The Main Event


Staff member
There is no doubt that the road to Wrestlemania has been filled with intrigue and potential drama. It all has got me to thinking about some scenarios which would need a vivid imagination, looking at situations which will likely never materialize. But indulge me.

Last night on RAW, the Rock returned in dramatic fashion. In doing so, he talked a little trash about the current face of WWE, that being John Cena. I imagine Cena will respond next week on the 2/21/11 episode. The reaction should be interesting, the atmosphere electric, the tension palpable. Assume for a moment it is such an event that Vince is able to coerce the Rock into one more match, with Cena at WM27. A dream match is hatched, to be seen on the grandest stage of them all.

With a considerable amount more imagination, just imagine the identity of the mystery man from the 2/21/11 vignettes is revealed and it turns out to be the Undertaker. However, there is a second mystery man, and, just for the fun of discussing it, say it turns out to be Sting. Another dream match is on the horizon.

If these matches occur, (both of which are honestly pretty unlikely), the rest of the card likely shapes up to be Miz/Morrison, Edge/Del Rio, Punk/Orton, Triple H/Sheamus, a MITB ladder match, a Nexus/Corre showdown, and some filler. So here's the question.

Sting/Taker. Rock/Cena. Which one is the main event?
Rock/Cena if it happens. Cena is still the biggest draw in the company. It will most likely be Miz/Cena for the championship.

However the dream match would be Lawler and R-truth winning at EC and we have Lawler/R-truth in the championship match as the main event.
Undertaker vs Sting would have to be the main event, when people think of mania they think of Undertaker's streak.
Rock/Cena. Two of WWE's biggest names ever going at it in a long awaited showdown. Vince would never in a million years consider anything else going on after it.

That, and I really don't know how familiar WWE's audience would be with Sting.
Two old mother fuckers that are within a year of retiring or the biggest superstar wrestler of 7 years ago vs. the biggest superstar wrestler of today? It's gotta be Cena vs. The Rock.
I'm sure more people would rather see Show vs. Diesel than Booker vs. Diesel. And that's saying something.

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