The Long Awaited Return of Magnus


Plump, Juicy User
Actually, probably not so long awaited. He's been on Xplosion, so I guess he hasn't really been gone, except for from American television. A sad few months, that's for sure.

Anway, Magnus came back on Thursday to do some fine and dandy commentary during the Joe/Wolfe/Terry match. It was quite odd. He talked about Chelsea. He took off his shirt. He had a nice beard.

I guess the question is, where do you think Magnus goes from here? He's reinvented himself multiple times already in TNA, none of them successfully. Can he do it again?

I'd say a tag team with Wolfe is a possibilty since he was talking quite highly of him during the match. Wolfe needs something to do. Magnus needs something to do. Makes sense.

In the end though, I'm sure Magnus just disappears for a few months again, because he's just not that good, ya dig?
Here is Magnus vs Max Buck on TNA Xplosion on 07/07/2010
He came a long way from the Gladiator gimmick to now.

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His in ring work seems to be a lot tighter. Was never anything wrong with his look, body language, promos (to an extent) and his overall demeanor - that is to say, he came across as an arrogant, smarmy English prick. Think that was the point. He's actually got good facials aswell - which, if the so called smart fans had any real clue they would understand, are extremely important in conveying emotion. You cant feel what a worker is feeling - you can only see it on their faces, hence why its so important to register with your face.

Oh I forgot, doesn't do any flips.....must be a horrible worker
Believe it or not, I think Magnus has the look of a main eventer.

I know I will get some heat for that statement but have a good look at him, he has a pretty good look, good mic skills and a good worker. In my mind that means he must be a little better than Rob Terry.

Though I still prefer Doug Williams out of everyone else from the British Invasion I still hole this gimmick change works for Magnus but you guys are probably right he'll be around a but then disappear for a few months.
Brutus has not disappeared he has been injured with a career injury I think it was a neck thing but not sure.

Well the guy can work, he has better mic skills the the overrated global champion Rob Terry, he has the look of a champion (but that is not needed as it was a while ago with Kofi Kingston getting constant titles he has no look to carry but that is something else)

Oh did I forget he is a better worker than he once was and might be the second most improved wrestlers in the world today as he was clumsly and dangerous but now is quite safe so I would maybe give the global championship to Brutus Magnus.
Believe it or not, I think Magnus has the look of a main eventer.

I have to agree he has the look of a superstar, whether he can get over or not is another matter. I for one hope he can become a success as I have always been a fan of his in ring ability. He delivered a couple of nice one liners during his stint at the table so hopefully his personality and sense of humour can also shine.

It's all probably building to a Magnus/Terry fued. I can't honestly see what this would accomplish for either one of them. Magnus tagging with Wolfe would be an interesting concept.

But lets face it, this is TNA. Chances are a month or two from now nothing will have happened except Magnus leaving, Wolfe still doing nothing and Terry still the pointless Global Champion.
I'm surprised that there are a lot of people here that believe he has potential to be really good. I'm glad I'm not the only one, lol

Some type of interaction with Wolfe is very likely at this point. I actually have a feeling that TNA might attempt to turn Wolfe face based on his interactions with Flair/Fortune, and they might let him feud with Magnus once he's fully turned face.

Magnus's new gimmick isn't very original or anything - it's just a conceited heel. But then again I don't have Xplosion so I am basing this off of only seeing him on Impact this past Thursday. At any rate I really hope this ends up working for Magnus. I'll always be a fan of his because of his crappy short-lived gladiator gimmick and because of his stupid Latin name. I'm a total geek for that.
I Dig. IMO I think he'll have a really lame feud(like WFOTF nominee) with Rob Terry THEN disappear for another few months off of our television sets.

In my opinion, it will be the other way around. I think Magnus goes over Terry next time, wins the global title, and Terry gets fired for not "tightening" up his ring work. He is the sloppiest worker in TNA by far, and were he in WWE, he'd still probably be the sloppiest worker there. If TNA can just see that, Magnus could be in line for a nice push. He can help return credibility to the Global Title that way.

Believe it or not, I think Magnus has the look of a main eventer.

Sure does. He actually has the size to look like a force to be reckoned with next to Terry. His mic skills would probably rank in the upper echelon in TNA. Plus, his in ring work has come along real nicely. When paired with the right opponent, he can really put on a good match. So in my opinion, he has quite the future ahead of him.
Actually, probably not so long awaited. He's been on Xplosion, so I guess he hasn't really been gone, except for from American television. A sad few months, that's for sure.

