The Legacy Breakdown Begins... Or Escalates


Lord And Master
Staff member
On every PPV we get a hint of a Legacy breakup, but during Raw tonight, it seems that the situation is escalating. Cody pinned Ted to get a spot in team Raw and Ted pinned Orton. During the night they were shown constantly bickering, its safe to say that the Face turn everybody was expecting from Ted is starting. But is Ted gonna be joined by his partner Cody? Will he go at it alone? Or will Orton be the one to turn face?

I for one am hoping for the last one. The Legacy can start dominating Raw while Orton tries to stop what he created (ala Triple H/Orton). I really fail to see why they have to change stories just to promote a movie that's doomed to fail.

On the other hand if Ted does turn face it would be best for Cody to stick with him. They have been working great as one unit, it would seem very stupid to break them up just before they hit their peak as a tag team.

Who knows maybe it all leads to absolutely nothing and in 6 weeks everything's the same.

So...What do you think?
Ted has a movie coming out. The WWE is going to plug the bejesus out of it. He's turning face. Nobody wants to promote a film with a current heel as the star. What better way to get the people on Ted's side than to have him go over, or split with the biggest heel in the company? Pretty much the end of the story there.

And you need a new title to your thread. It makes no sense. How can a breakdown begin... or escalate? It has to begin before it escalates. It can't escalate before it begins. What you meant to say was... you know what? I don't even care what you meant. It just needs fixed cause it sounds like a 6 yr. old wrote it.
Wow, I must say, as a devoted WWE fan for a very long period, This is something I have wanted to see for a very long time now. Infact, because of how well the entire 'Bragging rights' pay per view has been staged so far, I am even willing to order in my very first pay per view since Wrestlemania 25 which is saying something. I'm liking the entire..
- Jericho feuding with Bigshow
- Cena vs. Orton, in quite possibly, the match of the decade?
- The Miz vs. John Morrison. Cannot wait for this
- with many more matches to come.
In terms of the escalation of Legacy, This has only continued to increase my interest back onto WWE Raw. The biggest mistake they could make from this point on in my mind.. is to re-establish a postive bond between Orton and Legacy. That is the only thing that could inevitably worry me at this point in time.
Now here is one that just came to me...

The movie is The Marine 2. The first one starred John Cena. Randy Orton hates Cena. Randy was dishonorably discharged from the military (think it WAS the marines, correct me if I'm wrong)...

This could lead to some interesting things with the feud. Ted telling Randy he did better at PRETENDING to have served than he did ACTUALLY serving... they've brought up Randy's past before, so that shouldn't stop them. Not just the normal "I have seen the light and won't take crap from you anymore" that I, for one, am expecting.

But yeah, Ted is going face. I'd like Cody to go with him, but somehow I don't think that will happen. At least not right away. If Cody is to turn as well I believe it will be after Randy is trying to destroy Ted and Ted is trying to show Cody what's really going on and Cody gets tired of Orton's crap... but that's just another thought.

And... I agree with shafe... just not as bluntly about the title :)
And... I agree with shafe... just not as bluntly about the title :)

I do tend to be very blunt and brutally honest about things. It just entertains me when someone tries to start a thread, with a topic that is supposed to sound contraversial... and they superfail with it. lol

In this case, "begins" and "escalates" are not two antonyms that work whatsoever in the title here. Begins does, escalates is just clownshoes.

Either way, Ted is still turning face, he'll get a push through the US Title scene hopefully around Mania... or before. I'd love a Ted/Miz match for the US Title, even though I think they kinda just threw it on the Miz to set up the Champ/Champ match at BR... even though the Miz HAS earned it.
My only question now is what will Ted do at the PPV. I like both Ted and Cody and don't want to see either one buried but I feel that could be what happens to Cody. I hope not though as I feel the both of them have proven themselves lately.

I can see Big Show changing his mind or someone getting hurt and Ted taking there place. This could be a last minute change.

Another match I could see would be a 3rd Generation match at Bragging Rights between Ted Dibiase and David Hart Smith. Anyone else see that, since it is a Smackdown vs Raw ppv.
The confusion between Orton, DiBiase and Rhodes and all the frustration between them was great to see and you can just see how mad Orton was. It was great. I can't wait to see them implode. Ted will turn in due time and it looks like Cody will too now for sure. Last nights Raw was pretty good during that segment.
Or will Orton be the one to turn face?

