The Match of 2005

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BOSS Productions

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Now 2005 is known as the year the WWE lost its value , I personally do not believe that and I do enjoy the current WWE . This year marks the first World title runs of Batista and John Cena (I am a fan of both guys, for those who are wondering) ,this year also marks the death of Eddie Guerrero who gave me one of the greatest years of wrestling in 2004. Now I heard Eddie was meant to win the World Title from Batista this year before he died but now back on topic.

Here are the rules
1). Post 1-5 of your favorite matches that occurred in 2005 (5 is the maximum).
2). You must explain why you like the match you choose.
3). List them in order , so that I know which one you like the best from they year of 2005.

Now here are my match listings for the year of 2005:

1). HBK VS Hollywood Hulk Hogan - Summerslam 2005- When I first watched the match it was great but then I re watched it and found out how HBK was OVERSELLING his MOVES like crazy which made me laugh but I still enjoyed the match overall. The build up was insanely good and it is always great to see Hogan wrestle at a big PPV like SummerSlam, although I would prefer WM 21. This match was great aside from the overselling , fan reception was good ,t was much like Hogan VS Rock ,it was split sort of 75/25 where the majority rooted for Hogan but there some who cheered for HBK. Also I really laughed my ass of when Hogan said "IF you want me to kick your skinny old ass at SummerSlam, Shawn , then I am going to go ahead and kick your ass." I am not sure if that is exactly how it went but that is how I remember it (feel free to correct me though).

2). Eddie Guerrero and Batista VS LOD 2005 - Tag Titles- SmackDown- I am a huge LOD fan (I like Animal more than Hawk though) and it was great to see him back, I actually liked Jon Heidenreich with this gimmick he had and I believe that the LOD 2005 was successful no matter how short their reign was. I chose this match because I was a fan of all 4 guys and I really thought LOD would lose their titles that night but was surprised that they retained. I can't remember much but I do know that Eddie executed a low blow on one of the Road Warriors by kissing one of their boots and then hitting it. I also remember it ended in a DQ but that is all I remember but I did REALLY enjoy this match when it first aired on SmackDown.

3). Batista VS JBL -World Title- Bull Rope Match- SmackDown- This was also the night Eddie debuted his new theme Gangsta Lane which was awesome but this match was great itself I love Bull Rope matches because the concept is great also this was Batista at his best in my opinion and if you have not seen this match ,then see it because it is really good for something that was shown on free TV.

Honorable Mentions :
HBK VS Angle WM 21
Randy Orton VS Undertaker HIAC Armageddon 2005

These are my choices now list your favorite matches from 2005 and please tell me why you like them and list them in order.

How does Kurt Angle vs. HBK take a back seat to any of those matches. That Wrestlemania match was a wrestling clinic. There was two superstars who are legends in this business at the biggest show of them all. There was so many times that match could've ended but they kept going until they went to their limit. We saw why HBK is called Mr. Wrestlemania and why Angle is one of the greatest.
How does Kurt Angle vs. HBK take a back seat to any of those matches. That Wrestlemania match was a wrestling clinic. There was two superstars who are legends in this business at the biggest show of them all. There was so many times that match could've ended but they kept going until they went to their limit. We saw why HBK is called Mr. Wrestlemania and why Angle is one of the greatest.

Well there are two reasons why
1). I am the weirdest wrestling fan you will ever find on this forum, which means I choose a lot of awkward matches and occasionally matches that people like because my taste is much different then most fans.
2). My match perfect match was not found in HBK VS Angle

Straight forward stuff.
Hey Aeroplex welcome back and awesome thread i really like this one. I would have to agree with you also that 2005 was not the year WWE declined i liked 2005 to be honest.

Well here are my matches......

1) Elimination Chamber at New Year's Revolution
I loved this match because 1, i love the idea of the elimination chamber and 2 because not only was it a huge storyline for HHH and Orton it also had other big storylines in it with Jericho, Benoit, Edge and Batista. THis was also a time when i was really thinking orton was going to win this match and become champ. I would of liked this more than HHH but it did give us HHH vs. Batista later on at WM

2) My second favorite match has to be HBK vs. Angle at WM. Wow this match was amazing on a huge stage that stole the show in my opinion and i was way more intrigued by Angle HBK then Cena and Batista winning the titles, Sry Aero i am not a fan of either of these guys. Along with this wrestling clinic we got to see them face two more times, once on raw in an ironman match and then again at vengeance.AWESOME match

3) Orton vs. Taker HIAC. This match was sooo good and bloody and it was awesome. I loved Orton as the Legend killer and when he first arrived on smackdown after the draft i knew it was him and Taker. This was an awesome feud and to be honest i seriously think that this was Orton's defining moment that catapulted him to the top. Even though he had already won the title he was basically squashed by HHH and then Taker and him had this awesome feud. I love this match it made me like Orton actually.

