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The List of all Lists...


Dark Match Winner
Ok so this is my first thread and I thought I would start off with something huge.
I've compiled my personal list of Top 20 Favorite Wrestlers of all time.
Keep in mind, this is my list of FAVORITE performers to watch, not who I think is the best 20.
So I'm basing this on a few things...
I'm looking at it like, if you could have a best of DvD made of these guys that you could watch over and over again, who would you put on your list?
Also, I'm basing it on who I've always cheered most for as a kid, teenager, and now. Guys I remember being so happy for when they won, and so upset when they lost. This isn't my current favorites, its an all time list.
This list is based on guys complete body of work, not just matches, but promos, vignettes, interviews, etc.
This list is based on guys from WWF,WCW,ECW,TNA. I didnt include Indy or Japanese workers....you guys are welcome to if you choose.
With each guy I list, I'll give a brief explanation on why.

Once again, this is not my opinion of who I think is the best...but my list of who I like.
Share your lists, I'm curious!

20. Sean Waltman- I was instantly hooked when he debuted as The Kid, Lightning Kid, Upset Kid, 1-2-3 Kid. All of his DX stuff and then when he was LightHeavyweight Champion during the invasion angle was memorable and entertaining. His matches with Tajiri, Kidman and D'Lo were excellent.

19. Matt Hardy- All of his work in the Hardy Boyz tag team was great. The Version 1 gimmick was pure genius. The whole angle with Edge made for awesome TV.

18. "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith- I was a huge fan of The British Bulldogs tag team as a kid. When Davey Boy broke out as a singles guy I was'nt completely sold at first, but throughout his career he always kept me interested and entertained. Just a rock solid all around worker.

17. Edge- This guy could have been in my top ten had he not become so stale over the last few years. During the late 90's and early 2000's I was the biggest E&C fan out there. Then Edge had a bunch of amazing contests with guys like Owen Hart, Angle, Test, Lance Storm, etc. Even though I'm not a fan of him now, I cant forget how much I used to be into Edge.

16. Scott Hall- I might as well have put "Razor Ramon" instead of Scott Hall because that was the guy I was a huge fan of. Hall in WcW was entertaining as well, but his best stuff was as Razor. Such a great character.

15. Undertaker- Most of The Dead Man's stuff in the mid 90's was just OK at best. He had a lot of boring feuds, but his overall career is incredible. His early stuff with Hogan and Jake was cool. Now later on he is having the best matches of his career against guys like HBK, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Batista, Orton, etc. The ageless wonder. Gotta love 'Taker.

14. Kevin Nash- Once again, I should put "Diesel" instead of Nash. Even though I actually liked his run in WcW, I was such a Big Daddy Cool mark when I was younger. His run in the 94' Royal Rumble was when I first became a fan. His interaction with HBk has always entertained me.

13. Christian- When he broke into the WWE as Edge's bro, I was immediately drawn to Christian. When I realized what a great wrestler he was, I really got hooked. Then he picked up the microphone and that was the icing on the cake. His stuff as IC Champion was neat and even his singles work in TNA was respectable. I feel like his best is yet to come.

12. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase- His vignettes were, no pun intended, priceless. Seeing his arrogant million dollar a$$ degrading people had me, for whatever reason, cracking up. His feuds were always entertaining. His in ring work was way above average, and I even dug the Money Inc. tag team. His character was gold....literally.

11. Jake "The Snake" Roberts- It wasn't til Jake turned heel that I got on the bandwagon, but good lord was he awesome. His intense promos and devilish ways were the coolest thing going in the early 90's. His feud with Macho is absolutely legendary. The stuff he did when he was prepping Warrior for his match with 'Taker might be the best stuff ever on WWF TV. I can watch Jake talk all day.