I for one am hoping for the last one. The Legacy can start dominating Raw while Orton tries to stop what he created (ala Triple H/Orton). I really fail to see why they have to change stories just to promote a movie that's doomed to fail.

Think about this really hard for a minute... if Randy Orton, the show's (and arguably the WWE's) top heel, who will take his place? Legacy? They are nowhere near being ready to take a step like this. Randy Orton is right where he belongs... the #1 antagonist on Raw.

The only unanswered question is whether Cody Rhodes will follow Ted in turning babyface. I highly doubt it since his first run as a babyface was so lackluster. Cody's time will come eventually, but I believe he'll spend some time as a jobber to the upper card for a while. The concentration will be on Ted... poor Cody is gonna have to wait his turn.

On the other hand if Ted does turn face it would be best for Cody to stick with him. They have been working great as one unit, it would seem very stupid to break them up just before they hit their peak as a tag team.

I think they've peaked as a tag team. They've won the tag titles twice, aligned with the top heel on Raw for over a year, feuded with the biggest WWE faction of all time (a watered-down version, but the notoriety still exists), defeated them in a PPV, and were the first gimmicked tag team to headline a PPV since... well... I can't even remember. I believe it's time for them to split and take the next step in their careers as singles stars.

I like both Ted and Cody and don't want to see either one buried but I feel that could be what happens to Cody. I hope not though as I feel the both of them have proven themselves lately.

The WWE is trying to create new singles stars and right now is Ted's time. Cody's will come eventually, but he needs to wait his turn. Once Legacy is broken up, there's no way that both members can equally be pushed unless one of them is shifted to a new television show in the same way that Miz and Morrison were.

I think Cody would find a good home on ECW and be a great antagonist for the ECW title against Christian. Once Cody captures that title, he'll finally get recognition as a singles star and should probably be moved to Smackdown. Or they'll just jump ahead, move him to Smackdown now and have him feud with John Morrison, since the feud with Ziggler is getting stale.

There are many possibilities for Cody, but I wouldn't expect him to be pushed in the same way as Ted... at least not yet.

PS - I think the thread title was fine... I'm just sayin' :)
what i dont get is why wwe is gonig to promote the marine 2 and turn ted face. i mean i guess i understand that he needs to turn face sometime but the marine did terrible. i mean TERRIBLE and it stared the face of your company. so why would u expect the marine 2, starring a glorified midcarder, to do any better? i mean atleast people outside of wrestling have heard of john cena.

to me the most interesting way for legacy to end would to have orton turn face. not gonig to happen but i can dream. ted will turn on orton and maybe he convinces cody to come with him maybe he doesnt
I don t see Legacy breaking up as of yet it would be stupid if they did since they are no tag teams left think about it? No more Miz/Morrisson or Colon Brothers now what? If you break up Legacy it would suck don't get me wrong they need to work as a unit and get extremely better before they break off just like Evolution they been around since 2002 it took 2-3 yeards before they broke off and Randy Orton got better
So Legacy needs to get tag titles and move on and then if a screwup happens again from either Cody Rhodes or ted Dibiase Jr then break off and turn face
Nobody cares about Marine2 and even if they promote it first one sucked no wonder noone saw Cenas movies and Marine2 is direct to DVD so there is no point promoting it they promoted see no evil with Kane he was heel so it has nothing to do with whether the wrestler being heel or face cause he would remain heel to promote it
so if Ted Dibiase Jr breaks off expect him to team up with his brother Brett Dibiase who interefered at the Summerslam ppv or he can easily replace his brother alongside with Cody Rhodes from legacy!!
i see at bragging rights after watching last night that ted will screw orton out of the title which will add gas to the fire between them and i see cena staying on raw no way he can go to smackdown even though i wouldnt mind but cena is the money for vince hes not gonna take him off of raw his ratigs would go down big so expect dibiase to screw orton out of the title and expect the face turn of ted to be in full at bragging rights or it starts at bragging rights
i really do see Ted turning face, because Cody still looks like a Orton wannabe especially last night when he pinned Ted, and I think that ted will be the main reason Cena wins at bragging rights because Ted has a movie coming out and Cena is going to be making a movie so I believe next week on Raw ted is going to be questioned by Randy and I think Ted will say something along the lines of if it was me Randy you would've done the same thing, thus causing more tension and possibly coming to a head at bragging rights or Survivor Seris.
Cena is heading to smackdown good riddance I don t see the title being a flapjack we the fans are g etting tired of Cena/Orton feud and besides they got noone in smackdown now anyways except Batista so throwing Cena in smackdown is better to escalate the feud with Batista and Undertaker good riddance vince mcmoron will still make money with his boytoy merchandise so all you guys keeping saying he ain t going well all the fans want him to go we don t care for him
I just find it stupid if Orton loses it again since he just got it so Cena is heading to Smackdown and they gave it away on RAW that Cena has his last match with HHH
yay woooooo hoooooo good riddance of that punkass 5 move brawler
Yea Ted is gonna turn face which is fine. I think that this stupid movie is the wrong motivation to break up Legacy as we know it, but the WWE just won't accept that nobody outside of wrestling fans cares enough about their product to notice its cross pollination with other forms of entertainment. Its a oneway street guys (perhaps) wrestling fans are interested in seeing a movie staring a wrestler. Joe average movie goer does not leave the theatre and feel compelled to go home and turn on RAW. The Rock had this kind of appeal (Austin too) when he still made movies with Vince's approval. Guys like HHH, Cena, Kennedy, Dibiase Jr. and Kane just don't translate well outside of the business.

