The greatest way to make a wrestler one of the greatest stars


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Ok i was just thinking about the S.V.R 10 road to wrestlemania, and how the created character is differant from 2011.

and what i relized was in 2010, how the character became a main eventer was by the power of mr. mcmahon. i mean if u think of it look at all the wrestlers that have had rivalrys with mcmahon;

Undertaker, steve austin, triple h, shawn micheals, the rock, bret hart, hulk hogan, hornsoggle, bobby lashly, umaga(he didnt fight him but partnered)
randy orton, ect. u get the point.

and ofcourse some of these people didnt need mcmahon but it helped boost their status with wwe, and so wrestlers like morrison, bryan daneilson, kaval, miz, wrestlers that are soon main eventers but just need that one last step could fued with mcmahon to get them to main event level, and i think this would be great for some one like morrison because he needs a huge push to get to main event.

so what do u guys think about this and please if you start spaming than FIX IT!!!:lmao:
The greatest way to make a wrestler one of the greatest stars is to have them feud with a current main eventer or former star. For example, Batista and Randy Orton . Batista and Randy Orton's career skyrocketed after feuding with HHH. Look at where they are now.
I wouldn't necessarily call it the greatest way but I definitely agree that a storyline involving a McMahon helps.

There's plenty of guys who established themselves as main eventers without a McMahon successfully over the past few years in the WWE:

Edge, Sheamus, Mysterio, Benoit, Guerrero, Miz (He's already there even if he doesn't have the title yet), JBL, Jeff Hardy, Wade Barrett (see Miz), CM Punk...

You can always look beyond that too, listen to Piper's promo from last night's Raw. He named a whole bunch of guys that were Hall of Famers who never won the big title.

And even though they may have been in storylines with a McMahon at some point in their careers, most of those guys you named were established main eventers without the help of a McMahon.

Undertaker (beating Hogan for the title)
Hogan (beating Sheik for the title)
HBK (Once Diesel came into the picture)
Hart (beat Flair for the title)
Austin (calling out Bret Hart)
The Rock (first heel to face turn, helping Mankind against Undertaker)
Triple H (Turning on DX)

Umaga and Lashley, while both main evented separate ppv's against Cena for the title and had one or two major feuds, shouldn't be considered established main eventers either when you look at the majority of their tenures, but more so teetering back and forth around upper-mid card. Heck Bobby Lashley near the end of his run was stuck in a feud with Tatanka.

And nothing personal but I chuckle at you talking about main eventers and then listing Hornswoggle in a group that includes guys like Hogan and Austin.
I feel the simplist way to make someone great is to make them face and follow the formula
1: Make sure they have talent: If they can't talk and wrestle no one will give to shits about them
2: Give them something signature but to do as a taunt: Who doesn't know the DX crotch chop it gave the audience another reason to love them and imitate them
3: Give them a catch phrase: I'm awesome, What's up?!. The audience just loves saying it sync with them.
4: Give them awesome signature moves: The powerful move can be something like an RKO or a powerbomb but make sure the submission is something fresh that hasn't been done for a while. Also give them a weapon, for the sake of this post it will be a mop. The audience will milk it up if you can use whatever move at whatever time you want.
5: Have them beat the top heel for the Heavywieght or World Title: This has to be a memorable win. Have them go at it for atleast 15 minutes before your new hero uses a signature weapon to beat the hell outta the heel and get the title.
6: Give them a nice long reign with lots of defences: every 2-3 weeks throw another competitor against them. have them win in a varity of matches that they do not choose for the most part. Make sure the mop makes it's way into a few of these matches, and that the fights are against heels for the most part. He may fight a couple of faces to keep it fresh but make sure those fights the mop stays under the ring.
7: Keep him off the title when he looses: After a year, give or take the hero takes a cheapshot during a pay-per-view, and his belt gets taken from him. Now that he is a fan favorite he doesn't need that belt for a while, so he take on other goals. First, he takes a vaction for a month or two when the heel is champ. The heel will have a short reign but will lose it quickly. That is when the vaction is over. Our hero takes on the heel with no belt on the line both sides winning and losing, Hero destroys property, Heel snaps his mop(that is like burning the bible to the audience at this point). This fued gets really personal and the Hero comes out on top.
8: Congrats your a star: Remember that logo you had on your T-shirt, well it seems every kid is wearing that shirt now. The women want to be with you, the men want to be you, and you even have a comercial selling your mop. You have become the cash cow.

Most of these points revole around the fact that if you have no fans you have absolutly nothing. Bottomline: If you can't draw you can't be great.
1) Make Sure the wrestler is talented
2) Make sure the wrestler is fine backstage
3) Make sure the wrestler is over whether getting boo's or cheer's
4) Make sure the wrestler could at least put on some great matches he doesn't have to be the greatest wrestler i.e the miz
5) Make sure he has the mic skills if not align the wrestler with a valet or manager until they improve their mic skills
6) Give the wrestler a title (mid card IC or US)
7) Make sure the star has clean wins even if heel and enter him in a feud with a M.E
8) Make sure the wrestler loses the IC or US title
9) Give the wrestler a couple of shots at the title make sure he loses the first time
10) Make sure he wins in an amazing match to redeem himself
I think the most important thing that a superstar needs to become one of the greatest of all time is a good gimmick which he should be able to carry, make it look believable, and make the fans buy into it. Look at Undertaker and Austin. While one could argue that they were also good wrestlers (particularly Undertaker), the gimmick definitely helped in getting over with the fans and connecting with them early and it was a big hit.
One certain requirement is a certain amount of time wrestling. There are almost no exceptions to this rule with the shorted time any superstar who you could consider "great" probably being the rock with about 7 years. Sheamus has been in the WWE for 2 years or so now and in that time he went from ECW to world champ in about a year or something crazy, put HHH out of action, beat john cena but if he were to retire tommorrow you wouldn't consider him great despite how good he clearly is because he simply hasn't been round long enough. Thats just one point for consideration though, you obviously have to be good enough in the first place. ie batista was around for seven years but no-one si going to be calling him great.

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