The Lariat’s 8 Greatest Old School Talkers Series


Team Finnley Baylor
The Lariat’s Elite 8 of Old School Talkers Series

This is a new series I'm going to start here. I'll create a mini-tournament with these folks... and you can decide who's best talker of them all!!!

Ric Flair​


The standard bearer for a solid promo. No matter who he was facing. No matter where he was. Flair’s promo skills are second to none. He put people over, he put himself over, and he got under your skin more than any wrestler alive. Not many people have that gift and use it that well. Flair did. And did it for nearly 40 years.

Hulk Hogan


Hogan is a great talker. He was always full blast, had a knack for making it seem like he could eat a Cadillac. His bulging eyes, muscles, and nostrils made him scary as all hell to deal with. Of course, any old-schooler remembers “YOU KNOW SOMETHIN’ MEAN GENE…..” Hogan may be overrated in some areas. Not in the promo department.

Arn Anderson​

Anderson was full of wisdom and knowledge. You learned something new every time he spoke. You also were scared for the dude he’d be facing because for some reason, you really thought he was going to fuck this guy up. Anderson didn’t have a big voice like Hogan and Flair, but when he spoke, you listened. He meant business and no one put themselves over better with a promo as good as Anderson. A guy who didn’t have the looks… certainly had the bravado and ego to back up what he was saying.

Superstar Billy Graham

The “Reflection of Perfection” inspired many of the people in front of him on this list. His knack for tying words together and looking good doing it was something that many like Flair and Hogan wanted to emulate. Few wrestlers had the looks and talking skills and Graham had them both.

Dusty Rhodes


I could easily put him right behind Flair, but it seems about right here. Rhodes knew ‘HARD TIMES’. If you wanted a pick-me-up or to be inspired to whoop some ass, listen to a Dusty promo on Blanchard or Flair. He was a common man, but had an uncommon ability to inspire and let you know that they’d be in a fight with the “Son of a Plumbah”!

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Austin 3:16 is all you need to know. He wasn’t eloquent on the mic, but he said what was on his mind and you listened when he spoke. He also created some fierce T-shirts. What? I said he CREATED SOME FIERCE T-SHIRTS! What? Anyway, Austin deserves a spot here if not for the millions of dollars his words made for the WWF/E.

The Rock

The Rock says… The Rock says he’s a good promo. His words were electrifying, entertaining, trail-blazing. He knew how to get under your skin or get you behind him. The Rock’s one of the better promo’s of the modern wrestling era… and could also be further up on this list. It takes a lot to be compared to the likes of Flair and Hogan… and The Rock has what it takes.

Terry Funk

Yea… the nut case from Canyon, Texas was and still is a legendary talking in the business. He rambled quite a bit, but you always wanted to hear what he he’d say next. Because it was usually edited the next time you heard it. For those who are too young to remember, go to YouTube and find his promos on Flair and Cornette in Memphis. “ I need to find a sissy…” Have mercy.
I would have included Jericho..unless you are planning on doing more and then sorry I'm stupid. Out of the wrestlers you have put I would go for Hulk Hogan. Weirdly enough I was watching a lot of the Hogan heel turn stuff he did in WCW early on today and it got me thinking just how good on the mic he can be.
It would no doubt have to be a toss up between Ric Flair and The Rock. That's a very good list there. I've never really noticed how good Arn Anderson really is on the mic. He's definitely someone who is underrated when it comes to his talking abilities. However, he (or anyone else on the list) is no where near the level of The Rock or Ric Flair are when it comes to the mic. The Rock always seemed very fluent while Ric Flair kinda incoperated every style when talking. He ws consistent like The Rock, crazy like Terry Funk, and would always get the crowd going like Hulk Hogan. So pretty much, I'd have to pick Ric Flair over everyone here.
I don't agree with Anderson or Funk, more so Funk than Anderson. I think that Jericho definitely needs to be there. No wrestler hooks you in more whether its WCW Jericho, Jericho's WWE debut, Jericho's WWE return, Jericho's vs. The Rock/Stephanie McMahon promos, Jericho in his 2008 heel run. Jericho was always on. Plus he used his intelligence, adding his vast vocabulary to promos, which easily pissed off the fans.
I don't know what we are judging on here, but the one that amused me the most and made me laugh was probably Terry Funk. His voice helped out a lot as it just seemed like he was some old, really nice guy. But then he starts doing some crazy antics, and you were like woah. He was just one fun promo machine that entertained, pure and simple.

As for the other guys.

Hogan was the most charismatic.

Billy Graham, I only heard him as commentator, and I enjoyed him, so I really can't say much.

Flair could cut a promo on anything you threw at him and it worked.

Dusty just was smooth as silk on the mic.

Arn had some of the most intelligent stuff.

The Rock is the Rock, but the majority of his stuff is catch phrases and put downs. He is amazing don't get me wrong, but his promos always seem to be similar.

Austin was more a physical/slapstick kind of promo. He is up there with the all time greats, but if I had to listen to promos all day from only one guy, I wouldn't choose him.

How are Mick Foley and Roddy Piper not on this list?

Bottom Line: Terry Funk was the best.
I'll never take anything away from Arn Anderson. As you said, he definitely had the promo ability to make it look like his opponent was in for a world of hurt. He spoke softly and carried a big stick.

With that said; I would have to give the nod to Tully Blanchard. It was easy to love the persona of Ric Flair. Wheelin, dealin, kiss stealin and all that came with it. You had to respect Arn and he was the most relatable out of the stable. He wasn't the biggest or the best looking but he handled business. Tully was the ass. Tully was the rich kid that seemingly excelled at everything without trying. Tully was the guy at work who could always call his Uncle JJ and get you fired. Tully was the the reason to boo the horseman, he was the heat.
wouldn't choose him. How are Mick Foley and Roddy Piper not on this list? .[/QUOTE said:
i agree both mick foley and roddy piper were also good on the mic back in the day as foley was entertaining in promos with all of his personas (not sure about dude love tho) but his ecw cactus jack days were good and his early wwe career with uncle paul as mankind. And pipers pit seemed like it was always good from the past youtube clips ive seen. Also like someone said jericho but one could argue that the thread does say old school.

Pretty good list. I agree with most of your choices. I will have to say your missing a another great talker in Jake"The Snake "Roberts. I feel he is a few notches above Arn Anderson.Another i can think of is Rick Rude. He could generate heat jus by moving his mouth he made people so angry.
I hear all the talk about having Jericho, Savage, and others in the discussion and that's fine. Savage could very well be on this list... Jericho could be as well. That's the beauty of opinion, folks.

I'm also glad to see someone know that Funk is very, VERY underrated on the mic. This will stir debate... but that is what's great about about debates.

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