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The Impossible Keeps Happening....Whats Next?

Which of these could you see happening soon..? (Vote Multiple)

  • John Cena FINALLY Turns Heel

  • The Return Of The Hardy Boyz

  • The Return of CM Punk

  • Women's Main Event WrestleMania

  • The Return Of Kurt Angle

  • TNA Invasion Angle

  • WWE Acknowledges Chris Benoit

  • Sting vs. The Undertaker

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin returns for One More Match

  • The Return Of Kurt Angle

  • Shawn Michaels Wrestle Again

  • WWE goes TV- 14 again

  • Fully Black WWE Champion

  • Rusev/Lana Domestic Violence Angle 😂😂

  • Other (Comment)

Results are only viewable after voting.

That N Word

Actively evolving
Over the past 5 years or everything we thought was never gonna happen or chances were very . low on happening has happened. We've seen the end of the streak,Daniel Bryan Main Event WrestleMania, the returns of The Rock,Brock Lesnar,Hulk Hogan,Ric Flair,Mick Foley,Shane McMahon ,and Batista. The debuts of Kharma,Samoa Joe,AJ Styles,Sting,Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley,)Tyler Black (Seth Rollins,) Prince Devitt (Finn Bálor,) Bobby Roode,Austin Aries,Shinsuke Nakamura,Eric Young,and many others. We've seen dream matches such as John Cena vs. The Rock,Sting vs. Triple H,CM Punk vs. The Rock,CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar,Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar,and many others. We also now see the return of Women's Wrestling and got rid of the Divas Division,Women's Main Event Raw again,AJ Styles win the WWE Championship, Triple H becomes Champion again,Samoa Joe a champion on a WWE brand,the launch of the WWE Network,and many other insane events.

Now we know Bill Goldberg is returning to WWE,we're gonna see the first ever Women's Hell In A Cell Match. There's also discussion that WWE may buy ROH,TNA,NJPW,and many other independent promotions library's for the WWE Network.

Question is what things that has been deemed "impossible" will happen in the future?
The fact that that you have a return of Kurt Angle listed twice, I'm going to go for that... :lmao:

But yeah, that's the most likely, along with the return of The Hardy Boys. TNA looks set to be finishing up soon, like it or not. And with that in mind, the top level talent are, invariably, going to be looking for a big pay day. The Hardy Boys are one of very few main event level talents that are still with with TNA and the WWE look keen to bring them back to New York for one final run. With Matt and Jeff breathing new life into their characters and, pretty much, carrying TNA on their backs thw last few months, they have done enough to warrant making a come back. But that doesn't look set to happen until either TNA folds or their contracts run out in February.

So with that in mind, I've gone for the return of Kurt Angle. It's been well documented that the WWE have been in touch and it seems as though Angle himself is keen to return to the WWE when the time and the deal is right. I think thats going to happen around the same time as the Royal Rumble match. An Angle return at the Rumble would be one of the biggest mark out moments of all time if you ask me. And it would make sense for the WWE to use him for WrestleMania this year. All the parties seem willing to get this deal done and I'm positive it will happen sooner, rather than later.
Don't forget Finn Balor and Kevin Owens winning a major WWE title (Universal), not to mention inaugurating it.

And the return of the Cruserweight division and Championship.

And the return of Rhyno, Paul Ellering, Mickie James, JOBBERS, Squash matches, the Brand Extension/Split and the draft, Smackdown going Live permanently, women's triple threat title match, and most importantly...

the return (if only for brief reminiscence) of

I fully expect Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarett returns. Angle, because fans still want him. Jarrett, because when WWE will add TNA library on the Network, they will redone some TNA feuds for sure.
Yea I voted for Kurt Angle. Would have voted for more but didn't see the multiple vote option until after I had hit enter. So I'll vote here in the comments.

I can see Angle, Hardy's and maybe even Punk come back. Dana White has already said that Punk will not fight again in a UFC octagon, so maybe he'll come back for one more run in the WWE before calling it quits. That is if broken fences can be mended.

Highly doubt that Austin, Sting or HBK will ever wrestle again. I wouldn't count out any involvement ie: guest referee or perhaps a run in, but an actual match, no.

Depending on the woman's HIAC match goes it is possible that somewhere down the road they can main event Mania, that would be a long way down the road though. More than likely they would headline one of the bigger PPV's first.

