The legality of drugs

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
I was watching the news last night and they were dicussing new tactics that the canadian goverment is taking to try and lead kids away from drugs.Specifically, television ads that were targeted at teenagers to discourage recreational drug use.That got me thinking about why drugs are illegal in the first place.Like most issues I see , I like to play devil's as a means of understanding different people's feelings on things.So I asked myself, why are recreational drugs against the law?

For those for it being illegal, it is easy to see the thought process; Highly addictive, very damaging to the human body, hinders most human functions, and can easily ruin a person's life.However, isn't everything in life about choices? If people are well educated on the negative affects, shouldn't it be an individuals choice to decide if he/she wants to partake in drug use? Every person should be held accountable for their actions. So if they don't care about the consequences, shouldn't they have the right to make the decision for themselves?

Laws are dictated by the general opinion of the public, but is making something illegal over people's feelings logical? It is that kind of thought that results in abortion being illegal and gay couples unable to marry;Just because people feel uncomfortable with something or don't agree with it it should be aginst the law. But by the same token, what if tommorow the world suddenly decided that they didn't mind killing anymore and voted for murder to be legal. Does that make it anymore right? Of course not.

I know I got a little of topic there, but what do you think; Should the use of recreational drugs be a crime? Should people's simple opinions influence something's legality?

My opinion : With everything being said, I still believe that drugs should be illegal. The negatives far out-weigh any positives and I've seen far too many people fuck up their lives over this garbage to ever even consider it acceptable. All it takes is one moment of bad judgement and you can be screwed for years, even for the rest of your life.
All drugs aren't the same, so grouping them all into one big category and then saying they should all be illegal is not the way to go about things.

Alcohol and Caffeine, two legal "drugs" are just as harmful if not more so than some illegal drugs.

I enjoy the theory that all drugs should be legal and the idiots will just kill themselves, but taking it on a case to case basis is and legalizing a handful of "illegal" drugs (such as Marijuana, shrooms and pretty much anything else naturally grows on the planet) and keeping the manufactured shit illegal, but that's just me.

All it takes is one moment of bad judgement and you can be screwed for years, even for the rest of your life.

That's what alcohol is for.
All drugs aren't the same, so grouping them all into one big category and then saying they should all be illegal is not the way to go about things.

Alcohol and Caffeine, two legal "drugs" are just as harmful if not more so than some illegal drugs.

I enjoy the theory that all drugs should be legal and the idiots will just kill themselves, but taking it on a case to case basis is and legalizing a handful of "illegal" drugs (such as Marijuana, shrooms and pretty much anything else naturally grows on the planet) and keeping the manufactured shit illegal, but that's just me.

That's what alcohol is for.

True. I don't think every single form of drug should be illegal, just the more harmful ones.For any futur posters, Let's just target the ones that are really harmful oppose to just everything considered a drug.

I also somehow knew SSC was going to post here lol.
The reason that drugs are illegal is because a tax can not be put on them. All drugs are either made in someones kitchen or grown straight out of the ground with nothing done to them. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Caffeine are legal because a tax can be put on them seeing as how you need to do a lot more to it before it can be used. The government does not care about our health they care about their money.
If it has to be manufactured, it should be illegal. A lot of people dont realize that they are so addictive. Do you think that the junkies that give their last dollar to get high instead of getting dinner for their kids wanted that life? No. They just wanted to party and now it physically hurts them to stop. While they have no one to blame but themselves, I bet they wish they never started.

You dont see that problem with naturally growing drugs. I used to smoke weed daily, but if I didn't, my day went fine. I had to give it up when I went back in the military, but its not like I had to go through detox or anything.

And this may sound crazy, but I will never understand why weed is illegal when it has never hurt a single person, but its perfectly fine for me to go out tonight and drink to the point that I could possibly die. Do that and I'm just another member of society, but if I smoke a bowl and watch cartoons, I'm a criminal.
I will never understand why weed is illegal when it has never hurt a single person, but its perfectly fine for me to go out tonight and drink to the point that I could possibly die. Do that and I'm just another member of society, but if I smoke a bowl and watch cartoons, I'm a criminal.

You and me both.

This is the fucking question right here, and it's not that the government can't tax Marijuana, it's that they choose not to.

