The King of old school


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
As retro videogaming continues to climb the popularity stakes among next generation players and old-school fans alike, Nintendo has come up with a new way to really embrace the games of yesteryear.

Manufacturers have announced the development of its 3-in-1 Virtual Retro Adaptor, which it has designed to plug into the GameCube port on the Wii in order to connect old controllers to the new console.

The idea behind the new accessory is to support the resurgence of retro gaming with authenticity.

Although many of today's younger gamers will be unfamiliar with the NES, SNES and N64 controllers, this is something that avid gamers over the age of 20 have been dreaming about for years.

Titi Ngoy, president of Innex, the organisation behind the production of the controller, commented: "The Retro Adaptor allows you to step back in time and play all the classics the way they were meant to be played using the original controllers.

"The old school is now the new cool."

Upon the adaptor's release in June, gamers will now be able to joy the likes of Super Mario, Metroid and Starwing the way they did all those years ago.

Game is the UKs biggest video game store, I was in there yesterday and heard it on the tannoy the announcement...I literally marked the fuck out in the middle of the store.

My biggest pet hate about the virtual console has been the inability to play it with the pads it was originally intended I am happy =) I can play the original Super Mario Bros 2 on a NES pad, Secret of mana with a SNES pad and OoT with an N64 pad. Exciting times indeed!

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