The Lesnar-Cena Effect

BOSS Productions

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We know Brock Lesnar as the next big thing he really was until he left and basically spat on his WWE career by trashing it several times and only considering returning for the money but with that all said I still love the guy he is an amazing wrestler and some people may bash me for saying this but I will take him over The Rock and Steve Austin any day.

John Cena was brought into the world of WWE in 2002 challenging Kurt Angle in a great match but came up short.2003 came by and Cena turned into a Thug, dissing his opponents in the format know as rap, he was a real entertaining heel but no one took him seriously especially with Lesnar and Angle putting on 5 star matches in the main event but later on he got some respect by putting on a great match with Brock Lesnar at Backlash and Undertaker at Vengeance.Then came 2004 he received his push he won his first title at WM 20 and one year later at WM 21 he won the WWE title (In a Shitty Match However) and now he has been the face of WWE for 4 years straight and well a lot of people snapped and hated him.I personally think he is great but can bore me to tears sometimes also.

Now the push John Cena received clearly shows that WWE is willing to put one superstar as there face for as long as they want to.

So now here comes the point of this thread let's say Lesnar stayed with WWE from 2001-Present day where would Cena and Batista be do you think these guys would have received there GIANT Pushes or would still be in the Upper Mid Card level because when Lesnar was in WWE these guys were not even taken seriously but were slowly getting pushed and then suddenly have that OMG moment where they become Champion give me your thoughts on what do you think might of happened if Lesnar stayed and where would Cena be.I personally believe Cena's push may have taken very long because he is nowhere as good as Lesnar when it comes to in ring ability but very good on the mic.

So Long story short what do you think might have happened to Cena if Lesnar stayed.

With Lesnar staying, it would have diminished Cena's role in the big picture of the WWE because with another main eventer on the roster, Cena would have to have become a HUGE breakout star to break away from Lesnar's push. He didn't break out as a star, he was merely a person who was in the right place at the right time and with Lesnar around, he simply would have never been in those spots.

As far as the big picture today, Cena wouldn't have been as big as he is. His merchandise wouldn't have been as popular because he wouldn't be as mainstream. Maybe some of his movie roles go to Lesnar. Who knows? It's just a matter of how big the WWE wanted Lesnar to be and to be honest, I wouldn't doubt that the WWE would push Brock as far as he wanted to go.
Nothing changes if Lesnar had stayed. He was already getting burned out from the road(which he admits in quite a few interviews). Eventually his push would have cooled off. He couldn't handle it. Kind of like Angle. He would have left within a couple more years anyway.

Cena was very young but already getting over with his rap gimmick. He was going to be pushed no matter if Lesnar stayed or not. I disagree with Lariat. Cena did break out as a star but Vince stunted his growth by not allowing him to become heel. Cena could be much bigger now if Vince didn't screw that up.

I also think that Batista still gets his push as well.
In regards to Cena, I do believe that his push and current status would have still be obtained. He is the face of the company and I feel that Brock, as he has proven in the past, is kind of a prick, so he'd would have ended up being the top heel of the company. Cena's love for the WWE has been documented often and I think Vince looks for that in his Main Event performers just as much as mic skills, mat skills and charisma. Cena is the yin to Brock's yang.

If Brock would have stayed, Cena/Brock would have become the Rock/Austin of this era. To be honest, I think it would have affected Orton and Edge far more than Cena.
Cena is a great wrestler, and where he is today has little, or nothing, to do with Brock Lesnar. I loved Lesnar, and I think Cena and Lesnar would have feuded a few times for the championships etc. The company would be in roughly the same position though, Lesnar isn't good enough to have it completely changed due to his presence. Batista may not have been pushed SO much, with Lesnar taking the place of the big muscle guy, but you can't know for sure.
Brock Lesner left the world of wrestling (WWE) to prosue a long-shot pipe dream to play football in the NFL. He never did play a (full) game. He was on the roster, but he really didn't play in the games when he was with his hometown team, the Minnasota Vikings. Then he tryed something, mixed-martial arts. In which he became "the man" in that sport in very little time as the UFC's world heavyweight chamipn.

But my question is...What if Brock Lesner never left the WWE???

Would there be a John Cena? A Randy Orton? A Batista? There wouldn't be a JBL, that's for damn sure! Speaking of that. Rumor has it, that if Brock Lesner never left (the way he did) the WWE. It would have been him and John Cena for the WWE championship at wrestlemania 21 in L.A. With Brock as the heel and Cena as the babyface. Therefore Brock passing the torch to Cena as the new "real strong guy" in the WWE

As for Randy Orton. Orton wasn't a killer like Lesner was. In a one -on-one fued, Brock would have killed Orton. And as for mr. Batista. I only knew of one match up between him and Brock at a WWE supershow in Batista's hometown of Washington D.C. I beleive? Lesner and Batista could have done with Batista and the Undertaker did at wrestlemania 23 like at every show or PPV. But now were never know.
While it very well could have been the way The Lariat was putting it, I highly doupt Brock Lesnar would have been on SmackDown during the rise of John Cena. With the way things were going at the end of Brock Lesnars career, he was starting to make a bunch of ties with the RAW roster, on screen. First he began fueding with Goldburg, and in the process they were setting up a fued with Stone Cold Steve Austin. If memor serves correctly about a week before Wrestlemania XX rumors were swirlling that this would be Brock Lesnars AND Goldburgs last match with the WWE. If Brock didn't leave, his fued with John Cena would have went on to become more or less on RAW, making me believe sooner rather than later Brock would have moved to RAW in mid-late 2004.