Marijuana is preventing death if anything, you get high and you're too lazy to go out and get yourself hurt. You've got a better chance of catching aids from a public toilet than causing harm to anyone, let alone anything while you're high.

Speaking if which, it's re-up day for me. I plan on getting high, sitting on my bed, and watching tv - So Fucking Criminal.
In my opinion drugs SHOULD be legalized. I find that the contradiction: the negatives far out-weigh the positivies, to be very false. The reasons is because while although some drugs may be bad for you (i.e., damage the heart, lungs, other internal organs, etc.), you have to remember that the only reason you would be taking drugs is because YOU want to take them. No one is forcing you to blaze it; you do it all on your own. Sure, you have some influences every now and then but it all comes down to the fact that it was YOUR choice to do these drugs and not anyone else's. Therefore, the consequences all fall on your hand---not anyone else's.

If people want to be stupid and do drugs, then so be it. Who are we to stop them? They are aware of the consequences; they know that drugs are bad for them (Well not all of them but you get me). Yet, even still, they still blaze it anyways. It really all comes down to the theory that Smooth Sexual Chocolate stated: Let the idiots all kill themselves. Idiots want to keep doing drugs and OD themselves---fuck it, that's a few less idiots to worry about once they die.

Legalizing drugs have great benefits. Probably one of the most important is that if drugs were to get legalized, it would reduce the number of drug dealers there are in the US. No longer would you have some kind of underground facility shipping drugs and dealing with strangers out on the streets. Why? Because now drugs will be sold at your local convinience store. Meaning, the action of looking for drug dealers out on the streets would be rather pointless because all you have to do is go to the store and buy them.

With the legalizing of drugs, the number of people getting sent to jail [a year] would be greatly reduced. The reason? A good number of these folks were [most likely] sent to jail for the very reason of being in possession of illegal drugs. But with drugs being legal now, then quite frankly, they won't go to jail for being in possession of drugs because drugs WOULD BE legal.

Now one of the greates benefits that legalizing drugs would bring is that if drugs are made legal, they can be taxed. Everything nowadays carries taxes so that they can go to the federal government where the tax dollars go on to support Social Security, health care, national defense, and social services such as food stamps and housing, etc Now, think of how much money could be made off of putting taxes on drugs... It's safe to say that it would be a decent number.

Legalizing drugs actually are more beneficial than keeping them illegal. But alas, drugs aren't legal so it kind of fucks it up for everyone...
All street drugs should be legal to adults in my opinion. I don't like how much we spend on taxes putting drug dealers or addicts in jail.

I don't believe in victimless crimes.

Of course, you get people to say that it's not victimless when a mother gets addicted to drugs and avoids her children and what have you. I agree. You take away her kids, and she can do all the drugs she wants.
All street drugs should be legal to adults in my opinion. I don't like how much we spend on taxes putting drug dealers or addicts in jail.

I don't believe in victimless crimes.

Of course, you get people to say that it's not victimless when a mother gets addicted to drugs and avoids her children and what have you. I agree. You take away her kids, and she can do all the drugs she wants.

You take away her kids and she gets a fucking wake up call dude. My cousin Mandy would tell you that, it took her 5 years to get her kids back after she got offa blow dude. So your saying that all heads avoid their kids? I personally know a few that love their fucking kids to death, they love the fix they get to. But takeing care of their kid and putting food in their kids bellys in priority over that.

So next time you wanna take your cops t.v. show logic on a forum and bash people that have an illness take it someware else. Because thats bullshit, we need to help people that have an addicion to higher tier drugs. Not fucking label them monsters, I bet half the forum smokes or drinks alot of pop. Ever try to quit smokeing or drinking pop? Thats about the same way with getting off the addiction of drugs. This is a double edged sword for us to. Because some addicts could use the system, thats in every walk of life. If we can treat heart disease and other illnesses I believe we can treat drug addition.

Now on Some good ole herb, I could give to shits less about. If I wanna roll up a fattie and chill and fucking be at peace with the world thats cool. I do believe however that the thc content should be regulated. Because Idn bout you guys, but a bag of Bobbie Brown I don't need.

