The Hardest game you've ever played?


We shy worth hair
What ame for you was the hardest game to play? I amn't talking about bad controls or camera work I am just talking about a game that was just made for hardcore gamers.

The gameplay involves a character creation system with emphasis on gathering loot through combat with enemies in a non-linear series of varied locations. The character creation in terms of facial hair is painful and much worst than that of Elde Scrolls IV's facial hair system It also has a unique online multiplayer system integrated into the single-player where players can leave useful messages and warnings for other players' game worlds(Which are necessary for alot of the game). the game is particularly notable for its high difficulty level with many critics praising it as a genuine challenge.

Every single boss fight hell even some normal enemies will kill you easily if you aren't prepared. Levels are long and checkpoints are scarce. You can be killed so much by just one guy that you will be tempted to punch a wall(Personal experience). I would recommend the game for any gamer looking for a genuine challenge.

So what was the hardest game you ever played?

What was the harest point of this game?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not only was it the hardest game I ever played, it was the worst game I have ever played. Seriously though, watch the AVGN's review of this game, and you'll see what I mean. It is shit. I was unfortunate enough to at one point play this game. How hard is it? How bad is it? I'll tell you. Its so bad, you cant even get past the first level. It's humanly impossible. The game is so fucked up, that if you do beat the first level, you might as well just call yourself a God among gamers. If you ask any old-school video gamer about this game, they may just cower in fear. Thats how hard, and bad that this game truly was.
Well no real games I play right now are too difficult for me to complete, but when I was a younger lad some games I like to play were all the more frustrating. The first game I'm going to mention is Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. How was this difficult and frustrating? Well in this game there were four un-lockable characters: Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, Ness, and Luigi. Now Jigglypuff was the easiest to achieve by just completing the one-player game on any difficulty. Captain Falcon was easy once you figured out what to do, as you had to do basically the same thing but make sure you best it in less than twenty minutes. When I was younger unlocking Ness and Luigi stressed me out so much. First of all to unlock Ness you had to complete the one-player game on Normal difficulty (which was a nice way of saying Hard difficulty) with only three lives and you couldn't get a game over.

I remember yelling at the television trying to complete this hell of a task. And when I would survive that whole ordeal I had to combat Ness with only one life and he was a beast and killed me many times, forcing me to start all over again. Then you had Luigi who you had to unlock by completing every regular character's "Break the Targets" bonus. And I hated this bonus because I had the most difficult time defeating it, so this led to many stressful and unsuccessful attempts. However now I can unlock Luigi, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff with ease. Ness on the other hand is still a bitch for me to unlock and always takes me a few tries.

Then back when I first played the first Kingdom Hearts game I have never been so stress out. All the bosses got the better of me all the time. From the Guard Armor, to Clayton's Lizard I had the hardest time winning any boss battle in the game. I blame that shitty ass "Kingdom Key" because as soon as I had my cousin beat the Clayton and the Lizard for me and I got my first new key, I was able to kick ass for the rest of the game. In fact after that I was able to win the Hade's Cup and other crazy endeavors, that was when I was ten or eleven years old. Now I can't do any of that, so I guess if I tried any of those I would lose my mind from stress.
I had a hard time beating a number of games when I was younger, in truth I never actually beat the games. Two games I remember were The Lion King for Sega Genesis. Another games was Sonic The Hedgehog.

Aside from that, I'd have to say Final Fantasy games such as 7, 8, and 10 (9 was easy peazy.) I'd have to think those games would be difficult for anyone not using a guide.
Aside from having to be an efficient level for certain bosses and being stranded in deserts, temples and frozen tundras and needing the right amount of supplies to deal with endless enemies; there also seems to be codes and combinations you need to figure out but there is no place to find them in the game.

Any type of game really where you get to the point where your too weak or you missed something before hand and you have to re-start from the beginning.
I love kingdom hearts with passion (no pun intended for the hardcore gamers of the series lol), but when I first played the first game, I too had trouble with clayton like Dave Jr. said above. It actually pissed me off I had to go out and get the strategy guide to it. Then I felt a little ******ed when I read what it said I had to do to beat him. But KH is the first game I ever had to buy a strategy guide for.