Those are my top 3 but i have a couple honorable mentions and here they are

HBK vs. Angle (ironman at Raw)
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown as SS
Royal Rumble match
Cena vs. HBK vs. Angle at Taboo Tuesday
Wasnt Style/Joe/Daniels first triple threat in 2005. That match destroys all others mentioned in this thread so far. It's the best match in TNA history and better than almost any WWE match this decade, especially hogan/michaels. The HBK/Hogan match was an embaressment to pro wrestling. Michaels acted like a spoiled little teenaged brat. I can't belive i'm saying this but Hogan is the only thing that match that match watchable.
Wasnt Style/Joe/Daniels first triple threat in 2005. That match destroys all others mentioned in this thread so far. It's the best match in TNA history and better than almost any WWE match this decade, especially hogan/michaels. The HBK/Hogan match was an embaressment to pro wrestling. Michaels acted like a spoiled little teenaged brat. I can't belive i'm saying this but Hogan is the only thing that match that match watchable.


Anyways kobrad, thanks and I loved your match picks too , I actually enjoyed this year and Cena and Batsia were at there best at this time period I believe so.
Aeroplex, I feel you are being truly harsh on restricting your choice to only WWE. The Unbreakable triple threat wipes the floor with everything in 2005 except the HBK Angle match.

So, that triple threat match is number 1 IMO.

2. Angle HBK is a clinic that will stand up well alongside Savage / Steamboat. Great action, brilliant spots and the right finish.

3. MITB, the first, the original and the best. This was wonderful and elevated Edge in the best way possible.

I can only think of three but I didnt watch too much stuff around this time.
Aeroplex, I feel you are being truly harsh on restricting your choice to only WWE. The Unbreakable triple threat wipes the floor with everything in 2005 except the HBK Angle match.

So, that triple threat match is number 1 IMO.

2. Angle HBK is a clinic that will stand up well alongside Savage / Steamboat. Great action, brilliant spots and the right finish.

3. MITB, the first, the original and the best. This was wonderful and elevated Edge in the best way possible.

I can only think of three but I didnt watch too much stuff around this time.

I did not know that sorry guys.
Anyone who wants me to lift the Strictly WWE matches only rule post it in this thread before you mention your match.
Hands down, this has to go to Angle vs HBK.

This match is the reason I want to be a wrestler today. To me, this is the best a wrestling match can be. Really good mat wrestling mixed with the high spots that make wrestling famous. I think that anyone who wants to know what a wrestling match is should look at this match.This is my favourite match of 2005 and my favourite match of all time.I've watched it about 100 times(not exxagerating) and it never gets old, its a real wrestling match between two real professional wrestlers.

Also one other match that wasn't mentioned was the Summerslam match between Cena and Y2J. It's kind of ironic because this was when Jericho was still Y2J and Cena wasn't booed( remember those days) this was just a good overall match to me and Summerslam kind of marks the turning point for the WWE in terms of where it is now in comparison to where it was and got "bad"
Alright, another Match of (Insert Year) blog. Always look forward to these.

1) Ric Flair vs. Triple H- Steel Cage Match- Taboo Tuesday 2005- This match always gives me goosebumps because Ric Flair, on that night, was the Ric Flair of old. In my opinion, it's one of the best steel cage matches I've ever seen. The funny thing about the match was how much of it was a bleeding contest between Triple H and Ric Flair. "Who can bleed the most, Naitch?" "To be the man..... wooooooo.... you gotta bleed the man!" When Flair wins the cage match, how can you not get that nostalgic feeling like you've seen Classic Flair resurrected for one evening?

2) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 21- Like so many of you said, how can you not go with this match on your top five of that year? Excellent performances by both men, including sick moonsaults, angle slams into ring posts, and great mat wrestling.

3) Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero- No Mercy 2005- I actually liked this match as the contrast of styles between the high-flying, technical wrestler Eddie Guerrero and the rough neck powerhouse Batista. Add to that, Eddie Guerrero going through the stage where he was trying to "reform" his ways of lying, cheating, and stealing. Every time I watch the match, I laugh at the entertainment while applaud the wrestling. This match is a true example of how great and entertaining Eddie Guerrero was and still is today in memory. RIP Eddie.

4) Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle- Vengeance 2005- They couldn't do it again, right? Well, they came very close. If you liked HBK-Angle I, you should enjoy the second encounter. The end spot put it over for me as a great finish, albeit not quite as dramatic as the end of Mania 21's match.

5) Matt Hardy vs. Edge- Steel Cage Match- Unforgiven 2005- The legdrop felt around the world. It was also in the middle of what was definitely one of the best pseudo-storylines in WWE history: Edge/Lita vs. Matt Hardy. I guess WWE knew when to take real life and make it work in the ring back then.

Recommendations/Honorable Mentions
- Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin- Backlash 2005
- Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome- ECW One Night Stand (a WWE production)
- Hell in a Cell- Orton vs. Undertaker- Armageddon 2005
As this is my first official Wrestlezone Forum post, I couldn't sit back and just read any longer. This post made me want to put my 2 cents in especially for Year in review type topics. I live reminisncing on the good ol' days because wrestling now isn't what is used to be but let's bring it back. Here are my Top 5 matches of 2005 in the WWE.

1) Shawn Micheals vs. Kurt Angle
Wrestlemania 21

Arguably, the greatest match and possibly fued of that year. When I saw the build from between these two all starting at the Royal Rumble that year, I could only imagine how both superstars would literally steal the show. When it comes to HBK and Wrestlemania, you know you can't turn away because he would always bring out the best in whoever he faces. Angle is another person that nobody can't turn away. They have different styles and personas. You put them together, you have one helluva match. How could i forget those wonderful spots such as that leap onto the annoucers table, the Angle Slam of the top, and the out of nowehere Sweet Chin Music. Such a classic.

2) Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka
ECW One Night Stand 2005

Hearing about ECW returning even for one night had me amped to see the event. I wish I was there live for that one but I enjoyed it nonetheless. When I saw both athletes were going to face each other, I know for one I wasn't going to be disappointed. The history with these two superstars are brutal and entertaining. I remember how their battles for the ECW Championship went to anotjher level each time they step into the ring. For this encounter, I enjoyed how they went all out on this one. They literally tore down the Hammerstein Ballroom that night. It's sad Mike is gone because he was at his prime in ECW than anywhere else IMO. R.I.P Awesome.

3) John Cena vs. JBL
"I Quit" Match WWE Championship
Judgement Day 2005

Okay I know I will get the Anti-Cena bashing but at the time, I was a Cena fan, especially when he had the Rapper gimmick. Let alone this was the beginning of the Cena Era. I have to agree that his WM 21 match with JBL wasn't all that great, I was content he won it (despite I felt it was too soon). However, after watching this match all I can say is "goddamn" I've never seen Cena (or anyone for that matter) bleed like since Stone Cold fought against Bret Hart in the same match. That 's what this match reminded me off. This also entertained me more because of how physically brutal this match was. I was even amazed Cena could've killed JBL that night. To me, that match was awesome and was a highlight in both men's careers. It's sad Cena doesn't get that reception like he used to. Did I forget to mention his entrance was awesome? He could've done that at Wrestlemania...o well.

4) Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
Ladder Match
Summerslam 2005

Eddie and Rey were my favorite wrestlers in WCW (along with Benoit) as they were favorites of mine when they were in the WWE. I was glad to see them Tag Champs and square off at Wrestlemania that year. But most things must come to an end, whcih resulted in thsi fued. Eddie to me was hilarious when playing the heel and cutting those promos in the ring with the spotlight on him. Sure they did take it too far with Dominic being put in the middle but they're fued as well as their matches escalted. I was glad they pulled off a great fued of the summer of 2005.

5) Team RAW (HBK, Big Show, Kane, Chris Masters, Carlito)
Team Smackdown (Randy Orton, Batista, Rey Mysterio, JBL, Bobby Lashley)
Survivor Series 2005

Personally, I'm a fan of team battles. Because you get to see two worlds featuring talent of their own brand showcase what they can deliver. The build with members from each brand invading another's show was interesting and funny in a sense (Lita getting 619'd was pretty funny). Let alone Survivor Series matches are awesome in a sense. This was one of them. I won't forget how Orton LEAPED to drop Big Show with an RKO and the Sweet Chin Music frenzy HBK went on. This also marked for Orton making history for survivng in a Survivor Series Match 3 years straight...too bad his celebration ended with 'Taker returning for revenge. :p

Those are my top 5 here are my honorable mentions.