Anway, Magnus came back on Thursday to do some fine and dandy commentary during the Joe/Wolfe/Terry match. It was quite odd. He talked about Chelsea. He took off his shirt. He had a nice beard.

I guess the question is, where do you think Magnus goes from here? He's reinvented himself multiple times already in TNA, none of them successfully. Can he do it again?

I'd say a tag team with Wolfe is a possibilty since he was talking quite highly of him during the match. Wolfe needs something to do. Magnus needs something to do. Makes sense.

In the end though, I'm sure Magnus just disappears for a few months again, because he's just not that good, ya dig?
Or they can have him be the guy who steals Chelsea from Wolfe so we can finally have a payoff on the love/hate thing going on with Wolfe and Chelsea. This leading to a good old u stole my girl fued between the two.

But more than likely she will run to Flair leading to a Wolfe vs. Fortune fued.
I kinda fell away from wrestling for a while when the british invasion first arrived and when the world elite existed because I had no television for a while. So I can't say anything about Brutus' in ring work. I haven't seen it yet. However, what I can say is hearing him on commentary all I kept saying to myself was, "man, I really like this guy. He's got potential for sure." He's got the look, he's got the mic skills, he's got the charisma. If his in-ring work is just decent, he can be a top guy in the future.
he def has the look to be up there but hes reinivted himself a few times now (as others have said) you can only do that a few times before people just get tired of it his random coming back this last week to me was "oh look is Brutus wonder where hes been" after first seeing that goofy real life gladiator crap when he first came in that lasted a whole 3-4 matches his return with doug williams being tag champs was pretty okay if anything i see another tag title run in his future maybe with wolfe as again others have said.. but other then that i think he will be released sooner or later
I think Magnus is a decent worker and he is good on the stick. As long as he doesn't come out in the gladiator costume anymore then he should be fine. Magnus could feud with Terry over the Global Championship and become champ. If Magnus actually has some decent matches then he could probably be a good member of Fortune. I just hope TNA utilizes him and he doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
I have been watching a couple of the Xplosion episodes and I think that he has alot of potential he is a good enough worker he is good on the mic and he definitely has the look. I think that Tna should utilize him in the Global Division.
I don't have access to watch Xplosion much, but from what I could take away from iMPACT!, he's running a very classical and prototypical narcissistic heel, much the way Rick Rude did, as most of the beginning of his interview with Tenay & Taz focused around his "looks" and his fascination with Chelsea.

Should prove to work well with him, I'd imagine, as he has loads of potential as an actual in-ring performer, and is very confident on the mic.
Hey Yo!

I seriously can't see the big deal about this guy, he was a joke when he had that gladiator gimmick, but i must say he was half decent when he was in a tag team with Douglas Williams. He now has a new look, with the beard and all, he's a bit bulkier and to be quite honest other than that not much has changed. So why should my opinion of him change.

Brutus Magnus will probably have an average feud with Rob Terry that will lead both superstars nowhere, or maybe have a eud over Chelsea with Desmond which is probably a better way to go, if they want to get him over with the iMPACT zone.

Other than those possibilities he will probably disappear off my television set for months. And that wouldn't hinder me too much.
I recently watched the Xplosion episodes on youtube and Magnus really stood out. He showed a strong creativity on the mic that worked well. Towards the end of the british invasion his look and character had taken a big hit. That seems to be a thing of the past. I could see him do quite well in the right singles feud. You do not always have to re-invent the wheel to be an interesting character. It is more about can you convince the audience the character is real and get them to respond to it. I think Magnus is well-suited for what he is trying to do now.
I'd like to see Magnus get more exposure on Impact. He had a (sorta) fued with Rob Terry on Xplosion, and thanks to Rob the fans can chant "Maggie" to get on his nerves. I always like heels that hate crowd chants, always seems to work well.

I see gold in his future, but I'm not expecting anything overnight. I haven't seen any of his old matches so I can't judge how he's improved yet from what I've seen on Xplosion I think he's a pretty solid worker. With regards to the Global title I'd rather someone beat Terry for it so Magnus could fued with him instead. I don't think matches with Terry would be beneficial for him.

Oh and English smarmy pricks are the best smarmy pricks :)

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