Then came along Ninja Guiden. Holy fuck. Just saying the title makes me pissed off. It took me days just to get passed the 2nd boss. Every single thing you fight in the game feels like a boss. I didn't even bother with a strategy guide because I knew not even that would help me. My friend beat it after a long time and said he felt like god. I would too had I ever beaten it
Without a doubt for me it is I Wanna Be the Guy, that son of a bitch. My friends told me it was unbeatable, so I downloaded it because I like a challenge but holy shit, this game is ridiculous. I spent a good 3 days playing before giving up. It makes no logical sense, apples fall up and down from trees, with apparently in this game is deadly lol I got to the 3rd "level" before giving up. If you can beat this game I would be shocked and very impressed, I am still doubting its possible to win.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not only was it the hardest game I ever played, it was the worst game I have ever played. Seriously though, watch the AVGN's review of this game, and you'll see what I mean. It is shit. I was unfortunate enough to at one point play this game. How hard is it? How bad is it? I'll tell you. Its so bad, you cant even get past the first level. It's humanly impossible. The game is so fucked up, that if you do beat the first level, you might as well just call yourself a God among gamers. If you ask any old-school video gamer about this game, they may just cower in fear. Thats how hard, and bad that this game truly was.

Bull. I've gotten past the first level without getting hurt. That's the only review by AVGN I don't like because he overly exaggerated the difficulty. Sure it really sucks as a game but there are definitely harder games.

Hardest game, Silver Surfer, easily. Not even a competition. You're silver surfer, one of the strongest heroes ever thought of, and you can die from EVERYTHING! Impossible.
I'm going to have to go back to the NES here and say two games I've never finished because they just were too hard:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....Hoover Dam bomb defusing. Hard to find a more hated level for people who played the game

Ghosts n Goblins. Completing the game once to find out that it's all been Satan's plan so far and having to do it all again to get to the last boss? Jog the fuck on!

Also the Mega-Man games because they're some seriously unforgiving bastards. Learn to duck you blue cunt!
for me the Hardest for me is Skate 3 Tells you do to Something you need to Gain Speed and if you Go into a Grind ( really easy to do by accident) it resets you need to Gain Speed like forever to Jump a house... i always miss and i took 7 Times had to do some stuff so you go Higher i tried it 8 times Finally got it but was off by a inch alll the time Also the fucking Moves are weird I do what it says for a kickflip it does a Fs Pop shuv it or whatever

You need to do Missions without Wiping out
Pedestrians/Skaters Get in your way All the time
One Objective is To Grind the Pool stairs
There was a line on the Part Above it i try to Grind it (Has to be non stop)Grind it and it etheir Makes you Fall in the Middle or it willl stop then You fall Another One was get Air over Some Deathbox (or whatever The hell the Black box in The Pool is called
you Almost Never get it you have to get air over it 3 times at Least..
Thats the Begining There is all those Challenges in Single players i did not Talk about ....
Arghhhh don't ever mention Battletoads again. It was such a bastard of a game I'd wiped it from my memory. Never been near a game featuring "hover bikes" since
Devil May Cry 3. I tried my hardest not to use Easy mode. I failed. The fact that you need to depend on vitality and the lack of money to buy it really bothered me. Especially with so many bosses coming out. And it gets worse by the end when entire missions are devoted to defeating a strong boss. And don't get me started on fighting Vergil in the last mission. And that was all on Normal mode.
Bionic Commando.The new one for the Xbox360.Easy diffuculty and I'm thinking this is going to be straight up easy intro level. You start without your bionic arm(the main reason for me even renting this game)and you have to find it.You have one arm and are armed with a pistol. There are so many enemies though its really hard to survive. I eventually gave up never beating the first level...on easy diffuclty.If you manage to do it I salute you.

Another was...well it was only one level in Gears of War 2 on insane when
you find Dom's Wife and have have to defend yourself while Jack breaks open the casket that holds her
And all the enemies come. And Dom stands there looking like a fucktard. I eventually gave up and got help on Xbox Live. But it was freaking hard with only pistol and 100 lancer bullers against like 5 waves of enemies.
The first Castlevania. I've heard the 3rd one is the most difficult but I've never played it.

