The IWC is ruining the WWE


Dark Match Jobber
I really believe that the IWC is to blame for the bad spiral that fans seem to think about wrestling. You may have noticed that whenever you go to a forum you see some fans saying that this and that sucks about a feud, and they happen to know it all so better. Ever enjoyed watching wrestling without looking at spoilers? or reviews from fans? i bet you have. Once in a year.

Anyway what i would like to point out is that nowadays everything is being stapled as worthless by the fans because they are getting influenced by other fans. Ask yourself this question. Why would you listen to a bunch of smarks that condemn everything that the WWE does like a bunch of emo's that hate the world? You see i've looked carefully and its safe to say that you can compare smarks with emo's

Is my opinion true or is it lacking? What do you have to say about it?
People like that arent ruining WWE for anyone except themselves so it's not really worth bringing up.

Lets face it the people that complain on websites all the time will always watch wrestling no matter what, whereas most other people will turn off when it gets shite. I have to admit I am one of the watchers, I also like to think that my opinion doesn't change anything.

Besides it's people complaining about whats wrong with wrestling that is really what gets people talking round here. Most people that complain about something on this site usually has someone that disagrees with them.
Only event I don't want spoiled is WrestleMania. Otherwise there actually is just a lot to bitch about. In comparison to other things, professional wrestling is just generally clumsily put together.

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