10. Mr. Perfect- The more I think about it, the more angry I get the Perfect was injured in the early 90's. He missed out on 2 or 3 great years during that time. I cant hold it against him that his best stuff was really only about 3 years worth. In that span of time he had me entertained and glued to the TV when he was on. Every match he had was good. Every one. Plus he had probably the best gimmick ever, and nobody could have done it better....nobody.

9. Kurt Angle- His quick rise had me skeptical at first. I just didn't like his character. Once I witnessed all the great wrestling matches he was having, I couldn't get enough of him. His feud with Edge was amazing. The love triangle with HHH and Stephanie was entertaining. I even liked the comedy he and Austin did in the Alliance. He's just a natural at everything.

8. Brock Lesnar- Do I think he's a piece of sh*t now? Yes. Was I his number one fan when he burst onto the scene? Yes. I absolutely loved this guy. It was believable and downright awesome to see this monster take out everyone in sight. He could have technical classics with Kurt or brawl with the Dead Man, either way, I was cheering for Brock. When he wiped Hogan's blood on his chest and ended Hulkamania I was marking out huge.

7. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper- He was my first "favorite wrestler" when I was a kid. I just loved watching him talk. He was cocky, funny and clever. The Piper's Pit he did with Bruno Sammartino was so controversial for that time. His matches are completely forgettable other than against Bret, but I would watch a DVD of just Piper with the mic in his hand. He entertains me that much.

6. Triple H- I used to be HHH fan#1. Now, he bores me to tears. When he joined DX he started to grow on me, but my best memories are of when he had his first push towards the WWF Championship. Watching his rise to the main event. Breaking Jim Ross' arm then beating Foley for the title on RAW is still one of my favorite memories. His first run as Champ was so cool. He always fought everyone on the roster whether it was Taka, The Godfather, D'Lo. He realy used to be that damn good.

5. Chris Jericho- He used to be all potential, now looking back at his career...his resume is amazing. He's had so many great feuds and matches and he is officially an icon in my eyes. He had the greatest debut ever for a wrestler when the countdown ended and he showed up. Beating Austin and The Rock in the same night not only surprised me, it had me jumping up and down for joy.

4. "Macho Man" Randy Savage- The whole package right here. God, growing up I thought this guy was nuts. I was scratching my head sometimes wondering what he was even saying. Looking back, it didnt matter what he was saying, he was so damn cool. His interviews on Prime Time are historical. His matches with Jake, Hogan, Warrior and Steamboat are legendary. Macho was so good in the ring that he was almost ahead of his time. If he had guys like Jericho, HHH or even Edge to work with in his prime we would have all been treated to some great stuff.

3. Chris Benoit- I'm gonna ignore the obvious drawbacks to why people hate Benoit. The tragedy to me, is separate from his in ring career. So, when did Benoit have a bad match? When did he not give it 100% in the ring? Never. This guy was absolutely flawless. I was present when he won the Rumble, then I went up to New York and watched him win the title at WM20. Those might have been the 3 coolest months of my life as far as wrestling go's. The man finally got his break. I miss watching him.

2. Shawn Michaels- Well, I followed HBK through his whole career. As a kid, I loved the Rockers, when he destroyed Jannetty's face, I loved it. Then when he became an arrogant, conceited bastard I was hooked. There isn't much you have to say about why HBK is your #2 favorite wrestler ever. His body of work is classic. Only problem I ever had with him was his jealousy for #1...

1. Bret "Hitman" Hart- Number 1. He's my number 1 favorite, he's the best there is, was, and ever will be. Face it. He was my hero growing up. He was the personification of a technician. He carried...single handily carried guys to their best matches ever. Bulldog, Piper, Diesel, Austin, etc. His match with Davey Boy at SS92 is my favorite match ever. I always loved everything about The Hitman. If Goldberg wouldn't have kicked his head off, Bret would be carrying Orton, Cena and HHH to their best matches ever too. He was an artist in the ring and nobody will ever be able to hold a candle to him.

So there it is.

