The Masterpiece is Resculpted


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
So it appears as if Chris Masters (Chris Mordetzky) has resigned with the WWE.

Personally, I was a big fan of the guy and thought they should have done more with him in terms of wrestling - although the "Master Lock" challenge was quite stupid.

He also provided me with one of the biggest laughs of my wrestling lfe when HHH ribbed him live on Raw after he came back from his steroid suspension.

I haven't seen the guy in several years, but I'm pretty sure he'll have a pretty buff physique when / if he returns.

Is this a good move for the WWE or is Masters just another guy to throw in the mid-card mix ??
Wow, i couldnt be less excited...Chris Masters to me is like a sequel to a movie.Whats the name of that movie again,,,,, Oh yea Lex Luger 2 "Just a wee bit more charisma"

Just another muscular guy with the personality of a wet mop, and a bald spot from all the steroids

People will have forgotten about Masters. They forgot about him before he left. He was in a feud with Chuck Palumbo for fuck sake. You know they had really run out of ideas for his after the masterlock and tag team/ feud with Carlito.
I don't think he'll be greeted very warmly by fans...

I also think WWE might redo the Masterlock challenge. As lame as it was, it did help him get over, so he might come out and say "I'm back and better than ever. And I know this time, no one will break the Masterlock!"

But I think time he will do well... If he's on Smackdown. Smackdown is the current 'place to be' if you haven't become an established star yet. I think he'd do well in a feud with Punk, Hardy, maybe even Edge in the future.
I'm not a big fan of him, but I'm optimistic for his latest run
Chris is just like everyone else: a tall guy with muscles that likes to think he's all that. That's what damn near everyone is now. If your 6 feet tall, you must have that gimmik. It's like a law or something. You can't be happy-go-lucky like Kofi, and you can't show any feelings or make any mention of family like the Hardys or Mysterio.

Just another big man to push the little guys around and/or act like they're the biggest thing ever.....That's why I like The Brian Kendrick so much. I hope when Chris Masters returns he gets beaten by TBK. How awesome would that be! lol
Wow. I could be mistaken, but as I recall, Masters last run with the WWE was less than stellar. He had average gimmick and couldn't get over to save his life. What could the WWE possibly think he has to offer? The WWE already has too much talent for their own good, despite the fact that there are now 6 hours of programming each week. There are several guys just wasting away in the lower mid card range and Masters will fit nicely into that category. The guy has a great body, but that alone does not translate into success.
I've been a huge fan of Chris Masters from the very beginning. I was a fan of him from when he had his debut match against Steven Richards to when he had his final ''feud'' with Chuck Palumbo. And when I found out about his release from WWE in November 8, 2007... I was completely enraged.

I would love to see him return to the WWE. Sure, he had the gimmick of the sterotypical muscular 6'4'' powerhouse, but I definitely saw some potential in him. The corny thing was that Chris Masters never held a title in the WWE during his brief 2 year run. When he went to Smackdown in the 2007 WWE Draft, I was sure he would win the United States Championship, but he was released before he got a chance to.

If he were to return, I'd put him back on Smackdown. On Smackdown, he could have countless fueds. As a heel, he could fued with Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, C.M. Punk, John Morrison, or (dare I say), Great Khali. If he redebuted as a face, he could fued with Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin, Umaga, or even Undertaker. So, in closing, I hate rumors... I really hope Chris Masters does return to WWE and I hope WWE actually uses him to his full potential, not like D-Lo Brown.
Well personally, I liked the guy. Not really suprised WWE have resigned him, he didn't go to TNA did he? He wasn't amazing in the ring, but I liked his narcissist gimmick and for me he will add some depth to the upper-mid card. put him on.It will be interesting which show they put him on and what programme they give him, although I see him jobbing to Cena in the near future. Lets hope he can stay clean from teh drugz
I don't think I could be less thrilled at a Chris Masters return. Primarily, because he was a channel changer to me back when he was with the company. Whenever he came on, I literally changed the channel, because I found him so incredibly boring.