- Matt Hardy vs. Edge - Steel Cage Match (Unforgiven 2005)
- The 1st Money in the Bank Ladder Match (Wrestlemania 21)
- Randy Orton vs. Undertaker (Summerslam 2005)
- John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals (Taboo Tuesday 2005)
- Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Micheals (Summerslam 2005)

I hope there are more posts like this come up Areoplex. I like reminsicing!
How does Kurt Angle vs. HBK take a back seat to any of those matches. That Wrestlemania match was a wrestling clinic. There was two superstars who are legends in this business at the biggest show of them all. There was so many times that match could've ended but they kept going until they went to their limit. We saw why HBK is called Mr. Wrestlemania and why Angle is one of the greatest.

It's his opinion. Not all the fans are the same, for instance, someone may love John Cena and one may hate his guts out.

My top 3:

1. WrestleMania 21 - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

2. Survivor Series - Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown

3. Summerslam - Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
2005 was my favourite year in wrestling to date we saw great matches but here are a few that stands out for me

Triple H vs Ric Flair in a Last Man Standing match at Survivor Series. Really this match was a great way to end a feud they used everything in this match and even used a screwdriver to bust open each other 3 pedigrees couldnt keep Flair down ending came when Triple H nailed the sledgehammer on Flair

Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania. This match may not be considered the best in many peoples books, Shelton Benjamin hitting the T-Bone suplex of the top of the ladder the Diving Headbutt by Beniot on Kane were just some of the spots that made this match great no to mention it is a great way to bring up talent into the main event

Randy Orton vs Undertaker at wrestlemania I rate this as one of the best matches i have seen great back and forward action it got to the moment where you actually thought Randy will do the unthinkable and beat Taker at Wrestlemania

Royal Rumble match at royal rumble, now before you sit there and call me crazy look at this match for a bit you had a truly epic rumble and one of the best of all time Beniot and Guerrero teaming up at the start eliminating the first 2 3 people (i think) and then when we think the rumble is finished Vince McMahon comes out and restarts it when Batista and Cena both fall to the ground at the same time one of the most memorable finishes of any rumble

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio at summerslam, Ok this match was epic no titles were on the line just a piece of paper that will earn the winner the custody of dominic great high flying spots would have been great if Eddie could have won that match but Vickie costing Eddie the match to reunite a family

Honruable matches
Chris Beniot vs Eddie Guerrero at One Night stand
Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Jericho at Backlash
Team Raw vs Team Smackdown at Suvivor Series
Cowboy Bob Orton and Randy Orton vs Undertaker in a handicap casket match at No Mercy
1. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, WrestleMania 21"

I was actually slightly disappointed by this match at the time. Not that I thought it was bad (obviously since I picked it #1) my expectations were way too high. Putting unfair expectaions aside this was still a great match.

2. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, Vengence

This might be better than the mania match, but it's close. When it's that close the tie breaker is the bigger event so mania wins.

3. Ric Flair vs. Triple H, Taboo Tuesday

This was a pleasant surprise. This had kind of an old school feel for me. It was great to see Flair put on such a great performance so late in his career.

4. Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels, SummerSlam

This was a good match despite Shawn's overselling. This had some great hype and was a big time main event. It was pretty special seeing these two go at it for the first time.

5. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Jericho, Backlash

Benjamin was at the top of his game from May 2004 - May 2005. This was a great match during his best year. Too bad the end was near and he would become mostly irrelevant.
My favourite matches were

1. John Cena vs. JBL I Quit Match - Judgement Day

This match had good hype and the match itself had me on the edge of my seat. It was bloody, brutal and you felt as though these men gave it their all. This match had me really into it.

2. Batista vs. Triple H Hell in a Cell - Venegence

The build up to this match was excellent. Triple H had never lost at Hell in a Cell and Batista was a fresh new World Champion. The match itself was exciting and brutal. I really enjoyed this one.

3. Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - WrestleMania

Awesome match, I thought that this was the end of Undertaker's streak and when Orton countered the Choke SLam into an RKO i flew out of my chair and screamed. These are how matches supposed to be, having you at the edge of your seat.

4. Shawn Micheals vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania

This match wasn't about titles or something significant like a WM Streak, it was just 2 of the best going at it. The match itself was brilliant and was enjoyable. HBK tapping to end it was awesome! I was clapping after this match cause these two had a great performance
1. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle- WM21- Top 5 of all time

2. Triple H vs. Batista- Vengeance- Brutal and Batista's best match

3. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio- SummerSlam- Awesome ladder match

4. Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin- Raw (Gold Rush Tourny)- Greatest Sweet Chin Music of all time!

5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle- Vengeance- Great rematch
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