The Great Power Kofi!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I dont know if anyone listens to Colt Cabana's Podcast but I heard a hilarious story that Domino told on there about when he went to Nigeria to wrestle the "Hulk Hogan" of Nigeria names The Great Power Uti. It was a funny story and I was thinking that Kofi Kingston could do this gimmick in WWE. Basically he would tout that he is a very powerful man in Ghana and that he is like a national hero. In the story The Great Power Uti seemed to take himself way to seriously and was kind of a slimy guy. Kofi needs a gimmick change because he really doesn't have one aside from being a smiling black guy that jumps around a lot. Do you think it could be a good gimmick? WWE seems to recycle gimmicks so why not just take something not many people outside of Nigeria know about and tweak it to fit Kofi? He could start by saying he needs to get more in touch with his roots. It would be more comedy based than serious, kind of like King Booker. He could also have a mean streak that kicks in when people treat him like a joke. I think they should dress him in traditional Ghanaian attire. The announcers could make jokes about his character saying that he only lived in Ghana for a few years and actually grew up near Boston. I think it could work. What do you think?
Worth a shot I guess...they could even get prince nana in to manage him!

I don't think it's greatly original and would make him look like a utter joke but hey he isn't too far off santino's level at the moment anyway.
Interesting thread. I thought of a gimmick for Kofi a while ago that would completely get him away from his debacle of initially being exposed as a fake Jamaican. It doesn't make sense to keep billing him from Ghana, and then keeping his name and character to resemble that of a Jamaican. This new gimmick would be pretty cool to try out if people (meaning the casual fans) are getting sick of the smiling, high flying Kofi Kingston. My idea was that he would take a Cassius Clay or Malcolm X type move and denounce his "slave name" in favor for another one that more fits his culture and heritage. Since the Nation of Domination, we really haven't seen the Black Power type character utilized, and the Nation didn't quite stick to the Black Power gimmick for too long. I'd repackage Kofi as a Black Militant/Black Panther type gimmick and talk about the facts of how the company keeps it's black wrestlers from attaining the highest status in the company. Have Kofi come out each week, attack wrestlers, end matches, and give a promo. I'd have his first feud against either R-Truth (for not joining him in his fight) or against Booker T because Booker would try to refute Kofi's stance by saying he is proof that Kofi is wrong.

Either way, this thread is great. I really do think Kofi needs a fresh, new gimmick. I've grown bored with him, but he's still doing pretty well with the audience. He's just never going to get a World Title with what he has right now.
Why is it that a black wrestler just cant have a normal gimmick?? Why does he have to be a militant black that is tired of "the man" holding him down?? Kofi has talent and that is evident. If he's gonna be a face, then have him be on TV a lil more to build the momentum. If he is gonna be heel, then just make a bad guy, not a damn member of the Black Panther party. Im just saying I just want a black wrestler to be normal for a change. Havent seen one since Booker T.

Worth a shot I guess...they could even get prince nana in to manage him!

I don't think it's greatly original and would make him look like a utter joke but hey he isn't too far off santino's level at the moment anyway.

You gota be kidding me???!!!!! He is 100times more talented than Santino could ever hope to be. C'mon Man!!!!
Why is it that a black wrestler just cant have a normal gimmick?? Why does he have to be a militant black that is tired of "the man" holding him down?? Kofi has talent and that is evident. If he's gonna be a face, then have him be on TV a lil more to build the momentum. If he is gonna be heel, then just make a bad guy, not a damn member of the Black Panther party. Im just saying I just want a black wrestler to be normal for a change. Havent seen one since Booker T.

You gota be kidding me???!!!!! He is 100times more talented than Santino could ever hope to be. C'mon Man!!!!

So what would you call Mark Henry? He's just being a tough black guy. Worlds Strongest Man. He's able to speak (rather plainly but still) and he kicks peoples @$$es. Nothing fancy what so ever about his "gimmick". He's not pretending to be a Black Panther, or part of any militant group.

Leave Kofi be. The kids enjoy his jumping around. If anything just have him turn heel by teasing that he is going to do some major high flying moves then he doesn't. He doesn't need to be a force on the mic. Stick him with a good mouth piece and you can have a solid heel.
i try to plug as many posters i can whenever i post. i like to be agreeable in general, but especially if it makes sense and is interesting, etc. that said, here's a cheap plug for a WZ writer; Justin LaBar. he wrote an article recently titled "the root problem of all WWE content". it was really fascinating and definitely worth checking out.

long story short, it's all about how since WWE the company has gone public, they've had to cater to non-wrestling fans. as a result, wrestling characters and wrestling matches in general have gone downhill. Kofi is one of many, too numerous to count, that is affected by this. his gimmick and the creative direction/writing for him need to be totally overhauled. but it won't happen.

whether he becomes the prince of Ghana, a Black Panther, a heel that teases doing high flying moves but doesn't, the face of a recreated tag team division, etc... he just simply needs change, but it won't happen.

i do think that WWE has enough comedy acts, so i personally wouldn't go that direction. the Black Panther seems to be a little played and dated. i do think that he could do well as a heel and feud with either Truth or Booker.

and to think, i thought he was gonna stay huge after his feud with Orton, maybe win Money in the Bank. never happened.
I suppose it could work.
I love how you think that Being a Black Guy who Jumps around and smiles a lot is a Gimmick....I have to say that you sir....are an idiot. And this is not me jumping on a bandwagon of people thinking they need to stick their ore in and say "hey that’s Racist". I just mean that the statement itself was just god damn stupid.