Taxing it in my eyes dosen't seem that hard on paper. Every state lays down its taxing laws, put taxes on the thc content. Say 8% and under gets the lowest, thus low grade. 8% to 14.5% gets the Mid high grade. 14.5- 19% gets high grade. Anything higher gets medical.

I personally think weed should be legal, thats the end of it though.
I think that some of the drugs i.e Pot and Shrooms are illegal is because the government can't find a way to tax it. For the rest like Crack/Cocaine, they're illegal because they do more harm then good. I don't have the facts on me right now but they're pretty easy to do some research on. I personally believe that Pot can be taxed as most states are already doing this as "medical". It's going to take an act of congress to fully legalize Pot though and I'm not sure these morons are willing to do that.
Thats the thing, it would take an act of congress. People say of if california legalises it sweet, I'll just go smoke and grow like a regular farmer does. Thats not the case, because if one state makes it legal that doesn't state thats its legal in the country's eyes. Its just saying that state is done with enforcing the laws. Therefore the govt. would have to come in an enforce it's own laws without that states help.

So basically we're fucked untill the whole govt. makes it legal. If Ohio were to make it legal today, you could smoke it. Cops couldn't bust you for it or anyone from Ohio. But a government agency could come in and do what the state boys wouldn't. Because once again state law gets trumped by Govt. law. I don't see the govt. comming in and takeing over a small time pot growers stash. But if they were to raid a larger deelers house and your name was implemented in their search they would put your ass in jail for a loooong time.
You take away her kids and she gets a fucking wake up call dude. My cousin Mandy would tell you that, it took her 5 years to get her kids back after she got offa blow dude. So your saying that all heads avoid their kids? I personally know a few that love their fucking kids to death, they love the fix they get to. But takeing care of their kid and putting food in their kids bellys in priority over that.

So next time you wanna take your cops t.v. show logic on a forum and bash people that have an illness take it someware else. Because thats bullshit, we need to help people that have an addicion to higher tier drugs. Not fucking label them monsters, I bet half the forum smokes or drinks alot of pop. Ever try to quit smokeing or drinking pop? Thats about the same way with getting off the addiction of drugs. This is a double edged sword for us to. Because some addicts could use the system, thats in every walk of life. If we can treat heart disease and other illnesses I believe we can treat drug addition.

Now on Some good ole herb, I could give to shits less about. If I wanna roll up a fattie and chill and fucking be at peace with the world thats cool. I do believe however that the thc content should be regulated. Because Idn bout you guys, but a bag of Bobbie Brown I don't need.

Taxing it in my eyes dosen't seem that hard on paper. Every state lays down its taxing laws, put taxes on the thc content. Say 8% and under gets the lowest, thus low grade. 8% to 14.5% gets the Mid high grade. 14.5- 19% gets high grade. Anything higher gets medical.

I personally think weed should be legal, thats the end of it though.

I think you're missing my point. I'm not saying that taking their kids away is fun or that they'll keep doing drugs.

I'm saying that they CAN, if they choose. They have the right to make any choice they'd like. However, there are ramifications. Children, in certain cases, will be taken away. That's a GOOD thing, as they don't have the right to risk a child's life. That isn't VICTIMLESS.

If they straighten their lives out, good. They should have the ability to EARN their kids back.

As far as helping people with their illness... Any shrink will tell you, you can't help them. They have to help themselves. Sometimes, wake up calls are only the beginning. But the kids need to be taken away as soon as possible.

That has NOTHING to do with choice. You should still have the right to CHOOSE whether or not you do drugs.

It's like gambling. Theoretically, you can gamble until you're broke. And you can do it legally. It could get to the point where your kids suffer. Now, in the right way, if done legally, obviously, gambling is fine in the eyes of the law. Nonetheless, that becomes a CRIME when the kids suffer because of it through hunger or neglect.

Those kids should be taken away, as well.

So, relax, cowboy. I wasn't attacking anyone. I was standing up for mentally abused and neglected children.
You and me both.

This is the fucking question right here, and it's not that the government can't tax Marijuana, it's that they choose not to.

Marijuana is preventing death if anything, you get high and you're too lazy to go out and get yourself hurt. You've got a better chance of catching aids from a public toilet than causing harm to anyone, let alone anything while you're high.