The WWE will never, ever acknowledge Benoit again. They have erased him from their memories. The only way to bring him back is for someone else to come forward with a confession and evidence to back it up. Until then the police have decided he's the murderer, that's good enough for the WWE.

I think we have a chance at having an Asian champion in Nakamura before a black champion. Is there anyone on the roster that could even main event right now, never mind hold the belt. Apollo Crews is great in the ring, but he is not seen as main event material and I'm not sure he ever will be.

The WWE plays to kids so they won't go back to the PG14 rating. The kids wouldn't mind, but parents would. Also the Lana/Rusev domestic violence angle wouldn't fly either. Don't they have a policy in place to take care things like that? And didn't they already suspend Adam Rose and Kevin Nash because of charges that were laid against them? So I can't see that coming into a story line.

As for the TNA invasion, we already sort of have that happening don't we? Styles is WWE champion, Roode is in NXT and by the looks of things the WWE doesn't really want any of the others. They just want the tape library.

I hope that's pretty much covered everything.
I voted for John Cena finally turning heel. There are other options on the list that I'd like to see more (Kurt you deserve a 5-star ring return) but I feel like there's nothing on the list that is more likely than this. We all know John has been stale for 10+ years but every once in a while he straddles the line to bring more fan interest into his storylines. Eventually straddling won't do it anymore, and he'll have to just cross the line entirely. I'm not saying it is certain, but it makes sense from a character standpoint and now that guys like the New Day and KO are carrying the merchandise torch there isn't nearly as much riding on John Cena's popularity with the fans as there was before.

I would give the following percentages of likelihood to each of the poll options:

John Cena heel turn - 75% - see above.

Hardy Boyz return - 55% - they enjoy their freedom and they're making great money but WWE is the place that made them and I'm sure they'd appreciate a HOF nod.

Return of CM Punk - 0% - this is just a matter of fans being fans, selfishly predicting what they want to see instead of thinking about what Phil Brooks wants. I think he's going to continue to fight MMA on a smaller stage, but if not he still makes money off of his comic book series and different public appearances. He doesn't need WWE.

Women's WM main event - 20% - I honestly would love to see this happen, but I just don't think it will. I think Women's wrestling is great and I do enjoy the Horsewomen more than 90% of the male superstars but I simply don't see them ever being a bigger draw than guys like Brock HHH or Rock. It's still possible, just pretty unlikely.

Kurt Angle Return - 51% - Why the hell has this not happened already!? Every day, week, month, year that goes by Kurt gets that much older and the chances of this happening decrease. If they can get something done soon it's still a win-win for both sides.

TNA Invasion - 2% - they haven't even ever mentioned TNA (on purpose), so how would they randomly build them as a credible threat to their top guys? Maybe if anything, once enough TNA vets are on the main roster they can form a stable but to see a WCW-style invasion is simply not possible.

Chris Benoit - 0% - I feel the most confident in this answer. The main reason is they have nothing to gain by acknowledging him on air or promoting his tainted legacy.

Sting vs Taker - 30% - They say Sting is done and that's absolutely possible but maybe it's not. We've heard he wants to make this a reality still and Undertaker can still go so why not?? Well, WWE doctors, WWE creative, and shitty management can all get in the way of this one.

Steve Austin return - 7% - He's all bark and no bite. He's had plenty of opportunities to make this return but we all know how much of a diva he can be backstage and obviously he has some serious health concerns to consider. With the Royal Rumble in TX though, I wouldn't be surprised to hear the glass shatter and see a can of whoop-ass opened on 30 sons of bitches one last time.

Kurt Angle return - 51% - see above

Shawn Michaels return - 0% - He's said many times it'd be disrespectful to Undertaker if he wrestled again after their match, I feel like this is a commitment he's going to keep.

WWE TV-14 - 0% - I don't think there's much to gain by doing this, but I wouldn't be surprised if maybe they make NXT a TV-14 product exclusively on the Network.

Fully Black WWE Champ - 10% - I think it's a definite possibility but who knows when that will happen? Among the current roster I think Big E is the only option but who knows, only time will tell.

