The Greatest Era In WWE History


Future Women's Champion
This forum is very simple... What do you think was the greatest era the WWE has ever seen???? This can vary from the Hogan era (or earlier) - PG Era. Think about these questions....

Which one had better matches?
Which ones were more exciting?
Who had the better wrestlers?
Who had the better divas?
Where did the better storylines/gimmicks take place?

Let me hear your opinions :)
Well, I'm going to have to go with the Attitude Era. It definately had better gimmicks and storylines. The wrestlers were at their prime. Just look at the likes of Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley, HHH, Undertaker, HBK, etc... The Diva's were pretty good as well (Chyna, Jaqueline, Lita, Trish, and even Stephanie). The Attitude Era was always exciting and had amazing matches. Nothing was toned down for kids and WWF really delivered.

Coming in a close second, would probably be from 2002(very end of attitude era) - 2007. We had some pretty good wrestlers here as well (John Cena, Eddie Guerrerro, Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, The Hardyz, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, HHH, HBK, Taker etc..) Most of the Attitude Era Divas are still around plus a couple new divas like Mickie and Victoria. Pretty decent storylines as well.

well i started watching wwe since 2005 so the 2002-2008 era was my favourite because there was great wrestlers like hbk, hhh, undertaker, benoit, eddie, kurt and more
and i loved the storylines like dx vs mcmahons and jerico vs hbk and more
plus this era was like the attitude era but a bit toned down and i liked that because i thought the A era was too much
For me it'd be the Hogan era as I was a kid and that's what hooked me in. Plus I really believed it was real then so it was something magical...ahhh, good times
Late 80s/early 90s

Great wrestlers like Savage, DiBiase, Rude, Martel, Santana, Roberts, Perfect, Valentine, Steamboat, and Flair.

Wrestlers who weren't that great in the ring but knew how to use the crowd like Piper, Dusty, and Hogan.

It had big scary guys like Andre, The Undertaker, and Earthquake. Bundy was a joke, but I always loved when he wanted the ref to count to five.

The tag team division was the best it has ever been with teams like Demolition, Hart Foundation, The Rockers, Brain Busters, Steiners, British Bulldogs, and The Road Warriors all there at some point in that era.

Didn't care about about women's wrestling then and I don't now.

They didn't always need a storyline and the titles actually meant something back then too.

The Survivor Series was still great.

No other era can close to matching that era.
It has to be the Attitude Era, simply because, not only was WWE great, but there was also an alternative product that was, in the eyes of many, just as good.

The Monday Night Wars were the best time in wrestling history, something I feel may never be bettered.

Before or since that time, WWE has never had to be at the top of it's game.
The Attitude Era, with The Hogan Era in a close second. The Attitude Era was what really put the WWE on the map in terms of viewership. People were tuning in week after week after week to see what would happen on RAW is WAR. It single-handedly got the WWE to become a world-wide phenomenon. The storylines were edgy, the superstars were good, and it kept you hooked. The WWE was getting viewers who didnt know a thing about wrestling, they just wanted to watch something edgy. They were appealing to the 18-35 age demographic. These were the people that grew up in The Hogan Era and were ready for something different, something that pushed over the edge. They were looking for The Attitude Era.
The Current Era(PG to some) has been by far my favorite era in WWE.I have noticed the change from a product that was tawdry for the sake of being tawdry,to a product that is culturally responsible in today's society.The WWE has so many different outlets for charity and promoting goodwill and I really like to see the superstars outside of the ring giving a helping hand.I also favor the in ring product more,because they now have the challenge to make interesting compelling storylines that fit within the borders of that TV rating.Sometimes the label can make for some dicey situations,but all in all it's created a safer and better work environment for the WWE superstars,which is always a plus.Also I think given the "competition" they refuse to acknowledge it's given them something to aspire to.That ambitious spirit takes away the complacency that gave us lackluster feuds and easily predictable stories and now we have something to look forward to every monday,tuesday and friday night.
I rank all of the wrestling eras like this:

1) Hulkamania Era/Rock 'n Wrestling Era WWF (roughly 85-92)
2) Nitro Era/nWo Era WCW (roughly 95-99)
3) Attitude Era WWF (roughly 97-2000)
4) NWA (roughly 85-89)
5) New Generation Era WWF (roughly 93-96)
6) Early WCW (roughly 90-94)
7) TNA (roughly 2002-present)
8) WWE (roughly 2002-present)

I didn't include ECW, AWA, or WWWF because I never got to see those when they were first on. I never watched ECW because we didn't get TNN here until after ECW stopped existing. I never got AWA here either until recently on ESPN Classics. And I didn't watch any wrestling before 1985, so I never saw WWWF or anything from the 70's or earlier because I was too young.
Attitude Era

I grew up watching the likes of D-Generation X, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Bret Hart and Kane and boy did I ever love it.
It was unpredictable every week, the skits were the funniest things ever and the wrestling was enthralling.
When I watch these old matches, man!the crowd seems more amped up, much more closer to the ring and superstars ( the women in the crowd are hotter ;) ) and there are just so many people holding up signs ( very funny ones too I might add ); all in all, all this makes it look like everybody wants to be there.
It's still got this real in your face feel to it, to this day!

Those were the days!
The mid-late 80's. Easily. "The WWF....what the WORLD is watching".

Second place has to be the Monday Night Wars era in the late 90's.

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