The Lightning Theif

Minor League Brian

Master of the Legendary Triple Post
Yanno, I really should hate this movie but as a stand-alone it wasn't bad. Shit casting on most but some aren't bad. The worst turned out to be one of my favorites (Groover). But still, how the fuck do they plan to make the rest of the series? They didn't introduce 2 of the main characters (technically 3, I guess) and failed to actually put fourth the main plot of the movie. No Aries, no Hermes (might have that one mixed up with another box), and Cronus?! Even his immeasurable reactions to his Father weren't right. Heck, Annabell is meh towards him till half-way through the series and has ALWAYS had a raging hard on for Luke.

I think Harry Potter fans really need to rejoice, they're one of the only young adult story books that were able to make a successful (shit, maybe even more so then the novel) transition to movies. Directors really need to understand what they must keep in the movie and what they can take out. On top of that, Studio's need to realize for books to work they need to be longer then a standard movie. :banghead:

Oh, and LotR made a successful transition. Still have a hard time thinkin' that'd be a Young Adult book.
Better than I thought it would be. Keeping in mind, I haven't read the books. I don't know the story. And I'm a fan of Greek Mythology. For once, something about it that doesn't surround Hercules.

The downside I had was; No Aries.

But again, not knowing the books or the story - how am I to know if Aries is even a big character or not? Hades seems to have been viewed as the ultimate evil, and in every other made-for-tv portrayal the Hades character was second-rate as just someone who was confined to hell, and could do very little.

edit: Also, Poseidon is typically not even viewed as a character in any other portrayal. In this, he's ranked as damn near equal to that of Zeus.

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