Legacy is gonna go on and it should. The WWE has not one, but two Dibiase's signed to developmental deals. One will probably join Rhodes while the other will back up Ted. The faction is good and doesn't need to go anywhere. Alot of breakups in prowrestling are premature (see Miz & Morrison). Keep the faction together for another year and then let Orton pull the plug.
Ted is going to be a full face after Bragging Rights. He is going to screw Orton out of the Title some way. Maybe we will see Brett DiBiase get involved in this one again. Either way is good because there is no way Cena is leaving Raw. It would be nice to see Cena feud with Punk, Batista, but it's not going to happen. Cena is the top face of the company and the big money maker for Vince. The ratings would shoot down drastically. I also love when people like RKORULZCENASUX talk because if Cena really did lose and leave Raw you would be crying for him to come back the next week. And RKORULZCENASUX, when you say everybody hates Cena and nobody cares about and everyone wants him 2 leave, then what was that 15,000 crowd popping for when Cena came out for BOTH times, Orton? Legacy? I don't think so MORON!!!!!!
I believe they've reached their limit as a team. They've done everything they can now to make them look strong and give them credibility. The only way the Marine 2 is going to sell is if Ted is a face. No WWE fan is going to buy a film with a heel starring in it if he is playing a good guy. I believe Ted will turn face after Bragging Rights. He and Randy will feud back and forth for a few months. Just when Orton thinks everything is done with Ted wins the Rumble and chooses to face Orton.

Right now is Ted's time to shine. He has everything going for him....not to say Cody doesn't...but Cody I believe is just missing something. He is very bland on the mic where as Ted has some charisma. Cody's time will come but now is a great time to break them up.

I am one of the few though that would like to see Cody stay with Orton and have Orton groom him even more. He could make Cody into a younger version of himself. He could turn him into a full fledged heel. Eventually Cody will become better at it then Orton and Orton will have no choice but to turn and teach him a lesson. This wouldn't be for another year or so though depending on how things play out.
Orton is not going to turn face, I can tell you that much for free. I think the best situation for all is if the tag team leave Orton, and they don't even have to turn face to do that, they just have to be thrown out or something, but still be heels, and that's fine.

The Legacy experiment was alright, I suppose, but they really didn't have a lasting effect, probably because the tag team is poor. Sure, they interfered a few times for Orton, but you'd never accredit the stable as highly as you would any from the past. If anyone goes out on their own, they will probably not do very well, so there we go.
i honestly don't see orton turning face for awhile how long that is i have no idea but ted will defidently be turning face soon should cody turn with him? yes i think he should i think it would be great to have a face legacy it can keep them rolling as a tag team and they can win titles or w.e plus ted has to turn face anyways because noone wants to see a movie with a heel as the star also judging by what we saw on monday with what happened in the main event and wat not i think it is rubbing that legacy is going to turn face
legacy will not break up you guys forgot ted and randy had a 1on1 fight when ted's dad was host beat ted with the rko randy also rko codys dad no break up so why will they break up cuz ted got a lil roll up pin for the victory
legacy will not break up you guys forgot ted and randy had a 1on1 fight when ted's dad was host beat ted with the rko randy also rko codys dad no break up so why will they break up cuz ted got a lil roll up pin for the victory

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