But God damn this game is hard. You can breeze past the first level fairy easily. But then the stupid Medusa heads start flying at you. You NEED the time freeze watch or you are fucked. (Or I am anyway)

Brutally hard but also fun.
I Wanna Be The Guy. It's the hardest game i've ever played. A computer platform. If you can make it past the first stage without dying I would pay you. The game is the hardest platform game and possibly the hardest game period It combines boss battles from many games in the past including Mike Tyson. There are so many aspects in the game that will just catch you off guard. If I wasn't on a school computer right now id show a youtube video. The game is free and legal to download online just give it a google search.
The hardest game I have ever played is Mother, otherwise known as Earthbound Zero. The game bordered on unfair in terms of difficulty because the last stretch of the game was nearly impossible even for a maxed out level 99 party. Unlike it's more famous sequel, Earthbound Zero had only three characters playable at once rather than four.... and only Ninten could heal. Ana had some decent attack spells but her attack and defense sucked, Loid was basically useless, and Teddy wasn't in the party long enough to be useful. The difficulty was resolved by levelling up at first.... however once you reach Mt Itoi, it is just insane. Not even being at level 99 can save you there. It's still nearly impossible to get through the cave leading you to the mountain path, let alone climbing to the summit!!!! Good underrated game otherwise, just ridiculously difficult. I wouldn't recommend it unless you want a huge challenge.
Ninja Gaiden for the NES for sure!

Ninja Gaiden was known for amazing game play, solid controlling and smooth cut scenes not seen in any other game up to that point. Ninja Gaiden was also know for its difficulty. The bosses after each area were always challenging, making the player try 10-20 times before they were able to master a boss’s moves. Some of the jumps that Ryu had to make while evading occidental birds were annoyingly difficult. The player had to earn their way through the game with each level getting increasingly more difficult to the point of having to stop the game and come back to it some time later. After the player made it through the difficult levels of 3 and 4, they had to face some of the most difficult gaming in level 6. Beyond the later levels of the game, Ryu had to fight 3 bosses at the end of the game, all subtly difficult in their own right. We also cant forget the fact that every time you lost to a boss, you had to start over from the beginning of the level making the player more cognizant of the energy he expended in the level before. The later Ninja Gaiden games would all be known for their conspicuous difficulty level, but none would ever come close to the challenge that lied in Ninja Gaiden 1. Anyone who has ever played stage 6-2 and 6-3 in Ninja Gaiden will be able to affirm this claim. There have never been levels in video game history that require as much focus, prudence, and skill to be able to conquer. One felt proud of themselves after beating these levels.
Dink Smallwood for PC. It's a pretty retro 90s RPG game for the PC, one that you could download for free off of old sites like GameHippo (now closed down and renamed), but it made to be an alright game. Bad engine, bad characters, bad dialogue, bad language, bad references, what more can you ask for in the late 90s on PC besides The Sims?

I'm just joking with you, for it's time period it was a decent game, it was hard though. One of the hardest games I've ever played. It was challenged, tricky and you had to actually think when you were playing it. Where do I go next? Who did I have to talk to? Where did I leave my spellbook? Where the fuck is my hot sauce?

Not to mention that the game itself was quite a laugh. You have to feed pigs at your farm which gets burnt down along with your mother and your wide range of ducks and chestnut collection. If there was a girl in the game that you didn't like, then hell, smack that bitch up and turn her into a real woman. I'm sure you can still find the game somwhere with a quick Google search (or Yahoo, I swore to Yahoo that I'd never cheat on it with Google.) if you've got some spare time on your hands or it's a rainy sunday then download Dink Smallwood.

It'll give you an alright challenge, a laugh, and it'll scar your mind forever. Long live, Dink.
Spelunky for PC and I think it may be on XBox Arcade. You're this Indiana Jones type guy and you are, what else? spelunking (cave exploring). The most unique thing about the game is that it has a random level generator. So every time you play the game level 1 won't be the same. Nor will level 2 and so on. It's a free download for computer. So if you really wanna try go for it. I always die at level 4. I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

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