Rusev Lana Domestic Violence Angle - 5% - This is easily the most intriguing option on the list. I would love to see how this would be done but I think WWE would prefer to stay from controversial storylines so I guess this will only be just a thought.
Personally, I don't really see any of these choice happenning anytime soon but I voted for a match between sting and undertaker mostly because while both are technicly retired, if wwe need a big marquee match for wrestlemania next year, they will try to get this match on the card. Outside of that choice the only choice that are plausible on that poll is the hardy's and angle returning.
The Total Non-Stop Action Invasion will be led by Kurt Angle, The Hardy Boyz, and a mystery man. That mystery man will be revealed to be Triple H. The WWE will finally acknowledge Chris Benoit, due to Kurt Angle video packages. John Cena, Sting, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker will try to stop them, only for Sting AND John Cena to turn and join TNA, thus turning Cena Heel, sort of. This sets up Kurt Angle, Triple H, John Cena and Sting vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker at WrestleMania. A few weeks before WrestleMania, Shawn Michaels is attacked backstage and is injured and cannot compete. Team WWE has to find a new partner, but won’t reveal him till WM. After the 3 announced competitors make their way down the ring, Cult Of Personality blares through the arena.

As for the Championship Title matches, Bobby Lashley will face Kevin Owens and A. J. Styles in a Triple Threat Unification match for the WWE / TNA Universal / World Championship’s Titles…and Lashley will win it all. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch vs. Gail Kim vs. Ronda Rousey for the Raw / Smackdown / TNA Women’s Championship Titles will close WrestleMania, with the Boss standing tall at the end.

The night after WrestleMania, Raw will go TV- 14 again, without making a fuss about it, but Smackdown will remain as is. The first TV-14 angle will be the Rusev / Lana domestic violence angle.
Angle will definately return at least for one more match.

Also I'd like to say that Big E. Langston will be pushed by the WWE and will become a black world champion. Will this title be the Universal or the WWE Championship, I don't know. Depends on the brand Langston will be. But the guy will definately become a new world champion in the next 2 years.
I went with other, the other being Raw becomes entertaining again. I try to get interested, part of it is the MLB playoffs being in full swing diverting my attention but since the brand split unless it's a JericKO a Charlotte/Sasha segment or a Rusev match, there isn't much that holds my attention. I enjoy Rollins in ring but his monotone droning promos don't get me invested. I really enjoyed the New Day for a long time but I feel like I've seen all their segments now, I don't really have any strong distaste for them or anything and I still find them relatively entertaining but I just don't pop at home when they come out anymore. I was hoping for more from Anderson and Gallows i guess, and the Strowman v. Jobbers has become incredibly stale and repetetive. Enzo and Cass are an instant switch of the channel for me. Cass has potential but Enzo is like nails on a chalkboard for me, I realize he is very over with the crowd so rather than suffer through his promos and bitch about it here, I just change the channel, simple as that.

As for the TV-14 rating, I think that could and should happen. My logic is this, most parents who are policing the programming their kids watch would not be letting them watch something as "barbaric" as wrasslin' anyway. Kids are exposed to somuch vulgar shit from other programming that I feel I kind of hinders WWE in the grand scheme of things to continue to try the wholesome thing. The shit shows my niece used to watch on Disney and Nickelodeon had a lot of innuendo for "pg" television, Disney has been selling sex to kids for years with their "divas" but that's a different topic for another thread. I understand the primary reason for being pg is to appease sponsors and NBC/USA and to try and clean up the image post Benoit, not necessarily to coax uptight parents into letting their children watch but I don't see the harm in going back to tv-14.
Changing the rating doesn't even mean the product has to change drastically, if they go back to allowing a little more violence, backstage brawls, slightly edgier promos and the effective use of blood but stay away from the Vince Russo Springeresque bullshit like miscarriages, incest, castration, bra and panties matches etc.. I don't see many parents refusing to let their kids watch a show they enjoy just because the rating changed.
John Cena FINALLY Turns Heel - we're hearing rumours of this again, I'd say it's the most likely thing on your list.
The Return Of The Hardy Boyz - this is a matter when, not if. Matt and Jeff will want to go into the HOF and all that. They could easily go in together or even seperately.
The Return of CM Punk - Punk says never but money talks. Maybe in 5 years
Women's Main Event WrestleMania - they have to main event a ppv first. Maybe Hell in a Cell?
The Return Of Kurt Angle - another when as opposed to if. The question is what capacity? He's pushing 50 and healthwise he's a liablity despite being clean for as long as he has. Deserves the HOF but I doubt we see a match ever again.
TNA Invasion Angle - Not likely. Maybe in some form we'll see Styles and other former TNA guys form a stable, but even if WWE buys the tape library, we won't see this.
WWE Acknowledges Chris Benoit - never going to happen and shouldn't.
Sting vs. The Undertaker - Sting is retired and shouldn't risk his life. We're as likely to see Taker vs Hogan.
Stone Cold Steve Austin returns for One More Match - he's retired, that's it.
Shawn Michaels Wrestle Again - also retired. Nothing to prove.
WWE goes TV- 14 again - I think what we consider to be PG will evolve.
Fully Black WWE Champion - Jason Jordan will likely be a world champion. Apollo Crews could if they can find a character that works. Titus is too old. Darren is more of comedy relief. This is another when as opposed to if.
Rusev/Lana Domestic Violence Angle 😂😂 - never going to happen and should not happen. It would ruin Rusev even if it was the attitude era.
Other (Comment)
Tme for my opinion everyone. All I ask is that you hold your applause until the end. I will give my percentage odds and a reason as to why I gave them.