WWE does need more talent, though, with pending retirements. And where as Chris Masters will never be thrust into the Main Event, perhaps they will use him with hopes that he can be support for other talent that will go into the Main Event.

Let's be honest here, though. WWE is in trouble. They are in absolute serious trouble, if they plan on continuing things the way they are, and expect more Main Eventers to develop.

John Cena is no where near as popular as his predecessors with Hogan, Austin, and Rock. So that should be the first clue to WWE that the public isn't looking for goodie-two-shoes babyfaces. However, given the restrictions on the show's content, I am really intrigued to see any other possible ways they can create stars that "push the envelope".

Once Michaels, Undertaker, Batista (although he'll have virtually no effect on WWE when he leaves, however he is a Main Eventer that is retiring) all retire, WWE is in a lot of trouble. The next batch of Main Eventers being groomed: CM Punk and MVP, simply are not in Rock, Austin's, or Hogan's league. They don't even seem to be in Cena's league.
I don't understand why they are bringing him back to be frankly honest. I didn't feel he contributed anything to the product in his initial run and I don't know if he will this time. While he wasn't the worst in the world, he certainly wasn't the best either imo and one of his weakest points I thought was when he was on the mic...Lord knows what he will be repackaged as this time or if he will even be repackaged for that matter. Perhaps WWE felt that when Batista retires they will need another muscle man to take his place, who knows?? Though he does have youth on his side so maybe he will/has improved...
I was a fan of the Master piece back in 2005-06 WWE dropped the ball with this guy IMO, the only problem I really had with Masters was the face he was Lex Luger rip off mixed with Mr Perfect kind of theme, Masters should of been given more a push then he got.
He had a couple of decent feuds (carlito/HBK) and I think given a tweak or two to his Masterpiece persona this guy could be gold.
I thought Masters was pretty okay in the ring, but the problem was the Masterlock. I thought the Masterlock Challenge was great and got him over a little bit as a heel, but when Lashley broke it he had nowhere to go after that. He did put on a decent match against Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven one year but he hasn't had many memorable matches.
i think we should all give this guy a chance. he was what 21, 22 when he was around last? he did what he did at 22 are you kidding me, he can do better now. i mean for christ's sake how many times did jr get fired? chris masters was not the best in the world, but he was certainly better than a lot of guys. he was ok on the mic and could wrestle a power match. if he's any better than last time he'll have a decent run
The fact that the WWE signed him back is saying something about him. What would they want him for? I don't believe he went to TNA, as I don't watch the show that is TNA. My guess is the WWE gave him some time to learn his skill, and find his niche. At almost 2 yrs absence, I'm banking that Chris did some growing up. I dont' mean that in a mean, but more or less he learned the ring. If he did sign I would hope that the WWE give him a little more flexibility in his character.
Hopefully he won't blow his chance this time. I personally don't care that he's back. He really didn't do to much except fail 2 wellness tests. But he's been gone for 2 years so he might have realized the error of his ways and hopefully he'll do something with his career when he comes back.
Ok so apparently, someone up in the firing office is on drugs... They let go of Kennedy, buttt they resign Masters? Hmm... CNN should be broadcasting on how easy it easy to get hold of heroine...
I really don't see what the point is in bringing him back and how the WWE will benefit from bring him back to the company. If you ask me I think he is not trustworthy so he probably won't get a major push or a title anytime soon. He has already had 2 Wellness Violations under his belt and there's still a chance that he hasn't quit whatever drug he was on.

He was an average wrestler who had average mic skills. He really didn't accomplish much his first time around with the company and I doubt he will accomplish anymore than he did the first time in his second time with the company.

I really do not see how this is a good move for the company. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens with him when he returns to the company.
I'm hoping that, if this is true, they'll pull a Tomko on him. Remember when WWE quietly signed Tomko last year? He worked a couple of house shows, got injured, and was released.

Maybe if he gets a new gimmick upon his return, it'd do him some good. Remember Jamal from 3 Minute Warning? No? Well, that's why he's now Youmanga. A gimmick change would only benefit the Wrestler Formally Known As Masters.
A gimmick change would only benefit the Wrestler Formally Known As Masters.

