The Last Person to Red Rep Me Was..

Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
Well, the last person to red rep me happened to be a certain Mr Luther.

I couldn't believe it. I looked up to him. I idolised him. And he thinks I'm worthless enough to carry the branding of his red rep.

I'm sure he's the last person to have red repped a lot of people.
Any chance you might lose youre presidency of the Luther fan club over this horrible episode?

I believe that it's a foregone conclusion that I must relinquish my presidency, but I think the club and its four members have unofficially disbanded already...'tis a sad day.

For all intents and purposes, I hereby relinquish my presidency of this once prosperous club. The days of the Luther Hull fan club have subsided.

It is over.
I believe that it's a foregone conclusion that I must relinquish my presidency, but I think the club and its four members have unofficially disbanded already...'tis a sad day.

For all intents and purposes, I hereby relinquish my presidency of this once prosperous club. The days of the Luther Hull fan club have subsided.

It is over.

Yeah, right now I think the Luther Fan Club is the equivalent of the Four Horsemen with Paul Roma. :)
Justin was the last person to red rep me- which was incredibly heartbreaking for me (comparible to Luther red repping Spiral).
Jesus, who gets satisfaction out of red-repping someone?

"I disagree sir, and because I'm too lazy/stupid to come up with a retort... TAKE THAT!"

It's one thing if they're clinically ******ed, like Marty, but come on.
Well, the last person to red rep me happened to be a certain Mr Luther.

I couldn't believe it. I looked up to him. I idolised him. And he thinks I'm worthless enough to carry the branding of his red rep.

I'm sure he's the last person to have red repped a lot of people.

I'm pretty sure it was for a good reason.

You'll thank me when you're older.
I don't actually remember who was the last person to red rep me. I've had some grey rep that appeared to meant as red rep, but they were unimportant, so it didn't count.
Last person to red rep me was some dude named Jericho12. He didn't like what I wrote in the Hogan Flair thread so he red repped and called me gay rather than posting a rebuttle.
I think the last person that red repped me was Jonny. It was during the first WZ Posters Tourny. His comment was "A vote for Slyfox is a vote for Red Rep." He's since green repped me.

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