Allowing John Cenas spots, and uprise that Lariat was talking about above in 2005 come fairly easily for him, and still hit all the correct notes. Making John Cena a huge star with the WWE still to this day.
Rumor has it, that if Brock Lesner never left (the way he did) the WWE. It would have been him and John Cena for the WWE championship at wrestlemania 21 in L.A. With Brock as the heel and Cena as the babyface. Therefore Brock passing the torch to Cena as the new "real strong guy" in the WWE

I've been hearing that too lately. I think in the end , they wouldn't have given the ball to Cena quite just yet. While him and Brock did feud a tiny bit. I think Cena wouldn't of been huge then. If Brock was still around, he would have continued on his monster push until Vince wanted it to end. The only way Lesnar would have any say in it would have been if he had power in the creative side of his character/feuds/storylines which I don't think he did. Brock would probably be at the point in his career now where he would be feuding with the younger stars, to help establish more main eventers. I bet he'd still be F5-ing people all over the ring.

As for Cena, I think he push would have come but I do believe it might have taken a little bit longer to occur. While he had a short feud with Lesnar, I don't think it would have really gone anywhere for him. Cena would have eventually become WWE or World Heavyweight Champion but it would have all depended when the WWE felt Lesnar was no longer a huge star.

I think Batista would have still gotten the same exact push Lesnar was on his way out when Batista was just starting to shine in Evolution. Lesnar was gone around '03 or '04 and that's when Evolution was just beginning. Batista would have eventually still become the champion but maybe things would be different. Maybe instead of people being excited for Cena vs Batista, they would be excited and anxious for Lesnar vs Batista.

To be honest, and I believe someone said that Batista and Lesnar did wrestle. I would love to see it now. Even though Batista gets injured a lot his prime would have been right now, same as Lesnar. A match up between these two would have been very exciting as their movesets are very similar.
I don't really see many things changing if Brock Lesnar decided to stay in the WWE. If he remained in the WWE today, which seems very unlikely, but if he did, although he would be the top star, I think he would have been able to share the spotlight with today's top stars. For the two years that Brock Lesnar was WWE's top star, no one was even close to dethroning him. Kurt Angle could have been able to, but with his neck injury, and Paul Heyman as his manager, getting screwed out of the title, and whatnot stopped him. The Undertaker fueded with Lesnar also, but Lesnar always came out on top. Big Show hasn't really been made into a serious threat to the top title for years. On the Raw side of things, you had Triple H, who at the time was taking a back seat to Lesnar. Goldberg could have been the Raw brand's Brock Lesnar, but he wasn't in the title scene nearly as much as Lesnar. Scott Steiner wasn't ready, Booker T wasn't ready, and Kevin Nash jobbed to HHH on three straight ppvs.

At the time that Lesnar was in WWE, they weren't doing a very good job of making new stars. If Lesnar were here today, he could have allowed the stars of today (John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Batista, Edge, etc.) to be in the main event more often than himself.

As for John Cena, he could have still succeeded whether Brock Lesnar were here or not. I don't care if they remained on the same brand or not... WWE would have pushed Cena regardless. In Brock Lesnar's final WWE match at Wrestlemania XX, it was the same day that WWE decided to give Cena his first United States Championship. Lesnar would have wanted to put over others at some point... that's where Cena would come in. Though it might have happened a year or two later, but still.

I really don't see why John Cena wouldn't be classified as a top star if Brock Lesnar had stayed in the WWE.
Lesnar had a lot of strong qualities, but the one thing that Brock Lesnar could not do was talk!

I cannot remember one interview that Lesnar did that i thought was a solid piece of work.. The guy just did not have good mic skills!

Cena on the other hand became famous because of his mic skills, and those rappy rhyming poems he would say insulting everyone! Cena had the charisma and the mic skills wayyyy over Lesnar!

Cena would have made it regardless! BUT as he did and still does with HHH, and now with Orton, Edge and Jeff Hardy, Cena would have shared the spotlight with Lesnar also!

Would Edge, Hardy and Orton have made it as big if Lesnar was still around?

Probably not.. Lesnar needed big opponents to make his matches legitimately unpredictable.. The aforementioned guys are all significantly smaller than Lesnar! They may have made it big, but not ALL of them and not AS big!

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