Speaking if which, it's re-up day for me. I plan on getting high, sitting on my bed, and watching tv - So Fucking Criminal.

People like you make me sick. You think it's ok to smoke out of your little bong pipes, and put millions of lives in danger? Well it's not, you sir are a fucking cold blooded criminal and you know it. Tell me you at least warn your girlfriend before you smoke your drugs, so she knows there's a possibility of you raping her, or even possibly killing her.

All the drugs that are illegal should be kept illegal, America knows what's best and is sensible enough to keep dangerous drugs (especially that marijuana crap) illegal and away from our citizens. Drug users are a cancer to society, simple as that.
People like you make me sick. You think it's ok to smoke out of your little bong pipes, and put millions of lives in danger? Well it's not, you sir are a fucking cold blooded criminal and you know it. Tell me you at least warn your girlfriend before you smoke your drugs, so she knows there's a possibility of you raping her, or even possibly killing her.

All the drugs that are illegal should be kept illegal, America knows what's best and is sensible enough to keep dangerous drugs (especially that marijuana crap) illegal and away from our citizens. Drug users are a cancer to society, simple as that.

Please tell me you're kidding. You don't smoke weed and rape a woman. Even America, THAT KNOWS WHAT'S BEST, wouldn't have the statistics to back up such a ridiculous claim like that.

Drugs can be harmful, but that's when it becomes a crime and they should be arrested. Being poor is just as much responsible for crimes as drugs are. Why not use the money on locking up drug dealers and help out poor communities? Why not give that money to a children's or battered women's shelter?

You, my friend, are insane.
Someone has watched Reefer Madness one too many times. I have never came across anyone who ever wanted to rape someone when they were high. Weed doesnt make you violent, dick cheese, it makes you want to relax. I have been high more times than I could ever count and there have been zero times where this conversation has happened:

FRIEND - "What are you gonna do tonight?"
ME - "The usual. Eat some white cheddar popcorn, listen to Kottonmouth Kings or some Corporate Avenger, relax, rape some bitches."

Get the fuck over yourself. Weed is legal in Amsterdam, so by your logic, the town must look like wasteland full of killers and rapists. But in reality, it has one of the lowest crime rates in all of Europe.

Suck it Trebek.
You're all miserable, pathetic people if you're defending the legality of dangerous drugs. I'm not going to read your foolish nonsense post about your little "j" papers, you fucking drug addict.

Drugs increase your heart rate, and piss you the fuck off. That's why black people are so damn angry.
Once again Angel makes himself look like an idiot. Seriously look at the research on Marijuana. That's the least dangerous. So people can get high off of the plant. I can give you plenty of examples since I'm a musician. I'm usually surrounded by pot smokers and they're the same people when they smoke pot albeit happier but they're the same people. Do you always listen to the Government Angel because as me and everyone else says DO THE FUCKING RESEARCH AND YOU WILL SEE THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS LIED. Before you ask no I'm not a pot smoker.
You're all miserable, pathetic people if you're defending the legality of dangerous drugs. I'm not going to read your foolish nonsense post about your little "j" papers, you fucking drug addict.

Drugs increase your heart rate, and piss you the fuck off. That's why black people are so damn angry.

You fucking moron Angel. Not all drugs do the same thing. For example Heroin lowers your heart rate, and Valium makes you feel the exact opposite to angry.

As for the legality of drugs as a whole, I am never going to argue for keeping pot illegal. I know fuck all about the subject, and if I'm honest I don't care about it. However, anything other than that I will vehemently disagree with legalising. Use all the arguements you want for it but it's a bad idea.
The funniest part of this whole thing is that Angel always talks about smoking weed. Pretty sure he's trolling the shit out of all of you. But I suppose I should throw in my opinion on this matter so I don't get reported for spam.

The war on drugs failed. Simple as that. People need to accept that and start being less ignorant towards harmless drugs like Marijuana. Honestly I don't care if people do coke or heroin, it's their choice. People snorting coke doesn't hurt you, so why can't they do it? Not to mention if you legalize these drugs, you make it harder for minors to obtain them. Prohibition doesn't work. It's been proven.