Please don't say "where's this guy or that guy on your list?" This is my list and it has nothing to do with how great a guy like Eddie Guerrero, The Rock or Owen Hart were. I was just never a fan of certain guys. Its that simple. If Steve Austin or John Cena are your number 1, thats totally cool....Its about your opinion. Thats what makes this fun.
25.shannon moore



22.the hurricane

21.big show

20. samoa joe

19. aj styles

18.brian kendrick


16.super crazy

15.super crazy

14.paul london


12.orlando jordan

11.johnny devine

10. john cena

9. petey williams

8. chavo guerrero

7. eddie guerrero

6. shelton benjamin

5. cm punk

4. edge

3. raven

2. miz

1. mvp or john morrison (only because i believe they are the future of the wwe)

~please take it that i am 14 years old and i started watching wrestling in october 2004.~
cool! at 14 years old you like some interesting guys...its a really respectable list though. I think its awesome Nunzio, Johnny Devine and Psychosis are on your list. Chavo is great, I wish they used him more seriously.
Good stuff.
Are We Counting Divas? If So Here It Is

1. Randy Orton - Legend Killer

2. Jeff Hardy - Extreme Enigma

3. Undertaker - Dead Man :undertaker2:

Eddie Guerrero - Latino Heat [R.I.P]

Chris Benoit - Rabid Wolverine [R.I.P] :xmen:

The Rock - The Great One

Stone Cold Steve Austin - Texas RattleSnake

HBK Shawn Michaels - Show Stopper

Kane - Big Red Machine

Candice Michelle - PlayBoy Bunny :boobs:

HHH - The Game

Lita - Team 3xtreme

Trish Stratus - Queen of Queens

John Morrison - Shaman of Sexy

Ric Flair - Nature Boy

Kurt Angle - Wrestling Machine

Rikishi - T00 C00L

R.V.D - The Whole Damn Show :robvandam:

Mick Foley - Hardcore Legend

Chris Jericho - The Savior

R Truth - WHATS UP

Sabu - The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Death–Defying

Rey Mysterio - Master of the 619

Booker T - Can You Dig That SUCKAA

Edge - Rated R Super Star
Huh... my list is wrestling wise and mic skills, NO DRAWING POWER or any of that crap!

1. Bret Hart
2. Christian
3. Chris Jericho
4. HBK Shawn Michaels
5. Edge
6. Chris Benoit
7. Eddie Guerrero
8. Sting
9. Macho Man Randy Savage
10. Kurt Angle
11. Antonio Inoki
12. Bryan Danielson
13. Austin Aries
14. AJ Styles
15. British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith
16. Owen Hart
17. Samoa Joe
18. Booker T SUCKA! LMAO
19. Jake The Snake Roberts
20. Undertaker
21. Tyson Kidd
22. Kevin Nash
23. Scott Hall
24. Raven
25. The Rock!
25.Nick Bockwinkle
24. Stan Hansen
23. Dr. Death
22. Terry Gordy
21. Bob Orton jr
20. Abdullah the Butcher
19. Eric Embry
18. Kerry VonErich
17. Harley Race
16. "Dirty" Dick Murdoc
15. Robert Fuller
14. Kevin Sullivan
13. Mr. #1derful
12. Ricky Steamboat
11. Tully Blachard
10. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
9. Edge
8. Nigel McGuiness
7. Mick Foley
6. Samoa Joe
5. Randy Orton
4. Undertaker
3. Taz
2. Gorgeous George (without him there no # 1)
1. Ric Flair

There you go discuss.
The first list I'm going to make is: My top 10 favorite superstars, ever.

10. Killer Kowalski (Rest In Peace)

I know absolutely nothing when it comes to Killer. But from what I have seen, and heard Killer revolutionized what a heel character is. He also helped in making The Claw famous, which is totally awesome. Killer is a legend in my heart, even if I've only seen 5-10 matches out of him, those are some of my favorite matches ever. If you ever get the chance, watch this man.