John Cena FINALLY Turns Heel - 20% - John Cena heel turn is not needed. The only thing that will happen is the fans that currently boo him will cheer and the fans that currently cheer him will boo. There really isn't anyone on the Smackdown roster that could move into the top babyface role and if they think going over a heel Cena will help, they're wrong.

The Return Of The Hardy Boyz - 70% - TNA is closing folks, let's just get that out of the way. These two are too big of names to go anywhere else but back to the WWE. Add in a HoF and they will be fine. They will have a little leverage in neogotiations that could earn them a part time deal, not like Brock Lesnars but more like Chris Jericho's, where they could come back for a short program, take a break, and return a month or so later.

The Return of CM Punk - 5% - While I believe we have seen the last of CM Punk in WWE, I also don't think we've seen the last of CM Punk in WWE. He has stated numerous times if he ever went back to wrestling, it wouldn't be for the WWE. He burned his bridges with WWE as well. With that said, Vince McMahon has no problem bringing someone back if it means fattening his wallet, and bringing CM Punk back will do that. Add in Dana White saying Punk wouldn't fight in the UFC again, he could still go to a lower rank MMA organization and put in work.

Women's Main Event WrestleMania - 80% - Holy shit?!?! 80%?!?! Yeah thats right. The only reason I put it this high is because over the last number of years WWE Wrestlemania has featured several "Main Events". Now I know everyone says that the main event is the last match of the card and to that point I agreee, but WWE using the term "main event" for several matches on a card these days increases the chances of this (technically) happening.

The Return Of Kurt Angle - 100% - Both sides want it to happen. Its a matter of when not if.

TNA Invasion Angle - 0% - The WWE has never mentioned TNA and after the debacle that was the WCW invasion, lets just leave that idea in the garbage.

WWE Acknowledges Chris Benoit - 0% - The guy couldn't work a major PPV because he was busy killing his family, this guy gets no love, or mention for that matter, from the WWE. Face it, he never existed.

Sting vs. The Undertaker - 0% - While I am sure the WWE would love to do this match if they could pull it off, I don't think it will ever get to that point. This match would've been great ten years ago maybe. Now? not so much.

Stone Cold Steve Austin returns for One More Match - 0% - He has had several opportunities to return in the past. He talks a big talk but when there comes a chance to walk the walk, he remains retired. Love the guy for his work in the Attitude Era but to see him in 2016 or beyond, I'll pass.

The Return Of Kurt Angle - - Just going to ignore this one.

Shawn Michaels Wrestle Again - 10% - I truly think he is happy retired. He has stated several times that having a match after the one with the Undertaker would be disrespectful. I'm sure he will however mix it up in the PC with the new recruits though so there's that.

WWE goes TV- 14 again - 0% - There is nothing to gain from doing this right now. The only reason they did it in the past was to war with WCW. There isn't a company now that is even close to competing on the level of WWE to force them to "push the envelope".

Fully Black WWE Champion - 0% - There isn't a "fully black" guy on the roster that is even over enough to get a title shot. Perhaps Big E eventually, but right now, not even close. Apollo Crews has the look but I don't see him as anything over midcard. If Bobby Lashley returns to WWE after TNA closes, that could be a possibility.

Rusev/Lana Domestic Violence Angle 😂😂 - 0% - Nope. With all the controversy surrounding this topic right now in sports how could you even think this would happen?
If Kurt Angle were to come back who would he realistically face? The only person who I could see Angle facing is probably Brock and that is about it especially if Angle is only coming back for one match unless they have Angle as a part-timer because if they do that and give him a Brock like schedule then Angle I could see him having matches against the likes of Lesnar, Cena, Orton, Rollins, Reigns, etc.
Mark Henry should have been the wwe world champion a few years ago when he was over as a monster heel even if it was a short reign. He did deserve it.
One I would like to see....

