era and ended it well. You couldn't have asked for a better match up to end WM 17.

You would buy the story of the old lion trying to hold on to beat the young lion. I will admit that it was a great storyline, however, if I am going to see kick outs of finishers and people going all out, I personally would rather see it for the championship. Which is what we got for WM 17.

I think that it is a clash of tastes here. We are just going to have to agree to disagree. I loved the match at WM 17 and you didn't.

I'm still going to say that the original poster's list is flawed though. There are plenty other matches that should have been on the list, but oh well.
Going to have to completely disagree with you about the Wrestlemania 17 match Shocky. I remember watching it live and thinking "Holy shit, what a match!", and being legitimately shocked by Austin turning heel. I never thought that would happen. That match was a bloody brawl, but so what? How many great matches have been bloody brawls? Shit it's not any different from an old NWA brawl, only more heinous chairshots. That was a great event altogether and you're the only person I've ever seen to have no walked away from that main event satisfied.

As for the match of the decade...let me start off by saying that this poll is flawed from the beginning by the fact that it doesn't include a single ROH match, and only ONE TNA match, which is ridiculous to me. Out of the WWE options, it's a toss up between the Angle/HBK match and the Angle/Benoit match. Either one works, depending on what mood I'm in.

What I feel to be the match of the decade however wasn't in the WWE, nor was it in TNA, it was in ROH, and it was between Samoa Joe and Kenta Kobashi in October of 2005 at the Joe vs. Kobashi card. It was an honor for Kobashi just to be in this country and to wrestle in an American promotion, but for a young guy like Joe to be able to wrestle him, I can only imagine how excited/nervous he must have been, and those two went out there and put on what I can safely call one of the greatest wrestling matches of the decade. To see middle aged Kobashi and Joe work together so perfectly was an absolute treat, and that match ranks high on my list of favorites. Off the top of my head, that's the match of the decade, and unless something completely blows it out of the water in the next month and a half, I don't see anything else beating that classic.
Well im sorry to disagree with everyone but I voted for the triple ladder tag match at Wrestlemania 2000.

I can understand why this is more than likely to not win the poll but hear me out:

-Compared to the other matches in the poll, it was not as hyped up and yet blew everything out of the water on that show and really set the tone for the decade.

- Moments in that match, like Jeff's infamous swanton off the ladder, are going to be repeated along with Foley's fall off the cell for quite a while yet

- Finally it really made a name for every single person in that match, Dudley's still doing awesome, Jeff a superstar, matt still wrestling (ok maybe he is an exception) and Edge and Christian in their respective high up singles roles.

Hopefully i have convinced you vote against the obvious and VOTE LADDER!

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