The Last Match of The Undertaker


Pre-Show Stalwart
There really isn’t any way to discredit The Undertaker as one of the best big men of all time, if not the best. Some would argue very seriously that he may even be the best wrestler of all time. This argument has some merit based on longevity, match quality, The Streak, ability and classic matches. Not to mention, The Undertaker character is the best in the history of the industry. The Undertaker is in the conversation no matter what happens from here on out, but if Wrestlemania XXX was the last time we ever seen him in the squared circle, aren’t you disappointed that one of the best ever went out the way he did?

From my perspective, I always believed The Undertaker would get an outstanding sendoff, and ideally that would be at Wrestlemania. Mark Calaway seems to be a very private man, so it isn’t out of his character that he wouldn’t want to big sendoff, but how about something bigger for the fans? The ending of The Streak will go down in history as one of the most epic moments of the industry as long as I’m writing wrestling articles. I have no problems with The Undertaker’s career, but is this really how The Phenom goes out? Brock Lesnar conquers The Streak and The Undertaker, but then The Deadman loses and walks slowly to the back before never being seen again? I know I wouldn’t want to end a Hall of Fame career like that before I hang up my boots in Cooperstown.

I realize the man is getting older, and he apparently didn’t do to well after the match with Lesnar. All we hear about Taker now is how sick he is, or his wife telling us to chill out. Either way, we aren’t hearing about the possibility of matches for The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31. I always assumed he would come for revenge if The Streak was ever broken. Now, the rumors are for Lesnar to drop the strap to whoever at Mania 31, but what about The Undertaker. The character that wouldn’t die, and especially at Wrestlemania just loses, humbled and disappears. Basically, the character that couldn’t die, finally dies? It is poetic, but I’m still not satisfied.

It doesn’t have to be theatrical and full of all the “darkness”. Even though that is kind of The Undertaker’s thing. I’d just like to see a more appropriate ending to a performer that changed so much about what big men were capable of. Is it selfish to keep asking more from him at his age? Yes, it is. Is it too much to ask to risk his health at his age? Yes, it is. I admit that I’m being selfish here, and it isn’t my choice to begin with. I always just thought that as big as The Streak was, I thought it was an extension of The Undertaker. I thought he could exist without it. I think he skips Mania this year.

Wrestlemania 32 in Texas, his home state is where it should end. Maybe, he does come back for revenge with Lesnar. Maybe, we do get Sting vs. The Undertaker. It doesn’t really matter who he faces, but the last match of The Undertaker would be just as big, if not bigger than a streak match. Win, lose or draw, it would be a major selling point of Wrestlemania 32 to see the epilogue of The Undertaker as he ends his career complete rather than in defeat. Being humbled and conquered is never what The Deadman was about. I think The Undertaker’s legacy is near perfect, even if he never comes back. There is just a final symphony in Mark Calaway that he deserves to play. Not because he needs to win at Wrestlemania, but because his career and everything he has accomplished deserves to be remembered in a positive light as darkness falls.
i too would like to see the undertaker with a big sendoff. i know its been said before but a final match with masked kane from old days in a casket match would be a fantastic sendoff. i would like to see that at wrestlemania 32. i think kanes career is coming to and end too and even if he becomes an agent he could still have a sendoff. my vision would be to have kane and the undertaker going at it and slowly dying getting more tired. have them sort of throw each other in the casket and the lid close. lights go out and the druids come out and wheel the casket away.this would be mid wrestlemania show. near the end of the show have a hearse pulling away revealing from a grave site slowly revealing the tombstone of the undertaker, and yes this might sound stupid, paul bearers tombstone and then kane's tombstone with paul bearers in the middle binding all 3 epic careers. i guess if you wanted to get really cinematic you could have a hand shoot out of each grave and drop to the dirt. and end it there. kane and undertaker go in the hof where they deserve.
As I said in another thread, if Undertaker is healthy enough, I think WrestleMania 31 should be his final match. Have the Royal Rumble winner (for argument's sake, let's say Roman Reigns, even though I think it's WAY too soon to have him win the Rumble) take his title shot at Elimination Chamber, and lose to Brock Lesnar. The following night on RAW, Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar has conquered everyone in WWE and there's nothing left for him to accomplish, so Brock plans to retire as champion. The Undertaker comes out and challenges Lesnar to a rematch at WrestleMania, stating that Brock took from him what mattered the most in his career, The Streak, so Undertaker is going to return the favor and take what Lesnar covets most, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After a week or two of ducking the challenge, Heyman eventually accepts on Lesnar's behalf. At WrestleMania 31, the two have a more physically grueling match (and hopefully Brock will remember that he's not in MMA anymore and not give Undertaker a concussion two minutes into the match this time). After reversing a Tombstone into an F5, Brock goes for the cover, gets trapped in the Hell's Gate, and ultimately taps out, and Undertaker wins the championship.