9. Goldburg

This is probably because he was the first superstar I ever really enjoyed, and he made me want to watch week in and week out. My first ever wrestling action figure was a Goldburg action figure, I broke his arm off trying to make it slap its own face. Keep in mind I was like 6 here, but I remember walking into my room, smacking my face doing the Goldburg pose, and having to throw a pillow up in the air for me to spear. I never really could do the jackhammer properly. Goldburg always put on some very innovative matches, and my personal favorite match is when he beat Hulk Hogan for his first ever World Heavyweight title reign. Listening to the Goldburg chants while he was coming to this match still runs chills down my spine.

8. Chris Jericho (The latest version of Jericho of course)

Wasn't much of a Chris Jericho fan until he came back in 2008. Hes been pure gold since he has returned, his mic skills are peerless at the moment, and hes now litterally resurected a division thats been dead for 4-5 years. Alongside Edge, Chris Jericho is revolutionizing what it means to be a heel. Oh how could I have forgotten, Chris Jericho can go toe to toe with the best of them. He can be technical when he wants to be, he can fly when he needs to, and he can brawl when he needs to be dirty. In conclution Chris Jericho, is awesome.

7. Big Van Vader

I probably don't know enough about Vader to be able to really enjoy his work such as Ic25. But over my coarse and stay at WrestleZone, Ic25 has shown me a new light about Vader, that has really come to hold a place in my heart. His work with Stan Hansen was just plain old amazing. A superheavy weight, physically shouldn't be able to go as fast as Vader could. I only wish he could have stuck around longer for me to really get a grip on what a super heavyweight should be. Not Yokozuna, The Big Show, Big Daddy Viscera, and Rikishi.

6. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Bah, I wasn't a fan of all the cursing that went on. I could have done without that, especially at my young age. Oh how much trouble I got in for cursing because of Stone Cold Steve Austin at school >.> His fued with Mcmahon was the best fued I've ever personally seen. Nothing has ever really been as brutal, and excited as this fued seemed to be. Turn after turn, we were caught in their grasps from day one.

5. Edge

My personal favorite heel ever in all of my time of watching wrestling. Edge is one of the best superstars on the roster. His mic skills are amazing, hes been carrying Smackdown for 2 years, is one of the best possible transitional champions ever, as well as he can just put on one hell of a show. Can't wait to see an Edge vs Christian fued, nor the next time Edge gets to pull of a spear like this one


Fake or not, that hurt.

4. John Cena

The best worker the WWE currently has. I'm convinced he can pull a good match out of anyone on the entire roster, even Khali. Hes one of the top 3 babyfaces in WWE history, and isn't afraid to put someone over, for the good of the company. Hes had more matches than I can count in the past year alone, that are worthy to go down in history books as some of the best matches ever.

3. Kurt Angle

Enough said by his name alone. The greatest amateur wrestler to ever step inside the squared circle. His inring skills are peerless, his mic skills are getting better everytime he steps out into the arena, his feet are kissable by gawsh! The Wrestling Machine, anyone wanting to get into the ring, really needs to watch this guys moves, his chain wrestling, suplexes, just the way he entertains with a techincal style, mixing it with something a little more fun with suplexes, and one of the best moonsaults I've ever seen.

2. Bret Hart

I'm a Bret Hart junkie. Hes the best technical wrestler to ever step in the ring, in my opinion. Unlike most whos technical style are dull, and you just wish the match would quit draging on and on, and on. Bret could work a technical style that was simply fun, and made you just think holy crap his opponents going to snap any second. Bret Hart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

1. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Man do I love me some Ricky Steamboat matches, nothing entertains me more. I can watch his matches with Flair, for hours. Infact, I did that just last night. Ricky Steamboat was 15 years ahead of his time. With Charisma, strength, speed, technical abilities, high flying manuevers. The guy is so underrated its not funny. He is my number 1, in my top 10 favorite superstars.

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