Vince McMahon officially retires from the wrestling business and hands the keys to Stephanie McMahon.
That's almost the same thing. Why not Triple H?

I guess that the returns of Hardys and Angle are the most possible things to happen. Well, these two don't even come under impossible category.

I would love a Cena heel turn just to see what innovative Cena we get.

Shawn Michaels returning for a one match with AJ would be good too.
For me, the most "impossible" things on the list would probably be an invasion angle featuring TNA, Taker vs. Sting and Austin having one more match. A TNA invasion angle only has the remotest of chances if WWE purchases TNA and based on the various reports regarding TNA being so heavily in debt that bankruptcy is a real possibility, that's not going to happen as WWE would wind up having to pay off all those debts. Plus, TNA isn't WCW, doesn't have the brand recognition WCW had nor the star power.

Taker vs. Sting almost certainly won't happen because WWE won't risk Sting getting hurt again, especially considering that what was injured was his neck. Sting is also in the HOF and when you're in the HOF, you have a better shot of winning a $500 million Powerball jackpot and being struck by lightning on the exact same day as WWE putting you back in the ring. Sting will have turned 58 years of age around 2 weeks before WrestleMania happens next year and Taker will be 52, so the prospect of men with a combined age of 110 with questionable health doesn't sound like something WWE will risk. We're already playing guessing games with Taker's health as there's speculation of him having had surgery recently or needing crutches simply to get around or if it's all some sort of work as there are pics of Taker using and not using crutches. Recently, he presented a WWE World Championship to the Cleveland Cavs dressed in full ring gear without crutches, so who knows.

As for Austin wrestling one more match, Austin himself said that he injured himself during the tapings of the last season of Tough Enough by getting into the ring and just goofing off a little. When I say "goofing off", I don't mean he was in there being reckless or anything along those lines. If that's true and if he's that fragile, it's definitely not worth the risk.

Also, just to go on a bit of a rant, it's time to stop all this "fully black" nonsense concerning the WWE Championship. When it comes to someone's genetic makeup regarding race, it's extraordinarily rare for someone of African descent living in the United States to be of completely legit 100% African origin. Saying that someone isn't "black" just because they're not 100% African seems like a giant pecker slap right across the face.
The Rock is black. Mark Henry is black. Booker T is black. Wow the impossible not only happened, but it happened 3 fucking times. Only one super white guy (Sheamus) has won the world title. Should we make a fuss about that as well?

Putting the domestic violence angle as a joke is not funny. This would be a horrifically offensive angle and would not go over well. They (Russo) tried this once before and it was embarrassing to watch. WWE is not a normal TV show. They cannot do things like this.

Chris Benoit has been acknowledge in their History of WWE book. Shawn Michaels has said he is open to another match with the right storyline (he was offered Bryan but refused due to the story not being unique). Austin has had opportunities but passed them up. Sting as far as we know cannot wrestle again. They are not doing a TNA invasion angle. TNA is way too weak for that. Punk seems pretty hardset on not returning anytime soon. He may mellow out in the future but not in the immediate one. Hardys are getting older so this is unlikely. Cena is never turning heel. Women main eventing Mania will happen but not in the next few years. They have no intentions of going back to TV-14 at this time.

That leaves Angle as the only realistic option and he has indicated it will eventually happen.
I'd say the return of Hogan. The bad PR WWE got for Hogan's comments WWE distanced themselves from them. Now, we're starting to see the seeds planted for Hogan's return.

Angle and Hardy have said in the past they have interest returning to WWE.
Black doesn't always mean African either��.

Isn't kofi Jamaican?

Well, the thing with Jamaica is that nearly everyone in Jamaica has at least some African as part of their bloodline because of so many slaves brought there from Africa. A 2011 census stated that the vast majority of Jamaicans identify as "black"; much of Jamaica's black population are of African or partially African descent with many being able to trace their origins to West Africa. There's also European & Asian as part of the Jamaican bloodline.

Kofi Kingston was originally billed as Jamaican due in large part of his personal knowledge of Jamaican culture and his love of reggae music, especially the music of Bob Marley's youngest son Damien. Kofi himself, however, was born in Ghana, which is located in West Africa.

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