The Legacy or the Hart Dynasty?

CM Steel

A REAL American
During the WWE youth movement the WWE has it's second/third generation superstars. A couple of years ago we had in the WWE the Legacy faction on RAW lead by Randy Orton. And we saw the Hart Dynasty debut on ECW and then on Smackdown. Both factions representing a legacy in their own rights.

Randy Orton: "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.

Ted Dibiase: "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase Sr.

Cody Rhodes: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

The Hart Dynasty: Stu Hart & the Hart Family

Now which faction was the better of the two legacies? Randy Orton was a two-time WWE champion in Legacy. While Ted & Cody were former tag team champions on RAW. And the Hart Dynasty are former unified WWE tag team champions before they broke up.

Harts or Legacy??
Legacy of course. Harts never stayed relevant that long. Sure they were Unified Tag Champs for a good while, but the division was dead at the time. Legacy stayed relevant for the better part of their existence. Not only were they paired with the WWE's top heel at the time, but traded victories with two of the most respected veteran wrestlers on the WWE's active roster in Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Hart Dynasty never did anything even remotely relevant like Legacy did. Not only were Legacy an all around better team but a more notable team in WWE's history. Hart Dynasty's Tag Title run meant nothing while Legacy was the start of a new generation. While Ted Dibiase hasn't exactly taken off, Cody Rhodes certainly has and he owes a lot of his sucess to Legacy.
Legacy and it aint even close, I liked the Hart Dynasty but they didn't do half of what Legacy did. Cody and Ted's pairing with Randy Orton was one of the most important parts of this whole equation, while the Hart's had Bret and the family to look up to there was little involvment from Bret in their team while Randy worked with his Legacy brothers and helped sculpt them into real superstars. Yes the Hart Dynasty had a pretty good title run with the tag team straps but like Hamler already said, the division was pretty much dead at the time so that's not a huge accomplishment. While Legacy we're long running title holders or anything like that they were involved in bigger feuds and took out bigger names.

Most importantly look at the guys involved in both teams now, The Hart Dynasty has broken up and pretty much killed both Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. DH has been released for a while now and Kidd is working his ass off just to get matches with Kofi Kingston. Now look at Legacy, they broke up and although Dibiase isn't lighting the wrestling world on fire he's still active and seems to be starting something with Jinder Mahal, and Cody is Smackdown's best heel and has become an incredible talent. The main point here is the Hart Dynasty was DH and Kidd's career, Legacy helped build the careers of Dibiase and Rhodes, they did more while they were a group and now after their time in Legacy they've gotten better.
This is like asking who is better Kurt Angle or Jack Swagger.

Legacy = hands down. Much more successful, especially with Orton and Rhodes where they are at right now. Hart Dynasty were good, but not great. They should have stayed together much longer...although it says alot now Natalya is the most successful of the 3.
Legacy were never a threat, all they did was job. The Hart Dynasty were dominant for months and even beat guys like Chris Jericho and The Miz. I say The Hart Dynasty. For some reason WWE broke them up though. That's just another example that WWE is run by idiots.
How is this even a debate? Like someone said before, this is like comparing a top-tier talent like Kurt Angle to lower card scrub like Jack Swagger. Legacy was the biggest part of RAW for all of 2009, as an entity they dominated the Rumble, main evented WrestleMania, and headlined SummerSlam, which are 3 of the big 4 ppv's for that year. They drove the main storyline and floated around the title for the better part of that year, so how can they even be compared to 2 guys who would the tag titles with help from Bret Hart for 3 months and then broke up as soon as they lost them? They weren't even relevant doing their 3 month reign and once it was over they were over so I don't think their tenure even compares to the run of Legacy.
i think both teams had potential, BUT both werent pushed and booked right. Legacy was better because they were built to be Orton's backups and won matches over DX and of course were seen alot of camera while the Hart Dynasty won the Tag Titles then were consistant on WWE Superstars. i think the Hart Dynasty was kinda ruined due to the firing of Teddy Hart (think that's who that was), but anyways, the way both should've been pushed is like this. they should've had the Hart's as heels and have them beat down on others while saying they are better than their family and if Teddy Hart were part of this, it would've also been better. The Legacy in my book should've added Joe Hennig and then push one of them as the IC Champs and the others as Tag Champs and build them up like Evolution was.
Gven the pushes they received, Legacy was the better group. I liked The Hart Dynasty more because they had more skill and didn't get as good of a chance as they should have. Legacy had a more impressive run going over DX in their feud and ending with a triple threat match at Wrestlemania 26. The Hart Dynasty were split up far too soon and Smith got released before getting a chance to do much of anything, while Tyson is not being used the way someone with his potential should, and finally Natalya is a former Divas Champion but is now losing matches to the barbie princesses that challenge Beth. Orton is a multi-time WWE Champion. Rhodes is on his way to main eventing. Ted's gotten a revived push as well. Had the Harts gotten a push of the same level as Legacy's then they would have been a far better group. Unfortunately they didn't.
The hart dynasty were a much better unit overall...they were more complete but legacy had a fat bigger impact because they had randy Orton leading them...Cody and Ted were garbage though, they were just henchmen and it was hardly a stable compared to the dynasty which had muscle, finesse, and looks in dh, kidd, and nattie respectively. If teddy hart had been a part of it I think they could have been a real force by having a real mouthpiece to lead them
Not even a fair question. Legacy started with Randy Orton, a world champion and main event player. The Hart dynasty were rookies for the most part. Even if you count the few weeks Bret showed up with the Hart Dynasty, the end result is still a retired Bret, a released D.H. Smith, Tyson kidd that pops up on smackdown every few weeks, and Natalya (Beth's sidekick).
Take out Orton.... still not very close.
Legacy by far.
They had the perfect push. The Hart Dynasty had the ability to do it... but they did not receive the push.
hands down Legacy for one big reason randy orton you had a big superstar leading that stable but with hart dynasty you didnt you had three new stars and also i found HD boring but with legacy i had fun watching.

great to ask but are you going to get legacy out of everyones month.....fingers

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