The following night on RAW, Undertaker comes to the ring with the title. After saying thank you to the fans (nothing else, no big speech, just "thank you"), he lays the title on the ground, does his kneeling pose, and the lights go out and we get the thunder and lightning effects. When the lights come back on, Undertaker is gone, and the title is in the ring on top of his trenchcoat. After that, we only see Undertaker two more times, ever - at the Hall of Fame Ceremony in his home state of Texas the night before WrestleMania 32, and a year or two later when Kane is inducted into the Hall of Fame.
As I said in another thread, if Undertaker is healthy enough, I think WrestleMania 31 should be his final match. Have the Royal Rumble winner (for argument's sake, let's say Roman Reigns, even though I think it's WAY too soon to have him win the Rumble) take his title shot at Elimination Chamber, and lose to Brock Lesnar. The following night on RAW, Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar has conquered everyone in WWE and there's nothing left for him to accomplish, so Brock plans to retire as champion. The Undertaker comes out and challenges Lesnar to a rematch at WrestleMania, stating that Brock took from him what mattered the most in his career, The Streak, so Undertaker is going to return the favor and take what Lesnar covets most, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After a week or two of ducking the challenge, Heyman eventually accepts on Lesnar's behalf. At WrestleMania 31, the two have a more physically grueling match (and hopefully Brock will remember that he's not in MMA anymore and not give Undertaker a concussion two minutes into the match this time). After reversing a Tombstone into an F5, Brock goes for the cover, gets trapped in the Hell's Gate, and ultimately taps out, and Undertaker wins the championship.

The following night on RAW, Undertaker comes to the ring with the title. After saying thank you to the fans (nothing else, no big speech, just "thank you"), he lays the title on the ground, does his kneeling pose, and the lights go out and we get the thunder and lightning effects. When the lights come back on, Undertaker is gone, and the title is in the ring on top of his trenchcoat. After that, we only see Undertaker two more times, ever - at the Hall of Fame Ceremony in his home state of Texas the night before WrestleMania 32, and a year or two later when Kane is inducted into the Hall of Fame.

i like the idea of this however. we've seen them feed cena to lesnar in what some would think theres no chance cena ever should have been a champion and the fact the lesnars ego i dont think he would ever tap out to anyone. not to mention at the undertakers age i wouldnt trust lesnar not to work stiff.
F*** Brock Lesnar and f*** Lesnar's ego. He's an employee, not the boss. If the plan is for him to tap, he either taps, or he quits to go play football. Lesnar isn't half the star he thinks he is. Plus, he's already lost clean by submission twice in his WWE career, there's no reason whatsoever he shouldn't agree to tap to Undertaker, especially considering that Undertaker put him over on PPV three times, including for The Streak. Lesnar OWES a clean job to Taker, by submission, and it needs to be at a WrestleMania.
you know that, i know that, a fan with a brain knows that, and i agree with you in every aspect. i dont think lesnar should even be back in wwe. he should be jobbing to zack ryder for christ sake. but according to the mcmahons "its best for business". look at the current product on tv. i swear they are setting up another big show mark henry fued. after all lesnar put wwe through he is still making millions for few appearances. but in any case this isnt a brock lesnar is a douchebag thread. although that would make a good one.
I dont know why the undertaker is so beat up, he never worked a full schedule and wasnt super physical like other wrestlers before him and during his era.

I dont get what the deal is with him.
I dont know why the undertaker is so beat up, he never worked a full schedule and wasnt super physical like other wrestlers before him and during his era.

I dont get what the deal is with him.

He's a 300 pounder who routinely jumped from the ropes. He wrestled for 20+ years most of the time being full time, he's wrestled in how many Hell In A Cell matches? Casket matches? Any brutal match, he's done. He's worked with stiff guys and he's old. I'd like to see any guy wrestle for that long into their late 40's and be more healthy than Taker
I wouldn't mind seeing him make a cameo with Sting at WrestleMania 31 like how they had Rock/Hogan/Austin in the ring at WM XXX.

Safe way to see Taker and Sting in the same ring without an injury risk for Taker
As I said in another thread, if Undertaker is healthy enough, I think WrestleMania 31 should be his final match. Have the Royal Rumble winner (for argument's sake, let's say Roman Reigns, even though I think it's WAY too soon to have him win the Rumble) take his title shot at Elimination Chamber, and lose to Brock Lesnar. The following night on RAW, Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar has conquered everyone in WWE and there's nothing left for him to accomplish, so Brock plans to retire as champion. The Undertaker comes out and challenges Lesnar to a rematch at WrestleMania, stating that Brock took from him what mattered the most in his career, The Streak, so Undertaker is going to return the favor and take what Lesnar covets most, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After a week or two of ducking the challenge, Heyman eventually accepts on Lesnar's behalf. At WrestleMania 31, the two have a more physically grueling match (and hopefully Brock will remember that he's not in MMA anymore and not give Undertaker a concussion two minutes into the match this time). After reversing a Tombstone into an F5, Brock goes for the cover, gets trapped in the Hell's Gate, and ultimately taps out, and Undertaker wins the championship.

The following night on RAW, Undertaker comes to the ring with the title. After saying thank you to the fans (nothing else, no big speech, just "thank you"), he lays the title on the ground, does his kneeling pose, and the lights go out and we get the thunder and lightning effects. When the lights come back on, Undertaker is gone, and the title is in the ring on top of his trenchcoat. After that, we only see Undertaker two more times, ever - at the Hall of Fame Ceremony in his home state of Texas the night before WrestleMania 32, and a year or two later when Kane is inducted into the Hall of Fame.

In an ideal world that would be the perfect send-off / end to Taker's career. :worship:

No-Doubt though the powers that be will find someway to screw it up :suspic:
He was acting beat up even during the American bad ass gimmick. Hes a softy.

He wrestled with a broken orbital bone in his face.

He wrestled with a fractured foot.

He wrestled with a broken hand.

He wrestled with a torn triceps.

He wrestled with a severe concussion.

He wrestled for nearly thirty years.

He bumped around for basically everyone from 1996 going forward

He is 6'10" and does a top rope suicide dive

He's the greatest to ever do it. Possibly the most loyal performer of all time.

You're an absolute idiot.

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