Well, being that WWE has basically banned gimmicks in this day and age, my money is them bringing him in and simply calling him Chris Masters.

I can only imagine that Vince must sit in Creative Meetings, and instead trying to improve characters that are pitched to him, he probably hears an idea ... and then asks himself ...

"Now, what is the best way I can possibly tone this character down, to make it as flat and stale as possible? I got it! How about we just call him "Chris Masters?" :

If they do actually call him "The Masterpiece" when he returns, I bet they won't do the cape or anything like that. They'll just call him that name when he is introduced.

But I certainly wouldn't expect a return to the complete Masterpiece routine he used to do. My money is on them just calling him "Chris Masters".

"The New WWE. Character Free ... and evidently Proud of It!"
So...get rid of Kennedy, who's far more charismatic and far more upside for Lex Luger v2? I don't see the point in this. Chris Masters has a move that he can't execute on anyone anymore, because he lost the majority of his size when he stopped taking steroids. The Master Lock is a power move and from a guy who's probably barely north of 210, I don't see him being too much of an impact on the WWE. Guess he'd be another piece of coal to throw into the fire that is the WWE mid card.

When Chris Masters made his debut, it was anticlimatic. His stupid cape and him being a roided up 'Masterpiece' was a joke. So was his wrestling. Maybe he's honed his craft overseas and on the Indy circuit some and he'll show flashes of ring psychology and wrestling technique. I'd personally like to see him on ECW to feud with Christian. Swagger's over exposed as it is and there's someone else that needs to feud with Christian for the belt. Either do that, or throw him on Raw.
Ha Evan Bourne needs more people to beat in 7 minute matches on the 1st segment of ECW huh? This isn't a big deal at all as E C dub could use some more recognizable talent to put the future stars over, Chris fits that role. I'm thinking new gimmick, but same results.

...he did have a good match w/HBK that one time.
Umm Lariat, not sure if you were saying Masters is barely north of 210, but he is actually in the range of 270 or so. I could have misinterpreted what you were saying though, which is most likely possible since it is 245AM here and I'm beat tired.

Onto Masters. I wasn't a big fan of his during his first run. But for some reason I hope this rumor is true and he has indeed signed to comeback. He has 2 failed tests, so he only gets one strike coming in. So I'm thinking he is off whatever he was doing. I think the WWE has trust in him. I mean he was a young kid during his first run. Now he has had sometime to mature. If he does indeed come back and WWE builds him up nicely, he could have a bright future and could develop into a nice midcarder or even a main eventer. He is just 26 years old, so he is young, who knows.
Umm Lariat, not sure if you were saying Masters is barely north of 210, but he is actually in the range of 270 or so

No way's he's 270 now. When he was busted for Steroids, he was at the 265 range, and he dropped nearly 50 lbs of muscle. I'll give him possibly 225..but no more than that.
Maybe Just maybe Chris Masters might make his return on RAW he could be brought into the tag team situation. You could have The Brian Kendrick making a big promo about how crap his other partners were and even how Goldust turned on him and then WHAM! So now I have found my new partner not just any partner, THE Tag Team Partner ..... THE Masterpiece Chris Masters.
I don't suppose there's any hope that he might get to return as something other than The Masterpiece, huh?

Honestly, the I wanna be similar to Lex Luger gimmick just hasn't worked for anyone, not even Luger. Masters was just a total bore. His segment Master-Lock Challenge was dull. His finisher was affective, and realistic.. but boring and lame. It was a full nelson. I mean, come on.

The best moments of Masters entire career was when he was teaming with Carlito. And that ship has sailed, now that Carlito imported his Brother. So all in all, perhaps the best thing for Masters would be to return as someone not considered a sculpture.. and team up with THE Brian Kendrick.

I know, it's a spin-off, buttttt...

For a guy who's got two strikes against him already.. you don't honestly believe Master's is gonna suddenly become Heavyweig.. fuck, I forgot Hardy did it.. nevermind. Masterpiece for E.C.W Champion!

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