The Main Events at Wrestlemania 29


Dark Match Jobber
This is the WM i would like to see

Undertaker vs John Cena (Cena Ends the streak, taker retires)
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar
HHH Vs Shawn Michaels(both retire after)
Stone Cold Vs CM Punk

or Stone Cold vs Brock Lesnar
Rock vs John Cena 2
Taker vs Cm Punk and Punk Retires Taker

and the rest of the card who really cares?
but i think this card would give people the wrestlemania we deserve
Typical fanboy dream card. 'Taker vs. Cena would be a fine match, but I don't know why people book Lesnar in all these dream match-ups when we don't even know if he's coming back yet. (He probably is, anyway.)

Michaels will NOT wrestle ever again. No point booking a fantasy match for him. Austin/Punk is possible, but it's been suggested a crapload of times already.

Honestly, now that The Rock has beaten Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena at WrestleMania, I could see him going for the ultimate victory against The Undertaker. That's pretty much the only match I have in mind, though.

Oh, and while I'm a big Cena fan, I have to say him ending The Streak is a horrible idea. He doesn't need it.
Typical fanboy dream card. 'Taker vs. Cena would be a fine match, but I don't know why people book Lesnar in all these dream match-ups when we don't even know if he's coming back yet. (He probably is, anyway.)

Michaels will NOT wrestle ever again. No point booking a fantasy match for him. Austin/Punk is possible, but it's been suggested a crapload of times already.

Honestly, now that The Rock has beaten Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena at WrestleMania, I could see him going for the ultimate victory against The Undertaker. That's pretty much the only match I have in mind, though.

Oh, and while I'm a big Cena fan, I have to say him ending The Streak is a horrible idea. He doesn't need it.

Lesnar signed a one-year contract over the weekend. I was surprised they didn't use him last night, but I think we will see him either tonight or next week. Taker vs. Lesnar is a legit match that could happen.
Typical fanboy dream card. 'Taker vs. Cena would be a fine match, but I don't know why people book Lesnar in all these dream match-ups when we don't even know if he's coming back yet. (He probably is, anyway.)

Michaels will NOT wrestle ever again. No point booking a fantasy match for him. Austin/Punk is possible, but it's been suggested a crapload of times already.

Honestly, now that The Rock has beaten Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena at WrestleMania, I could see him going for the ultimate victory against The Undertaker. That's pretty much the only match I have in mind, though.

Oh, and while I'm a big Cena fan, I have to say him ending The Streak is a horrible idea. He doesn't need it.

Sounds like you have an ego on a messageboard..calm down bro this is just the lineup I PERSONALLY would like to see..and yes Brock is coming back for a year atleast..and Yes Cena does need that ...He just lost 2 Wrestlemanias in a row ..and what if HHH Called out Michaels and they did a build up for mania with shawn coming out of retirement..they could make it personal like they used to...and Austin/Punk i could def see being the main event since Austin opted out of this years WM because the rock was already headlining...The Rock vs Undertaker would be senseless as hell what would Rock ending the streak do for him? he already beat he 3 biggest draws other then himself..i think hes set..but hes never beat lesnar
I think it would be cool if they built WM29 around two matches. Why not? Punk vs. SCSA and Lesnar vs. Undertaker.

I'd love that.
yea i would like that also...just having Austin there would make me buy a ticket....but seing lesnar vs the rock or taker would be pretty damn awesome ....

and if its Austin vs Lesnar...forget about it ...ill spend my life savings for a front row seat and scream like a little girl when the glass breaks lol
Sounds like you have an ego on a messageboard..calm down bro this is just the lineup I PERSONALLY would like to see..and yes Brock is coming back for a year atleast..and Yes Cena does need that ...He just lost 2 Wrestlemanias in a row ..and what if HHH Called out Michaels and they did a build up for mania with shawn coming out of retirement..they could make it personal like they used to...and Austin/Punk i could def see being the main event since Austin opted out of this years WM because the rock was already headlining...The Rock vs Undertaker would be senseless as hell what would Rock ending the streak do for him? he already beat he 3 biggest draws other then himself..i think hes set..but hes never beat lesnar

Cena doesn't need to break The Streak. All he needs is a big victory at Wrestlemania, maybe in a rematch against The Rock. As for my ''ego,'' I was merely expressing my feelings about the realism of your card. I don't have anything against your dream matches.
I'm gonna hold my wet dreams until 2013 and not follow the stupid fad of naming matches a year in advance for "huge build".
I personally wouldn't want to see so many dream matches on one card simply because it would be impossible to give each match enough time to deliver. I mean lets assume the match times here...

Taker/Cena - 30 mins
Rock/Brock - 25-30 mins
HHH/HBK - 30 mins

Add in entrances and after match celebrations, thats gonna be 2:30 to 3 hours gone in a 4 hour show. So who loses out? SCSA/Punk? And we havn't even mentioned the World title bouts. Do we really want to see another Sheamus/Daniel Bryan? I don't think so.

If I had to pick I'd go HHH/HBK and Rock/Cena II
After last night, I would like to believe that Undertaker is done. I hope. That was the best way for him to go out.

Bring on Brock vs Rock, or Brock vs Cena. Which ever works.
I think next years Main Events will be:

Cena vs the Rock part 3 where Cena gets the win going 2-1 vs The Rock.

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar with Taker going 21-0.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk with Punk winning.

The under card will in some fashion see Dolph Ziggler and/or Cody Rhodes winning or defending the two major titles.
Rock vs. Cena II
Brock vs. Taker
HHH vs. HBK (no matter how much it bothered me this year, they put on great matches together)
Orton vs. Jericho (for a title)
Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (for a title)
Austin vs. McMahon

That's what I'd love to see. Most aren't likely, but I can hope.
I think I must be the on;y one that doesn't see the appeal in Rock/Brock its been done and I'd rather see both utilised differently. I don't want a Rock/Cena rematch either it was billed as once in a lifetime and thats what it should be if repeated the others won't match the first, which in my book was perfect.

Anyway my dream card would be:

Rock/Punk (because I can't see the Austin thing materialising)
Ziggler/HHH WWE title
Rhodes/ Miz (face) WHC
Rock vs. Cena II
Brock vs. Taker
HHH vs. HBK (no matter how much it bothered me this year, they put on great matches together)
Orton vs. Jericho (for a title)
Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (for a title)
Austin vs. McMahon

That's what I'd love to see. Most aren't likely, but I can hope.

Actually, fuck all that...

Cena vs. Rock II
Brock vs. Orton
Taker vs. Jericho
Punk vs. DB
Austin vs. McMahon

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