The fact that these drugs are illegal doesn't mean people aren't going to use them. If you are stupid enough to snort coke or do heroin, then that's your problem. The government could be pulling in bank from these drugs, especially Marijuana. The only time where drug use really can effect others is drunk driving. Other than that, drug use purely effects the user.
Honestly I don't care if people do coke or heroin, it's their choice. People snorting coke doesn't hurt you, so why can't they do it?

Well, lets start with how dangerous drugs like coke are. Then lets move on to how expensive it would be to treat crackheads if Crack and cocaine use was more widespread. Finally lets move on to the fact that sure, drug use might not affect you but it damn sure affects more than just the user. Alcoholism might not affect you personally, but damn sure affects other people.

Not to mention if you legalize these drugs, you make it harder for minors to obtain them. Prohibition doesn't work. It's been proven.

:lmao: Bullshit Goodlay. In the same way that minors can get legal drugs at the moment, they'll be able to get their hands on ones made legal in the future.

The fact that these drugs are illegal doesn't mean people aren't going to use them.

Shit arguement for making them legal.

If you are stupid enough to snort coke or do heroin, then that's your problem.

And it becomes other people's problems when their drug use affects their health.

The only time where drug use really can effect others is drunk driving.

Depends on how you define drug. Cocaine is a drug. Heroin is a drug. Paracetamol is a drug. Atropine is a drug. Penicillin is a drug. And yet, I'd neve want those last two drugs as available as cigarettes. Not least because people would die. Probably lots of people. Especially if the penicillins were available OTC. You know how shit like MRSA starts? When people who don't need to take antibiotics take them. What's going to happen when every hypochondriac is able to buy penicillin? They'll buy penicillin. That'll affect a damn lot of people should a bacteria develop immunity to antibiotics and make its way into the community.

Other than that, drug use purely effects the user.

And the doctors, nurses and pharmacists who treat the user because of drug related health issues; The patients kept waiting in line because the user is taking up a hospital bed; the user's friends and family who watch his life go down the shitter.

And then there's the guys who buy these newly legalised poisons (because that's what a lot of medicines are, more or less) and use them with lethal consiquences.

Legalising all drugs is like communism. Great idea, very utopic. But in reality it would not work.
Because now drugs will be sold at your local convinience store.

This right here is why I don't want any more drugs to be legal. Enough people go out and get addicted to the likes of cigarettes and alcohol because they're so easily available, I don't want to have kids who grow up in a world where they can get a packet of heroin when they pop out to get their morning pint of milk.

At the moment, even if I really wanted to take some form of illegal drug, I'd have no idea where to go and look for it. I don't really see any good coming out of being able to buy it with on your weekly shopping trip to Asda.

If people want to go out and take drugs, I'm not going to go and stop them. Your life, feel free to live it, and possibly ruin it, how you please. I don't think we should be throwing people in jail if they do take drugs. Regardless of that, though, I don't want there to ever be a time period where buying them is as easy as it is currently to get cigarettes and alcohol.

Victimless crime? To an extent. There are people who can get high rarely and it be of no issue in their real lives or the lives of those around them. But then there are people who get addicted to the likes of heroin, who will steal to get what they want, who will neglect their families.
I think that some of the drugs i.e Pot and Shrooms are illegal is because the government can't find a way to tax it. For the rest like Crack/Cocaine, they're illegal because they do more harm then good. I don't have the facts on me right now but they're pretty easy to do some research on. I personally believe that Pot can be taxed as most states are already doing this as "medical". It's going to take an act of congress to fully legalize Pot though and I'm not sure these morons are willing to do that.

This was really my points I think that Pot should be legal because its non addictive and theres medical reasons too use it. If the govt could find a way to tax it then there would probably be people High all around the country. In my mind Pot should be legal because it does more good than bad but drugs like coke and heroine should not because theres really no positive outcome from it.
There is evidence that is contrary to popular belief that Alcohol is worse then Heroin.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug and should be made illegal. Cigarettes are more harmful then Marijuana and numerous other drugs despite the well held popular belief that Marijuana is worse then Cigarettes, the way they word the information is Laughable.

