The Kate Upton Essential Collection

You're so desperate for attention that you HAVE a Twitter account.

Case closed.
Yes. Every hot thread needs some drama to make it hotter.

The difference now is I want to give the thread a facial when I'm through.
Amusing, seeing as the only thing that's changed about this thread visually is that Swagger's face in your sig is now plastered all over it.
That may hold true in some cases, but a beautiful girl is a beautiful girl. She may not be your cup of tea, but to deny that she is an astonishingly beautiful woman is just plain wrong. You don't have to think she's perfect, and you can think there are better looking girls out there, but she's beautiful. That's not debatable.
Yes it is debatable. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all cases, and what is beautiful to you won't be to another. It doesn't take away from your enjoyment, so why care if others don't care for her face?
Now that I read it back, I agree.

It isn't even subtext at this point. I'm talking with D-Man about facials and tittyfucking.

I need a shower.
Барбоса;4345397 said:
You could cut the sex tension in here with a knife.

And that is before we add Kate Upton into the mix.
With your hand dude...With your hand.
Yes it is debatable. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all cases, and what is beautiful to you won't be to another. It doesn't take away from your enjoyment, so why care if others don't care for her face?

I care for the same reason I care when people say a good piece of music sucks, or a good television show sucks. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't take away from the fact that it is a well written piece of music, or a very good television show. I'll use Breaking Bad as an example. The show itself bores me to hell, but I won't deny the fact that it's a damn good show and I can see why people enjoy it. It's quality television even though I don't personally enjoy it It's very simple to acknowledge quality even if it doesn't spike your interest.

You don't blow up the way Kate Upton has without being beautiful. Just because you aren't attracted to her doesn't take away from the fact that she is a damn attractive woman. Gisele Bundchen isn't my type of girl, but I won't deny that she is fucking gorgeous because that would be wrong. You don't become a supermodel without being damn good looking.

Sorry for ruining the thread with this shit. I'm all done now. To make up for it, here:

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all cases". I'm not sure I can do much more than repeat this. There isn't such a thing as undeniable beauty, there are only looks that appease the greatest proportion of a population. If it was undeniable, everyone who didn't find her attractive would be wrong for having an unalterable perception. You don't choose what you like, therefore what you like can't be wrong.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all cases". I'm not sure I can do much more than repeat this. There isn't such a thing as undeniable beauty, there are only looks that appease the greatest proportion of a population. If it was undeniable, everyone who didn't find her attractive would be wrong for having an unalterable perception. You don't choose what you like, therefore what you like can't be wrong.

What if what you "like" is children? Or doesnt have a pulse? Or a combination of the two?
You don't blow up the way Kate Upton has without being beautiful. Just because you aren't attracted to her doesn't take away from the fact that she is a damn attractive woman. Gisele Bundchen isn't my type of girl, but I won't deny that she is fucking gorgeous because that would be wrong. You don't become a supermodel without being damn good looking.

This type of argument doesn't work on Wrestlezone. For example, I've often argued that Nickelback doesn't "suck." While others personally despise their music and everything they're about, my argument was that they couldn't be as popular and in-demand as they are without being a good rock band. (And no, I don't want to get into this discussion now.)

So how about Kate Upton's tits, huh??

Барбоса;4346205 said:
Wait, Sports Illustrated is actually about sport?

I thought it had degenerated into a glorified softcore porn mag.

That's the swimsuit edition, buddy.
What if what you "like" is children? Or doesnt have a pulse? Or a combination of the two?

I know it's a very difficult thing to prove, but I suspect that you couldn't like children or dead people (in that way) unless there had been some sort of psychological incident(s) prompting it. I don't know if anybody is born destined a paedophile or necrophiliac in other words. Without any psychological issues, people still find a range of features attractive. And since there is no consensus between those normal people on universally attractive features, I don't think you can really say anything is undeniably universally attractive.

If that was the case, for instance, people would have to universally concede that blonde hair is undeniably more attractive than brown, and that a person wearing glasses is always made less attractive because of it.

This isn't really bar room talk. Or if it is, it's brandy and gin bar room talk. I don't like gin.
I know it's a very difficult thing to prove, but I suspect that you couldn't like children or dead people (in that way) unless there had been some sort of psychological incident(s) prompting it. I don't know if anybody is born destined a paedophile or necrophiliac in other words.
That's a "we're both piss drunk at three in the morning" discussion.

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