I do think however that the whole, Kofi acting more like his heritage and the announcers mocking him saying he grew up in Boston, could be both funny and a good Gimmick. Problem is it still won’t spell Main event titles for Kofi....a place which I honestly think he would and should never be. Mid Card for life, there is no shame in that.
I don't think it would work. Kofi is not powerful enough Uti is a big guy. I do think that Kofi does need a new gimmick, or maybe just a tweek. When he was feuding with Orton, he was more aggressive in the ring and I liked that.

On a complete tangent I'd love to see Uti in one match in WWE. The guy play's his own entrance music, it's brilliant.
If I was Kofi I'd drop the music it still screams jamaican and Kofi should get a more powerful finisher I dont think Kofi should have a ghana heritage based gimmick unless it involved Prince Nana and The Embassy which could really be an entertaining heel gimmick/stable.

Just give Kofi a crazy heel gimmick that goes like this. Have him lose a title match where the next night he bashes Vince and Hunter and says how they forced him to embrace a jamaican stereotype and they thought he was not gifted to be world champion and how he is stuck with lousy injury prone superstars and how he was dancing like a puppet on strings for the fans for their joy yet they didn't care about his ability or if he became champion.

I'm not comparing kofi to santino in terms of ability because kofi is extremely talented in all aspects in my opinion. What I was saying is that he would more than likely end up as a joke and just another racial stereotype with the gimmick being discussed. And as for santino's level I meant that he is basically a credible jobber.

In my opinion, kofi does not need a gimmick change or anything of that sort. New music would be nice but he just needs to be allowed to have that added edge to his character. I'd have him do exactly what he did in his feud against orton. Simple and effective.
Justing Gabriel could be his Lackey kind of like Shannon Moore was Matt Hardy's lackey back in the day. They could say that he is not only a hero in Ghana but all over Africa. Prince Nana would be cool as his Ricardo Rodriguez type of servant who takes beatings for him and kisses his ass constantly. Maybe give him a chick as well.
I don't think it would work now as Kofi is too known within the WWE. It would only work for someone never seen before in the WWE for it to work.

As for Kofi I do agree that he needs a gimmick change as i think it's getting very predictable with the way he is used. No fault of his at all. But maybe have him turn on Truth after losing the titles and have a run as a heel and go over to Smackdown and get in the WHC picture.
That would be different because nobody would expect Kofi as a heel. It's worth a shot though.
Being a African American this is sort of a double edge sword for me....I'm a Kofi Kingston Fan.Kofi is what black America's and hates he can get over with the crowd all the lil kids cheering his name...but yet he not given the chance to move up(barring Orton and the elimination chamber).I have in the past had idea's about Kofi's gimmick change tho a NeoNOD with R.truth Mark Herny JTG David Otunga and Booker T as the Manager...but it wouldnt be "PG" and it could effect Linda Mac....As Much i love the face that Kofi could pretty much win the Tag/US/IC/Curiserweight at any time...i just atleast want kofi to be given the same chance like Dolph Ziggler like Cody Rhodes like Dainel Bryan
Kofi needs a gimmick change because he really doesn't have one aside from being a smiling black guy that jumps around a lot. Do you think it could be a good gimmick? WWE seems to recycle gimmicks so why not just take something not many people outside of Nigeria know about and tweak it to fit Kofi? He could start by saying he needs to get more in touch with his roots. It would be more comedy based than serious, kind of like King Booker. He could also have a mean streak that kicks in when people treat him like a joke. I think they should dress him in traditional Ghanaian attire. The announcers could make jokes about his character saying that he only lived in Ghana for a few years and actually grew up near Boston. I think it could work. What do you think?

Who are these rasist assholes Posting these threads? Is Cena the "smiling white guy"? Yeah I heard the thread and they weren't racist about it! Kofi is fine the way he is. He doesn't need a ridiculous gimmick like the one mentioned above. How about fans like you stop being so narrow minded about black wrestlers.
Fact of the matter is, Kofi DOES need a gimmick change. He's been cemented in midcard purgatory for his entire career. His absolute pinnacle was his late 2009 feud with Orton. Bourne got canned a couple of months ago so what do the writers do? They scramble to find another wrestler that they're not doing anything with to pair him with.

It's funny, cause around the time of the Elimination Chamber, Jericho actually mentioned in a promo that everyone knew Kofi couldn't be taken seriously as a possible winner of the match and that was a borderline shoot because he was right! No one does! Kofi isn't going to sniff the world title/main event rankings until he changes his gimmick.

The problem is, his entire moveset is designed to be crowd-friendly. The boom drop, the trouble in paradise, his high-momentum off-the-rope chops....he'll have to change every thing around BIG TIME, but he's definitely talented enough to do it. I think a heel turn is in order.

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