The Knockouts NEED Awesome Kong back.


Getting Noticed By Management
Seriously folks, now that Bubba the Ass Sponge is gone and it looks like Tara is leaving TNA sometime this month, the Knockouts need Kong back. I seriously was angry when she left in the first place as she has easily been the dominant factor in the division since her arrival. She can get in that ring and go and her speed and agility for a woman her size is unmatched. Plus add to it that she isn't half bad on the Mic, she is needed in the division. What says you all? Is it time for the Carters to try to get her back and give her the treatment she deserves? I personally think they owe her a huge apology.
I'd be glad to see her back but I don't think they NEED Kong back. Who they NEED is Alissa Flash back. Here's my point.

Not to discredit T2K, he made very valid points and seing Kong back in TNA would be great but when you really looked at her matches what did she realy do? Stand around, lariat? Punches? Stomps? A splash and a powerbomb? If that's all she's got then I'd get bored rather quickly and I did. I stopped caring about Kong and looked more at what the opponets had to offer. I hate to say this but Kong in TNA was a one trick pony. People want to bitch about Joe but kong is just the same then.

Now take someone like Flash. The girl has a very distinct look to her whether it be the Cheerleader Melissa gimmick, the Sherri inspired makeup Alissa or the zip up jacket/tease Alissa. Her look is distinct. Her ability is untouchable. SHe can brawl, she can fly, she can do techinical, she can do power. She can do it all and her promos are ten times better than the TNA fans have seen. Not to mention the woman is a hottie. Flash is who the knockouts NEED to fill the void of Tara. The woman could carry the division.

But enough of my rant. I would gladly enjoy Kong being back in TNA. Maybe get away from the silent monster gimmick which is just boring now. Let her cut a promo. Let her speak. I'd enjoy a monster who told you what they were gonna do then do it then someone who just came out did her buisness then left. That get's old veyr quickly.
Not sure if Kong or Flash is what the Knockout Division NEEDS in order to return to prominence, but they surely couldn't hurt. With what seems to be knockouts dropping like flys, rumors of Tara leaving, and the absence of Sarita, Taylor, and Hamada, the Knockouts really need a boost from somewhere. Either a raid of the indys or bringing in new talent from other areas (former talent/wwe) is much needed.

I personally would like to see Mickie James come to the Knockout division, as I feel her and Beth Phoenix were the only positives of the lackluster Divas (with the exception of the insanely hot Maryse). Regardless, the Knockout division needs a boost of talent. Also, with the rumors of reforming LAX, I wouldn't mind seeing Shelly Martinez return. I read somewhere that she was telling people to tweet Dixie in support of her return. First post on here, so I will accept any and all criticism.
Forget kong. Forget Tara. TNA will probably get Mickie James-and she was pritty much carrying the WWE divas division on her back-so she can do the same with TNA.
I would love to see Mickie in TNA but we will have to see since there have been rumors of her retiring and focusing on her music career.
I agree, the Knockouts division needs a shot in the arm. Whether it be Awesome Kong or Alissa Flash returning, or the arrival of Mickie James, someone needs to step up and fill the void that Tara is going to create. There needs to be an "alpha female" and any of the aforementioned three can do it.

I personally think Flash could do so, if they are looking for a top heel other than the Beautiful People. No doubt a returning Kong would be a face, the same would apply to a debuting Mickie.

If they really want a boost right away, ratings-wise or fanbase-wise, then Kong is the logical choice.
I hope she comes back. I always enjoyed watching her matches, she was like A Kong-Hamada feud, booked well, could result is some amazing matches, and frankly she should be squashing most everyone in the division. Bring the focus to each of the knockouts trying to figure out how to take her down, could result in some fun tv. I don't know if they 'need' her per se, but she would certainly be a big help.
I would love to see Mickie in TNA but we will have to see since there have been rumors of her retiring and focusing on her music career.
Mickie will last real long in the music industry....

TNA has had her long before and she was used well as Ravens lacky. She can wrestle, but her promos have always been boring and bland. I also hear she carries alot of baggage backstage. Alissa Flash would be a much better sign over Mickie. I'd also like to see Kong back over Mickie as well.
Awesome Kong was a great commodity for TNA when she was with the company. For the casual fan, if one were looking for what separated the TNA Knockouts from the WWE Divas, Kong was probably Exhibit A on that separation. The wrestling end of the Knockouts Division would probably be the next thing, but Kong could grab your attention quickly, not just for her size but also for her abilities as well.

I don't know if the Carters owe Kong an apology as much as they may owe her more $$$ if she comes back. Which would I rather want in Kong's position: a half-hearted apology or actions that mean that my concerns were finally acknowledged? If Kong returns, they should also bring back Alyssa Flash/Raesha Saeed as I thought the two of them were great together in that run. And if they somehow get a hold of Mickie James, that's a great get as well. The Knockout Division is missing a monster or even a psychopath now that Daffney is injured and Tara/Victoria is leaving. So, Kong would definitely fit that if she wanted or was wanted to.
I totally agree, TNA keep screwing themselves over with this whole underpaid Knockouts thing. Kong, Flash, Gail... and soon to be Tara, have all left because of it. I would love for TNA to bring them all back, but they have to learn that the Knockouts have brought some of the best ratings in the past years, and they deserve fair wages.

The truth is... if TNA don't get Kong back, WWE could sort out there Women's division overnight.

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