"Marijuana is worse then *TOBACCO*" emphasis on the Tobacco. Notice how they never once used the word "Cigarette" hmm? Its because Cigarettes as everyone knows has additives in it that makes it worse.

Anyone who believes Marijuana is a bad thing, A.) Has never had it, B.) Is ignorant to the facts or C.) Fucking Idiot.

If you believe Marijuana should be illegal you are one of those three.

Marijuana can help the deficit and contribute in a positive way in society.

FACT: Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

Marijuana has been demonized by our government for years even to the extent as Racism against Mexicans coming from the south. Over the years those racial slurs, metaphors and terms have been adapted to pot smokers, while contradictory to facts.

All other drugs like Cigarettes, alcohol, coke, heroin, meth.. .So forth so on, have no purpose. Marijuana has a purpose, in fact it has many purposes. Helping cancer patients going threw chemo or as less serious as say, a headache. You ever have a headache that aspirin won't cure? Your a few puffs away from instant headache relieving medicine.

There is no reason whatsoever that marijuana should be banned, made illegal or restricted.
There is evidence that is contrary to popular belief that Alcohol is worse then Heroin.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug and should be made illegal. Cigarettes are more harmful then Marijuana and numerous other drugs despite the well held popular belief that Marijuana is worse then Cigarettes, the way they word the information is Laughable.

"Marijuana is worse then *TOBACCO*" emphasis on the Tobacco. Notice how they never once used the word "Cigarette" hmm? Its because Cigarettes as everyone knows has additives in it that makes it worse.

Anyone who believes Marijuana is a bad thing, A.) Has never had it, B.) Is ignorant to the facts or C.) Fucking Idiot.

If you believe Marijuana should be illegal you are one of those three.

Marijuana can help the deficit and contribute in a positive way in society.

FACT: Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

Marijuana has been demonized by our government for years even to the extent as Racism against Mexicans coming from the south. Over the years those racial slurs, metaphors and terms have been adapted to pot smokers, while contradictory to facts.

All other drugs like Cigarettes, alcohol, coke, heroin, meth.. .So forth so on, have no purpose. Marijuana has a purpose, in fact it has many purposes. Helping cancer patients going threw chemo or as less serious as say, a headache. You ever have a headache that aspirin won't cure? Your a few puffs away from instant headache relieving medicine.

There is no reason whatsoever that marijuana should be banned, made illegal or restricted.

Marijuana is a CASH CROP just waiting to be harvested. I'm pretty sure the government are the only one currently not benefiting from marijuana in one way or another.

It literally saddens me to think about how many people are unjustly rotting in a jail cell because of marijuana convictions. The money that we would save from jails alone would be astronomical, and that's just one small aspect in the big picture.

One day we'll get a man in office who isn't just another talking head, and actually understands the bigger picture, until then I'll just have to keep breaking the law.
All other drugs

Ignorant blanket statemernt.



False. Alcohol is a solvent. But I'll give it to you.

False. It's a local anaestetic used in a clinical setting.

False. Technically inert, but when converted to morphine it's a powerful analgesic used a lot in a clinical setting.

False. It's used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD.

So forth so on, have no purpose.

Yes they do. And for fucks sake, the term drug includes everything from Acetaminophen (Parecetamol/tylenol) to Vincristine (chemotherapy drug), all of which have more purpose than Marajuana.

Marijuana has a purpose, in fact it has many purposes.

So does alcohol. YOu can use it for courage, to escape from your barren loveless life, to relax, as a feul, to forget things and as a solvent. That's more than marajuana can say.

Helping cancer patients going threw chemo

Funnily enough, cancer patients probably find the chemo and pain killers more useful than the marajuana. But I'm sure that THC, which screws with receptors that regulate appetite will help cancer patients who get their GIT harmed by the chemo.

or as less serious as say, a headache.


You ever have a headache that aspirin won't cure?


Your a few puffs away from instant headache relieving medicine.

I find manning up to be more efective than aspirin.

There is no reason whatsoever that marijuana should be banned, made illegal or restricted.

I know dick about the subject. I was just correcting your incorrect statements about drugs.

And my position on drugs hasn't changed. Marajuana, sure legalise it. There are worse things in the world than a virtually safe drug. Anything else? Fuck no.

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