The Innovator Of Violence In TNA? It Could Work.

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
TNA has a history of signing WWE cast-offs, and pushing them to the moon. Kevin Nash, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Booker T. All of them have had successful runs in TNA.

Why couldn't Tommy Dreamer? His contract is up soon, and he isn't close to fulfilling his goal of winning the ECW Title, so he'll obviously be packing his bags with his Well Wishes. Should his future endeavors involve TNA?

He has a fan base. there's no denying that. He can wrestle, and is known as the "Innovator Of Violence", so he could work well on TNA's spotfest-happy Impact.

He may not be on the level of Nash, Angle, or Booker T, but he was at that level in ECW. As an ECW original, he'd more than likely get the respect he deserves in a company not run by Vince, the man who hates anything near competition.

With Dreamer's style of offense, he could even be a darkhorse X Division champ. If they wanted to use the idea of him being a "Hardcore Original" (because they can't say ECW), they could pair him up with Rhyno, or one of the other former ECW wrestlers, and give him a run as tag champ.

I wouldn't expect him to be the top dog in the company, but he could at least go out with his head held high, and show the fans he's not the washed up has-been that the current ECW portrays him as.
As much I love Tommy Dreamer, this man has nothing left in the tank. Objectively, the only reason Tommy Dreamer got over in ECW was because he was able to use foreign objects and brawl outside of the ring 99.9% of the time. Wrestling-wise, Dreamer is horrible. Hell, in terms of wrestling, I would consider Mikey Whipwreck better than Dreamer, simply because Whipwreck was an excellent bumper and seller, while Dreamer was, at best, mediocre at everything besides "hardcore" and "falls count anywhere" matches.

In contrast to Dreamer's "hardcore" style, the X-Division (at least now) prides itself on high-risk, innovative wrestling. Thus, Dreamer would have no place there, even if the X-Division's slogan is (or was), "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits." So, there really would be nothing for Dreamer in TNA, save for a possible match or two with either Abyss or Mick Foley.
As much I love Tommy Dreamer, this man has nothing left in the tank. Objectively, the only reason Tommy Dreamer got over in ECW was because he was able to use foreign objects and brawl outside of the ring 99.9% of the time. Wrestling-wise, Dreamer is horrible. Hell, in terms of wrestling, I would consider Mikey Whipwreck better than Dreamer, simply because Whipwreck was an excellent bumper and seller, while Dreamer was, at best, mediocre at everything besides "hardcore" and "falls count anywhere" matches.

In contrast to Dreamer's "hardcore" style, the X-Division (at least now) prides itself on high-risk, innovative wrestling. Thus, Dreamer would have no place there, even if the X-Division's slogan is (or was), "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits." So, there really would be nothing for Dreamer in TNA, save for a possible match or two with either Abyss or Mick Foley.

I'm a huge Mikey Whipwreck mark, and would rep you if I could.

However, you're underestimating Dreamer's ring skills. I'm not saying he's on the level of a Benoit, Hart, or Flair. But, he does have a decent moveset. He can mat wrestle with a little bit of skill, and can come off the ropes, if he needs to. At the very basic, he's at least a brawler, and that has worked for a number of guys before him.

I know he'd never get close to the main event, and would be a high mid-carder at best, but at least TNA would let him go out with the respect he deserves, and would showcase him in a way WWE refuses to. Every old school ECW fan would mark out at the opportunity to see Dreamer in a match with guys like Abyss, Rhyno, Creed, Bashir, Young, Daniels...
Come on be real. Tommy was great at what he did but he doesn't fit in WWE now. He's laboring through matches. And it really shows when he has to "wrestle" the entire match and not rely on weapons. It's the end of a great career in ECW. I wouldn't see the point in him jumping to TNA unless money is a factor for him. And I would cringe to see him and Foley go at it at there age. You know TNA would put that match together at some point. It would be Roseanne Barr National Anthem painfull to watch.
And I would cringe to see him and Foley go at it at there age. You know TNA would put that match together at some point. It would be Roseanne Barr National Anthem painfull to watch.

A match between Foley and Dreamer at this point, would definitely be a hardcore match, so that they would have to use weapons, and get hardcore.

It could've been 10 years ago, and that is what the fans would want from a Dreamer v. Foley match, so it would work.

As far as him having to labor through a full match; I don't think it would be a problem if he went to TNA. He wouldn't be under the ceiling that Creative has capped him with, and would get a fresh start from not only being around old friends, but getting the respect from the fans that he deserves.

I think you're both over-stating what I'm saying. I'm not saying have him go to TNA, beat Sting, and rule the company for 3 years. I'm saying to let him go and work a few feuds, and let him go out the way he should have. Not the way the WWE is going to make it happen.

I have a horrible feeling that the Tuesday before his contract is up, he'll win a shot at the title at One Night Stand (or whatever they're calling it now), and then they'll tell him it's too bad that he won't get to wrestle, because his contract ends before the title shot.

Is that how he should go out? Or, should he go out like a bat out of hell, beating people with kendo sticks and garbage pails?
Tommy In TNA? I honestly could not see this happening. The guy is as useless as tits on a bull. He should of retired ages ago and thats what he is finally going to do. You can dream all you want about classic hardcore matches. I don't think he has it in him to be able to pull of anything even half as good as when he was in ECW. Everybody got happy when Foley went to TNA, but what has he done since? TNA wouldn't book him properly he would be pushed to the top when he don't deserve it.

He should just forget about wrestling anywhere othe then guest appearences.
I really wouldnt be suprised if Tommy Dreamer went to TNA after his contract expires with WWE like recently TNA is nothing but an organization that WWE drop outs go to to try and reboost their careers like recently Stevie Richards signed with TNA and Stevie Richards wasnt anything major in the WWE like Tommy Dreamer has a good rep for his ECW days and could easily fit into a hardcore storyline in TNA
I think Tommy could work in a Mick Foley style not wrestling much but making apperencs BBBUUUTTT if one ECW original could be an X division champ its...(drumroll)

The Sandman
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